Adaryn said:
Joe said:
The problem, as I see it, is that people like Asselineau have little if any direct experience of inner workings of high French politics or the situation that would confront them if they were to become President. If he were to be elected President, he would likely be shocked at what he found out once in the Elysee.
I'm not so sure about that. Asselineau, through the various positions he occupied on the French political scene, has some experience of the workings of French politics. (see his Wikipedia page: _çois_Asselineau) I'm pretty sure he's aware of how deep the rabbit hole goes. His articles and videos show that he knows about the "deep state" (he's even used the expression in one of his articles on his website). In terms of historical and economics knowledge and competency, he beats all the other candidates. Whether he would have the shoulders to withstand the pressure of the "deep state" is another question. But I'm not sure Le Pen would either. She's not consistant enough; she's not her father, and she's certainly no Putin.
I agree with Adaryn... He is almost the only one (because of Fillon who was first Ministry) (and maybe the only one at all) who travelled with Mitterand and Chirac in others countries and met many other Chief of States around the World. To me, he has the stature to make what has to be done, he has experiment and understanding on how things work in our World.
He knows very well History (more than a hobby to him), he went to ENA because he wanted to be ambassador in Japan. Instead of becoming ambassador (or to get the experiment to become one), he became
passionate about history, foreign civilizations and geopolitics, he was delegate general to the economic intelligence,
Before being dismissed for having anticipated - albeit rightly - the global financial crisis and the permanent crisis of the euro. All those who have worked with him emphasize his excellent knowledge of the files, the depth of his analyzes and its unusual ability to anticipate events accurately.
François ASSELINEAU has a blank criminal record, never had to deal with the justice and has no bank account abroad or tax problems. Graduate of HEC, former student of the ENA, a high-ranking civil servant with remarkable professional experience in at the highest level of the State, he has worked, inter alia, in the preparation of interviews and negotiations, with some of the greatest leaders of the planet of the last thirty years: from Nelson MANDELA to the emperor of Japan, Pope John Paul II, the King of Saudi Arabia and many heads of state and government: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, People's Republic of China, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Portugal, Tunisia, etc.
I spent a lot of time these last two months to watch Asselineau videos/conferences and MSM interview (all candidates) these last three weeks. I also read several articles on MSM about Asselineau, and the most important: read comments below the article. Even on MSM like Le Figaro (Dassault) I have seen some 100% comments in favor of Asselineau. It does not tell everything but it is a marker.
Marine Le Pen is weak when it's about specifying her meaning about technics on some subject as economy. She has "great" sentences (sometimes along the lines of Asselineau's ones), but once it is about technic about these subjects, she usually avoids answers: or she is stupid (especially comparing to Asselineau who is not at all) or she manipulates electorates. I do not trust her either. In a book I recently read, we learn that FN was created by François Mitterand and Jacques Attali for counter-power.
Asselineau said several times that Le Pen's team people were present to his conferences and later meetings, making notes about what he was saying (and none of them have ever complain or contradict about that), and that's why I could see programs of candidate like Mélenchon or Le Pen change between the beginning and the last days. They adapt their program with what Asselineau explains in his videos.
It is very true that other candidates do not want to debate with him. Why? Because there is nothing they can say against what Asselineau says. They have no arguments and they do not argue with him, it's all about difference between them and Asselineau who talks the Truth with Facts. That's why the third debate was deleted. Mélenchon (after the second debat - with all candidates), said he would not go for a third debat. And then, debate was completely cancelled by France2 which is a public network. Mélenchon as Hollande is a free-mason. We can figure out what happened then... For the record, during this second debate I talked about above, Asselineau told everyone what was the bank debt for election of each candidate: Mélenchon has 8 millions of bank debt, and believe, I've seen it, he did not at all like that and said nothing. I do think thjis is why he decided to no longer debate with Asselineau in anyway.
France2 finally organized a third "debat" without debat because all candidates were talking one after the other without ever being in confrontation.
Edit: Added words fo meaning clarity
To conclude, I said already that I became adherent to UPR (Asselineau), and I did mostly to support and thank his work of education of people for ten years. What he has done during these 10 last years in that matter is literally public utility, just as Cass/Sott is to me.
In this video, he explains what is the meaning of the word "intelligence": "inter-legere" from Latin. Meaning:
connecting the dots. ;)
The whole is worth watching, and if you enjoy/learn something in the first 20 minutes, you will want see the rest.