George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

  • Violence, looting and riots won’t solve any of the political problems in America, but will cause more. So why are they being encouraged?

I stumbled upon the following today. This news item is particularly interesting, knowing and seeing how Youtube bans and removes "unwanted" videos. This kind of makes it pretty clear who has an interest in encouraging protests.

Executives across YouTube are encouraging their employees to take Tuesday off or cancel their meetings in solidarity with nationwide protests of police violence against African Americans, according to emails sent to staff.

YouTube’s Chief Business Officer Robert Kyncl encouraged his reports, around 1,200 employees, to use the day to “focus on how to improve racial equity” should they choose not to log on. YouTube’s Global Head of Music, Lyor Cohen, said he and his leadership team planned to cancel all their meetings on Tuesday. Other executives at YouTube have sent similar messages to their teams as well, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Does all these looters/ violent protestors on drugs? This is insane. There are some outlets are live casting on YouTube, as if it is a party time. Media is fueling it with live telecast. There will be always be some few Nutcases cases In any group. live telecast makes viewers to generalize it along the Racial lines. It’s like a war, where there will be no real winners w.r.t human loss except the psychos that instigated them. If whites starts taking revenge, what will happen? This is madness. In this context, Is Live telecast Is the freedom of press? Is it responsible way of expressing the freedom? Does the shenanigans of few drugged representative of a nation?

The only thing it shows is we don’t trust the govt . The real ptb hiding behind the government gets away with what it started. Funny, it is reminding me of Cs saying ptb can’t stop Itself from dancing on the burning stage or some thing like that.
It’s like a war, where there will be no real winners w.r.t human loss except the psychos that instigated them. If whites starts taking revenge, what will happen?

Whites just like everyone else need to take revenge on the decisive Left. The Liberal professors, the media and ultimately the string pullers behind it all. But yes, I fear it might escalate into a full scale race war instead :(

We all known for a while that the arguments had run out, but now that the Extreme Left (which has penetrated deep into the political and media establishment) has officially embarked on large-scale violence - and denies that - means it is all or nothing for them. After that it is over. (Hopefully)
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I don't know anything about statistics, trendsetter, and I hope I understand you correctly, but there are things about race and crime that are simply ignored by the media and the knowledge suppressed by the PTB, so perhaps you would find the following video interesting? Don't know whether it helps, nevertheless the video is very interesting.:-)
Highly recommended video to watch, especially until the end. :) Even if you'll have to endure the cringy faces of psychopaths in politics. Watching it in its entirety, in all its hilariousness and sadness and tragedy - you getting yourself acquainted with the problem - what the creator of the video says at the very end, I was thinking and saying to myself the exact same.
His words at the end of his video were my words, my reaction while reading this thread and thinking about the discussion going on here, I was saying to myself the exact same, even before watching the video!
Personally I think it's too soon for Trump to bring in the military.

It's not just as simple as enforcing law and order. America has multiples security bodies that are meant to keep law and order inside. I'm also pretty sure that its military getting deployed internally against its own people will cause all sorts of legal issues that will have far reaching consequences.

In addition, what can the military do that the police can't?

Are we expecting the military to come in and turn one of these cities into Baghdad? We expecting soldiers going door to door holding him fights with the rioters? What are people expecting from the military exactly?

Trump will lose his presidency if he deploys the military on American soil and Americans get killed by their own military. This is what I think.

Also, antifa - who are they? These are normal Americans.... Think about it, if they were ever designated a terrorist organisation, the security apparatus will have all the justification of spying on normal Americans under the guise of tracking and finding antifa.

Problem, reaction, solution.

I'm always weary when people start clamouring for government to take on more power to 'protect' them due an to 'event'.

Seen enough in the last few decades to know this is exactly the intended outcome of such 'events'.

I don't disagree with you, it's certainly risky! And there is also this, perhaps deploying the military is a cover for something else. (Or not?) I don't know. See this: (Article is from 2 weeks ago.)

"President Donald Trump is mobilizing the United States military so a vaccine for a new coronavirus can be widely distributed once it's ready for widespread use."
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Personally I think it's too soon for Trump to bring in the military.
Actually I'm not sure about anything anymore. What's going on reminds me of the Stargate Sequence scene in the movie 2001 when the astronaut was travelling to Jupiter and it appeared that time was speeding up as he entered another dimension (with all the shifting colored lines) and every time he blinked there was a different color in his retina as if reality (or his perception of it) was constantly changing. So I think it's like that. One moment people are passively accepting things. Next moment or 'blink' people are protesting en mass. Next moment, with the covert influences of cointelpro and intel agencies things become violent. Then next moment there are troops in the streets with a trajectory pointed to martial law. So I guess you can say reality is shifting and changing FAST in the blink of an eye.

With regard to Tumps actions, as horrific and filled with negative potential as it is, it MAY be that he had no other option but to call in the big bully of the national guard/military to keep things from going violent due to the influences of covert intelligence pushing things into a violent race war or with violent confrontations with police (or maybe both) to divide everyone from coming to terms with the real problem which is the deep state operatives which include many of the corrupt governors. I think people need to go in that direction and not fight the police head on since this will cause total chaos. People imo need to go and march towards the governors, TV media, local government authorities, the CIA headquarters, and all the deep state institutions with the full weight of their authority with lots of booing and hissing, exposing the truth, laughing in their faces at their moron-ness, angry at their corruption, lots of pies in their faces, and maybe even pitch forks to get'em all the hell out. So it may be, and I could be wrong, that all this show of force from Trump is his only option at this time to show that he's the "big boss" to calm everything down immediately, stop the reactive fear within people from all the violence and rioting so as to allow more time for the people to unify, think and further cognize the real problem, keeping the fear and anger below the neck so they can, so to speak, live to fight another day. But I could be WRONG!

All I can say is that with fear and violence running the show there is no chance for the people to further cognize the truth and unify them within that context. Fear negates peoples identities and their capacity for objectivity. Perceptually speaking, it inverts everything and calls everything by the wrong names. It sees friends as enemies, enemies as friends, etc., and inverts reality. With fear people will hide behind a mask and project their fears onto other people (such as for example, what the KKK does and so on).
William Briggs - a statistician who did yeoman's work exposing the Corona hoax - turns his attention to the American color revolution.

Screw the coronavirus update. It’s dead anyway (I’ll do it next week, if anything is left standing). Instead, I bring you the Rape of America, orchestrated, cheered, supported, endorsed and funded by our leaders, academics, media, and so-called elites.

Mostly a roundup of tweets. Some good stuff in there.

The Rape Of America
What an interesting turn of events. New mind virus in town called racism. Hope all the folks on here in the US are safe. What a show twists and turns a plenty. Stay alert stay focused stay neutral. Remember these times are our times. Try not to get sucked in
They use the same scenario in Africa, they call it "tribalism". It can be very dangerous, tragic. Remember Rwanda.
They use the same scenario in Africa, they call it "tribalism". It can be very dangerous, tragic. Remember Rwanda.

Sent a video of an African American woman to an african friend of mine living in Ireland to get his thoughts as a black man. She was confronting protesters at the all lives matter protest in the US. She was calling them out how hypocritical they are..
His reply was
"She is a fucken hypocrite,, her mother used to work for de white master now she think she is white, bullshit"

Dangerous and tragic yes, unfortunately it's were we are at, it is the way it is.
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