French presidential elections.

April 22: "The Ministry of the Interior purchased 91 armored vehicles for law enforcement three months ago."

An article about it but access is not free: The order of 90 new armored vehicles will make some people happy. Review of the gendarmes who should soon be able to use the 4x4 vehicle of the Soframe.
"A robust and powerful vehicle that offers safety and comfort for personnel deployed over time," describes Soframe in a release to introduce its armored law enforcement vehicle.
Last edited:
French Election Fraud!

Stephen Lendman reports that in 2017:

“Only Le Pen’s ballots showed up damaged or destroyed, none for Macron.”


Let me get this straight. You have separate papers for candidates, you got to choose which one do you want to put inside the envelope, and if one paper is slightly damaged then it doesn't count? So if I got a damaged Le Pen paper then I cannot vote for her? My vote doesn't count?

And who votes with those papers in envelope? Everybody or just people who live in diaspora?
Dans les bureaux de vote, il y a des piles de bulletins avec le nom de chacun des participants sur des tables à votre disposition.
Les électeurs ont une carte d'électeur qui est vérifiée avec votre carte d'identité qu'il conserve, puis il vous est remis une petite enveloppe bleue si petite qu'il faut plié en deux le bulletin de vote (ne rien écrire ou le déchiré car il ne serait pas comptabilisé) vous vous isolez dans l'isoloir pour mettre votre bulletin de vote dans l'enveloppe puis vous voter devant un assesseur qui vérifie encore, vous signer un grand livre où vos noms sont indiqués et vous glissez votre enveloppe dans l'urne, "vous avez voté", il vous rende votre carte d'électeur et votre pièce d'identité...

In the polling stations, there are piles of ballots with the name of each participant on tables at your disposal.
The voters have a voter's card which is verified with your identity card that he keeps, then you are given a small blue envelope so small that you must fold in two the ballot paper (do not write anything or torn it because it would not be counted) you isolate yourself in the polling booth to put your ballot paper in the envelope and then you vote in front of an assessor who verifies again, you sign a ledger where your names are indicated and you slip your envelope in the ballot box, "you voted", it returns you your voter's card and your ID. ..

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Let me get this straight. You have separate papers for candidates, you got to choose which one do you want to put inside the envelope, and if one paper is slightly damaged then it doesn't count? So if I got a damaged Le Pen paper then I cannot vote for her? My vote doesn't count?

And who votes with those papers in envelope? Everybody or just people who live in diaspora?

Papers are received by mail but are available at the polling place too, stacks on tables. Illustration:

bulletins de vote.jpg

So it's mainly for people who prepare their ballot at home with a damaged ballot paper that the trick will work. People who does not pay attention or are ignorant of rules.

Everybody vote using ballot papers.

French citizens established outside of France may vote directly in a polling station opened in the embassy or consular post located in the consular district where they reside, subject to their prior registration on the corresponding consular electoral list.

However, this year, some electronic machines were used I believe.
Thank you for explanation Ellipse. Obviously, separate ballots for separate candidates is not very good idea. And the rules for spoiled ballots should be loosend. Here are the rules in Serbia:

What is a valid and what is an invalid ballot?​


A common dilemma among voters is what is valid and what is invalid ballot and how to properly round up candidates, ie electoral lists and what to do if they accidentally round up the number of those they did not want to vote for.

Voters have more options on how to fill in the ballot, and what is valid and what is invalid is determined by the Law on Election of People's Deputies and specified in the Manual on the Work of Polling Station Committees of the Republic Election Commission.

A valid ballot is one that is filled in so that it can be concluded with certainty for whom the voter voted. Unless one ordinal number is circled in front of the name of the electoral list or candidate, the ballot shall also be valid if it is completed in the following ways:

  • if the voter circled or underlined the name and surname of only one candidate
  • if the voter has circled or underlined the name or part of the name of only one electoral list
  • if the voter has circled or underlined the ordinal number in front of the name of the electoral list and the name of that electoral list and the name and surname of the first candidate on that electoral list
  • if the voter circled or underlined the name of one holder of the electoral list
  • if the voter circled or underlined the name of one holder of the electoral list and the name and surname of the first candidate on that electoral list
  • if the voter crossed out one or more ordinal numbers or one or more names of electoral lists on the ballot paper, and circled the ordinal number in front of the name and surname of the candidate or list

The ballot is valid if, in addition to all the listed variants, comments, passwords and other messages are written or drawn on the ballot.

