French Presidential Elections 2017: Fillon vs Macron vs Le Pen

Re: French Presidential Elections - Francois Fillon as Republican Candidate

I attached the UPR press release in english for anyone interested.
Today is the Brexit day!
And here is an exponential curve showing the increasing number of members, which is really reveling in itself.




Re: French Presidential Elections - Francois Fillon as Republican Candidate

Starshine said:
Today is the Brexit day!
And here is an exponential curve showing the increasing number of members, which is really reveling in itself.

François Asselineau clearly raised the standards in relation to the other presidential candidates.

Intelligent, cultivated, clear and precise, it becomes an obvious choice when you inquire about his words. He is the only one who explains that the exit of the European Union is the only solution to adopt a policy independent of the interests of Brussels.

While I was still thinking about abstaining from voting about a month ago, I just recently joined his UPR party so much I believe in him.
My wife being totally hermetic to politics, I had to insist that she listen to him talk. Since then, she has joined my point of view and only swears by him.

I share as much as I can about it on social networks, but it's hard to interest people already hypnotized by other candidates.
But half of the French do not yet known for who to vote.

He may not be the level of Putin, but for me, it is very closer, on a French scale of course!

I invite all French members to learn objectively about the UPR and François Asselineau before going to vote. ;)
Re: French Presidential Elections - Francois Fillon as Republican Candidate

Here, a little article with a subtitled video of François Asselineau from the " Express " newspaper

More and more people who didn't vote since many years ( abstainers ) are ready now to vote for him. François Asselineau met a lot of people for 10 years.

On most internet poll, he arrives on the top list.

I'm sure we have to make some research on this man, he seems very clean and honest.
Re: French Presidential Elections - Francois Fillon as Republican Candidate

Jeez, there is so much disinformation surrounding Asselineau, this single fact should raise some queries.
Also, for someone who has been consistent since the beginning, it is a shame to see Marine Le Pen or Jean-Luc Mélenchon using his own ideas to counter the impressive wave he created.
This campaign just got really interesting with him in it.
Unfortunately, there is not much material available in english, and the little I've seen is pure disinfo.

For example, this article : said:
Surprise French candidate, Asselineau highjacks Le Penn’s campaign.

Posted by: mto121494 in NEWS, Uncategorized 5 days ago 0 33 Views

written by Miss Spurigo

In less than a month, France is to decide their new leader, when suddenly a new candidate from the Eurosceptic Popular Republican Union (UPR) party, Francois Asselineau, comes out of the blue and imposes on the race. He recently spoke at the the Paris Event Centre, La Villette gate, promising “If it is not me elected on May 7 you will have the program of the European Commission.” Wait, isn’t Frexit Le Penn’s motive for running for president? While Asselineau has been promising Frexit for nearly ten years, why would he appear towards the end of a busy competitive election just so he can sell the French people the same exact thing? Why not team up with Le Penn and try to help her instead if they are on the same page anyway? Hearing these new suspicions and seeing all these red flags popping up, there is a good chance this Asselineau character is a fake set up by the controlled opposition to try and highjack Le Pen’s campaign and support. Hopefully the French people will not be fooled by this trick, as Le Penn has revealed how the EU has been trying to attack her during her whole campaign.


Damn, this is such a lie! Marine Le Pen in 2012 didn't even talk about leaving the EU.
Here is a comment from another article which exactly point out the obvious:


Sorry Mrs Perring : Mr. Asselineau is not the other candidate promising FREXIT, he is the ONLY ONE : Le Pen just says that she will try and "re-negociate" the treaties and only then, in case of failure, she will propose a referendum to the french people.
All of this is very vague, and will take months while guaranteeing not a single thing : who indeed can tell is she will not say "I for myself am satisfied with the negociation results, so let's forget about a referendum", or who knows what would the referendum question will be exactly, or how really hard she will defend a Frexit during the referendum campaign, in order to have a genuine chance to convince 51%...
This does not smell very good.

Instead Asselineau clearly says that as soon as he enters the Elysee, he will send notice to the EU members to politely trigger article 50 : no referendum needed, since french citizens will have elected him just for that.
This is a world of difference !!

