GameStop Rebellion: Retail Traders Take on Wall Street Hedge Funds

I'd imagine the system and its minions are in freakout mode. I'd wager if they react in the wrong way, which I think they will, such as to protect and bailout the hedge funds and mess and screw over the masses, which they started to do today, then people may be out for the proverbial 'blood' no matter what your political persuasion is. I saw left and right people starting to unite behind the Occupy Wall Street stuff years ago, but it didn't exactly go anywhere or was vectored, and this has a similar feel to that and the potential to unite all to some extent and degree in an even larger fashion, since a large majority hate the banks and Wall Street shenanigans imo. The WallStreet Bets guy mentioned Dogecoin (a crypto) and it went up 700-800% today.

Dogecoin's move may just be a precursor for the move crypto overall is going to make this year or any other thing or alternative people might look to buy as a big middle finger to the system where they know they have no voice and also to exit the rigged system. I can hear it now, "Screw Wall Street, the Fed and the banks, BUY XXX” (crypto, silver, whatever is the weak point of the corrupt system everyone both left and right knows is in control and knows could care less about them). Basically, this picture where the ‘ants’ harness their power of numbers via viral flash mobs of action.


Wouldn’t be surprised if someone recommends this to the flash mob of ‘ants’ – “if you want to really see a rigged system and make it react, how about everyone interested take out $600 cash a day from the ATM, until…”
I wonder if all this has something to do with the 'exposure' that the C's mentioned in relation to the financial markets...

Session March 21, 2020:
Q: (Pierre) About the financial markets or reset: They comment, "wishful thinking". So the idea is to burst the bubble now and then to regrow the markets and make a lot of profit down and up - both ways. Is it an allusion to the previous session where it was said that the next crash will be engineered in the beginning, but then an unexpected factor will enter in and the downward spiral will get out of control?

A: Possible, but the exposure factor will also enter in.
I wondered earlier this week whether the (largely) phony left-right ideological divide would dissolve somewhat under a Biden-Harris 'bland, neocon-neolib, nondescript totalitarian' regime, as people of all political persuasions realized they have more in common with each other than the few at the top.

The market manipulation underway to suppress the 'GameStop Rebellion', and the cross-political support being expressed for retail investors battling the hedge funds, certainly appears to be uniting ordinary people against Wall Street!

This is the unity they feared. We are stronger and they know that.

The system has weak points. Taking the machine and system head on, such as via overt protest and confrontation in small (or large) identifiable numbers and groups, goals, and particulars of each person involved, will only get you beat up or taken out. If the 'clans' of right and left can unite toward a common goal or a common enemy, even if the understanding of certain things is different, off the mark or in error, or misses so much nuance and detail, then the safety of numbers in asymmetrical and viral lightning fast action of the masses could be a real issue for TPTB. Even if that issue is having TPTB react to the people, instead of the other way around. And the actions can be fun it itself. Watching the political minions and monkeys and also the system jump to the people's tune for a change could be fun for a lot of people, even if it doesn't change the fact that TPTB have so much control and will enact as much suffering as possible to obtain their goals.
Just want to mention Peter Schiff’s take on the Game Stop Rebellion.
He thinks it’s likely a major fund trader set this up, set the fuse alight on social media, and then settled their position. Leaving the little guys in to lose money as well as anyone else left holding short positions.

I am concerned, that quickly big traders have at least observed this dynamic and will try it on again, if not already.
But even if they do, could the system destroy itself, eat itself from the inside out?
I wonder if it could go either way:
little guys against the big guys, or ‘big guys co-opting the little guys’ against other big guys.
Either way would the big guys lose as they start competing in the arena to the death?
The exposure is the fact that it should be obvious now that:

1. The markets are rigged and have little integrity
2. Regulators and gov't is actively on the side of the billionaire class.
3. So, the rules will quickly be changed to suit the billionaire class.
4. The totalitarian blitzkrieg marches on
The market manipulation underway to suppress the 'GameStop Rebellion', and the cross-political support being expressed for retail investors battling the hedge funds, certainly appears to be uniting ordinary people against Wall Street!

