From Scottie's These Q-Link things actually work?!


FOTCM Member
Scottie released recently a review of these small gadgets that may be a protection against EMF. It's as usual great to watch Scotties explanations and it brought up some further question 🍫 .

What I wondered if the crystals done by Laura and Co. could have the same effect? Maybe with some additional copper around them? I don't know, but the placebo effect or the effect believing in something is possibly a great factor of these Q-Link things. Maybe not. And maybe because they were charged with a certain intent? Because as Scottie explained, Reiki does also work and nobody knows really why.

Maybe there is another addition that Scottie wrote about recently:

I think that's why the C's said, "But the main thing is mental blocking." First you gather data, then you minimize exposure as much as is humanly possible, and always you mentally block as much as you can. For most people, even the idea of mental blocking is a tall order. That's why I just made a YT vid about the Q-Link (that and the fact that some interesting recent events just sort of dropped the whole idea into my lap).

First, point out studies and get people thinking about the potential dangers. Then give them something that apparently works for many people, and is at the very least a focal point or symbol of protection against such things. With the right intention, that kind of thing can really work wonders. So, why not?

If it works, it's better than nothing. Obviously, the best thing would be have as much data on hand, connect dots, maybe even get a bit righteously angry about this stuff, and expand one's "reality structure" such that mental blocking becomes very strong. Oh, and silk apparently, although I have no idea why except for, "Mulberry". Well thanks, C's! That clears that one up. :lol:

Scottie released recently a review of these small gadgets that may be a protection against EMF. It's as usual great to watch Scotties explanations and it brought up some further question 🍫 .

What I wondered if the crystals done by Laura and Co. could have the same effect? Maybe with some additional copper around them? I don't know, but the placebo effect or the effect believing in something is possibly a great factor of these Q-Link things. Maybe not. And maybe because they were charged with a certain intent? Because as Scottie explained, Reiki does also work and nobody knows really why.

Maybe there is another addition that Scottie wrote about recently:
Does this mean silk from mulberry caterpillers does not work? Do they mean spider web silk then? I was holding Mulberry silk worms here a month ago thinking how protective their offerings were.
Could not attach the photos though. Lovely trees and my favourite fabric. Which silk is most protective then?
I thought the C's were saying that Mulberry is in fact the protective kind of silk.
That's the way I took it, too. Here's the segment in the 3 January 2009 session where it was mentioned:

Q: (S) Well, this kind of my question. Because we have cell phones that are so evil, right? The problem is that even if you never use a cell phone, there are towers EVERYWHERE. If a cell phone is on and it's close to you, that's worse, but... (L) You can't escape it all. (S) So we can obviously turn off the evil stuff, but... (L) I think there's also the stuff out there for cancelling that is dietary {like minerals}, or something you can do.

A: Silk is always good.

Q: (Ark) But coming back to this USB stick and little antenna which is probably very weak, what would be the distance from this that you would consider to be safe?

A: 2 meters.

Q: (Ark) Oh, so this is really weak. (S) Is it the same for WiFi? (discussion of evil microwaves and what to do)

A: Consider a "Faraday cage" for ___ until she is stronger.

Q: (___) They're gonna put me in a cage! Aah!! (L) Where the heck would we get one? (Ark) No, that's impossible. (J) You can build one! (L) Well, they put it in quotes, so they must have meant something special. (S) Drape silk around her bed. (Ark) Yes, because Faraday cage to prevent from microwaves would have such tiny little openings that there would be no air to breathe...

A: Scottie has the right idea.

Q: (L) What did Scottie say? (S) I was saying that if she's going to be in her bed, instead of mosquito netting, you have a silk netting. (Ark) No! A suit of armor like the warriors in the old times used. (L) I don't think that's very practical, dear. (laughter) (Ark) Silk is a Faraday cage. (S) Why silk? Why silk protects against these things is totally bizarre to me. (Ark) Well, it's made by animals. (L) It's made by caterpillars.

A: Mulberry.

Q: (L) That's what the caterpillars eat to make silk. (J) So _____ should take Mulberry extract? (laughter) (_____) And Then I can start making silk? (L) If you start doing weird things, I'm outta here! (laughter) (_____) What can I do to mentally block?

A: Right now you need help as you are ... weak. But the general principle can be understood from the term "righteous anger." If you think about the expression that the fate of the universe may depend on you it should make you angry.

Q: (L) That wasn't very clear, was it? (A****) That expression?

A: No. The fate of the universe can be altered negatively and many will suffer if you are out of the picture. That is what "they" want.

Q: (D) So your first priority has to be to stay healthy and make sure you take care of yourself. (S) We need to get you a superhero outfit. (_____) Made of silk! (laughter)
Nice video Scottie, but I miss your subjective impressions after using the q-link, beyond immediately feeling more focused.
Thank you Scottie for the video. I bought one Q-Link decade ago. I tried at that time, found it to be too much relaxing to feel the emotions, so I put it in storage. After the video, also I was started using out of the need of handling running away emotions. It was good though I don't think it is the solution for every thing as I don't see too much difference while using mobile. I am having the impression that under certain frequencies and conditions it may be useful. The frequency thing is complicated imho. Body is made of frequencies, and its all thoughts, emotions and we are all immersed in all sorts of artificial frequencies which we are not aware of them or its effects.
Do silk worms eat anything other than mulberry leaves?
"They have a preference for white mulberry, having an attraction to the mulberry odorant cis-jasmone.
They are not monophagous since they can eat other species of Morus, as well as some other Moraceae, mostly Osage orange. "

I think that white mulberry is the only plant used in the industry now.

