General Petrov Lectures: Concept of Public Security

obyvatel said:
Here is my cynical speculation based on currently available data. In countries where the public has faced great hardship (true for Russia), people are more sceptical about political ideologies and politicians. To appeal to such a mass, more real data needs to be divulged than in countries where the public lives in relative luxury and are far more naive. That could be a reason for the insider revelations. Like he said "there is a program for everyone".

I could be mistaken - so fwiw.

It does look this way. Also, if I remember correctly, he mentioned how Russians reacted with apathy toward the notion that Russia "lost the cold war". So, perhaps, what is going on here, is a different kind of warfare/opposition.
For some reason it smells countelpro. There are some valuable information and some valuable analysis (not new but still interresting). The other documents show a certain knowledge of multidimensional reality (for instance they call 4D STS "aggregators" because they aggregate energy). However, the associations they give to this data are more than suspicious. If they were really supporters of Putin, they wouldn't have associated him with Lenin within the actual political climate. In the document about 911, they describe a Indian guru as being controlled by "aggregators", and than they say that Putin met with him. In fact, if there was any awakening to the "spiritual" matters in the Russian youth today, nothing can make them embrace materialism like an association of "mysticism" with politics and the military, especially the old-regime military. OSIT
I'm starting to get a rather shocking picture here. Briefly, Putin is to be President for life. Supporters start in 2000 through 2004 laying groundwork which includes Petrov's lectures. A Global Mafia is sketched out and the Indian Caste system is painted as the ultimate Fascist goal for all countries--including America. This could play right into American fears and prejudices, later, as there are many Indian families in the U.S., running businesses.

When the American economy collapses and many panic, it will probably be easy to see Indians as...what...the new Jews needing rounding up? As soon as Americans start calling "Somebody Help us!", Putin raises hand to attract attention, shows how he stayed the hand of Fascism in Russia, achieved "stability" and offers to come to the rescue. All we have to do is exchange our energy, means of production and distribution and infrastructure for his knowledge and power. In this proposed 'unite and prosper' scenario, 'Global Mafia' can be beaten and we all can prosper working together.

So, what do ya'll think? And btw, somewhere out of this comes the "good Nordics" that will help?

Aside: A couple of interesting blogs related to Putin. Apparently a blogger or blogger team has been warning of Putin's plans since 2006 and now feels confirmed. On the first link, Gordon Hahn, referred to as "a representative Kremlin stooge" is, or was, said to be "working feverishly to help lower resistance to Vladimir Putin as president for life."

La Russophobe’s New Blog is now Live
Our motto: Russia is the best country in the world . . . except for all the others.

The return to formal power of Vladimir Putin validates the premise of this blog, established in 2006, to warn the world that Putin would rule Russia for life as a neo-Soviet dictator. After more than 5 years, 3 million visitors and 50,000 comments, mission accomplished.

Vladimir Putin recently concluded a four-hour press conference in Moscow. Putin made a lengthy opening statement to the assembled press, including the following remark: ”I want to point out the stability of state finances despite the existing problems, of which we have many and I am sure we will discuss them later.”[...]
(during the interview, he essentially characterized himself as infallible)
But the open lack of fear and even contempt with which some journalists regarded Putin was compelling and heartening.

Am I too far off topic with this? :/
Out of curiosity, I've been reading some more in Petrov's second volume trying to find out more what he/they are suggesting as a solution. There's definetly some sort of new age and religious underpinning in these books, and I think it's as been said here, it could be to attract the 'spiritually awakened'. No mentions of psychopathology or cataclysms.

He quotes heavily from the Bible, sometimes critizizing, and sometimes to give 'proof' of e.g. the global mafia. He talks about the importance of 'work on yourself and help others', but doesn't give any examples how to do this, except to quite drinking, drugs and smoking. Then there are some pages about things like telegony, auras, sexuality, homosexuality (he says it's promoted in order to decrease population), personal halo and kirlian photography.

On page 158 of the second volume we find (google translation):

But why is it that we in Russia do not have prosperity, reconciliation and harmony, although government officials and politicians to some extent talk about "gods", though each in his understanding? Why the Russian people do not respond to all calls as materialists and idealists?

