Your Radiation This Week No 22
Sept 12 to Sept 19, 2015
(San Francisco) September 19, 2015 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood. Let’s get right to it.
*Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is One Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument.
All Radiation Counts reported are partial Counts. Uncounted types of radiation include Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Neutron and X-Ray radiation. Uncounted radiation, if added, makes the actual Count higher and more dangerous.
The highest radiation reporting city is listed first, the least radioactive city is listed last. Still, all reporting cities are above normal.
Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM.
2,252 CPM, 450.4 Times Normal, Billings, MT Gamma, Beta.
1,644 CPM, 328.8 Times Normal, Portland, ME Gamma, Beta.
1,397 CPM, 279.4 Times Normal, Miami, FL. Gamma, Beta.
1,326 CPM, 265.2 Times Normal, Champaign, IL Gamma, Beta.
1,255 CPM, 251 Times Normal, Pierre, SD Gamma, Beta.
1,223 CPM, 244.6 Times Normal, Spokane, WA. Gamma, Beta.
1,208 CPM, 241.6 Times Normal, San Diego, CA Gamma, Beta.
1,143 CPM, 228.6 Times Normal, Concord, NH Gamma, Beta.
1,095 CPM, 219 Times Normal, Bakersfield, CA Gamma, Beta.
991 CPM, 198.2 Times Normal, Boston, MA Gamma, Beta.
945 CPM, 189 Times Normal, Los Angeles, CA Gamma, Beta.
944 CPM, 188.8 Times Normal, Albuquerque, NM Closed-LastReport
929 CPM, 185.8 Times Normal, Kansas City, KA, Gamma, Beta.
888 CPM, 177.6 Times Normal, Oklahoma City, OK Gamma, Beta.
862 CPM, 172.4 Times Normal, Atlanta, GA. Gamma, Beta.
832 CPM, 166.4 Times Normal, New York City, NY Gamma, Beta.
803 CPM, 160.6 Times Normal, St. Paul, MN. Gamma, Beta.
779 CPM, 155.8 Times Normal, Tulsa, OK Gamma, Beta.
765 CPM, 153 Times Normal, Des Moines, IA. Gamma, Beta.
762 CPM, 152.4 Times Normal, Chicago, IL Gamma, Beta.
760 CPM, 152.4 Times Normal, Tucson, AZ Gamma, Beta.
722 CPM, 144.4 Times Normal, Indianapolis, IN. Gamma, Beta.
709 CPM, 141.8 Times Normal, Little Rock, AR Gamma, Beta.
630 CPM, 126 Times Normal, Ft Wayne IN Gamma, Beta.
630 CPM, 126 Times Normal, Pittsburgh, PA, Gamma, Beta.
596 CPM, 119.2 Times Normal, San Francisco, CA. Gamma, Beta.
577 CPM, 115.4 Times Normal, Ft. Worth, TX Gamma, Beta.
575 CPM, 115 Times Normal, Montgomery, AL. Gamma, Beta.
562 CPM, 112.4 Times Normal, Lubbock, TX Gamma, Beta.
515 CPM, 103 Times Normal, Sacramento, CA Gamma, Beta.
506 CPM, 101.2 Times Normal, Phoenix, AZ Gamma, Beta.
503 CPM, 100.6 Times Normal, Las Vegas, NV. Gamma, Beta.
472 CPM, 94.4 Times Normal, Rapid City, SD. Gamma ONLY
464 CPM, 92.8 Times Normal, South Valley, NM Gamma ONLY
443 CPM, 88.6 Times Normal, Lincoln, NE Gamma, Beta.
379 CPM, 75.8 Times Normal, San Angelo, TX. Gamma, Beta.
364 CPM, 72.8 Times Normal, Grand Junction, CO Closed-LastReport
333 CPM, 66.6 Times Normal, Dallas, TX. Gamma, Beta.
317 CPM, 63.4 Times Normal, Washington, D.C. Gamma, Beta.
Highest Recorded Radioactive City in America this week
A familiar Leader this week in the race for the Most Radioactive Weather in America is Billings, Montana with 2,252 CPM. Congratulations to Billings, MT as the Most Radioactive City in America this week. Billings was down just a bit from last week in this deadly race but is still First.
Portland, Maine’s Radioactive Weather wasn’t even a close Second and they endured 1,644 CPM. Other competing cities for the title were not even close. Nine cities exceeded 1,000 CPM this week in Your Rad Weather. Stay Alert and take all appropriate precautions.
Last week some unacknowledged source or sources spread measurable radiation all over the country. Like a Devil Wind it could be tracked for several days.
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