There is also Samia cynthia, which is another moth selected to produce silk, grown on the tree Ailanthus altissima, but it was in past times and it failed.

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"Charmeuse silk, technically speaking, does not refer to a type of material as Mulberry silk does; it is a silk fabric made with a particular way of weaving, allowing for extra luster and shine on the front side in exchange for a dull finish at the back. Charmeuse silk can be made from all kinds of different silk including Mulberry silk and is often used on products that does not require showcasing of both sides of the fabric such as pillowcases and duvet covers."

"Other types of silks such as wild silk or Habotai silk are less uniform in color and texture, with shorter strands"

Wild silk - Wikipedia

"Wild silks are more difficult to bleach and dye than silk from Bombyx mori, but most have naturally attractive colours, particularly the rich golden sheen of the silk produced by the muga silkworm from Assam, often known as Assam silk. "

"India produces four kinds of silk: mulberry, tasar, muga and eri. The silkworm Bombyx mori is fed on mulberry leaves cultivated in plantations. Silkworms are also found wild on forest trees, e.g Antheraea paphia which produces the tasar silk (Tussah). Antheraea paphia feeds on several trees such as Anogeissus latifolia, Terminalia tomentosa, T. arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Lagerstroemia parviflora and Madhuca indica. Wild silkworm Antheraea assamensis produces muga silk, and another wild silkworm Philosamia synthia ricini (= Samia cynthia) produces eri silk. The eri silk worm from India feeds on the leaves of the castor plant. It is the only completely domesticated silkworm other than Bombyx mori. The silk is extremely durable, but cannot be easily reeled off the cocoon and is thus spun like cotton or wool

The estimated annual production of tasar silk is 130 tonnes. Production of other types of silk exceeds 10 000 tonnes (Gupta 1994)"

Tussar silk (alternatively spelled as tussah, tushar, tassar,[1] tussore, tasar, tussur, tusser and also known as (Sanskrit) kosa silk) is produced from larvae of several species of silkworms belonging to the moth genus Antheraea, including A. assamensis, A. mylitta, A. paphia, A. pernyi, A. roylei and A. yamamai. These silkworms live in the wild forests in trees belonging to Terminalia species and Shorea robusta as well as other food plants like jamun and oak found in South Asia, eating the leaves of the trees they live on
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I used to wear a Q-Link pendant when I traveled extensively overseas and had big problems with jet lag. They worked a treat for me, I noticed a huge difference. With the pendant I was actually able to stay awake during a day of boring presentations rather than constantly falling asleep.
I got the Q link years before my Cs Crystals and the first time I got it, I noticed feeling a bit calmer during chaotic night shifts. When my Cs crystals arrived, I felt like a loving awareness :love:.

Years afterwards, and after moving to another location, I forgot my Q link in a box somewhere. I remembered about it after I realized that I needed to sleep with 2 cell phones and a walkie-talkie with a satellite connection near my bed during availability shifts. I dug out my Q link and when I wore it for the first time since months, I noticed a calming effect emanating from my solar plexus, from where the Q link was located. I slept with the Q link and slept so deeply, having vivid dreams for the first time since a while. The day afterwards, I felt more restored. I then realized that there are similar testimonials like mine. Now I wear my Q link during shifts and at work, and when I know that I'm going to be heavily exposed to EMF radiation.
I bought a Q Link years ago after I saw it recommended by Robert Bruce whose work in astral travel and psychic protection I was familiar with. I can't say I noticed much difference from wearing it but then I was quite a mess at the time so may not have noticed any subtle effects and was probably expecting too much from it, in hindsight. I believe I still have it with all my 'hippy stuff' but that is stashed away in the shed amongst boxes upon boxes. When I get round to clearing out the shed I'll have a look for it and give it another go.
I bought a Q-link bracelet last week, just thought I'd give it a go, as Scottie says in the video, why not? So far I can't say I've noticed a huge difference, but there are subtle ones, as others have mentioned, my dreams have become more vivid and I feel less worried about all the wifi at work. Either way, I like the bracelet ascetically and kind of feel naked without now, which is kind of weird considering I've only had it for a week!? Placebo or not, I feel it's another string to the bow and mitigating the things we can (especially EMF where possible) is a win as far as I am concerned. Thanks Scottie for the video and Gaby and others here for sharing your insights!
I Bought one after seeing Scottie's video. I like the fact that it is a simple thing one can do that can possibly have a beneficial effect.
I have to say I haven't noticed any difference but just like the placebo effect that I have bought into. :)
I bought a Q-link bracelet last week, just thought I'd give it a go, as Scottie says in the video, why not? So far I can't say I've noticed a huge difference, but there are subtle ones, as others have mentioned, my dreams have become more vivid and I feel less worried about all the wifi at work. Either way, I like the bracelet ascetically and kind of feel naked without now, which is kind of weird considering I've only had it for a week!? Placebo or not, I feel it's another string to the bow and mitigating the things we can (especially EMF where possible) is a win as far as I am concerned. Thanks Scottie for the video and Gaby and others here for sharing your insights!

Yup. I started wearing my bracelet a couple of weeks ago and the big thing I notice is vivid dreams, where before that I could never remeber any sort of dream. Interesting.

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