The Living Force
But citadel is in the middle, profiting, so I remain unsure.
That seems more like an accident of the fact that many were using Robinhood. Users doing things platforms didn't anticipate is hardly unheard of.
But citadel is in the middle, profiting, so I remain unsure.
Okay... 70 billion lost.
List some consequences.
The financial system has been exposed like never before.
At best, the money actually meant nothing. It was just created out of thin air and now has disappeared back into thin air. No great loss to anyone really.
Not lost, transferred.
I already did.
Let them beg at the Fed if they want to cover their loses. It will expose them even more.
What's the message btw?
Fyi, the 2008 "too big to fail" bailouts were a bigger exposure than what is happening now
You're told this was an organic thing driven by people within some Reddit group. Do you know how those seeds were planted? Do you know if they actually invested enough to push the price that high or whether they are just the cover story and someone / something else with loads of money bought the stock and pushed the price that high?
"We despise everything about you so much that we are willing to lose money just to see your stolen wealth incinerated."
"Now that you've taken everything from us, our new favorite game is breaking your toys for teh lulz"
Let them beg at the Fed if they want to cover their loses. It will expose them even more.
... @psychegram but do you really think these supposed redditors are driven by such ideals? I mean... Okay. #losemoneyforthelulz
It's a good story... Let's believe the good story . I'm bad at parties
Nah.Fyi, the 2008 "too big to fail" bailouts were a bigger exposure than what is happening now.
Yep. After 2008, the response was to gather in the streets and beat on drums, while hedgies stood on balconies laughing and sipping champagne. Certainly there was a widespread feeling that the game was rigged, but there was no clear idea of how to respond and the leech class was more annoyed and amused than anything else.Not sure. Now people realize that they can actually fight back. Networking is key.
Ask me how I know you haven't been paying attention to what they're actually saying?
The internet is full of memes and posts expressing precisely this sentiment.
Could it all be manufactured in order to put on a good show? Sure, I guess, it's not impossible. But if I can hold up a mirror here, I think you're falling into a cognitive trap that conspiracy theory is prone to encouraging, which is to see *everything* as a manipulation from the man behind the curtain.
Conspiracies happen, obviously. That's reality. But free will is fundamental to reality - everyone has it, and the control of the world's would-be masters over the human population is therefore ultimately illusory. They make their moves, but humanity makes its moves as well.
Seeing shadowy forces behind everything ultimately just disempowers you, as it leads to paralysis, by making the opponents seem far more clever and subtle and powerful than they really are. The truth is that the only thing these people really have going for them is that they have a lot of money because they squat at the top of a rigged system. They're not that smart individually or collectively, they are very prone to wishful thinking, and the result is that their plans almost never work out as they intended, because they never really properly account for the response of people to their actions. Their lies tend to be very transparent to anyone even slightly paying attention, their plans tend to be rather predictable, and their tricks are usually just repetitions of scams they've pulled time and again throughout history.
Being honest, when this story broke, I made a conscious decision to wait and see before reaching a conclusion.
In the meantime, I noticed that the WEF was going on and also noted how effective these redditors were at driving up the stock price in addition, I started noticing the headlines and seeing how mainstream news were united with the redditors and how they were showing the story as a classic David vs Goliath story. I noted how AOC was standing up for the redditors and how she was united with Trump jr on this matter.
After observing all these, I concluded "too good to be true, something else is going on"
So I've actually taken the conspiratorial stance as the default (in not believing in the fairytale) and I'm actively looking for reasons to believe the "feel good story"... i.e. the story we're meant to believe. I don't want to be led by emotions, especially after the heavy defeat of Trump, knowing full well that I'd be looking for something that provides emotional reprieve, like a pressure release valve. I want to see if actually, I can find things in this story to withstand my scrutiny and therefore show that actually, this is a win for the good guys a.k.a the small guy.
So that's full disclosure from my part. I have consciously taken on the conspiratorial position on this issue.
I realise that for the elites to drive their plan, they have to get the buy-in of the people. The next level up is to actually make the people drive the plan on the elites behalf! This is the Jedi trick they pull and is manipulation of the highest order - straight from the top shelf of their toolkit. So in knowing all these, I remain skeptical and push to test my skepticism to see what answers come back.
For me, it's not about making money... It's not about whether I can get a piece of the (money) pie. The game is bigger. It's about my spiritual freedom. It's about the world of tomorrow.
Can someone tell me that all these redditors were on robinhood?
Most investors are, like most people use FB and Twitter for social media. We should all look for alternatives.