George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Honestly, it feels like after a fake pandemic, we'll soon be faced with a phony race war solely fuelled by the media. Also, there are paid actors such as Antifa and quite a few people are restless and reckless due to the months of isolation and job loss. With corona, in the end, now people are wearing mask and social distancing. With what is happening right now, will it get to the point, where people will be told, don't be out when the night is out and avoid people that aren't of your own race? Should from now black fear white and vice-versa? For now the madness is happening in the US, but indeed there are chances that it would spread in Europe. I'm thinking potentially France and the UK. What I wonder is how far would it go? Will it get to the point where people hunt each other based on race?

Someone previously posted this video:

What the man says about black people being set up to be slaughtered is something that has been on my mind for a while now. If there was a full-blown race war, that's pretty much what would happen. A massive slaughter of the black community. Obviously, right now nobody realise the consequences of what they're doing.

Or is it that they'll be new program at schools teaching non-racism? As an aside, a question I've often wondered is if school would even truly re-open? Like in let's say November, would children truly go back to school. I always felt like something else might come up and school would be postponed indefinitely.

It is truly a roller-coaster and I hate it. I've never liked roller-coaster. I have no idea what to make of the future. What is scary to me is that people seems to have completely lost their mind. It's like some kind of jedi mind trick has been used on the majority of the population and they've turned into zombies. I've been trying to post things and talk, but it's discouraging as even if you present arguments logically and without emotion, people won't change their opinions. They will believe what they want to believe.

Frankly, I feel like I'm reading a book, and I want to peek at the last pages to see how it ends.
I can picture 2 groups standing across each other each shouting at each other that they are the true perpetual victims and the other side are the fake victims. Literally this is what it's coming to! It's almost a bit like some joke?

Indeed. Note, however, that the hystericization of one set of the population is being accomplished directly, via relentless propaganda and indoctrination; while the radicalization of the other group is happening via symmetry, as a reaction to the behavior of the first group and the propaganda being directed against them.

Laura has said she suspects this to be the actual aim: pushing whites into a corner, putting them under pressure, with the goal of making them explode. Something to that, I think. The polarization of the past several years has created an extremely dangerous situation, for everyone.
Antifa running scared in Klamath Falls, Oregon as the towns folk meet them with a hornet’s nest” of “shotguns, ARs, rifles, pistols” to defend their homes and businesses.


Antifa thugs determined to wreak devastation upon Main Street, Klamath Falls more than met their match when the entire neighborhood met them with a hornet's nest of & shotguns, ARs, rifles, pistols to defend their homes and businesses.
I HATE roller coasters. The sickest I ever felt was after riding the "Texas Cyclone" roller coaster at Six Flags Houston. I survived it, but barely.

Oh, I rode that many times! When we got off the ride we would get back in line to ride it again. That first drop was a doozie! I almost liked the other one across the park better that was made of metal instead of wood. It had a smoother ride.
Car rammed an officer in NY:

The short clip, which has been circulating on social media, shows a black car ramming a police officer as he was standing at a crosswalk.

The vehicle appears to speed up just before it hits the man. The victim then lies motionless on the ground, before being picked up by a police van.

Well I have managed to catch up with this mostly horrifying thread - very difficult to stay on top of things at the moment! Some of my thoughts on this situation:

The images and videos coming out of the US at the moment are pretty difficult to keep watching. Much of it is, at least to me, reminiscent of scenes of tribal violence from anywhere in the world - always involving some sort of racial or ethnic issues and an expression of raw anger and hatred. It is so easy for the PTB to manipulate people's base emotional instincts and keep old wounds open and raw.

There is plenty of evidence now that there are other powers at work here, whether they instigated this in the first place or are just capitalising on it. The rapid involvement of antifa and their links to other terrorist groups is strongly suggestive of intelligence agency manipulation. My thought is that this is another part of the PTB plans to usher in the new form of their empire.

The plandemic has likely sent the world economy into another great depression. Many commentators here and across the alternative media have suggested that the PTB are seeking a change to the world's reserve currency and implement the wider use of digital currency and tracking. Maybe the economic destruction was not seen as enough? There was a chance that things could somewhat recover once the Covid narrative fell apart, if people worked together. Now this violence erupts in the US, further damaging the economy and turning so many who should be standing together against each other once again. Now we see these protests spreading around the western world, primarily through social media to countries and people who have nothing to do with it. Most of us should be concentrating on what our own governments are rolling out to control us.

As many have already said, the US was a powder keg just waiting to go off. The lock down, resulting job losses and almost inevitable economic collapse pushed things right to the brink - in my opinion entirely purposefully. The frustration and helplessness many people are feeling is coming out in rage and hatred - all the PTB needed to do was direct it somewhere, anywhere but at themselves.

