GameStop Rebellion: Retail Traders Take on Wall Street Hedge Funds

They'll say about the economy and how everything just seemed to lose meaning. They will say how everyone started to partake and indulged in all these things, beyond the boundaries of what seemed reasonable. Everyone chasing their own pots of gold... Sticking it to the man, sticking it to the virus... Sticking it to whoever.

Lot's of people are not selling their stocks just so to send a message to Wall Street to tell them it’s not OK for them to make money through the destruction of companies, jobs and the economy.

It's not just plain greed as you suggest. There is a lot more going on. It’s not just about the money. It’s about sending a message.
Lot's of people are not selling their stocks just so to send a message to Wall Street to tell them it’s not OK for them to make money through the destruction of companies, jobs and the economy.

It's not just plain greed as you suggest. There is a lot more going on. It’s not just about the money. It’s about sending a message.

This is what we are led to believe.

It's not about greed but this may be about driving the great reset agenda.

Is it a coincidence this is happening just as the world economic forum is meeting?is it a coincidence that this is happening just after Biden got elected.

Lots of coincidences if you ask me... But I guess it's about sending a message. What's the message btw? That they can't short sell? Are they now to stop this practice?

I'm lost. On the face of it, looks like a good story - small people sticking it to the man... Dig deeper, looks very suspect.
Lots of coincidences if you ask me... But I guess it's about sending a message. What's the message btw? That they can't short sell?


Lot's of people are not selling their stocks just so to send a message to Wall Street to tell them it’s not OK for them to make money through the destruction of companies, jobs and the economy.

Are they now to stop this practice?

No, but they sure lost a lot of money.

I'm lost. On the face of it, looks like a good story - small people sticking it to the man... Dig deeper, looks very suspect.

To speculative for my taste.

All of this was inevitable.

Seems it very easy to make a lot of easy money if a few rich people conspire to act in a planned and coordinated way on the market.

Seems it's also very easy to make a lot of easy money if thousands or more middle class people conspire to act in a planned and coordinated way on the market.

It was bound to happen.
Seems it's also very easy to make a lot of easy money if thousands or more middle class people conspire to act in a planned and coordinated way on the market.

It was bound to happen.

But here's the thing @bjorn thousands of middle class people DID NOT conspire to act in a planned and coordinated way. This is what you are told.

You're told this was an organic thing driven by people within some Reddit group. Do you know how those seeds were planted? Do you know if they actually invested enough to push the price that high or whether they are just the cover story and someone / something else with loads of money bought the stock and pushed the price that high?

All I'm saying is... it looks suspect.

Very rare are things that appear organic and grassroots actually organic and grassroots, especially in the current state of the world.

Caution advised.

Ps, when you say they lost money.. it wasn't actually their money! Hedge funders rarely invest their own money. They probably just lost money produced by quantitative easing or money given to them to manage by some pension fund or something like that.
I don't think it is. People finally caught up. Suprised me it took so long. It also seems that a lot of people have discovered the awesome power of networking. This reddit group is awesome.

I disagree.... There's countless groups out there that attempt to push up stocks. Pump and dump. The majority fail.

You mean to tell me these guys succeeded because they are awesome? I don't get it.
You mean to tell me these guys succeeded because they are awesome? I don't get it.


Lot's of people are not selling their stocks just so to send a message to Wall Street to tell them it’s not OK for them to make money through the destruction of companies, jobs and the economy.

Others are in for it for the money, others less. And others don't care. They just bought stocks as ''F#ck you'' money.


It took fewer than 48 hours for the entire system to move against the Reddit stock traders - ordinary people, in order to protect the billionaires. Ultimately, the system works for the Wall Street oligarchs, not the people. The financial system has been exposed like never before.

Something to be grateful for. OSIT.
Ultimately, the system works for the Wall ST oligarchs, not the people.

Agree with you on that @bjorn 😊

The rest, I personally feel is manufactured drama. Someone / something else (from the swamp) with loads of money made that stock price go that far up... They just used this Reddit group as cover. My opinion 😬
The rest, I personally feel is manufactured drama. Someone / something else (from the swamp) with loads of money made that stock price go up... They just used this Reddit group as cover. My opinion

If they used this group as a cover for something then it was a heavy price to pay. Tents of billions gone and they exposed themselves for the world to see. I think there are better more subtle ways of doing it.
If they used this group as a cover for something then it was a heavy price to pay. Tents of billions gone and they exposed themselves for the world to see. I think there are better more subtle ways of doing it.
Tens of billions of dollars that was never in the real economy. At worst, a whole bunch of people just lost their pensions or became bankrupted by losing their life savings - so small people paying the price actually. At best, the money actually meant nothing. It was just created out of thin air and now has disappeared back into thin air. No great loss to anyone really.

If a member of the swamp was responsible for this, I believe the message was aimed at those meeting at the world economic forum about the state of the system and what reforms are required. It was all part of the "presentation".
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