Q: Now, on a couple of occasions we have talked about trees. You have said that the trees would lead me to an answer. Then you made remarks about beechnut, and oaks, and beech and bloodlines and family trees and the Nordic Covenant. Basically, I asked about this Nordic Covenant and you said that I would find the answer, that the trees would lead me to it. I asked what literary source I should go to to find the least distorted source of information. You answered "trees" again. Then, you pointed out the leaves of the trees on this book. Later, when I read the book that was all about trees, it said that there was a need for someone of a certain bloodline to come along and free the dragon spawn. "None other than she can bring the pryf, or soul, up from the deep, no matter how they may make the serpents squirm. If she can hold her place in the gates of time." You answered me "You cannot see?" It also says that this person with this certain bloodline has the duty of creating a bridge between man and the gods to open the doorways of time. You said to me that these things had explanations that were readily apparent. Then, when I asked the question about this book and all the trees in it, that this was a clue given so that I would notice the things in this particular book, you said "certainly." Now, having gone through all the shamanic stuff, all the information about the world tree, the world axis, and your remarks about building a staircase, which is another variation on the world axis or world tree, and having some kind of mission, and the mission being piercing the spider, which relates again to the world axis and the world tree, which one climbs one step at a time. Then, you talked about Jack and the Beanstalk, which is another example of the world tree. Over and over again we are having all these representations of trees which basically has something to do with some sort of destined action, and it is almost as though you are hinting that some person has to be physically tuned as a transducer of some sort to "stand in the gates of time," for the rest of humanity. Then, you made the remark recently about lodestar. Well, there might have been a time in my life when I might have thought that it was me who could do something like that. And, if I ever did, maybe it was even ego thinking. However, I am getting a little old for that sort of thing, so I don't really think that it is my role. But, I do think that there is somebody in the world whose role that is, and I would like to know if that is somebody we are supposed to be looking for, or that we are going to find this person?A: Perhaps you shall find, or perhaps they will find you!Q: Well, it kind of takes the burden off my shoulders. I think that somebody who does something like that is never useful for anything again. Somebody who does such a thing is like a sacrifice. They have to give their life up for others to act as this transducer and it fries all their circuits. Can you comment?A: No.Q: Am I correct that somebody who does this is basically sacrificing themselves and they get fried in the process?A: In some instances.Q: But, it is true that we are looking for somebody who will stand in the gates of time and act as a bridge?
A: Maybe. You shall see...