And he's been saying it since the beginning. He is educating people on a lot of subjects.
Marine Le Pen as a Eurodeputy has a monthly 11 000 euros paycheck since a long while now.
None of the other candidates are clear. They all talk about renegotiating the treaties. None of them talk about the Constituion. None of them want people to get informed.

Here are some things I learned through him, and this is just an excerpt :

What is happening in France?
Discover how "Europe" swindles us!

Loan, contract of hiring, rent contract...
You know very well that if you do not want to be swindled, you should always read very carefully each of the articles you want to sign.
For a country, it's the same! The N°1 problem of France today is that our leaders, right or left, have signed European treaties, which are in fact binding contracts, which the French have not read carefully.
To understand the current disaster, it is necessary to start by reading carefully some key articles.

Accelerated de-industrialization
ART. 32
ART. 68
Do you know that the industrial relocations from which France so much suffers find their origins in the European treaties?
Inexistent before the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, relocations have exploded as a result of the free movement of capital, goods and services, nowadays enshrined in Articles 32 and 63 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). This liberal policy, endorsed by the left and the right, is one of the direct causes of unemployment. To pretend to fight against relocations while accepting European treaties is a matter of political fraud.

Social protection under attack
ART. 121
Do you know that our economic and social policy is decided by Brussels, and that elections in France can no longer change it?
Article 121 of the TFEU empowers the Council of the European Union, on an exclusive proposal from the European Commission, to set the "broad economic policy guidelines" of each State. The "Macron Law" or the "El Khomri Law" - which dismantle our labor law and Society - are simply dictated by Brussels. Our so-called "leaders" are in fact only executors of the policies imposed by the European Union!

Health subordinate to profit
Articles 168 and 169 of the TFEU give priority to the law of money on the requirements of human health.We recall the scandals of animal flour/meal, motor oil in food, of the European Medicines Agency 80% financed by pharmaceutical laboratories, etc.

Sentenced farmers and fishermen
Do you know that European treaties have made the choice to destroy our agriculture Family and artisanal fisheries in favor of the major agri-food and distribution groups?
Articles 38 and 39 of the TFEU place our farmers in unbearable competition with countries with very low wage costs and force them into a mad race for productivity, to the detriment of health, the environment, the identity of Terroirs and the taste quality of food. It is the EU that has introduced GMOs and wants to impose the "transatlantic free trade treaty" (often called TTIP or TAFTA)!

Utilities dismantled
ART. 106

If our elites give away the national public heritage, it is not because France is too indebted. No, if public services are dismantled, it is because we are forced to do so by Article 106 of the TFEU, which serves the interests of large private groups.

Diplomacy submitted to Washington
Article 42 of the Treaty on European Union (TUE) subordinates France to the decisions of NATO, which is known to be dominated by the United States.
Far from being a counterweight in the United States, as the left and right want us to believe for decades, the EU is on the contrary their very obedient servant. Which leads us into neo-colonial wars, which risk degenerating into a world conflict!

Many other articles of the European treaties render meaningless the very principle of our elections, in particular:

• Articles 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the TFEU, which entrust the European institutions with enormous and uncontrolled powers;
• Articles 67, 77 and 79 of the TFEU, which lay down a migration policy without asking us for our opinion;
• Article 123 of the TFEU, which withdraws from the Banque de France its authority to finance public authorities;
• Article 282 of the TFEU, which imposes a monetary and deflationary policy that is unsuited to the French situation.

And these are just a few examples!

And, another important one he does quote:
Article 5
Article 5 from the French Constitution
The President of the Republic shall ensure due respect for the Constitution. He shall ensure, by his arbitration, the proper functioning of the public authorities and the continuity of the State.

He shall be the guarantor of national independence, territorial integrity and due respect for Treaties.

Go figure where is the national independence to this day.

Just wonder why the media are so hostile with him. What's happening right now is huge because he finally is having more and more media appearance. And he is the candidate that Internet made known. This is the difference. It is a cyberwar of Information.
On Youtube, its channel has now 39 135 subscribers • 10 781 540 views !
On Facebook 78 788 suscribers.
Still the first french political website looked at online.
To that moment, 22 588 members. It's approximately 300 new members a day.

