Remember how two weeks ago, we were all still talking about Trump?
Short memories in the news cycle, eh?
What are the wider implications of this for Wall Street? How bad can a market crash based on this kind of action get, I wonder? Can it de-stabilize anything else? Are any other markets liable to be pulled into a $70 Billion (and expanding) black hole?
Anyway, my recent fascination with dark side propaganda as described in the Rappoport/Ellis Medavoy
interviews, has me looking at these kinds of big moves through the lens of calculated psychological warfare and regime change operations.
How much of this Game Stop stuff is genuine, organic, grass roots action, and how much has been set in motion as a deliberate 'op' by the cartels?
Does anybody know where the seeds of this came from and how they formed? Reddit seems like it would be among the preferred control surfaces for a modern psy-operative looking to create havoc.
While there is chaos and excitement, the timing seems very plodding in a sense, as though these things are triggering on some sort of schedule. Not two weeks ago, not next month, but right now just as national hysteria was beginning to die down...
Non-linear connections count, so here's a couple:
That weird story about the CIA releasing (very boring) UFO documents on CD happened yesterday, along with the launch of a new Sci-Fi Network series called,
"Resident Alien," about a homicidal lizard posing as human who, (I think?) the audience is supposed to sympathize with..?
Strange days are upon us, it would seem.
I strongly recommend stepping back from the internet for a while and going for a walk, keeping your mind refreshed and stable before getting pulled headlong into too much media stimulation. I think we need to stay balanced while watching the show.