Dagobah Resident
dredger said:...
At least, even on this forum I feel a little bit some people i would say a bit too much emotionnaly driven by something like "an automatic hate of the FN / Le Pen family" with the usual fascist/racist arguments which are more emotionnal than logical. ...
... the ones who will vote for Macron will vote for the continuity of the war, mainly against the muslim countries, and so, the continuity of desolation and death. At least, and of course, it's only if she does not lie about her intentions, but Le Pen wish to stop this, re-create an official cooperation wirh Russia, and at least, avoid that the France participates to such "institutionalized murders". In comparaison, her "racism" by means of words and probably some decisions she would take at the head of the state if she would be elected remains small potatoes compared to the act of participating to murderings, and it's the key reason i would vote for her if I was french, but i'm not :)
The usual fascist/racist arguments are much more logical than emotional, because it's simply where the F.N. comes from, AFAIK.
Glad you are not French, it will save you from living in a country where the F.N. would be in charge of the nation if it is elected (above all if you are not a White French Good citizen) ;)