George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Barely catching up with this thread. Probably all parties are making use of the situation and as long as anything is happening, really anything, it is good for the divide-and-conquer clan which has a big agenda to hide and stir people's attention away from. I was not able to watch even half of suggested videos here but what I managed was enough so far. Watching the show and observing the ongoing processes seems the most appropriate approach right now. Hope all our members are safe.

For the record, this video is allegedly a testimony of one of the Soros' paid protestors who concludes that it would be great if more people joined the team so they all could actually start a real movement (movement for what ? I would add 🤔).
I could not find out if it's real or staged but it looks authentic to me (German YouTube channel Für Europa - gegen NWO):

Protester admits: "We get payed by GEORGE SOROS" - (ENGLISH ORIGINAL)

This Special Report describes the activities of billionaire philanthropist George Soros and his Open Society Foundations (OSF), which are partially financed by U.S. taxpayers.

Soros, his foundation and their affiliates promote and advance a radical, progressive agenda that seeks to destabilize legitimate governments, erase national borders and identities, target conservative politicians, finance civil unrest, subvert institutions of higher education, and orchestrate refugee crises for political gain. The Soros network is engaged in an active and ongoing effort to affect politics, economics, and societies in Europe (Albania, Macedonia, Romania, Hungary), Latin America (Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico), and across the globe.

Judicial Watch has successfully investigated and litigated to document the paper trail left by the OSF network as it operates, at taxpayer expense, to subvert and manipulate the sovereignty of constitutional republics and allies of the United States. The Soros operations are highly sophisticated and multi-faceted, working across academia; the courts; labor and agriculture; “social justice” organizations; religious associations; and, of course, political groups. OSF operations also utilize U.S.-based non- profit organizations to further their agenda. Key personnel in the Soros/OSF network (and their affiliates) are former U.S. government officials capable of leveraging their government status and access to benefit the OSF’s progressive goals.

Judicial Watch will continue to investigate and litigate to obtain evidence that we will analyze as we pursue additional lines of inquiry concerning Soros and the Open Society Foundations around the world and, in particular, the United States. Thomas Fitton President Washington, DC

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Looks like the same guy to me:

View attachment 36674

View attachment 36675

Hairline is a little harder to determine due to the shadow cast by his shades. The hair, being shaved, appears to have grown out a little in the latest picture. Also, I think the hairline is more prominent in the original as his head is facing slightly downward - rather than straight at the camera as in the mugshot.

Nose, ears, eyes, facial hair all appear the same to me - I don't think there is anything in this
This is the very first mug shot they showed...looks different than the one you posted.
Can somebody get a side by side of the one above and below? I'm technically challenged.....

For the record, this video is allegedly a testimony of one of the Soros' paid protestors who concludes that it would be great if more people joined the team so they all could actually start a real movement (movement for what ? I would add 🤔).
I could not find out if it's real or staged but it looks authentic to me (German YouTube channel Für Europa - gegen NWO):

Seems like he's just trolling. There is no 'sign up form' on And a cheque signed by Soros himself? Come on!
Seems like he's just trolling. There is no 'sign up form' on And a cheque signed by Soros himself? Come on!

You're right, I shall go to bed straight away instead of making noise here, too tired :-[

George Soros Conspiracy Resurfaces Using Old 'Paid Protestor' YouTube Video: 'How Gullible Can You Be?'
The video has this week been shared on social media as evidence of nefarious behavior taking place during the most recent outburst of demonstrations in the country.

Michael Tracey, the journalist who conducted the original TYT interview, tweeted today to stress the segment was not to be taken seriously—despite it being shared by Greg Raths, a veteran running for California's 45th Congressional District.

"People are... circulating this old interview I did with a 'paid protester' who said he was funded by George Soros. The guy was obviously trolling! It was a schtick. Anyone who actually believes this was authentic is incredibly gullible," he tweeted.

"The guy was an oddball doing an obvious shtick. If you are not delusional, you can tell I was playing along in the video," Tracey told Newsweek via direct message. "It's hilarious to me people have suddenly latched onto this over three years later, including a random Republican congressional candidate in California. How gullible can you be?"
Oh, I rode that many times! When we got off the ride we would get back in line to ride it again. That first drop was a doozie! I almost liked the other one across the park better that was made of metal instead of wood. It had a smoother ride.

Did you ever do the "Batman" roller coaster ride? The one where you have to stand up? I did that and it was OK.

I went there with my lab during the summer of 1997 or 1998. My professor treated us after getting her NIH grant. We were almost ready to leave and I had just bought a 32-oz iced tea because I was dehydrated, when they saw there was no line for the Cyclone. So I chugged that thing down and got on. Every up and down and turn on that rickety thing (it was one of the world's last pure wooden coasters) made my stomach slosh back and forth. The only thing that got me through it was visualizing solid, stable land when it was over. And even then I needed to sit down for twenty minutes before I could move without getting sick. At least it was entertaining for the lab people; they enjoyed my white face more than the ride!

And now I feel like I've gorged myself on green apples from the Tree of Knowledge, only to be forced to take a roller coaster ride before digesting them fully. I have the same queasy feeling in my stomach. But I think visualizing solid, stable land is probably still the best course...

