George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Indeed. Note, however, that the hystericization of one set of the population is being accomplished directly, via relentless propaganda and indoctrination; while the radicalization of the other group is happening via symmetry, as a reaction to the behavior of the first group and the propaganda being directed against them.

Laura has said she suspects this to be the actual aim: pushing whites into a corner, putting them under pressure, with the goal of making them explode. Something to that, I think. The polarization of the past several years has created an extremely dangerous situation, for everyone.

In line with what Luc said re 2 things being true simultaneously, I think it's worth keeping the below in mind:

Yes, what you've said above is true regarding the symmetry. However, I'd caution thinking that only 1 group is getting indoctrinated and 'propagandised'... It's probably something that didn't pop into your mind whilst writing the above post but I'm sure you'd agree that every group and person has been and is subject to propaganda by the main power structure. This propaganda is getting more and more sophisticated to such a point the Cs have commented that the programming is complete.

In view of the above, it's therefore worth noting that it's not only white people being pushed to a corner... Black and other minority people are being pushed to a corner as well. For example, the illegal migration from South and central America into the US is by and large being driven by destabilisation in those countries by US foreign policy over the last couple of decades... The CIA also does its job in ensuring the drug and human trafficking cartels remain strong and relevant.

In Europe, the illegal migrants coming from the middle east are driven here by wars of empire and when they get to Europe, it's not like the quality of their lives are on the same level as a normal European. Those illegal migrants who come from Africa, likewise are now driven by economic reasons but its easy to forget the countries they are coming from are under de-facto economic colonisation from the world bank, IMF etc plus this is not taking into account the physical and military colonisation they were under until the 60s from the main European countries (UK, France, Belgium, Italy etc).

I therefore implore you not to see things from only one angle as the situation facing the world has many angles that work both at the macro and micro level. Also you should bear in mind that bad people exist in all races, countries, religions etc so you should keep in mind that the power structure has willing people it can use to drive and accentuate differences and chaos for money or power. It does this quite effectively actually.

There is no getting through this until people can rise above and see the picture from above. No one holds a view of all the angles but as a collective, if people get to a certain level where they can communicate across all these dividing lines, the sharing of different views will result in all the angles becoming visible. Of course, you'll always have the bad apples trying to confuse things so as to maintain everyone in a state of perpetual chaos and disequilibrium - how these people (psychopaths) can be identified and dealt with is probably the biggest question of our time.
In line with what Luc said re 2 things being true simultaneously, I think it's worth keeping the below in mind:

Yes, what you've said above is true regarding the symmetry. However, I'd caution thinking that only 1 group is getting indoctrinated and 'propagandised'... It's probably something that didn't pop into your mind whilst writing the above post but I'm sure you'd agree that every group and person has been and is subject to propaganda by the main power structure. This propaganda is getting more and more sophisticated to such a point the Cs have commented that the programming is complete.

In view of the above, it's therefore worth noting that it's not only white people being pushed to a corner... Black and other minority people are being pushed to a corner as well. For example, the illegal migration from South and central America into the US is by and large being driven by destabilisation in those countries by US foreign policy over the last couple of decades... The CIA also does its job in ensuring the drug and human trafficking cartels remain strong and relevant.

In Europe, the illegal migrants coming from the middle east are driven here by wars of empire and when they get to Europe, it's not like the quality of their lives are on the same level as a normal European. Those illegal migrants who come from Africa, likewise are now driven by economic reasons but its easy to forget the countries they are coming from are under de-facto economic colonisation from the world bank, IMF etc plus this is not taking into account the physical and military colonisation they were under until the 60s from the main European countries (UK, France, Belgium, Italy etc).

I therefore implore you not to see things from only one angle as the situation facing the world has many angles that work both at the macro and micro level. Also you should bear in mind that bad people exist in all races, countries, religions etc so you should keep in mind that the power structure has willing people it can use to drive and accentuate differences and chaos for money or power. It does this quite effectively actually.

There is no getting through this until people can rise above and see the picture from above. No one holds a view of all the angles but as a collective, if people get to a certain level where they can communicate across all these dividing lines, the sharing of different views will result in all the angles becoming visible. Of course, you'll always have the bad apples trying to confuse things so as to maintain everyone in a state of perpetual chaos and disequilibrium - how these people (psychopaths) can be identified and dealt with is probably the biggest question of our time.

I think you're misunderstanding my point, which was to illustrate the dynamics by which ideological/identity polarization is being effected. Not to advocate for one or the other of the manufactured sides.