I see it as symbolic that it was “Game Stop” that is the focal point of this rebellion. It says we want the game to stop. Matrix / computer simulation / 3D STS or whatever one might call life. It’s really a symbolic statement.

I've had a thought on this brewing ever since this tango kicked off that I don't think has yet been considered.

Whilst everyone focuses on the market activity, the question as to why the nasties targeted Game Stock in the first place has been lost in the noise. Why did the short selling crooks gang up and effectively target the stock for demolition? That's what started this off; such short selling offensives are an every day common occurrence on Wall Street - but rarely do they go to for the jugular as in this instance (with 84% of the total stock available shorted before this event kicked off = an extinction level assault).

Well I think this graphic tells a tale:


Yes Game Stop may be a high street dinosaur and so less and less a player. But as we see with Amazon, etc, the policy is total hegemony and monopoly over certain key industries that are marked down as being vital planks in the plan to effectively isolate much of the world's population (certainly in urban areas/western countries) in their houses and plug them in to an online, integrated world. And gaming - hitherto regarded culturally as the province of weirdo teenagers - is earmarked as a vital part of this. They want all of us to disappear into a controlled make believe world and they know that via gaming everything in sight they can join up all the pieces into a 'fun' prison camp that endlessly entertains (as you shop, learn, play, disappear).

So my reading is that this was part of the mopping up process - taking out ALL competitors or access to independent choice as to where you can go to buy - ahead of the integration/5G internet of things process that's coming.

And the little folk (all of whom have a nostalgia or affection for that shabby old store they now cant get into) spotted this attack on their 'heritage' and unconsciously shall we say found reason to kick back.

That's one reason why their actions have brought out the full armory of the system top to bottom - not only is it that the little folk cannot interrupt our game but that gaming itself is a really big fish that must not be allowed to slip through their hands. Game on!

Gamers around the world - time to wake up and realize you and your love is being gamed for a really big reason.
What are the wider implications of this for Wall Street? How bad can a market crash based on this kind of action get, I wonder? Can it de-stabilize anything else? Are any other markets liable to be pulled into a $70 Billion (and expanding) black hole?

It's not a 'black hole'. That $70 billion went from Wall Street hedge funds to Main Street retail investors.
Anyway, my recent fascination with dark side propaganda as described in the Rappoport/Ellis Medavoy interviews, has me looking at these kinds of big moves through the lens of calculated psychological warfare and regime change operations.

How much of this Game Stop stuff is genuine, organic, grass roots action, and how much has been set in motion as a deliberate 'op' by the cartels?

It's grassroots. For now. The system will of course (attempt to) coopt it to destroy it and increase its own power.
Does anybody know where the seeds of this came from and how they formed? Reddit seems like it would be among the preferred control surfaces for a modern psy-operative looking to create havoc.
That's like asking was the 'meme magic' trolling with Pepe the Frog in 2016 a deliberate psy-op to secretly get Trump in! It's a conspiracy too far.
Whilst everyone focuses on the market activity, the question as to why the nasties targeted Game Stock in the first place has been lost in the noise. Why did the short selling crooks gang up and effectively target the stock for demolition? That's what started this off; such short selling offensives are an every day common occurrence on Wall Street - but rarely do they go to for the jugular as in this instance (with 84% of the total stock available shorted before this event kicked off = an extinction level assault).
That's just 'how business is done', for at least a couple of decades now. It wasn't 'personal' for them to target GameStop. They have ongoing lists of stocks slated for 'taking down'. The only difference here is that ordinary traders - thanks to networking! - observed hedge funds line up GameStop and others, then made counter-moves to 'game the system in reverse'!

Some Wall Street vulture capitalists do this to whole countries. Paul Singer's operation explicitly buys up debt around the world and forces countries into difficulty with paying upcoming tranches of their IMF loans, then makes a (literal, in many respects) killing when countries default.