And Windmill Knight: thanks for sharing your own views on the Greenbaum stuff and snipers too. I know sometimes I tend to talk about such things with probably too much emotion, but one thing I found that helps me is to never be afraid to understand and face the worst possible thing that you can imagine happening, and mentally prepare for it. That way, you can only ever be pleasantly surprised! But I find when I do that it sort of works as an inoculation against it happening, and the worst never does seem to happen to me (so far...knock on wood). It's like I call out all the demons and send them packing before they can get to me. Just like...knocking on wood!

Where I need more focus on is acknowledging the best that can happen in every situation too, and making room for that to happen. And I am seeing some of that even during these times. Some of the videos here, and articles I am reading on SOTT, are showing that there really is an awakening going on. And: tonight I am having my first gathering with my gaming group since COVID hit! Even with the curfew. All of them had the fear of death in them before now, even after hearing me out when they asked my advice (as they knew my past).

I think what got to them was me saying back then that the goal of this virus response is to eventually get troops on the streets. Well, now that they see it actually happening, they are fed up with it!! All of them are married, and they got full approval from their spouses to go ahead and risk arrest to play. I didn't ask them; in fact I told them it isn't worth the risk. No, they DEMANDED to play!! All because I put that bug in their ear and they now see the truth of what is actually happening, and they will no longer stand for it. So, if it's happening for me, it must be possible for others in each of our own circles to also awaken and be ready for information. Remember, the C's said to be ready to give the information that will be needed. That time is NOW.

One other thing: I just heard yesterday that one of the most popular sports announcers in this area was fired, simply for saying "All Lives Matter". He responded to a black NBA player with that remark. Well, you can't do that in these times of "Black Lives Matter", because its 'racist' and it doesn't reflect the fact that black people still aren't accepted equally in our society - so anyone saying "All Lives Matter" is insensitive by default and should lose their livelihood.

WTF??? I fully understand that not all minorities are accepted equally by all people. I get that. But what is this collectivist mind-think doing, when a simple statement made by a man WHO ALWAYS TREATS *ALL* MINORITIES THE SAME personally, causes that man to lose his job? When he says, "All Lives Matter", that is, indeed, the standard that he personally lives by. It is TRUE for him (as it would be for me as well).

This is just another way to demonize individuals for their own personal truths, and to accept the collective mindset OR ELSE. Sorry for ranting, but instances like this need to be pointed out for what they are, or soon we will all be forced to join the BORG or perish.
I need to catch up on this thread again, but wanted to share a video that I think is thought provoking and potentially useful. I saw at least one of his videos posted in the CV thread, my apologies if this one has already been posted.

A few of things stood out to me in this video:
  1. He makes the point that "Law and Order" does not equal "Justice"
  2. He points out that there are thugs on both sides of this issue (Police/authorities and demonstrators/rioters/protesters)
  3. He argues that good people should stand on principal, rather than picking sides. I think this is similar to what Joe and others have said in this thread and elsewhere on the forum. Its not about whether "the police" or "the protesters" are right or wrong, that's a false choice set up to divide and confuse us. As he says there are thugs on both sides that should be opposed by good people of conscience.
So I had a bit of a lightbulb moment when he was explaining his idea of being a person of principal, rather than identifying with a group, and how that can free a person from the emotional manipulation and divisive tactics that are cooked into these kinds of narratives.

It reinforced how I understood Joe's post from yesterday:

I'd suggest that you stop taking these missives from the media and govt. so personally, but it's up to you (and I know it's a difficult thing to do). Despite what you wrote above, the statement 'who cares?' is still valid I think. The only people who 'care' are those who get pulled into the manipulation, and when you've been manipulated to 'care', you don't REALLY 'care', you're being manipulated. If you (and all of us) don't take an attitude of 'this is none of my business', then you are definitely going to get sucked in to 'picking a side'. Once you've done that, by definition you're going to be wrong, regardless of which 'side' you pick.

Especially the bit that I bolded. Hopefully it will be interesting and helpful for some of you as well!
Maybe human conscience is reaching the level of overload at this time resulting in a chaotic response to it? With the 4D STS orchestrating the whole opera so to speak, I wonder if they will not only underestimate humanities desire to be free even if they don't understand just how that has to come about, but maybe they will underestimate the depth of the anger itself?
You made excellent points here! I'm sorry for butting in - I'll continue to catch up with this thread, pinky promise.. They dropped the idea that forced inoculations will be done with the army's help.
True pundit, in his latest weekly, big radio show couldn't believe this fully, he kept mentioning the political-media person who first quipped about the enforced vaccine shots with army help that surely they must have joked and that the government should take this threat back entirely!

Well, after a week gone by, we see now, how effective has been President Trump's decision - at his remarkably well done announcement I routed for him, since he wants order, but at the same time with his army deployment the voice of Us The People gonna get friggin' STIFLED again... - so he brought in the army and we look at what result it brought:
1. how quickly they restored complete order
2. how all riots have been totally stopped by now..
..wait a minute..
3. the riots are still happening despite their Big Army Move..
4. So the next time government decides that they show up at peoples door with Bill Hates' forced ID2020 vaccine - and you said some armed people are not afraid to use their arms, especially to protect their beloved ones...

