George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Also, a cruise through FB demonstrates that people are going completely off the rails. The smart, normal, educated people I used to know and think were fine a couple of years ago are now posting enraged missives, virtue-signaling loudly, openly cheering violence. Saying things like, "Looting is how you protest capitalism!" One particular user has gone flat-out, medically crazy, claiming that certain people she used to call friends are now ALL CAPS NAZIS, accusing them of horrors. Even her close still-friends are advising her to calm down, only to be met with more wild accusations. People are losing their marbles in real time

Oh I’m seeing the same madness on all my social media. It’s worse than the plandemic, a lot of these people were either silent on that or showing mild signs of authoritarianism. Now it’s across the board insanity. My Instagram that I have for following people around the world about my hobbies, dyeing, weaving, pottery etc. they’re ALL posting blacked out posts. Like complete brainwashed zombies, some have never posted about racial issues. It reminds me of the symbology of wearing the nazi armband. They are doing it not necessarily because they all agree but the fear that they’ll look different and if they don’t then maybe others will think they’re racist. Programming is complete.
the emptyness in one of those girls eyes is scary stuff.

Wasn't just the one girl. I noted a glassy, staring look in several of them. Whites of the eyes showing all around. That was a clear illustration of collective insanity.

Guy's lucky he got out in one piece, frankly. That was a mob that wanted blood. As a representative of the devil du jour - an evil white guy - he presented a tempting target. That he's ideologically aligned with them is utterly irrelevant.
This is what happens when you don't think for yourself, don't analyze the claims of the media. These are the vegans and the global warming activists and the statues-are-bad people. The Covid-is-Real bunch. The SJWs and legions of virtue-signalers.

100%. Once you stop caring about the truth, once you accept even a single lie, this is wear you end up. Induced insanity, no connection to reality, and utterly at the mercy of whoever controls your perception.

The race issue is particularly interesting in this regard. Falsehoods have been propagated through the media and the academic indoctrination centres, which have been used to weaponize one part of the population - non-whites and liberal whites - against another part. The weaponized population has become increasingly hystericized, hyper-sensitive, unreasonable, and violent.

Simultaneously, the behavior of the hystericized population has radicalized their opponents. Conservative whites have become far more hardcore in just a few years, entirely in reaction to this kind of insanity. Thus, driving one segment of the population insane, also polarizes society - producing a schizoid break in the popular mind, in which violence becomes inevitable.

The current riots are just an appetizer for the feast 4D STS has prepared for itself.
So they tried to make this global by the looks of it. Just when people alll over are coming back to the streets after the quarantine to try rebuild their badlly hit businesses, all of a sudden they face someone at their door hoding a brick just about to throw it at them.

How many more bankruptcies, on top of the ones that already happened in the last months, is this going to provoke?
One of my favorites to watch. No piecemeal talk....she lays it all out....please note supplement sponsors of show in the begining....

6/2 Day 8 of the C&P Racewar plandemic as #Obamagate hearings begin in Senate tomorrow with Rosenstein testimony.

Transnational cabal funded operation, American Spring, is underway, the latest in Soros' Color Revolutions with all the same players.

Meanwhile, through the Sunrise Movement, children are tagged in schools through teachers and trained for specific tasks....

Rod Rosenteins testimony tomorrow could be Hot.
So sad and unnecessary!
The Dallas store owner pulled from his store and beaten by a Mob.Passed away this Morning. Uncle Sam Children (@UncleSamsNation)" ">June 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8">
The guy didn’t die, and wasn’t a store owner. If you watch the longer video he was chasing people with a sword before that. He tells his side at the link provided.
ST. LOUIS — A retired police captain was shot to death by looters at a St. Louis pawn shop early Tuesday and his killing apparently was broadcast on Facebook Live.
David Dorn, 77, was shot in the torso about 2:30 a.m. He died on the sidewalk in front of the shop, Lee’s Pawn & Jewelry, at 4123 Martin Luther King Drive.

I hope this is shared far and wide, especially with those who simply reduce this down to "It's more important to save black lives than to preserve property."
I just finished watching a video by "reallygraceful". She just put this one out yesterday and it's relatively short (under 11 minutes).

She gives a quick overview of what she thinks is taking place at this time in America, and it's basically about most of the things that are being discussed here. I just think that it's quite 'objective', informative, and well put together.

I won't say that it's a 'must watch', but I do think that it's worth the watch.