And he and his cronies can use the might of the US govt to make sure they always get paid. More recently, Singer and other vultures have turned their sights on 'strip mining' American towns and districts:

It's not a 'black hole'. That $70 billion went from Wall Street hedge funds to Main Street retail investors.
Oh, I do think it's a black hole. -While, I don't want to give Main Street a negative connotation or suggest that the Reddit initiative is without just cause or brilliance, that $70 B has still essentially been demanded to come into existence from nothing but promises. 'Value' created from thin air. -Which, while this is pretty much how all money works, it does mean a new debt singularity has emerged, just in a place which for once hurts the "Millionaires and Billionaires." (First. We all drink from the same well.)

My cynical side thinks the media will attempt to spin this as a way to leverage for more bailouts which can then be blamed on the plebes. It'll be a hard sell at the moment, with even AOC on side, (Hell got cold all of a sudden!!) but let's keep in mind who the MSM is directed at.

I was talking this evening with a friend who described having to go to some lengths to demonstrate the opposing news spheres and walk his father back from believing the MSM message, (barely even floated at this point), that this affair is an example of Trumpism run amok. Financial terrorism, or some such, with a victim/bully narrative, which in the end will hurt everybody. That's the direction I'm betting they will try to go. That's how I would do it, anyway, if I were a black hat PR guy.

It's grassroots. For now. The system will of course (attempt to) coopt it to destroy it and increase its own power.

That's like asking was the 'meme magic' trolling with Pepe the Frog in 2016 a deliberate psy-op to secretly get Trump in! It's a conspiracy too far.

Without knowing any ground level details, I think you are likely right; a sort of financial Arab Spring. It would line up with the Mercury Retrograde energy, wherein lies and make-believe and existing fractures tend to fail and collapse, and only hard tested objectively real systems continue to function properly.

However, I can't imagine that all the dark control systems aren't scrambling to make use these turns of events. Retrograde ends Feb 21st. We have a free month of bonus energy to make gains against the illusion smiths.
I wonder if all this has something to do with the 'exposure' that the C's mentioned in relation to the financial markets...

Session March 21, 2020:

Think this is definitely a part of it. The past few weeks has at least shown the efficient markets hypothesis to be null and void. Traders and laymen are increasingly aware that 1) the stock market isn't really real 2) money isn't really real.

That said, I wouldn't bet on the end of it so soon. This is shaping up to be the craziest round of asset expansion and inflation the world has ever seen and the subsequent boom/bust cycle will absolutely blow people's minds. Over the next 5-10 years, or however long we have, stock market will likely hit numbers that nobody can even imagine right now unless the comets come early.
The Gamestop discussion has been moved to its own thread
Thanks. I'm sure the government will swoop in and make sure us plebs will not be able to step out of line like this again, but it sure was entertaining to watch all this go down. The manipulation, the bailout, freezing buys, autoselling stock, SEC and 'regulators' suddenly desiring to do their job, and (my favorite) discord banning the chatroom for hate speech!
Hopefully this is a big wakeup call for a lot of people on how the system is not on your side, and who's pulling the strings. I'm very curious to see how today will go and how our supreme leaders at Davos will react to this.

That's just 'how business is done', for at least a couple of decades now. It wasn't 'personal' for them to target GameStop. They have ongoing lists of stocks slated for 'taking down'. The only difference here is that ordinary traders - thanks to networking! - observed hedge funds line up GameStop and others, then made counter-moves to 'game the system in reverse'!

Some Wall Street vulture capitalists do this to whole countries. Paul Singer's operation explicitly buys up debt around the world and forces countries into difficulty with paying upcoming tranches of their IMF loans, then makes a (literal, in many respects) killing when countries default.

And he and his cronies can use the might of the US govt to make sure they always get paid. More recently, Singer and other vultures have turned their sights on 'strip mining' American towns and districts:

Absolutely hear you Niall. It's just worth noting that in among all the other factors, that gaming itself is something of long term value to the 'plan'.

On your note about rural America/mining and Tucker's report, such vulture's also serve the purpose by default of asset stripping (and hence decimating the living conditions) of rural communities and that lines up nicely with Agenda 2030 and the move to herd all cattle into urban areas. Worth remembering the following (though off topic) that happened back in 2011.

Does The New "White House Rural Council" Equal the UN's Agenda 21?
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