An invalid ballot is an unfilled ballot, as well as a ballot that is filled in so that it cannot be clearly and unambiguously determined for whom the voter voted. If a voter has circled several electoral lists or candidates, or if he has circled one list and underlined the other, this ballot paper is considered invalid because it is not possible to recognize the electoral will of the voter.


Christelle Morançais, president LR of the Pays de Loire, has made known in a statement that she refuses the posts of minister or PM.
After Lagarde, Kosciusko-Morizet, Bédague and Rabault, it is the 5th woman who refuses to work with Macron.

A mandate that begins in such an atmosphere of end of reign is without any historical precedent.
The successive rebuffs that Macron is receiving to replace Castex are extremely humiliating.
They plunge him, it seems, into a black anger.

Thank you for explanation Ellipse. Obviously, separate ballots for separate candidates is not very good idea. And the rules for spoiled ballots should be loosend. Here are the rules in Serbia:
I'm not sure about that. I think it has an advantage when they count the votes. I have done the counts once. On person open the enveloppe, another unfold the piece of paper (ballot), a third person pronounce the name seen on the piece of paper and several other people are watching the process, including two persons who add a line on a piece of paper at the side of the name of the candidate and say the total for the candidate each time they add a line.

The advantage been that everyone involved in the process can clearly see each ballot, IMHO.
Some infos about the election gathered through regression 303:

- Marine Le Pen, (Emmanuel Macron opponent) was part of the plan (conscientiously). It was a movie. Scenario tied up.

- Several scenarios studied and ready to be activated depending on the circumstances to have a final Macron/MLP. Several probabilities but the end always similar with the same actors.

- Rigged from the start. Media hype manipulation, staging of Macron/MLP.

- What they didn't anticipate enough is that when you make a movie, you have to have people in the room. From the start the hall was only 1/3 full.

- Image of a circus but it's not glowing, the animals are all lame, the clowns are not funny, the acrobats are falling, the tent is falling apart.

- In spite of their victory, in spite of the plan being established, they see well that they lose more and more ground. It's like they shot themselves in the foot because finally it allows people to highlight this.

- It's a part of the story that ended. It's like at a certain level, whatever was going to happen next, it doesn't matter anymore, it's like being a pile of ashes, cold, chilled. The veil is being lifted, people realize.

- People feel on a vibrational level something that is not natural, that is faked. It play against the system. There is a big hole in the system. It's like when in a movie, all alarms are ringing because everything will blow up. Hole in the matrix. Density start to change, 4D STS start to lose grips.

- They are abandoned by 4D STS due to cosmos changes. Cleaning of the satellites, the technologies, the artificial technologies put in place. The rats are leaving the ship. The Earth help.

- There's a part of the population who don't care anymore and put itself in worldwide network. They know it's a piece of theatre and they don't want participate anymore. Group connected with the source. They do not give this energy to the matrix any more.

- An other part, more small, is droved by the anger. Power supply for the matrix.

- Something will stop Macron to do his five years. Perhaps only 4.

- A new movement, after the yellow jackets, the white jackets. People don't want to walk into slavery anymore. They don't want to work for the system anymore, they search their autonomy. Especially the young. Pressure put on them so counter effect. Pressure necessary to have the reaction.

- New earth put in place, tower that collapses. White jackets reverse the wheel of consumption, take some years.


What they saw match with the Wave coming but I would really like to know if the C's agree with the part of the rats leaving the ship and the % of people realizing it's theatre.
The advantage been that everyone involved in the process can clearly see each ballot, IMHO.

In that case you only need to change the rule about defective ballots. Only if the ballot is so damaged that you cannot discerned for whom the voter voted, should the ballot be discarded. In any other case it should be valid.