And he does not respond, because the people of Russia for three generations (since 1917) has overcome two types of atheism, rejecting first in 1917 code idealistic atheism, and in 1991 - the materialistic atheism. That's why our people, as no people in our modern world, is ready to accept and understand God as a supramundane reality. Koba in this matter and would have provided a huge help.

But no one - not the highest officials of the state, or the supreme bodies of state power, or "authentic" people, no social organization, no party has put the question directly and honestly about the existence of God. No one except our conceptual Party KPE.

A move away from raising such a question and answer in our modern world no longer! Now is the time to give a clear and complete answer to the question of whether there is a God or not. Otherwise, there will always be those who will use this ambiguity to their advantage, that will result in millions of people and billions of rivers and seas of blood and tears, as it has many times in the history of mankind. Moreover, in case of leaving the answer to this question, humanity will continue to move to his death, going against God (materialists) or going for the fictional people in their gag "gods" (idealists).

Kobe and the KPE program and explicitly states the existence of God, which is, We affirm faith to God!

This 'bogoderzhaviyu' - 'Toward God's Rule' seems to be a core concept. On page 162:

Globalization - an objective process. At the limit, it can be done in two designs of living arrangement (management concepts):

1. In accordance with the plan of God - Bogoderzhavie ("... Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven").Fundamental feature of this plan - the unity of people, nations and countries in a peaceful and happy life through union and all to God (the principle "connect and zdravstvuem").

2. Contrary to God's plan. The fundamental principle of this plan - razEdinenie all together, razEdinenie people with God (the principle of "divide and rule").

It is evident that for centuries "world behind the scenes" could implement a second version of Satanic living arrangement. It is also clear that the implementation of this option will be implemented and a separation of religious denominations. Without overcoming this division, it is impossible to implement plan living arrangement is divine. This is especially true in Russia - the country's multi-ethnic and multi-religious. Unable to unite the Russian people (and especially mankind) on the basis of a single denomination. One solution - to rise to a higher level of understanding of what is happening (if you want, then go up to closer to God), it is up to the denominational level. Mankind has no other choice! And that of the religious hierarchy, who first come to this for humanity, a feat that will make the highest level of morality.

Therefore Patriots of Russia should unite not only a euphonious word orthodoxy, but on the basis of knowledge, proposed in the Concept of Public Security. Only in this way Russia will overcome the current turmoil, to reflect the global invasion and adopt not only in Russia, but throughout the world, and the true faith Bogoderzhavie one God the Creator and Sustainer.

Then there's this article 'Pagan Stalinists or "Conceptual Party" Unity " ' by Evgeny Morozov:

Original, in Russia: _
Google translation: _

Pagan Stalinists or "Conceptual Party" Unity "

There are other interesting people. This was not widely known, but recently appeared on Russian television, one of the heirs of ancient priests, who knows how to reach a state of "the same, at least in part, the God-man, or one of his sons Bozhih." It's - Major General K. Petrov, leader of the "Concept of the" Unity "." Like to think that Petrov has reached this state, or at least very close to it. However, during the televised debates, where he opposed the same "Holy Russia", "Pensioners' Party" and "Apple" presented by Grigory Yavlinsky, Petrov generously silent about his divine status. But admitted that he has a conceptual knowledge, which opens up all of the great mysteries of the universe. Even Christians are not aware of the true teachings of Christ, which is to talk about all the rest. It seems Petrov just stunned his interlocutors references to the invention of Egyptian priests, the intuitive genius of Stalin and Providence Pushkin, especially - advocated by the party "Unity" concept "dead water".

We have to admit that none of the opponents failed adequately to meet the pressure of general. It seems, not least due to a surprise set out his ideas. Indeed - as, in the end, discuss conceptual highest wisdom when so few know about her? Political opponents have tried to go to find out what is this mysterious "dead water", naively asked, Is there any connection "Unity" with "Unity" ... There is no doubt that in a category of its political weight General Petrov, made quite successfully. According to surveys conducted, "Unity" has received a percentage of the votes of future voters. It seems not much of that, however, is significantly larger than most of the other new parties, whose rating is virtually zero. It seems Petrov noticed.