Very interesting and insightful comments here. The violence taking place is mind blowing....very hard to watch some of these videos. I thought about the C's saying, at one point all the Greenbaumed would be activated at the same time, maybe its that time. Our world went from being consumed and dominated by the covid 19 to this next outrage and its like the virus deal is totally gone. The C's also said things would become even more strange and it has. I expect even more strangeness.

Over the years (since Trump was elected) I've been interested in whats going on with ANTIFA and have followed that somewhat with posts on the thread, "Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation" and is where I first heard of them. From what I know they've been mainly in Seattle, Portland, Or. and Oakland, Calif. but have planned and attended "protests " around the US. They picked up steam after Trump was elected. In these cities of the west coast which are democratic and liberal, their violent behavior wasn't stopped by the police who where clearly told to stand down. Now we're seeing the same in these other cities. The police aren't intervening and are also being targeted. A good thought posted here a few pages back, takes into account how criminals where let out of prison due to the virus and now they may be free to participate. Trump has told the Govs. (which have been tyrannical during the lockdown) they need to call in the National Guard but they aren't cooperating as far as I know..

Although President Trump just announced ANTIFA to be a terrorist group, this was already declared in 2017 by The Dept. of Homeland Security.
DHS Formally Calls Activities Of Antifa ‘Domestic Terrorist Violence’

With the wave of revealing thats happening, I suspect more will come out about this group. Somewhere I read that an Islamic group was also involved with the US riots, Isis?. Tried to find that again but no luck.

I just found this article from 2018 I thought was interesting.
FBI Bombshell: Antifa Met With ISIS In Germany To Form ‘Anti-US Alliance’
American Antifa leaders are in direct communication with European ISIS terrorists and have formed an “anti-American alliance” in order to destroy the fabric of society in the United States, according to a bombshell FBI report that is set to re-write the sympathetic mainstream media narrative surrounding the violent “resistance” movement.

There is clearly overwhelming evidence that there are growing ties between U.S. radicals and the Islamic State, as well as several [ISIS] offshoots and splinter groups,” states the FBI field report, which was delivered to Acting Director Andrew McCabe on July 11, 2017, and has been shown to the former editor-in-chief of the New York Times Magazine.

Before he was fired as director of the FBI, James Comey collected intelligence on the connections between Middle Eastern jihadis, European radicals, and the American anarchists who are part of the anti-Trump ‘resistance’ movement.

Hmm... James Comey was investigating. So, if antifa is being suppoted by ____, we may see a stepped up use of weapons, :-(. Plus, they're international apparently.
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My comment about letting dogs mangle others is more to my point, cultural literacy aside. So we can't blame that comment on ignorance alone.

I was also quite troubled by bjorn's comment to 'release the hounds'. I am quite certain that this is not what the C's meant when they invited us to sit back and enjoy the show. It seems to be a very stressful time for humans on this planet. The discussion about keeping emotions 'below the neck' applies to us all.

@bjorn - I would like to implore you to look very deeply and clearly at your comment. To my eye, it seems to be a choice. I have learned on this forum that when we make choices, it sends a message to the universe - and then the corresponding lessons follow.

Be care full.
Well, it's like the Cassiopaeans said, twists and turns galore. Trump is using the riots as an excuse to purge the deep state 5th columnists trying to instigate a color revolution from the country, who are definitely not letting this crisis go to waste. If he declares martial law the Constitution is dead, which is exactly what the upper echelons of the deep state are manipulating him to do so they can do whatever they want with impunity. Except that Trump can also suspend the elections or curtail them in some way, ruling as a benevolent dictator and excluding people who are disloyal to him from gaining power. But as the world continues to fall apart, the economy crumbles, the weather starts destroying stuff, aliens are taking over, and Trump suffers a convenient death due to stress factors. Pence takes over as the new dictator and tries to institute some kind of neocon Zionist theocracy. However by that point the country is so far gone that he's almost irrelevant; other than getting up in front of the cameras and making speeches and signing official looking documents, no one actually cares. And then the cosmic lightning bolts come and the grid goes down and none of it matters anymore anyway. And so forth and so on...

"Help is on the way."
Gosh! What a turn of events indeed.

It's really hard to see people going insane like this and attacking other innocent people, looting and destroying everything they come across.

It's unbelievable to see such contradictions as well, when a week ago we could see so many people freaking out about a virus and asking everybody to stay home, and now they are in the streets (or encouraging people to go to the streets) as if the virus was never an issue. And I also think about all the people who were SO concerned about every single coronavirus death saying that we should be locked down to save every live, yet, they now seem so unconcerned by all the people who were hurt during these riots and maybe even killed (because some of the videos show such extreme violence that I think some people may have died due to what's happened). But we're not being told on a huge screen about this... so it shows how people's 'empathy' is manipulated to be directed towards who the media tells them to feel sorry about. Now, it's time to sympathize with the rioters, so their victims don't matter that much, it seems.