I think that continued riots now are giving the real movers behind the curtain, the Swamp Alligators something to think about. Their precious Antifa and professional troublemakers paid by Soros+Clinton types or not.

Now anything tyrannical they dream to do, now has a higher chance that it will be met with an Organized Opposition from We The People.

How the heck do they think they just gonna force-vaccinate us now? They will need to release The Plague? That will get them too! They want to order Live Ammunition Use by the military? Really? In a country, where "under each blade of grass there is a rifle"?

The longer the riots go on, I think, they are gonna lose more power.

Maybe after a couple days they think the rioters, protesters will get hungry, because supermarkets won't be refilled? So people will begin to starve, thus everybody will be too weak to go to the streets?

This just seems we are in a middle of witnessing the Big Big Mistakes are being made [as foretold by the C's] mistakes by stupid idiots in top government positions:

"Q: (L) Could it be said that what we're doing is actually inducing these controlling actions?
A: Yes but that is actually good because it means that their desperation is being driven and they will make more mistakes and turn the masses against them sooner. "
Session 29 December 2009
A: We once said that 4D STS will become desperate for control as the changes approach. They perceive that control is being undermined thus making them more desperate.

Q: (L) What's undermining their control?
A: Why you, yes! Collectively, that is.

Q: (Allen) So we do it by things that we're publishing, or just by being who we're being and working on things for ourselves?
A: All and more coming down the creativity pipeline.

Q: (L) Could it be said that what we're doing is actually inducing these controlling actions?
A: Yes but that is actually good because it means that their desperation is being driven and they will make more mistakes and turn the masses against them sooner.
One other thing: I just heard yesterday that one of the most popular sports announcers in this area was fired, simply for saying "All Lives Matter". He responded to a black NBA player with that remark. Well, you can't do that in these times of "Black Lives Matter", because its 'racist' and it doesn't reflect the fact that black people still aren't accepted equally in our society - so anyone saying "All Lives Matter" is insensitive by default and should lose their livelihood.

This video covers the myths of racial bias and oppression. And how those narratives are controlled:

"The Rage of the Privileged"
Well.., I spoke too soon yesterday in saying, "I don't feel the anger ready to burst."

I mean, I don't feel anger myself, but the bursting is now evident. -I just drove through my sleepy little town, population less than 5000, and was surprised to see a big gathering of people in the town square with megaphones and protest signs. People must have been driving in from far away. There were several hundred people, a lot who I didn't recognize from around here.

I hope nobody gets hurt or does anything stupid. I do not want to wake up to smashed shop windows and calls for vengeance, etc. But people, I think, are looking for an excuse to get violent, to punish the establishment in the ways mobs blindly do. They've been so wound up over the years on a steady diet of divisive lies and fear/hate mongering.

So even out here in the middle of nowhere, apparently the fires can arrive in a little neighborhood like mine.

Also, a cruise through FB demonstrates that people are going completely off the rails. The smart, normal, educated people I used to know and think were fine a couple of years ago are now posting enraged missives, virtue-signaling loudly, openly cheering violence. Saying things like, "Looting is how you protest capitalism!" One particular user has gone flat-out, medically crazy, claiming that certain people she used to call friends are now ALL CAPS NAZIS, accusing them of horrors. Even her close still-friends are advising her to calm down, only to be met with more wild accusations. People are losing their marbles in real time.

This is what happens when you don't think for yourself, don't analyze the claims of the media. These are the vegans and the global warming activists and the statues-are-bad people. The Covid-is-Real bunch. The SJWs and legions of virtue-signalers.

People need to get back to work ASAP. I hope it isn't too late, that I'm not sliding down the wrong time line!


I mentioned the protest to a few people and they said, "Whatever. That's fine. Peaceful protests are cool." They didn't seem at all concerned.

A drive through town the next day revealed not a scratch left behind. The only indication that there had been a gathering at all was a trash can with a folded up protest sign in it. (placed in the Garbage slot, not the Recyclable slot, I noticed). It was a cold and wet night previously, which probably saw people abandoning the gathering sooner than they might have otherwise. I wonder sometimes if the "Weather as 4D battles" idea can carry such direct influence on 3D circumstances?

Then I had a wonderful, positive day starting this morning, filled with good and decent people who have awareness of the troubling events going on across the U.S., but little time to spend worrying over them as they were involved in living their days and planning their futures in earnest, connecting with others of like mind.

There really are two vast potentials out there, one very dark, and one which is exciting and positive. My heart can feel both, and the more I learn, listening to both sides in earnest, the more I am able to feel that I am able to place my feet firmly on the side I want.

At least that's how I feel today.

One day at a time, right?
A National Guard unit just took the knee. This is a whole new low.

Why is it a 'whole new low'? The lows of how the US military has been used in recent and no so recent times has been much, much worse than taking a knee to diffuse tensions. I highly doubt those who have been engineering this chaos want to see any kind of resolution being made between people on 'opposite' sides.

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