I'm on the side of truth and free humanity. Period. As is true I hope for all participants here.
Here’s Ben Swann’s take on it, he makes a very good point about the bricks showing up “coincidentally” all over the place. He makes a good point about the need for certain things to change, and how the violence and riots and looting are actually preventing this change from taking place.

All of this is designed to ensure Trump doesn't get reelected since they've failed so far to take him down. The Commie NWO/Agenda 21/2030 is getting the ultimate push to become "the new normal".

Anyone familiar with "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" will recognize the escalation. When faced with a recalcitrant national leader:

1) attempt to bribe or otherwise coopt; if this fails:
2) attempt to remove via 'democratic' means, following propagandization of the population, cooptation of elements in the local ruling class; if this fails:
3) colour revolution; if this fails:
4) assassination; if this fails:
5) invasion.

3) and 4) can be interchanged, depending on the situation. Indeed assassination is often a consequence of colour revolution. Since 4) hasn't happened yet, presuming 3) fails, that's next.

5) would presumably be civil war, with the sides supported by foreign interests. Somewhat similar to the Spanish Civil War.
So what's the whole point of this emotionally charged, highly marketable term that is now in widespread use "RACE WAR" (TM).

In addition, (just my opinion) I'm seeing a mirroring of SJW tactics from some on the right. The SJW cry and whine about how they are perpetual victims and the world is forever designed against them (victims of perpetual unfairness). Now on the right, there are people hell-bent on saying whites are now perpetual victims, they suffer rampant discrimination to the point that some are justifying this by saying whites are the Semites and so the power structure is against them and wants to eliminate them

It's like SJW tactics in reverse! I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this correctly?

I can picture 2 groups standing across each other each shouting at each other that they are the true perpetual victims and the other side are the fake victims. Literally this is what it's coming to! It's almost a bit like some joke?

I just saw this Instruction list on a FB page, and it seemed so familiar.
Reading it, I felt a wave of DeJa Vu, Of course! It is the Tranny War list of instructions!
Just reworded now.
It is for the "Racist White" Social Justice Warriors!
They ones who are joining the Black Activist groups.

It was Posted by my very confused 50 year old male cousin,(on my dads side!)

He is as white as a Yeti,(as big and ugly as one too!) hatesTrump, and probably cross dresses at home.
One very screwed up guy.
He works with broken people in an Addictions Center.
He probably has more "Spirit attachments" and Demons in his energy field, than a 4thD STS traveling Circus.
I have lost count of the number of his clients that have checked out, and he grieved and guilted over all of them.
I digress, sorry.
Here is the list:

Author: Anonymous

I’m seeing a lot of friends lately taking their first steps towards white allyship, which is amazing. Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here. Here are a few reminders from things I’ve learned through my own work. This is long, but there is no tl;dr. There is no tl;dr in this work.

1. Your guilt and sorrow over witnessing the black experience or your own whiteness is basically meaningless. Do your best to leave that stuff out of your posts. I don’t doubt for a second that you feel sadness, guilt, and shame over the things you witness—how could you not? But when you include those things in your posts, you unintentionally make that post about you. This fight is not about you.

2. You will always be racist. Sit with that for a moment. The process of unlearning racism is a process that is continuous and lasts a lifetime. That fact is uncomfortable. Get used to that discomfort. It doesn’t go away. Let it motivate you to continue pushing forward in your anti racist work.

3. Your job in black/poc activist spaces is to sit down, shut up, listen, and follow directions. You are a guest in the space. Disabuse yourself of any notion that you are a “special” white person because you showed up. Showing up doesn’t take much. The black community has incredible, talented leaders and activists. And every black person in the room knows more about race than you do. If you have a special skill that might make you particularly valuable to the community, let them know, and then let them decide if they want to use you. They might already have somebody with that special skill! You are not that special. Ever.

4. Your job in mixed (aka white and non-white spaces) is to elevate the voices of marginalized people. White people listen to other white people and believe white people over non-white people. You don’t have authority regarding the experiences of POC in America, so don’t speak with authority. Instead, show other white people sources that are authored by POC. Like and share posts from POC. If a POC has said something on a thread you are participating in, share that or point others to that comment, rather than repeating what they said in your own words.

5. That being said, in white-only spaces, your job is to be loud. Follow the same principles as in #4.

6. If you show up to a protest, listen to the leaders and follow their directions. Enforce that behavior among your fellow whites.

