An article relate an interesting abnormality during the vote counting:
It would be interesting if someone have another source about this computer breakdown, I did a quick search but I can't found more info.
Someone in the comments give those numbers:
1-Le Pen 5 100 479 (24,01%)
2-Mélenchon 4 471 17 ( 21,02 %)
3-Lassalle 4 146 141 (18,90%)
4-Cheminade 1 453 147 (5,20%)
5-Hamon 1 294 000 (4,62%)
6-Dupont Aignan 1 239 147 (4,46%)
7-Asselineau 1 243 158 (4,43%)
8-Poutou 1 231 439 (4,42%)
9-Fillon 641 433 (2,45%)
10-Arthaud 603 340 (2,17%)
11-Macron 443 003 (1,59%)
Nuls/blancs1 356203 (5,84%)
Votants (dépouillés) : 23 222 661
Would be intersting to have the C's version to know how really deep is the lie.
Let's not talk about the results of the first round where in the big cities held by his political friends, the blank ballots were non-existent, where the first counts attributed to him from 6 to 9% and sometimes much less... and that after a strange computer breakdown of half an hour, he was given the lead with 22, 23 or 24%... The miracles of computers and Scytl software?
Ne parlons pas des résultats du premier tour où dans les grandes villes tenues par ses amis politiques, les bulletins blancs étaient inexistants, où les premiers comptages lui attribuaient de 6 à 9% et parfois beaucoup moins… et qu’après une étrange panne informatique d’une demi-heure, on l’a donné en tête avec 22, 23 ou 24%… Les miracles de l’informatique et du logiciel Scytl ?
It would be interesting if someone have another source about this computer breakdown, I did a quick search but I can't found more info.
Someone in the comments give those numbers:
1-Le Pen 5 100 479 (24,01%)
2-Mélenchon 4 471 17 ( 21,02 %)
3-Lassalle 4 146 141 (18,90%)
4-Cheminade 1 453 147 (5,20%)
5-Hamon 1 294 000 (4,62%)
6-Dupont Aignan 1 239 147 (4,46%)
7-Asselineau 1 243 158 (4,43%)
8-Poutou 1 231 439 (4,42%)
9-Fillon 641 433 (2,45%)
10-Arthaud 603 340 (2,17%)
11-Macron 443 003 (1,59%)
Nuls/blancs1 356203 (5,84%)
Votants (dépouillés) : 23 222 661
Would be intersting to have the C's version to know how really deep is the lie.