All the identity politics of the last few years was the perfect set up. To some it looked like this had started to peter out with the lock down, in reality it looks like it was simmering away under the surface, just waiting to be used as directed. The racial issues in the US (and much of the western world) have never gone away and the PTB clearly have no intention of letting them have a chance to. Of course we can probably trace all this back to the formation of the empire in the first place…

I wonder if the PTB have the ability to control what they have unleashed this time? But from what has been going on across the globe I unfortunately suspect that they do for now. Considering such things as 4D involvement, all these recent events are very much looking like a grand plan being enacted with impeccable timing.

As I seem to end most posts with at the moment - hopefully the C's are right and this plan will fail, if people can regain some semblance of their humanity it will. I just have no idea when this might be... There is hope, the show is getting more 'interesting' and turbulent by the hour.
The Untold Story of Syria's Antifa Platoon

They seem like a group of hardened, very professional fighters.
Pretty scary!


A number of veterans who weren’t interested in politics but made excellent fighters, including Kevin Benton, a 25-year-old Scotsman with a cheerfully maniacal grin and a completely shaved head who had done tours with the British infantry in Afghanistan and Sierra Leone. Benton taught the platoon proper tactics, like moving down a street with 360-degree security, approaching a compound from a distance and clearing a room by “cutting the cake” around a corner, sweeping every angle. They also picked up Mark Ramsay, a 39-year-old ex-Legionnaire from London.

The Platoon leader Karim Franceschi at 28, was tall, dark and bearded. He was born in Casablanca to a Moroccan mother and an Italian father, and grew up in a housing project in provincial Italy. He spoke knowledgeably of cryptocurrencies and computer programming. He was fluent in six languages and spoke English with an inimitable inflection of Mediterranean and Maghrebi accents
Oh I’m seeing the same madness on all my social media. It’s worse than the plandemic, a lot of these people were either silent on that or showing mild signs of authoritarianism. Now it’s across the board insanity. My Instagram that I have for following people around the world about my hobbies, dyeing, weaving, pottery etc. they’re ALL posting blacked out posts. Like complete brainwashed zombies, some have never posted about racial issues. It reminds me of the symbology of wearing the nazi armband. They are doing it not necessarily because they all agree but the fear that they’ll look different and if they don’t then maybe others will think they’re racist. Programming is complete.

I saw this yesterday myself and it's honestly been bothering me more than I feel it should, but even this morning I can't shake it. It felt like the clearest signal yet of who is on what side. And I've got this burning urge to speak out against it but who will listen, and right now living in the US it could be deadly to do so. But when thinking about it yesterday and again this morning, it just makes me feel heavy
If you are in any doubt of how staged this is in the U.K there are protests tommrow around the country and as absolutely to no one's surprise our so called opposition .. headed by Kier Starmer and the S.N.P Ian Blackford had there black lives matter and of course anti Trump speech at hand at Prime minister's Questions and what a joke it was perhaps they forgot about all the previous Black people murdered or injured in America in the past and just wanted to focus on the weekly new line from the PTB.
Dominic Cummins didn't work for the media or politicians so now there reaching across the pond to stir trouble here but it won't work and there's to much overspill from covid and people as the C's have said are starting to look for truth and I can see that starting to emerge as all the lies are now so obvious to us all even those with one eye shut can see the level of nonsense in the U.S protests and in other country's like Ukraine where the deepstate showed it's hand openly.
Kids leave those bricks alone you don't no where they've been.
A few pages behind but wanted to state this:

If the Floyd incident wasn't purposely orchestrated, it was certainly very fortuitous timing!

Stats increasingly showing the CV-19 death rate is lower than the flu, thus revealing the anticipated death figures were shockingly exaggerated with the obvious conclusion that the lockdown was unnecessary, economically destructive, imposed absurd and ridiculous restrictions being extended further and further into the year, shut down normal social behaviors/interactions with the worst imposed on school children, was bringing about even more deaths via suicide and abuse, plus other damaging results. Exposure of the lies connected with the plandemic - including Judy Mikovits best-selling book - was gathering more and more steam as highly credible/credentialed doctors and other health professionals took to the internet to state true facts versus the bogus information being spewed by MSM. Increasing outrage towards Bill Gates and his vaccinate the world mandate and all connected to that - Event 201, the 2010 Rockefeller playbook, the NWO globalist agenda and their health authority puppets - was coming out into the open and getting real attention.

And as noted by someone else, there's this giant fly in the ointment:

"Not all too coincidental was Biden and other Democrats telling black voters that they aren’t really black if they voted for Trump, etc. Then, suddenly, you have a black man killed by a white cop in broad daylight with dozens of witnesses that also gets videotaped for all the world to see?"

How necessary was it to impose major damage control for that epic blunder by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee?!

And then there's Obamagate. How better to distract from that potentially catastrophic proceeding than to institute a race war that the PTB have been jonesing for since Trayvon Martin?! That it happens to encompass a color revolution kills two birds with one stone.

All of this is designed to ensure Trump doesn't get reelected since they've failed so far to take him down. The Commie NWO/Agenda 21/2030 is getting the ultimate push to become "the new normal".
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