7. Google is your friend. Before asking somebody to explain a concept, see if you can learn it for yourself. Teaching is emotional labor that POC do not owe you. Don’t just stop with google. Read books. I haven’t read White Fragility yet, but it’s making the rounds as a highly recommended read, so give that one a go. Read The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. Be cautious of things written by Tim Wise—he’s considered problematic these days because he centers his whiteness in his work, and makes it all about him (which, if you’ve read the rest of this post, you know now is a no-no). That being said, I still think his books are accessible to new white allies and useful for that reason. Read them critically.

8. Speaking of caution, learn the history of Shaun King and the controversies surrounding him. Maybe don’t send your money to him.

9. This is hard work, but it doesn’t make you special or a better person. You are not a saint or a martyr. It is the bare minimum we as white people can do and should do.

10. You will always be imperfect. Accept that with grace and humility and strive to do better. Own your mistakes. Apologize. Listen. Be grateful when somebody takes the time to teach you, even if that lesson is painful.
Welcome. We need all of you.
My African friend who is black, that was mentioned back on this thread. He is starting to see sence now after a lot of back and forth on messenger. He's starting to see the black lives matter movement is not about black lives and the protests are not about racism. Just thought I'd mention that, since I posted his comment on here about a video I sent him of an African American woman confronting black lives matter protestors. His comment was not what I'd expected and was hinging on racism. Where he was going with his thoughts wasn't good. He's a decent guy, just got caught up in it all. Glad to see he's using his head again.
Don't want to bring any noise here but I was thinking recently about the whole situation in the US and some questions have popped in my head: a kind of a similar scenario is in store for other parts of the world? Like a domino effect?

Is it possible that the same theme may be used by those behind the curtain, that is, promoting a "race war" in Europe and other countries to further divided the people, increase the chaos, the suffering and of course to give someone the perfect reason to impose more draconian measure because everybody are behaving like savages and need to be traced, microchipped, vaccinated and have every aspect of his life monitored because we are animals and otherwise the society will descend into full chaos? And as some of you already mentioned, I'm wondering also if "greenzombies" have been activated for this very purpose?

It is quite possible, but not necessarily with the racial theme everywhere. It's been a few years since we've noticed that there's a lot of emotionally-driven polarization in many countries. For some it's immigration, for others it's left vs right. In the UK it was Brexit for a while. In France, the yellow vests. In the US, pro and anti-Trump. For Mexico and Brazil, AMLO and Bolsonaro respectively. There was also Catalonia and Hong Kong - not to mention countries in actual states of ('civil') war like Palestine, Libya, Syria or Ukraine.

The 'social justice' and 'climate change' themes are embedded in many places too, as well as the economic situation. For example, right now there are protests in Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia and Perú, among others, because of the economy.

In general it's as if the masses have been quite restless for a few years, and perhaps their particular causes are just an excuse or a trigger to release that energy - as if on a subconscious level they felt something was wrong but didn't quite know what, and needed to express it. With the Covid-19 lockdown and crazyness it's as if that restlessness was put under a lot of pressure and now it's exploding like a pressure cooker.

Yes, Greenbaums and agents provocateurs are a factor to be considered as well. At least in the US, it does look to me like they are trying to pull a 'color revolution' on Trump before he gets reelected. I wouldn't be that surprised if some mysterious snipers started shooting both civilians and police one of these days. :-(
It's nice to see things like the Fayetteville police taking a knee or the 'Hornets Nest' stories from a page or two back.

Monday & Tuesday I did a job in a small town (fits in the space between itty and bitty) a few miles from here. The corner store decided it was no longer economically viable to sell fuel anymore (insurance cost more than profit from sales) so we removed the underground tanks and such.
Nobody wearing masks or social distancing, the store had hot food and tables to eat at. Mostly a bunch of nice 'old fart' farmer types hanging around. Plenty of talk about current events but I wasn't hearing any 'crazy talk' from anyone, just a bunch of concerned (and well armed) citizens. Gives me hope.
I haven't yet found the exact document that she refers to that brings up the subject of 4th Generation Warfare and refers to exploiting the gray zone called Underwriting the Future: Decoding the Next Strategic Shock. I found others with similar lay out when I searched the title of the document that she refers to in army war college publications. So I wonder if it has been scrubbed?

Here's a link for the document:

Or this one:

I can’t believe my eyes... Black Lives Matter demonstration here in Stockholm happening right now??
It just seems too far-fetched. The signs are in English. I knew it was bad yesterday when I took a look at instagram....
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