George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

It should be very scary to see a bunch of zombies near your home!

I was reading again another magnificent Laura's article. That deal with all of this, years in advance she was able to see what will come. This article, that was written in 2014 is talking about NOW. Amazing. When you feel that this subject is enough enough! it is because it is never enough. Time by the way does not exist. The Laura article is eternal. To read this article is to understand a little more what is happening now.

Martin Luther King, Jr. won people over with nonviolence.

Violence now is a trap and reveals who the bad actors are.
We care about King, about JFK, about Sankara, about Dag Hammarskjöld, about some others that came to earth to wake up us; but how many care or know about them? Zombies do not think. Their brain is a tortilla. That's a tragedy. And that's why the situation on the planet is another tragedy, another epic moment.

For us who think and care about humanity I think it is important to read and study these magnificent men. They help us, in a strange way, to endure what is happening. They make us stronger.

Thanks Hlat to remember us the philosophy of King.
This is simply surreal. Zombie cops allowing themselves to be filmed murdering a black guy, who worked together and probably knew each other. Zombie protesters, police kneeling in solidarity, programmed population rioting, despite Corona. And speaking of which, look what German newspaper Bild reported:
According to the autopsy report he had contracted the virus, but Corona was not the cause of death. Just crazy.
My heart does go out to the people of America, especially the members here, but I’m not allowing myself to get on the roller coaster.
I’m wondering what is planned for Germany and the rest of Europe. Germans, at least where I am haven’t yet reached boiling point, so what will it take for the ptb to justify full authoritarian control of the population? Maybe a few programmed migrants going off? A terror attack? I bet something is in the wings...
All those gutter rats are affecting good people. A young friend from Philadelphia messaged me a couple of nights ago. He, his mum and dad were scared. They debated leaving their home and decided to stay. Later that night the mob was 1 block away and helicopters were flying overhead. He and his parents were going to get guns the next day....his grandfather was a not an irresponsible bunch.

The police is not capable of protecting the public anymore leaving ordinary citizens to protect themselves and their own neighbourhoods.

The silent majority is a sleeping gaint, armed to the teeth and watching the situation closely.

But in the end the role of the military is what counts. If soldiers fire on civilians (deep state mercenaries are more likely) - that will be it - whether Trump gave the orders or not. Many generals loyal to the Deep State and not the president will resign and turn on Trump.

Maybe the military will spit in 2 with the vast majority siding on Trumps behalf. So many twists and turns possible. But if the color revolution in the US succeeds, it will spread to other parts of the world. Primarily Europe, and we don't have the second amendment over here. And with an ideology that doesn't believe in borders (borders are racist and oppressive) the 'One World Govt' heralds it's arrival.
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Thanks for the heads up on DSA. I hadn't heard of them, but there supposedly are 600 dues-paying members in my town. This curiously is exactly the same number as quoted for the Twin Cities. The video is informative, but flawed by deep state influence in its perspective (e.g., disdain of any support for N. Korea, Russia, China, Cuba, and Iran). DSA, as quoted, makes good points about the population being suffocated by policing and poverty, and years of being looted by corporations and billionaires. However, they discredit it all if they support violence and looting.
I think that video's onto something. The Epoch Times is flawed in that it sees 'international communism', i.e. China, as being the ideological source of the 'revolution', although I'm willing to reconsider that if evidence of such influence - material or otherwise - comes to light. More likely, the DSA, Antifa, Workers' Party and other militant outfits it listed are homegrown US intelligence-linked fronts. I say that based on the historical links between COINTELPRO and such 'red activism' in the USA.

In any event, they're likely correct that something in the region of tens of thousands of hardcore militants are organized/organizing to spread this chaos 'for the political overthrow of the system'. We've observed just how crazy hardcore leftists have been in recent years. For the most part we laughed at them because they did or said outlandish things, but they are really serious about 'burning it all down'.
Apologies if this has already been discussed. According to the chief of Minneapolis Police Union, George Floyd had a violent criminal history.
Also leaders in Minneapolis had been “minimizing the size of the police force and diverting funds into activists with an anti-police agenda. Our chief requested 400 more officers and was flatly denied any. This what led to this record breaking riot”

Figureheads in the military are already turning on Trump, vocally for now but at some point they might order their soldiers to stand down when their president tells them to restore law and order in the cities. Forcing Trump to resign.

Figureheads in the military are already turning on Trump, vocally for now but at some point they might order their soldiers to stand down when their president tells them to restore law and order in the cities. Forcing Trump to resign.


A case of self-immolation in Fayetteville, NC yesterday, at the the old market house, downtown.
Far from self-immolation, that was a case of a 'peaceful protestor' chucking a molotov cocktail into a National Historic Building, in an apparent attempt to burn it to the ground. Alas, most of the ignited liquid spilled out onto himself:

Idiot North Carolina Rioter Lights Himself on Fire While Attempting to Burn Down Historic Building

The video appears to be from the Market House, which was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1973. Protesters also burned the US flag outside.

Local station WRAL reports that “protesters set a fire in the Market House in Fayetteville on Saturday evening. Hours later, they have begun adding fuel to the flames, as well as wooden pallets, attempting to encourage a larger fire.”

Note how it wasn't just 'one idiot'. ALL present were cooperating to burn down that building.

Mattis is such a tool. Comparing Trump to the Nazis. The stage is being set for a military coup.

Between that and soldiers 'taking the knee' at protests, Trump likely can't rely on the military to follow orders in this situation.

He's on his own. Thus the people who support him/expect him to take charge of the situation are also on their own. Between this and Corona-1984, govt has abandoned ship.

The following may become an increasingly familiar scene; gated/rural/suburban communities doing their own security:

Between that and soldiers 'taking the knee' at protests, Trump likely can't rely on the military to follow orders in this situation.

He's on his own. Thus the people who support him/expect him to take charge of the situation are also on their own. Between this and Corona-1984, govt has abandoned ship.

The following may become an increasingly familiar scene; gated/rural/suburban communities doing their own security:

I was thinking along the same lines. The trap has been set and Trump better not fall for it. US citizens are on their own. For all who live there. Consider forming strong communities, join like-minded militias and prepare to defend yourself!
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Why is it a 'whole new low'? The lows of how the US military has been used in recent and no so recent times has been much, much worse than taking a knee to diffuse tensions. I highly doubt those who have been engineering this chaos want to see any kind of resolution being made between people on 'opposite' sides.

Kneeling is a sign of submission. These national guard members kneeling in front of protestors are degrading themselves by showing that they are surrendering to them.

I absolutely agree that the way the military has been used in the Middle East over te past 20 years has been atrocious. But these soldiers were not sent in to destroy a country; they were sent in to control violent riots. And they surrendered in the most humiliating way it is possible to surrender.

From the perspective of military honour, it doesn't get much lower than that.

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