A few years ago I spent an ideology "concept of the" Unity "" special publication in the St. Petersburg magazine "Barrier" (ќ 5, 1999), which seems to now suddenly become relevant. With minor changes suggest it dear readers. It is only necessary to note that at the time, General Petrov and his colleagues spoke on behalf of the intellectual center, which was called (apparently called) "Internal Predictor of the USSR." Later, on that basis, the movement was formed "to Bogoderzhaviyu", which was the successor of the current "Conceptual party." I will add that for some reason my article in the "barrier" was published under the name - "M. Eugene".

Mixing of opposite political concepts is further complicated by the use of religious ideas and symbols. Forgetting prejudice Lenin on "coquetting with dear God," the present supporters of the communist idea ready to bear slogans such as: "The Communists will win - with God!" Others prefer to God some mystic laws of fate, which, however, should provide all the same - the Communist victory. It's funny now to remember the organization that calls itself "the Commission planetology USSR", which ideologues who preach "Law deferred retaliation" promised in 1998 that the transition to the third millennium, already in 2000, the Communists must return to power and restore the Soviet Union . [1] The views of some of the "right-left" parties formed quite incredible combinations. As a particularly indicative example is the program status of the authors whose works are published in the name of so-called. "Internal Predictor of the USSR." Over time, these people declared themselves the founders of "To Bogoderzhaviyu", and are now the leaders and ideologists of the "conceptual party" Unity "," debuted at the 2003 parliamentary elections.

Although their names are not secret, [2] theorists "Predictor" usually prefer anonymity collective authorship. According to the article that precedes most of their publications, "published materials are the property of Russian culture, for whatever reason, no one has to respect their personal copyright." Representatives of the "Predictor" consider themselves the guardians of the eternal knowledge, rising to the highest divine revelation, which were given to mankind somewhere around seven thousand years before the present. Thus the belief in his high destiny and magic defense, including, among other things, protection against attacks on copyright: "In case of declaring themselves according to the law of copyright legal or natural person who committed it will face retribution for theft, expressed in unpleasant "mystique" that goes beyond the law. "

Reviving inherited from the ancient sacred truths, "Internal Predictor of the USSR" claims to be the main intellectual center of the coming Russian, and eventually worldwide revival, which should be realized in accordance with the proposed concept of Public Security of Russia, short - Cobra, it - " dead water. " Numerous works of authors "Predictor" (by the summer of 1998 there were 22 large works, apart from magazine articles) describe various aspects of the general theory of an original way of Russia and the ways out of the global environmental, economic and social crisis. [3] The ultimate goal is to realize the social and political structure of the country of the divine law, and in accordance with the December 19, 1997 representatives of the "Predictor" created the All-Russian People's Movement "By Bogoderzhaviyu."

Already nature of the general concepts - the fact that the embodiment of the "Bogoderzhaviya" engaged "Predictor of the USSR", correspond to the marked tendency - a mixture of political and religious ideas. It should also be noted that in our writings of all the words take on a very special meaning. For example, the Soviet Union understood in two ways: not only as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, but also as the "Cathedral Social and Fair Russia. Accessing borrowed from mathematics word" Predictor "is due to the noble intention to carry higher truths peoples of the world, but the Russian-speaking reader is invited" to use the words Rodney ... Russian: Priest, priests, ZHIZHERECHEHIE ... "turns" in a thousand years healers - the hierarchy of the Byzantines and translators of the Bible and perverted messed objectively inherent meaning to these words: vision, knowledge, word made in advance for the societies to comfortably and improvement, keeping society in harmony with the biosphere of the Earth, the cosmos and God. "In a series of introductions" priests "of the" Predictor "claim that they own as the knowledge of the true teachings of Christ, but they reject the biblical heritage and consider themselves followers of the tradition of Slavic paganism - it is assumed that the "true" teachings of Christ belongs to the same tradition.

Using his "divine-human" nature, Petrov and other functionaries "Predictor" intend to ensure the salvation of humanity and the attainment of higher cosmic perfection. However, as is obvious, the higher the magic begins with the mysteries of political agitation.