And yet you have french presstitutes trying hard to make him loose credit, but he tackles them all by his moderation. He is the unexpected and we should give him credit for exposing the Truth. 3 weeks.

Edit : Translation fix
Re: French Presidential Elections - Francois Asselineau

Here is an article from Veterans Today which is the ONLY one I found.

François Asselineau – The Frexit Candidate for President of France

By Jane Rosenstein on April 6, 2017

Credit Mark W. Suits

by Jane Rosenstein and Mark W. Suits

François Asselineau, the founder of the Republican Popular Union, UPR on March 25, 2007, the fiftieth anniversary of the Treaty of Rome signature held a political rally for his candidature for President of France on March 25, 2017 in Paris, France. Over 6,500 people attended. François Asselineau is promoting Frexit – France’s exit from the European Union. He is the only presidential candidate promoting Frexit. Assilineau is making waves with his ideas for France.

Although Assilineau has been speaking in cities throughout France it was just shortly after this rally that the mainstream press first bothered to have him as a guest on TV. Before this rally, interviewers worked hard to belittle him as a small unimportant candidate, cut him off and try to ridicule his stance against Europe in favor of sovereign democracy. Up until this close before the elections they ignored his existence and the facts of his growing popular platform . As result there are still many less plugged in voters who have never even heard his name.

François Asselineau was born on September 14, 1957 in Paris, France. He is now Tax Inspector-General and the president of th UPR. In 1993.he served as Advisor on International Affairs in the Cabinet of Gérard Longuet, Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade in the Balladur Government . He was elected as Counseiller (Advisor) in Paris in 2001 in the 19th district of Paris with the political party Rassemblement pour la France ( RPF).

Since the founding of the UPR François Asselineau has given many lectures in France and other countries. Between March, 2007 and March, 2016 he gave about 400 conferences.

He told us at the press conference that his conference on the history of France which was over three hours long was well received.

At the press conference he told us that the French people no longer have a democracy because France is losing its sovereignty by being subject to rules and regulations by organizations. This is why he wants Frexit – the exit from the European Union. The UPR wants France to leave in accordance with Art 50 of the EU Treaty. This would also allow France to leave the Euro as the official currency. François Assilineau told us that this would be part of giving the government of France back to the French people. It can take up to 2 years as the other European partners have to work out the divorce.

The UPR also wants to withdraw from NATO as another way to give France back its independence. Currently France is subject to NATO and could risk the possibility of being dragged into a large scale international conflict if there are problems with other members.

However, he supports France’s membership and participation in the United Nations.

Credit Mark W. Suits.

François Asselineau was questioned about the large debt France has. He wants to return the sovereign rights of the State and local authorities funding to the Bank of France.

Another goal is to prohibit privatisation and if necessary re-nationalize the main public services such as EDF for electricity, GDF for gas, the post office TF1 first TV channel, TDF television company, water and motorway networks;

He favors creating public housing construction which is needed in France.

He wants to create a public service for news and culture in order to insure the public media independence and have a fair representatives of all opinions.

The party whose motto is “ People’s Union to Reestablish Democracy” and whose logo is the olive branch symbol of peace, longevity and prosperity is the most dynamic party in France. When we saw the large number of attendees at the gathering we asked the security guard how these people knew about Assilineau who is not well known. He told us that is is from the social media like Facebook and Twitter. There were 53,075 followers on UPR Facebook as of May 25, 2016. According to the site Alexa Rating which looks at the traffic of millions of website the UPR website is the most visited French political website.

UPR created a channel on Dailymotion and put all François Asselineau’s conferences on line in video on Dailymotion and You Tube. In May, 20014 these videos had been watched by more than 3 million viewers.

Membership in UPR is growing. It had 22,462 members on April 2, 2017.

François Asselineau told the press that they have 690 members abroad living in 79 countries which accounts for 6.2% of its total membership.

More rallies are planned in France as François Asselineau continues his campaign for President. The presidential election will be in France on April 23, 2017 and then the top two candidates will have a second turn election on May 7, 2017.

