Well.., I spoke too soon yesterday in saying, "I don't feel the anger ready to burst."
I mean, I don't feel anger myself, but the bursting is now evident. -I just drove through my sleepy little town, population less than 5000, and was surprised to see a big gathering of people in the town square with megaphones and protest signs. People must have been driving in from far away. There were several hundred people, a lot who I didn't recognize from around here.
I hope nobody gets hurt or does anything stupid. I do not want to wake up to smashed shop windows and calls for vengeance, etc. But people, I think, are looking for an excuse to get violent, to punish the establishment in the ways mobs blindly do. They've been so wound up over the years on a steady diet of divisive lies and fear/hate mongering.
So even out here in the middle of nowhere, apparently the fires can arrive in a little neighborhood like mine.
Also, a cruise through FB demonstrates that people are going completely off the rails. The smart, normal, educated people I used to know and think were fine a couple of years ago are now posting enraged missives, virtue-signaling loudly, openly cheering violence. Saying things like, "Looting is how you protest capitalism!" One particular user has gone flat-out, medically crazy, claiming that certain people she used to call friends are now ALL CAPS NAZIS, accusing them of horrors. Even her close still-friends are advising her to calm down, only to be met with more wild accusations. People are losing their marbles in real time.
This is what happens when you don't think for yourself, don't analyze the claims of the media. These are the vegans and the global warming activists and the statues-are-bad people. The Covid-is-Real bunch. The SJWs and legions of virtue-signalers.
People need to get back to work ASAP. I hope it isn't too late, that I'm not sliding down the wrong time line!