It's funny that the west had taught the east about the proper voting process, and yet it cannot do it properly in their own countries (US, UK, France...) ... or perhaps they do not WANT to do it properly.
🔥#Fraude #Elections On regardait au mauvais endroit.
On nous disait que les #machines de votes ne sont pas connectées. Vrai, mais pas leur interface de configuration qui se connecte via PC à la machine. Et surtout...on peut changer les votes À LA MAIN. 🔥
C'est dans le mode d'emploi de "SoluVote" sur leur site web. SoluVote – Vos élections connectées
Sauf qu'ils l'ont enlevé. Le lien est mort.
Mais il est sur Wayback Machine. 😇Téléchargement – SoluVote
Soluvote peut programmer les candidats, lire les urnes électroniques & valider les résultats à envoyer même par email, imprimer, etc.
Donc la machine lit une "urne" électronique insérée qui compte les votes, et on peut se connecter avec un PC pour lire cette urne après.
Mais on peut aussi METTRE DES VOTES A LA MAIN DANS LE SYSTEME: "Saisie manuelle des résultats de vote", doc9 pg6.
Vous lisez bien.
Il suffit de quelqu'un avec le mot de passe admin, désactive la validation automatique: on change les votes comme on veut.
🔥#Fraude #Elections On regardait au mauvais endroit.
On nous disait que les #machines de votes ne sont pas connectées. Vrai, mais pas leur interface de configuration qui se connecte via PC à la machine. Et surtout...on peut changer les votes À LA MAIN. 🔥
C'est dans le mode d'emploi de "SoluVote" sur leur site web. SoluVote – Vos élections connectées
Sauf qu'ils l'ont enlevé. Le lien est mort.
Mais il est sur Wayback Machine. 😇Téléchargement – SoluVote
Soluvote peut programmer les candidats, lire les urnes électroniques & valider les résultats à envoyer même par email, imprimer, etc.
Donc la machine lit une "urne" électronique insérée qui compte les votes, et on peut se connecter avec un PC pour lire cette urne après.
Mais on peut aussi METTRE DES VOTES A LA MAIN DANS LE SYSTEME: "Saisie manuelle des résultats de vote", doc9 pg6.
Vous lisez bien.
Il suffit de quelqu'un avec le mot de passe admin, désactive la validation automatique: on change les votes comme on veut.

🔥#Fraud #Elections We were looking in the wrong place.
We were told that the #voting machines are not connected. True, but not their configuration interface which connects via PC to the machine. And most can change the votes BY HAND. 🔥
It's in the "SoluVote" manual on their website. SoluVote – Vos élections connectées
Except they removed it. The link is dead.
But it's on Wayback Machine. 😇Téléchargement – SoluVote
Soluvote can program the candidates, read the electronic ballot boxes & validate the results to even email, print, etc.
So the machine reads an inserted electronic "ballot box" that counts the votes, and you can connect with a PC to read that ballot box afterwards.
But you can also PUT VOTES INTO THE SYSTEM BY HAND: "Manual input of voting results", doc9 pg6.
You read well.
Just someone with the admin password, disable the automatic validation: you change the votes as you like.
🔥#Fraud #Elections We were looking in the wrong place.
We were told that the #voting machines are not connected. True, but not their configuration interface which connects via PC to the machine. And most can change the votes BY HAND. 🔥
It's in the "SoluVote" manual on their website. SoluVote – Vos élections connectées
Except they removed it. The link is dead.
But it's on Wayback Machine. 😇Téléchargement – SoluVote
Soluvote can program the candidates, read the electronic ballot boxes & validate the results to even email, print, etc.
So the machine reads an inserted electronic "ballot box" that counts the votes, and you can connect with a PC to read that ballot box afterwards.
But you can also PUT VOTES INTO THE SYSTEM BY HAND: "Manual input of voting results", doc9 pg6.
You read well.
Just someone with the admin password, deactivate the automatic validation: you change the votes as you like.

Translated with (free version)

Momotchi SUITE /
#Elections #Fraude? 2/2
Donc le système Soluvote est installé sur un ordi classique et se connecte via une interface pour parler a la machine de vote.
Alors normalement la machine imprime les résultats et les PV mais tout ça APRES validation.
Si vous avez quelqu'un avec le mot de passe administrateur, par la solution Soluvote il peut effacer des résultats, changer le nombre d'inscrits ou de procurations, ajouter des bureaux, relire une urne ou même mettre manuellement des résultats intermédiaires à envoyer à la préfecture.
Et mettre des résultats de votes à la main (voir post plus haut)
Je vous passe que les résultats officiels sont un bête fichier .txt, qu'on peut les envoyer par email à la préfecture, que les PC avec Soluvote sont accessibles en contrôle à distance (remote desktop par TeamViewer, bonjour la sécurité), que des boîtes mails sont configurées en POP3 SMTP, qu'on peut mettre des imprimantes réseaux. A côté du fait d'entrer des votes à la main comme montré plus haut Momotchi
Même leur propre vidéo Youtube, dit qu'on peut faire une "un ou +postes de saisie des résultats". Vous voyez la case où on peut écrire 150 votes pour le 1er candidat? à 1min48 on voit le bouton "Saisie manuelle" à droite.
Si ça c'est pas une belle faille les amis... Leur audit portait sur la grosse machine NEDAP seule. Ils auraient dû auditer l'ensemble du système avec Soluvote sur PC et ça c'est une passoire.