I know, some of them may be genuinely protesting, but those looters and violent people in the videos don't seem to care about humanity at all. And it's pretty clear that they aren't really protesting about George Floyd's death, they seem to be just taking advantage of it as an excuse to do whatever mess they want to do.

And with all the evidence showing how this violence is being promoted and fabricated to some extent, as many here I'm wondering what is the end goal of it all.

Yes, as others said, this seems to be distracting enough so that people won't protest about the lock downs, for example, or about some other real things they could be protesting about. Instead, this is creating a deeper divide among the people that makes them less capable of seeing their true enemies who may very well be the ones promoting the protests.

Another thing I thought about is that people are constantly being put in a state of shock and fear that one could expect them to freeze and to not be able to respond well because it's just so much happening that it's really hard to understand it in the midst of intense emotions and fear. If I get all worked up when I watch those videos, I can't imaging how this may be impacting the people who live close to where the protests are happening or those who see their country falling into such chaos. So there's an emotional impact, for sure, which might also be convenient if there's a plan to dumb people down and hinder their ability to think properly.

And yes, as others have also said, I believe Trump is indeed between a rock and hard place. He has to protect the decent people, he has to deescalate this, but that would also imply bringing much more police control to the streets and even the military, perhaps.

It's almost as if they're forcing generally decent people to say that police control is needed for the safety of those who are being attacked by these insane rioters. How convenient is that? I mean, wouldn't that be precisely why these riots are so convenient? To have people desperately asking for military intervention to protect them? I wouldn't blame them for doing so after watching what they're doing.

I'm just hoping that things may deescalate before they get nastier. Unfortunately, they could get nastier if they use some of their typical techniques, like snipers or unknown shooters shooting to both sides and all of what we've seen before in other places...

Thanks for sharing, I agree with all of what you wrote. I too can't believe how fast the narrative changed from "Corona virus" to out and out violence. And the way it happened...I now think that this chaos was deliberately planned to segue from one horrible scenario into another. It didn't matter how it happened though, there were so many threads hanging loose with all the corruption that has devastated almost every single facet of the world that this chaotic chain of events could have been started almost anywhere. The whole thing is like a giant Jenga game that was set up to fail such that no matter what block you pulled on, it would eventually produce the same results.

Those who pulled off the virus scam, which in turn set off the economic collapse, were ready to jump on anything even remotely divisive and blow it all out of proportion using the media so as to take advantage of all those who had been negatively affected by loss of jobs and the lockdown. But this could have started with an errant missile in Syria, or an execution of a world leader, or a massive earthquake in a vital city...anyone who has read the pages of SOTT can appreciate how many different potential "Armageddon" scenarios have been generated over the last many years. What is going on now was set up on so many different levels that once it finally failed, as it is now, it could not be stopped. Once that roller coaster ride starts, you MUST follow it to the end. We have passed "Go", and I missed my $200.

Things are happening so rapidly now that those who have not taken the time before hand to prepare themselves in every way, as most people on the forums have, are reacting exactly as you have written: they are in shock and fear. And many I know, especially at work, are still in deep denial. They still show up to work, wear their masks, do their jobs, and go home. They follow the company policy about the virus response without question. These violent events haven't even entered their consciousness; not even the curfew that is now in place in Sacramento is discussed. It's not happening to them, so it doesn't exist is their belief. Such people will be the ones to leave shadows behind when the nukes go off.

I do think that there will be escalations. A lot more of those Jenga blocks are going to fall hard now that the first ones have been pulled, especially anything to do with the economy. There will be a time soon when people are piling dollars on wheelbarrows to buy bread. But I also think the violence will escalate, maybe exponentially. Could *now* be the time when all the "Greenbombs" go off? Could we have multiple Las Vegas-style attacks happen simultaneously? Could there be massive, multi-city bombings in public places? Might people be pulled off the street and disappeared simply if they "look like" they have a fever? And all these gatherings with all these people in close contact certainly will give "contact tracers" ample opportunity to lock down many, many people once the "second wave" of Corona virus starts going around (real or imagined - or something worse).

I HATE roller coasters. The sickest I ever felt was after riding the "Texas Cyclone" roller coaster at Six Flags Houston. I survived it, but barely. But I guess that's the goal here, to still be standing at the end? Is it still OK if you are flat on your back and ready to puke?

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