With an overall view of the Russian nationalist ideology it could identify the concept, which vary infinitely various groups and parties, in performing their common theme. All define two complementary components: a hymn to the glory of the Russian people and curses against his perceived enemies - "Jew Masons" Zionists or, simply, the Jews. The authors of "Internal Predictor of the USSR" share these basic fundamentals. They glorify the ancient wisdom of the Slavs and expose malicious activity of Jewish conspirators, united by some focal point - "Global Predictor." According to the general views of the modern Russian nationalists for millennia Jewish "world behind the scenes," weaving intrigues against humanity and especially - against the freedom-loving Slavs. The conscience of "behind the scenes" all the evils of the Russian land, including feudal disunity, the Tatar yoke, split-western Peter's reforms, the revolution of 1917, the First and Second World Wars, the explosion in Chernobyl, the collapse of the Soviet Union, etc.

Theme of "Dead Water" takes the story of the modern pagan wisdom in a special plane. This doctrine is drawn primarily to the economy, which should rebuild the most radical way. The fact is that the modern Western model, based on market mechanisms, in itself is a product of the same Jewish conspiracy, the origins of which, oddly enough, can be traced over the millennia before this western model developed. Of work to that goes to say that "... usury Deuteronomy and Protocols of the Elders of Zion clearly come from the same source, and they have one customer." It turns out that "this program is breath-usurious expansion brought to Rus Prince Vladimir in 988." The results of these theoretical developments - strong denunciation of the modern Western world. "In the sphere of the national economy Western democracy - Thieves lending rate in the hands of Zionism. This is socially and legally recognized authority criminality - financial speculators global level power based on a hierarchy of treachery and self-conceited about himself ignorant."

Salvation "Dead Water" includes not only the great linguistic revolution, correcting the Russian language and turn it into a "living zhiznerechenie" but also an economic doctrine that comes from the necessity of a radical break with the modern Western economy based on "predatory usury" - ie . on bank interest and credit. An alternative to the gold standard of money approved by the Energy Standard.

To characterize the economic doctrine of the authors of "Predictor", should indicate that the closest analogue to the desired ideal they see the economy of the USSR Stalin era. It was Stalin's writings are a source of inspiration for modern Vedic priests who with quivering delight even the youthful poems reprinted Dzhugashvili. [9] On the reverence they mention political actions and writings of late Stalinist era: "The struggle against cosmopolitanism," Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR ", the Doctors - signs for posterity, for the good-thinking people ... VOLHO; signs that I. Stalin ... served a mission for the benefit of people of the country and the world. "

Alternative to Western democracy is declared "sovereignty of the people", and the theoretical basis of the "autocracy" abstracts are published in 1952, Stalin's work "Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR." According to the "Predictor" is "real Stalinism", the opposite is inherently Western Marxism, but had not managed to translate into reality, since the agents of world Freemasonry kill Stalin.

However, Stalin was not the only hero adepts "Predictor". They find a lot of value in the spiritual heritage of another totalitarian dictator of the twentieth century - Adolf Hitler, protecting it from criticism of opponents of fascism: "... until now Hitlerism is criticized for its racism, bypassing everything else SODERZHATELHO sensibly, so he could come to power in Germany and sustainably manage to defeat of Stalingrad. " In addition, for the authors of "Predictor" remain unacceptable criminal term "fascism" and "Nazism", creating astounding wordplay. Ideologues "Predictor" protect the positive aspects of the theory and practice of "Hitler" from the "Zionist-Nazi" or "Jewish fascism." Under the Zionist-Nazi understood, of course, Western democracy, without hesitation identified with communism and the Leninist wing of Trotskyism. The authors of "Predictor" take specific to the critics of communism and fascism, the convergence of left and right forms of totalitarianism, but it is in this approximation they see the value of the communist and fascist heritage.

For a long time advocate of "Predictor" tend to present their knowledge influential politicians, hoping to cooperate with them. For several years, they are literally besieged by legislative bodies at all levels, and I must say, this treatment did not remain unanswered. The adepts of "Dead Water" began its drive into flirtation with politics Zhirinovsky - cited symbolic interpretation of "Ruslan and Ludmilla" was published by order of the then adviser Zhirinovsky Captain 2nd Rank M. Ivanova - "especially for the deputies of the Federal Assembly of Russia and the Liberal Democratic Party propagandists ". Next it was the turn of the Communists. When, during a press conference, July 4, 1996 Secretary's press office "Predictor" SA Lisowski addressed a question about the concept of "dead water" to the Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov, Zyuganov's response was the most benevolent. Soon after, Major General Petrov was able to describe the content of the concept of cobras at the parliamentary hearings on "The Concept of National Security of Russia", held at the Council of Federation of July 25, 1996 in the presence of the deputies of the State Duma and representatives of various government departments.