#Elections #Fraud? 2/2
So the Soluvote system is installed on a standard computer and connects via an interface to talk to the voting machine.
Then the machine normally prints the results and the PV but all this AFTER validation.
If you have someone with the administrator password, through the Soluvote solution he can delete results, change the number of registered voters or proxies, add polling stations, reread a ballot box or even manually put intermediate results to be sent to the prefecture.
And put in the results of votes by hand (see post above)
I'll pass on to you that the official results are a silly .txt file, that they can be sent by email to the prefecture, that the PCs with Soluvote are accessible in remote control (remote desktop by TeamViewer, hello security), that mailboxes are configured in POP3 SMTP, that network printers can be set up. Besides the fact that you can enter votes by hand as shown above Momotchi
Even their own Youtube video, says that you can do a "one or more results entry post". See the box where you can enter 150 votes for the 1st candidate? At 1:48 you see the "Manual entry" button on the right.
If that's not a nice loophole, folks... Their audit was on the big NEDAP machine alone. They should have audited the whole system with Soluvote on PC and that is a sieve.

Translated with (free version)
🔥#Fraude #Elections On regardait au mauvais endroit.
On nous disait que les #machines de votes ne sont pas connectées. Vrai, mais pas leur interface de configuration qui se connecte via PC à la machine. Et surtout...on peut changer les votes À LA MAIN. 🔥
C'est dans le mode d'emploi de "SoluVote" sur leur site web. SoluVote – Vos élections connectées
Sauf qu'ils l'ont enlevé. Le lien est mort.
Mais il est sur Wayback Machine. 😇Téléchargement – SoluVote
Soluvote peut programmer les candidats, lire les urnes électroniques & valider les résultats à envoyer même par email, imprimer, etc.
Donc la machine lit une "urne" électronique insérée qui compte les votes, et on peut se connecter avec un PC pour lire cette urne après.
Mais on peut aussi METTRE DES VOTES A LA MAIN DANS LE SYSTEME: "Saisie manuelle des résultats de vote", doc9 pg6.
Vous lisez bien.
Il suffit de quelqu'un avec le mot de passe admin, désactive la validation automatique: on change les votes comme on veut.
🔥#Fraude #Elections On regardait au mauvais endroit.
On nous disait que les #machines de votes ne sont pas connectées. Vrai, mais pas leur interface de configuration qui se connecte via PC à la machine. Et surtout...on peut changer les votes À LA MAIN. 🔥
C'est dans le mode d'emploi de "SoluVote" sur leur site web. SoluVote – Vos élections connectées
Sauf qu'ils l'ont enlevé. Le lien est mort.
Mais il est sur Wayback Machine. 😇Téléchargement – SoluVote
Soluvote peut programmer les candidats, lire les urnes électroniques & valider les résultats à envoyer même par email, imprimer, etc.
Donc la machine lit une "urne" électronique insérée qui compte les votes, et on peut se connecter avec un PC pour lire cette urne après.
Mais on peut aussi METTRE DES VOTES A LA MAIN DANS LE SYSTEME: "Saisie manuelle des résultats de vote", doc9 pg6.
Vous lisez bien.
Il suffit de quelqu'un avec le mot de passe admin, désactive la validation automatique: on change les votes comme on veut.