In english, a single article written by him can be found on Sott :

The UPR community is really active. I became a member and much involved. We hope to reach as much abstainers as possible. Help is needed.
Re: French Presidential Elections - Francois Fillon as Republican Candidate

Here is an article from ahtribune in english

by Gearóid Ó Colmáin

Gearóid Ó Colmáin, AHT Paris correspondent, is a journalist and political analyst. His work focuses on globalization, geopolitics and class struggle. His articles have been translated into many languages. He is a regular contributor to Global Research, Russia Today International, Press TV, Sputnik Radio France, Sputnik English , Al Etijah TV , Sahar TV Englis, Sahar French and has also appeared on Al Jazeera. He writes in English, Irish Gaelic and French.

Presidential candidate François Asselineau of the Popular Republican Union (UPR), the fastest growing grass-roots political movement in France, has unequivocally condemned the US bombing of a Syrian Airbase last week. He has called President Trump, " the American Tsipras."

The leader of the National Front party, Marine Le Pen, who has hitherto been an admirer of Donald Trump, has also condemned the US bombing of Syria. She has defended the national sovereignty of Syria and the right of its people to national self-determination. Le Pen has called for an independent, international investigation into the allegations made against the Syrian government.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the France Insoumise (Rebellious France) was, predictably ambiguous in his statements. He condemned the use of chemical weapons regardless of who uses them. He did not , however, condemn the principle of bombing a sovereign nation in the name of "human rights."

Rather, he criticised the unilateral manner in which the United States bombed Syria: President Hollande and Chancellor Merkel are to blame for allowing the United States to take unilateral military action without UN approval.

Translation: "Hollande and Merkel hold complete resonsibility for giving Trump the sole power to strike whom he wants when he wants"

Moreover it became obvious that Melenchon is a part of the oligarchy plans. Look at the article below, this is very interesting. Asselineau become more and more famous since 10 march 2017. (500 Sponsorship obtained)
The French elections oversight body sent out leaflets on behalf of each of the registered party candidates to every registered voter in France... We got one too, and the package didn't include Le Pen's leaflet. Did others in France notice this?
Niall said:
The French elections oversight body sent out leaflets on behalf of each of the registered party candidates to every registered voter in France... We got one too, and the package didn't include Le Pen's leaflet. Did others in France notice this?

As registered voters in France, we received nothing (nor my daughter nor my husband)! Yet?? At this time, we won't have any. :rolleyes:

I also became a member of UPR as well as my husband. This man speaks the Truth and his intention seems to be right what he says. I don't recall have ever had any presidential candidat like him before. His conferences and videos are truly knowledgable and worth the watch, I've done so for 6 years. He has this thing that makes non political believer, believe again or for the first time ever...

Edit: spell chack

Added: I also noticed that he seems able to "calm down" journalists (often stupid and contemptuous toward him) by being just himself: A TruthTalker. Like a kind of power to make energy becoming positive around him. Or at least it seems to me for 15 days that he has access to MSM and big audience. Could be another good point for him.
Niall said:
The French elections oversight body sent out leaflets on behalf of each of the registered party candidates to every registered voter in France... We got one too, and the package didn't include Le Pen's leaflet. Did others in France notice this?

I received it and the Le Pen flyer is included.
Christine said:
Niall said:
The French elections oversight body sent out leaflets on behalf of each of the registered party candidates to every registered voter in France... We got one too, and the package didn't include Le Pen's leaflet. Did others in France notice this?

I received it and the Le Pen flyer is included.

Same, I received the package a few days ago and Le Pen's flyer was included.
I still have not received the leaflets either! :(

Here is a litlle video with english subtitles made by Charles-Henri Gallois of UPR to explain what is the "FREXIT".
MK Scarlett said:
Niall said:
The French elections oversight body sent out leaflets on behalf of each of the registered party candidates to every registered voter in France... We got one too, and the package didn't include Le Pen's leaflet. Did others in France notice this?

As registered voters in France, we received nothing (nor my daughter nor my husband)! Yet?? At this time, we won't have any. :rolleyes:

I also became a member of UPR as well as my husband. This man speaks the Truth and his intention seems to be right what he says. I don't recall have ever had any presidential candidat like him before. His conferences and videos are truly knowledgable and worth the watch, I've done so for 6 years. He has this thing that makes non political believer, believe again or for the first time ever...