I think I'm done looking into this. There are some interesting things he says, but as Laura pointed out, nothing we wouldn't know already. There is clearly an political agenda - but I can't say what it exactly is. And the deeper knowledge and understanding e.g. about ponerology, cyclic cataclysms, Fourth Way concepts, revision of history and the Bible seems to be lacking. Moving on... :cool2:
After combining through his words as translated, he seems to be picking his audience; who is that? He says that he presented these lectures to Yeltsin and he goes on to further critique, particularly, more modern Russian politicians, and associate them with their deeds, such as economic collapse.

Had, as Laura said, a hard time rationalizing his musings on Stalin knowing what was done. Yet he makes claims to the contrary, perhaps pinning it to a larger organ of causation from within. He claims that Stalin had no power until the war:

And Stalin wasn’t a true leader of the country. He became a true leader only in the middle of the war.

As for things done during and after the war, it is an open book full of graves and camps, so his words do not wash well.

As Aragorn mentions, he says little that is not known, he does not get into many pertinent subjects on inner work and causation's of psychopathology within the political system, although he makes references via his mentality classifications. The world mafia seems to remain from the days of "Red Symphony", discussed elsewhere here. He claims they (mafia) knew (last part of 1800’s ) and set course concerning over consumption (i.e. today US consumes 50% of resources with 5% of population and mafia sunk Russia to keep the consumption burden down) or similar words. If the further lectures do not really expand on his points, as has been inferred, there is not really much to work with.

One thing, or a couple really, is his anger; which, given the circumstances, is acknowledged. He discusses very early on in the lecture coming home after sending spaceship to Mars (no easy task) and his families have no sausage due to price and availability. He says this is part of reason for his direction.

I should have moved on after taking a few notes, yet decided to transcribe the English translation of Part 2 to keep it in full context (Word doc 38 pages). If anyone wants this to review or achieve, perhaps this could be forwarded to moderator if requested.
voyageur said:
One thing, or a couple really, is his anger; which, given the circumstances, is acknowledged. He discusses very early on in the lecture coming home after sending spaceship to Mars (no easy task) and his families have no sausage due to price and availability. He says this is part of reason for his direction.

To be fair, that's a very reasonable point to be angry about. After all, isn't it ultimately the fact that there is such a vast gap between the haves and have-nots, what the governments spend money on, and how the people pay the real price, that is at the root of all social movements?

The tricky thing is to keep a cool head about it and try to be objective. The old "friend of my friend is my friend, enemy of my friend is my enemy" style of thinking just doesn't fly. Just because we see that the Zionists are screwing up the whole planet nowadays, doesn't mean that Hitler was a good guy. Same about Stalin. But this point is lost on many people. They say "see: Hitler was right, therefore he must have been wearing a white hat!" Hitler was very, very, very wrong and so was Stalin, about many, if not most, things. But obviously, they got a few things right. They just got the things wrong that did the most damage to the world and its people.
Can some of ya'll check this one out?

How rule the world. Lecture at the FSB (KGB)
A 66min lecture supposedly given by a Prof. Efimov Victor Alekseyevich, Rector of Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University, doctor in science (Physics) and economics. It is not accurately stated where or when or to whom this lecture was given although it would appear to be relatively recent (despite poor quality film and blackboard presentation!) and given within a university context to a (silent) audience of academic students (implied).

The subject of the lecture is the true state of world government as opposed to the perceived structure and process of government as presented to the global population through the illusion of history, economics, politics, social form, etc. In other words he is exploring the reality of the Matrix (a word that in translation at least he is not uncomfortable using); what he readily refers to as a ‘supranational level of governing’. He appears to have held a state level position within the communist party apparatus pre perestroika, resigning same when it became clear to him that neither he nor Gorbachev actually had any real say in how the state/states are governed. For the following 15 years he claims to have travelled the world and studied to come to a clearer understanding of the system of world governance. This is the lecture he now presents; an exploration of an invisible but omnipotent process of control that functions way beyond the sight of anyone (in terms of personnel and structure) but whose influence and micro/macro management of human history has been total.

