It should be very scary to see a bunch of zombies near your home!
I was reading again another magnificent Laura's article. That deal with all of this, years in advance she was able to see what will come. This article, that was written in 2014 is talking about NOW. Amazing. When you feel that this subject is enough enough! it is because it is never enough. Time by the way does not exist. The Laura article is eternal. To read this article is to understand a little more what is happening now.
I was reading again another magnificent Laura's article. That deal with all of this, years in advance she was able to see what will come. This article, that was written in 2014 is talking about NOW. Amazing. When you feel that this subject is enough enough! it is because it is never enough. Time by the way does not exist. The Laura article is eternal. To read this article is to understand a little more what is happening now.

Global Pathocracy, Authoritarian Followers and the Hope of the World
Two days ago, following French president Hollande's announcement that France would not deliver the Mistral warship that was bought, paid for (and partially built) by Russia, I wrote on my Facebook page: "Today, I am surfeited with the insanity on...