🔥#Fraud #Elections We were looking in the wrong place.
We were told that the #voting machines are not connected. True, but not their configuration interface which connects via PC to the machine. And most can change the votes BY HAND. 🔥
It's in the "SoluVote" manual on their website. SoluVote – Vos élections connectées
Except they removed it. The link is dead.
But it's on Wayback Machine. 😇Téléchargement – SoluVote
Soluvote can program the candidates, read the electronic ballot boxes & validate the results to even email, print, etc.
So the machine reads an inserted electronic "ballot box" that counts the votes, and you can connect with a PC to read that ballot box afterwards.
But you can also PUT VOTES INTO THE SYSTEM BY HAND: "Manual input of voting results", doc9 pg6.
You read well.
Just someone with the admin password, disable the automatic validation: you change the votes as you like.
🔥#Fraud #Elections We were looking in the wrong place.
We were told that the #voting machines are not connected. True, but not their configuration interface which connects via PC to the machine. And most can change the votes BY HAND. 🔥
It's in the "SoluVote" manual on their website. SoluVote – Vos élections connectées
Except they removed it. The link is dead.
But it's on Wayback Machine. 😇Téléchargement – SoluVote
Soluvote can program the candidates, read the electronic ballot boxes & validate the results to even email, print, etc.
So the machine reads an inserted electronic "ballot box" that counts the votes, and you can connect with a PC to read that ballot box afterwards.
But you can also PUT VOTES INTO THE SYSTEM BY HAND: "Manual input of voting results", doc9 pg6.
You read well.
Just someone with the admin password, deactivate the automatic validation: you change the votes as you like.

Translated with (free version)

Momotchi SUITE /
#Elections #Fraude? 2/2
Donc le système Soluvote est installé sur un ordi classique et se connecte via une interface pour parler a la machine de vote.
Alors normalement la machine imprime les résultats et les PV mais tout ça APRES validation.
Si vous avez quelqu'un avec le mot de passe administrateur, par la solution Soluvote il peut effacer des résultats, changer le nombre d'inscrits ou de procurations, ajouter des bureaux, relire une urne ou même mettre manuellement des résultats intermédiaires à envoyer à la préfecture.
Et mettre des résultats de votes à la main (voir post plus haut)
Je vous passe que les résultats officiels sont un bête fichier .txt, qu'on peut les envoyer par email à la préfecture, que les PC avec Soluvote sont accessibles en contrôle à distance (remote desktop par TeamViewer, bonjour la sécurité), que des boîtes mails sont configurées en POP3 SMTP, qu'on peut mettre des imprimantes réseaux. A côté du fait d'entrer des votes à la main comme montré plus haut Momotchi
Même leur propre vidéo Youtube, dit qu'on peut faire une "un ou +postes de saisie des résultats". Vous voyez la case où on peut écrire 150 votes pour le 1er candidat? à 1min48 on voit le bouton "Saisie manuelle" à droite.
Si ça c'est pas une belle faille les amis... Leur audit portait sur la grosse machine NEDAP seule. Ils auraient dû auditer l'ensemble du système avec Soluvote sur PC et ça c'est une passoire.

#Elections #Fraud? 2/2
So the Soluvote system is installed on a standard computer and connects via an interface to talk to the voting machine.
Then the machine normally prints the results and the PV but all this AFTER validation.
If you have someone with the administrator password, through the Soluvote solution he can delete results, change the number of registered voters or proxies, add polling stations, reread a ballot box or even manually put intermediate results to be sent to the prefecture.
And put in the results of votes by hand (see post above)
I'll pass on to you that the official results are a silly .txt file, that they can be sent by email to the prefecture, that the PCs with Soluvote are accessible in remote control (remote desktop by TeamViewer, hello security), that mailboxes are configured in POP3 SMTP, that network printers can be set up. Besides the fact that you can enter votes by hand as shown above Momotchi
Even their own Youtube video, says that you can do a "one or more results entry post". See the box where you can enter 150 votes for the 1st candidate? At 1:48 you see the "Manual entry" button on the right.
If that's not a nice loophole, folks... Their audit was on the big NEDAP machine alone. They should have audited the whole system with Soluvote on PC and that is a sieve.

Translated with (free version)

I got the document and I attached it to this post. What is said is true.

L’écran des « Résultats » sert à établir le tableau des résultats officiels en vue de leur impression à destination du PV centralisateur de la commune (PV B). Les résultats peuvent provenir d’une saisie manuelle ou d’une lecture d’urne électronique.

The solution is called "SOLUVOTE 2017" and according to the download page the last version was published March 23 2017. So I wonder if it's really used by the French gouv. If it would, I think the web site would not miss to mention it. Look like as an abandoned software. And I hope such solutions have to be certified to be use in French elections. I don't see such mention here.

It would be interesting to know which solution the French gov. really use.


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