As he states the 15 years of his journey squeezed into an hour or so is a mere scatter gun of suggestion and outline information e.g. he briefly refers as a given that 9/11 was an act of state terror for the purpose of exercising global control (the creation of a dominant World View) but does not go further into any detail. However he still makes many forceful points, particularly with regards to global control of real wealth i.e. theft of commodities through violently imposed fiat currency fraud; the creation of US hegemony as an intent of this power structure; the use of religion, television, alcohol, fake materialist science, etc, to subjugate the species to a dominant controlling world view; and the manipulation and faking of history (the past) so as to create and mange the future. However the presentation is critically hampered by the appalling translation which is often illiterate, clearly inaccurate and most likely misses important and subtle nuances in his examination of materials and presentation of same. Also the lecture ends abruptly after sixty six minutes just as the Professor is heading into the ‘eye’ of the pyramid structure he has so accurately portrayed. Is/was this deliberate so we do not hear him deliver some vital assessment of the esoteric rulership of our planet? Perhaps someone will unearth a full version of this talk, as well as an accurate and nuanced translation of his full throttle delivery. In particular I would like to grasp what he is really saying about the role of Putin in the ‘game’ afoot, (to counter or play Patsy for?), something he alludes to but never develops, certainly not in the footage here.

Nothing in truth that Laura (and the Cassiopaean’s) hasn’t presented in far greater detail and cohesion, but still a very interesting source, especially considering his academic and political background. I particularly noted the following (this is a direct quote from the subtitles so don’t blame me!):

(56:28) “Once you have penetrated something into peoples world-view, then this something allows you to control them for centuries and millennia. There is another world-view: when I conversated with Switzerland esoteric people, I told them “you understand all these global schemes of control. Don’t you want, at least, to satisfied your personal ambitions, come to people (for example in TV) one day and tell them that they understand nothing and that there is a system of global governing. You would look intelligently. It would be important for your personal life.” They asked me: “Have you a dog?” I told “Yes, I have.” Then they asked me: “Have you ever wanted to show your intellect and look smart in your dog’s eyes?” I said “No, I’ve never wanted.” They said “So, we’ve never wanted as well.” So, what is their world-view? They don’t consider us the same creatures as they are I.e. there are we, who can do anything, and there is a “cattle”. They say “You don’t suffer, when you lead the cattle to the slaughterhouse, cause this is our life. So when we lead 20 million people to the slaughterhouse in Word War 2, we don’t suffer too, because this is our life. It is our algorithmics. It is our world-view.”

Of course we have no references, no names, and no sources for this ‘conversation’ but still, clearly suggestive of conversing with organized psychopathology.
Re: General Petrov Lectures: Concept of Public Security - further

One striking topic of note is his view on alcohol (being Russian he has no problem in seeing it as a nationally defining issue); that of being an imposed control tool designed to block higher cognitive and spiritual growth, and specifically to ensure no communion with ‘God’ who he posits is real and suggest a form perhaps in tune with Laura’s suggestion of same as being ‘divine information’. He posits that esoterically aware families within the matrix have completely avoided alcohol down through the ages because the effects are not only neural but genetic. He claims that anyone wishing to experience any contact with the ‘divine’ will not do so if they have tasted alcohol in the previous three years. Again no references or citations.
Michael BC said:
One striking topic of note is his view on alcohol (being Russian he has no problem in seeing it as a nationally defining issue); that of being an imposed control tool designed to block higher cognitive and spiritual growth, and specifically to ensure no communion with ‘God’ who he posits is real and suggest a form perhaps in tune with Laura’s suggestion of same as being ‘divine information’. He posits that esoterically aware families within the matrix have completely avoided alcohol down through the ages because the effects are not only neural but genetic. He claims that anyone wishing to experience any contact with the ‘divine’ will not do so if they have tasted alcohol in the previous three years. Again no references or citations.

