MK Scarlett said:
time changing from the creation of the "vile beast" that is supposed to be the FN and Le Pen family in mind French people (a long time of propaganda included from Le Pen father himself to get there).
To label JM Le Pen a 'racist', the MSM have mostly repeated (and twisted) one quote that was first made in 1987 (30 years ago) where Le Pen said that in the history of wars, the gas chambers were a detail. Of course, the MSM omitted the context (in the history of wars) and claimed that Le Pen said that the million of Jews killed in concentration camps was a detail.
When Chirac mentioned 'the noise and the smell' of flats inhabited by Arabic people, did his party get labelled 'racist'? When Sarkozy said that the immigrants suburbs should be power-washed (Karcher), was his party labelled 'racist'? When Valls asked for more whities in a local market he was visiting, was his party labelled 'racist'?
One wonders at the double standard.
This party has never been created to get the Presidential position,
The FN was not exactly created but rather developed by the socialist party. In 1981, the FN was a tiny nationalist party that got 0.18% vote. In 1984, Mitterrand asked the MSM to focus on Le Pen, that's when the development of the FN started.
The timing is key here. In 1981 Mitterrand is elected president and tries to implement a truly leftist policy (nationalisation of key industries, infrastructure programs, reduction of inequalities...) but he will cave in due to the pressure of the deep state (monetary pressure amongst other factors) in 1983. At this point the socialists embraced the neo-liberal economic doctrine and had nothing left to differentiate themselves from the right. That's when they created the 'anti-racist' political line. But for anti-racism to make sense politically, the socialist needed racism to exist politically, so the Zionist Julien Dray created 'SOS racisme' (the antiracist organisation), the media focused on alleged rampant racism in France and the FN played the role of the bogeyman: the racist party that justified the anti-racist positioning.
Of course, Establishment does not want to see their Frankenstein takes power.
But sometimes the creature turns against its creator. When you see that the PTB (in France and overseas) through each of its puppets (politicians, journalists, experts, show business personalities...) bashes endlessly Le Pen, you start to think that, maybe, she has become a real threat and indeed she's doing something right.