GameStop Rebellion: Retail Traders Take on Wall Street Hedge Funds

A week doesn't pass without some twist in the global situation ( politics or finance or health). Despite all the media propaganda, most of the Americans didn't believe in Biden's victory and it is reflected in social media likes/dislikes. They could rig that too, but they didn't. Why to bother when their man is already in the office. Now the long known Wall street shenanigans exposed to entire population and most to the youth. These Vulture capitalist psycho's don't care even if they or their host die. I suspect Biden will introduce more full-fledged overt totalitarian measures. It is hard to watch it.
What I find most interesting about this episode is that it is in keeping with this rather intense period of revealing of the 'man behind the curtain' or the way the 'system' really works. That began and proceeded with Trump and his revealing of the deep state without necessarily intending to do so but rather by him trying to stand up for himself (and others) and the response of the 'system' to him trying to do that.

Similarly, this gamestop episode has revealed - in an unprecedented real-time fashion and not through deliberate intent but by ordinary people trying to stand up for themselves and each other - the financial nature of that same system and the extent of its cronyism and corruption.

In short. Very cool, albeit it not a pretty picture.
i'm not sure if i well interpret numbers, but ... isn't gamestop now starting the day at 354$ ??? :wow:

I also have my eyes on it. Let's see if we can bring it above 600 and also crush yesterday record.
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Damage control has already started this interesting video from Louis Rossmann, Remember; you are a normal person, you made money legally in a bet that a billionaire lost. There will be no limit to the propaganda used to turn the public against you, and people like you. PUSH. BACK

And of course Google has gotten into the act, this from RT, Google deleting negative reviews to Robbinhood app.

I see it as symbolic that it was “Game Stop” that is the focal point of this rebellion. It says we want the game to stop. Matrix / computer simulation / 3D STS or whatever one might call life. It’s really a symbolic statement.
The irony of using "Game Stop" is priceless!

There's more than a sneaking suspicion that higher-order intelligence communicates deep truths through such not-so-subtle means. The examples are myriad, so much so that it inspired the following haiku form years ago.

From myths to numbers
One can tell the Divine tale
And take all comers
In addition to reiterating and expanding on several of the points already understood about market manipulation, rules for thee but not for me, etc. - Tucker takes this a step further and exposes how Critical Race Theory (yet again) gets used by the media and PTB to deflect and distract from what's actually being revealed. So it seems as though the subject of race (or any number of other subjects linked to identity politics) just gets trotted out to "explain" or re-direct the attention of the news consumer whenever parts of the system are being shown for their predatory nature, or in a more objective light.

I wonder if all this has something to do with the 'exposure' that the C's mentioned in relation to the financial markets...

It would line up with the Mercury Retrograde energy, wherein lies and make-believe and existing fractures tend to fail and collapse, and only hard tested objectively real systems continue to function properly.

What I find most interesting about this episode is that it is in keeping with this rather intense period of revealing of the 'man behind the curtain' or the way the 'system' really works.
Some Wall Street vulture capitalists do this to whole countries. Paul Singer's operation explicitly buys up debt around the world and forces countries into difficulty with paying upcoming tranches of their IMF loans, then makes a (literal, in many respects) killing when countries default.
This happened quite a while ago when Bank of England stock was doing poorly and George Soros bought massive short positions, almost bankrupting England. He spotted the Bank (and Country) moving into the Exchange Rate Mechanism and placed massive short bets. He made many Billions of dollars off of it, England had to withdraw from the ERM move and the rest is history, made Soros very rich.

On another note, I saw an article yesterday (since taken down) that the Gold/Silver Cartel was very worried that this same thing could happen to them. JP Morgan, Bank of England and a lot of other major banks and brokerage houses are up to their eyeballs in short positions in the Paper Gold/Silver funds. Been doing it for decades and don’t have the Gold/Silver to back it up if they are forced to exit their positions. Would just love to see it happen to them, couldn’t happen to a finer bunch of crooks!
In addition to reiterating and expanding on several of the points already understood about market manipulation, rules for thee but not for me, etc. - Tucker takes this a step further and exposes how Critical Race Theory (yet again) gets used by the media and PTB to deflect and distract from what's actually being revealed. So it seems as though the subject of race (or any number of other subjects linked to identity politics) just gets trotted out to "explain" or re-direct the attention of the news consumer whenever parts of the system are being shown for their predatory nature in a more objective light.

Funny thing though is that this time some of the usual suspects who are needed to broadcast and keep this message going aren't following along. The social programs have apparently become too muddled to the point that they'll cancel one program for another.

Forbes insists:

"Ignore The Populist GameStop Hype. Short Sellers Are Heroes"​

Ignore The Populist GameStop Hype. Short Sellers Are Heroes

Yeah. Thanks. We'll take that under advisement.

Pop culture YouTuber, "Yellowflash" summarizes the MSM pushback...

I hope it doesn't stick, though I just barely an hour ago found myself in a conversation with some gamers on my way to the store. One of the younger ones said, "Yeah Game Stop treats their employees like s**t! They're making out like bandits. Don't even pay minimum wage and forced employees to work through Covid!"

I didn't have the wherewithal at that moment to comment one way or the other, (literally, sitting down and catching up with this thread just now filled me in on the propaganda tactics currently in play), and I have to say I'm amazed at the lightening speed at which the info-war is operating, at the ground being gained and lost in terms of mind-share. This wasn't even a story 48 hours ago!

Those smart phones are killer apps for sure.
One thing I find odd about the state of gaming, is the recent release of the Playstation 5. Whenever a new game or console comes out, it is hyped up as people like the latest things.... well, the PS5 was sold out before it even reached the store shelves. And it was mass purchased by groups of people intent on scalping them - at 2-3 times the retail price. Scalping electronics products? Really?
So this was a big thing on youtube for a month or so and it seemed ridiculous. I suspected a shortage because of something going on in China, or trade relations with them, and so this 'scalping' was the excuse that the new consoles never hit the shelves.
So, all the consoles - PS5s and the new Xboxes -aren't available in stores and in the hands of scalpers... who has the money and organization to buy up all that electronics in order to profit 2-3 times the investment?
And how is Gamestop supposed to sell games when there are no new consoles to sell? Who would invest knowing that there are no consoles to buy?
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