The Living Force
Indeed. Note, however, that the hystericization of one set of the population is being accomplished directly, via relentless propaganda and indoctrination; while the radicalization of the other group is happening via symmetry, as a reaction to the behavior of the first group and the propaganda being directed against them.
Laura has said she suspects this to be the actual aim: pushing whites into a corner, putting them under pressure, with the goal of making them explode. Something to that, I think. The polarization of the past several years has created an extremely dangerous situation, for everyone.
In line with what Luc said re 2 things being true simultaneously, I think it's worth keeping the below in mind:
Yes, what you've said above is true regarding the symmetry. However, I'd caution thinking that only 1 group is getting indoctrinated and 'propagandised'... It's probably something that didn't pop into your mind whilst writing the above post but I'm sure you'd agree that every group and person has been and is subject to propaganda by the main power structure. This propaganda is getting more and more sophisticated to such a point the Cs have commented that the programming is complete.
In view of the above, it's therefore worth noting that it's not only white people being pushed to a corner... Black and other minority people are being pushed to a corner as well. For example, the illegal migration from South and central America into the US is by and large being driven by destabilisation in those countries by US foreign policy over the last couple of decades... The CIA also does its job in ensuring the drug and human trafficking cartels remain strong and relevant.
In Europe, the illegal migrants coming from the middle east are driven here by wars of empire and when they get to Europe, it's not like the quality of their lives are on the same level as a normal European. Those illegal migrants who come from Africa, likewise are now driven by economic reasons but its easy to forget the countries they are coming from are under de-facto economic colonisation from the world bank, IMF etc plus this is not taking into account the physical and military colonisation they were under until the 60s from the main European countries (UK, France, Belgium, Italy etc).
I therefore implore you not to see things from only one angle as the situation facing the world has many angles that work both at the macro and micro level. Also you should bear in mind that bad people exist in all races, countries, religions etc so you should keep in mind that the power structure has willing people it can use to drive and accentuate differences and chaos for money or power. It does this quite effectively actually.
There is no getting through this until people can rise above and see the picture from above. No one holds a view of all the angles but as a collective, if people get to a certain level where they can communicate across all these dividing lines, the sharing of different views will result in all the angles becoming visible. Of course, you'll always have the bad apples trying to confuse things so as to maintain everyone in a state of perpetual chaos and disequilibrium - how these people (psychopaths) can be identified and dealt with is probably the biggest question of our time.