Based on personal experience with alcohol, I agree with him 100%.
As well, simple observation of the proliferation of bars, pubs, lounges, liquor outlets, ie being easily available: also media advertising associating alcohol with personal success success and status, sexual attraction, social acceptance, certainly makes a case for alcohol as a control tool.
Laura said:
Can some of ya'll check this one out?

How rule the world. Lecture at the FSB (KGB)

Just to add to Michael BC's post, this was published very recently:

Published on Nov 16, 2012

Efimov Victor Alekseyevich - Rector of Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University (SPbSAU), doctor in science, economics, professor.

There is a org. or person(s) named Karaput that seems to be posting these video series; this includes the series of lectures named in this thread above.


From what can be understood during a very brief view, is he brings up Konstantin’s lectures of “Concept of Public Security”, with the mention of the founding 10,000 copies of the book that was distributed to even Yeltsin according to the prior transcript.

Here is a snip of what he says briefly:

I’m telling to you to let you understand from what stands the information following will be given to you. I’m speaking being based on the strands of “the concept of public security (spelled sequrity), that had been developed before and released in 1992 in Russia with the encouragement of the vice-chairman of KGB in 10000 of printed copies. Since then it has been suppressed, but it’s promotion is developing actively, and we have our staff in 53 cities of Russia. This is growing bottom-up.

To understand each other, at first we must clarify our world-view standards. If our basic conceptions are different, we will never understand each other.

...we must understand clearly the principles of social governing that are hidden today.

When he talks about being in 53 cities, made me think about Konstantin’s awareness of Scientologists operating in their cities to Hubbertize citizens.

Konstantin said:
After that rest of the people will put into Scientology Church. Mafia is going to do all of this at the global level.
And those scientological centers are all over Russia. They are creeping, going and preparing these people.

Edit: added "or person(s)"
Re: General Petrov Lectures: Concept of Public Security - further

Michael BC said:
One striking topic of note is his view on alcohol (being Russian he has no problem in seeing it as a nationally defining issue); that of being an imposed control tool designed to block higher cognitive and spiritual growth, and specifically to ensure no communion with ‘God’ who he posits is real and suggest a form perhaps in tune with Laura’s suggestion of same as being ‘divine information’. He posits that esoterically aware families within the matrix have completely avoided alcohol down through the ages because the effects are not only neural but genetic. He claims that anyone wishing to experience any contact with the ‘divine’ will not do so if they have tasted alcohol in the previous three years. Again no references or citations.

Sounds like this guy is repeating the exact same stuff as Petrov, using the 'popular science' way of leaving out refrerences. Why would a doctor in science not mention any studies (e.g. studies about the harmfulness of alcohol-there's plenty of those!) of the things he talks about? I mean, at least in the university where I teach, this would be totally unacceptable.
I seemed to pick up a couple of things that others maybe missed, particularly about the Alekseyevich lecture. I thought both his and Petrov's were fascinating, by the way.

Alekseyevich refers to his audience at one point as "you, as future intelligence," perhaps meaning the secret service.

He does make a reference to research during his anti-alcohol section. He refers to scientific discovery (suggesting proof) of a "torsion field" in the 1990s pertaining to the alleged link between human consciousness and that which is "higher up the food chain" if I understood him correctly. He says alcohol messes up the brain so that this connection won't work or work properly, or something to that effect. I thought I read gravity mentioned in the same segment. I know that Ark has mentioned torsion a few times in the transcripts in relation to Russian scientists, including this from Session 000817:

<< Q: (L) Well, I figured THAT! (A) At a previous time when we were talking about UFTs, my different options that I was trying to suggest, you told me to pursue the subject of torsion.
All these Russians speak of torsion. Now, Einstein's 1938 paper is a Kaluza Klein paper - no torsion. What is the story about torsion?
A: Clues hidden in the text.

Laura, maybe you and Ark should have a listen, to see if you pick up anything additional.

Both Alekseyevich and Petrov *seem* to place tobacco in the same category as alcohol, interestingly. Alekseyevich more strongly so.

Yes, he seems to be basing, in general, on Petrov, or aligning with him, using the "public security" term, etc. I got the impression that they were the same team. He refers to the book of 10,000 copies (presumably Dead Water, that it has been suppressed, but there are groups around the country studying it.
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