Edit: spell chack

Added: I also noticed that he seems able to "calm down" journalists (often stupid and contemptuous toward him) by being just himself: A TruthTalker. Like a kind of power to make energy becoming positive around him. Or at least it seems to me for 15 days that he has access to MSM and big audience. Could be another good point for him.

Same here, we received nothing yet.
I share your feelings concerning the reborn interest in french politics since he is in. For the first time, I see someone talking to my intelligence. I've been pretty involved in this (facebook, twitter, gluing, leaflet handout) and have listened and watched a lot of interviews with many different journalists and his behavior is remarkable compared to their which is most of the time ridiculous, biased and tend to try to discredit him. He handle it really well because there's substance behind.

They canceled the debate that was supposed to happen the 20th, they reduced the speech equity to two weeks instead of five and some other clues show that none other candidate want to have a direct debate with him.
What is certain is that it triggered something that will continue to grow whatsoever.
I liked that he used the picture of the Chinese Dynastic cycle which I discovered in TSHOTW 3, to illustrate that it is time for an honest manager to show up.
Session 16 July 2007

Q: (Joe) Was there any election fraud in the 2007 French elections?

A: Of course!

Q: (Joe) Is there a percentage we can have of fraudulent or stolen votes?

A: Believe that the percentage is over 20 percent.

Q: (Joe) So 20%?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) That would suggest that only 30% of people voted for Sarkozy. (H) Did Segolene get more votes than Sarkozy?

A: Yes.

Q: (S) So that pretty much means that the feeling that Laura and I had that maybe Sarkozy wasn't quite so evil was probably fairly wrong?

A: Probably, but remember that Sarkozy is not in charge. He just doesn't fully realize it yet.

Q: (H) Will there be some sort of event that will sort of bring it home to him?

A: Most likely. There is a grave aura of danger spreading over France.

Q: (L) Danger from where?

A: Conflict is between those who want to put France in the bind and those who do not and know it will be like sparks in a powder keg.

Q: (L) Why would it be like sparks in a powder keg?

A: The French mentality: arrogance etc.

Q: (Joe) They're worried about another revolution. (L) And who is pressing to put France in the bind?

A: Your favorite Zionazis.

Q: (L) And who is against it?

A: Sarkozy among others. Though he is trying to appease in some ways.

Q: (H) Was Segolene more closely aligned with the Zionazis?

A: That is an interesting question: Let us just say she was picked to run to lose.

Q: (H) So is this Julien Dray character who is close to her one of the key players?

A: Indeed. Sarkozy thinks he can handle it, but he will find he has a tiger by the tail.

Why is it only now that I sense the 'grave aura of danger spreading over France'? It's almost like evil has come out to play, and it may have only been pretending, previously based on what it was getting out the 'the deal'.

I think said 'evil' has learnt by it's mistakes and won't be so convinced they can win an election, or a political outcome, by rigging - I mean look at Hillary and Brexit. Two big fails if there ever was one... That means they are going to have to use something else to manipulate the winner.

I'm thinking terrorism is the most likely option, especially as it's so fresh in the minds of the French people. The French people need to stop being complacent and start seeing the similarities with terrorism victims everywhere, including Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. There really is no difference in the minds of the people behind these things, it's just a means to an end. And a dead body is just a dead body, meant to manipulate people around them.
Niall said:
The French elections oversight body sent out leaflets on behalf of each of the registered party candidates to every registered voter in France... We got one too, and the package didn't include Le Pen's leaflet. Did others in France notice this?

Apparently you are not the only one to notice a problem with leaflets. Most of them affect Marine Le Pen's.
I have just seen a video which includes a testimony of a man who says that he and many other people noticed that Marine Le Pen leaflets was missing or the corner of the ballot paper was ripped. Some other were marked with a little cross or other signs.
Those ballot papers are considered as null.

Everyone should meticulously check their ballot paper and preferably take those which are given in the polling station.

here is the link of the video:
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