George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Interesting that among Floyd's last words were "I can't breathe" during a fake pandemic where everyone is forced to breath through masks. These words have sparked what seems like the end or the beginning of the end of that ordeal; at least until the next one.
A National Guard unit just took the knee. This is a whole new low.

I don't see the low here tbh, other than literally. People are acting civilly, and as long as everyone manages to make it home at the end of the day to their families safely with their communities intact who cares how they choose to de-escalate or show solidarity with the protestors? Who knows, maybe even some of them also oppose police brutality and the murder of George Floyd.

Recently I discovered on twitter a campaign website called #8 Can't Wait, which is an advocacy group for evidence-based policy around reducing killings by police.

They have a white paper on the subject here. In addition to reducing #killings per arrests and per capita, they also appear to be correlated with less officers being assaulted or killed in the line of duty.

It's also discussed here:

In a recent release, the NAACP has also come out with specific policy proposals:
-banning chokeholds and knee-holds
-permit public access to the misconduct and disciplinary records of officers
-deny recertification of credentials for officers if it is determined their use of deadly force was unwarranted by federal guidelines
-de-escalation training

There is some overlap, and it looks like some lawmakers are in the process of drafting something up to present to the US house of representatives for a hearing by mid-June.

If these policies do have the outcomes these advocates say they will, I hope support for this mounts. I also like that this is a set of specific demands that can be proposed, and passed, and concretely implemented with measurable outcomes. Could be worth spreading around social media, where it could at least serve as a lightnight rod for people's anger: channeling it productively.
Interesting that among Floyd's last words were "I can't breathe" during a fake pandemic where everyone is forced to breath through masks. These words have sparked what seems like the end or the beginning of the end of that ordeal; at least until the next one.

Someone commented on this in a FB group on symbolism. They also mentioned the fires in Australia in the same vein. In ancient cultures the breath was synonymous with the Spirit (life was breathed into the first man and woman) so it could be connected to the lack of spirit in the world starting to manifest.
-deny recertification of credentials for officers if it is determined their use of deadly force was unwarranted by federal guidelines
The last thing the country needs is more centralization and federalization. The governments are full of people lacking knowledge, lazy, stupid, or corrupt, so I want them to have less power, not more power. Federal guidelines would have us wear masks and get vaccines. No thank you.
Summits evidence George Floyd is alive. One thing she brings up is gasoline prices on sign behind the incident. I and others had that very same discussion....looking up prices. She also feels puctures of Chauvin are different. I do too...Anyway listen for yourselves

"Dr. Winnie Heartstrong Claims George Floyd is ALIVE and Video is Faked. History is the Conspiracy."
The last thing the country needs is more centralization and federalization. The governments are full of people lacking knowledge, lazy, stupid, or corrupt, so I want them to have less power, not more power. Federal guidelines would have us wear masks and get vaccines. No thank you.

Oh, I definitely agree about the excesses of federal centralization... a part of me thinks that the NAACP, like most advocacy NGOs and corporations, just likes federal because that's just one body to lobby instead of 50. I think there should be more local (or state-wide) ways of increasing accountability for excessive use of force. One proposal I've heard were to have review boards for re-certification include members of the community in the process, sort of like a parent-teacher association of some kind? I'm sure you have some ideas of your own hlat. What might suit one county or community may not serve another, of course.
A local take on this Sott article. Turns out this man went to college in our area. The comment section is pretty revealing as usual.

District Attorney Declines to Charge Former HSU Student and Bar Owner Who Fatally Shot Protester in Omaha – Redheaded Blackbelt

I personally can't imagine taking another's life but from what I understand, it was legal.
Personally I think it's too soon for Trump to bring in the military.

It's not just as simple as enforcing law and order. America has multiples security bodies that are meant to keep law and order inside. I'm also pretty sure that its military getting deployed internally against its own people will cause all sorts of legal issues that will have far reaching consequences.

In addition, what can the military do that the police can't?

Are we expecting the military to come in and turn one of these cities into Baghdad? We expecting soldiers going door to door holding him fights with the rioters? What are people expecting from the military exactly?

Trump will lose his presidency if he deploys the military on American soil and Americans get killed by their own military. This is what I think.

Also, antifa - who are they? These are normal Americans.... Think about it, if they were ever designated a terrorist organisation, the security apparatus will have all the justification of spying on normal Americans under the guise of tracking and finding antifa.

Problem, reaction, solution.

I'm always weary when people start clamouring for government to take on more power to 'protect' them due an to 'event'.

Seen enough in the last few decades to know this is exactly the intended outcome of such 'events'.
Antifa normal? As in mean, median or mode? Nope, they are a noisy, manufactured, groomed, perhaps sizable, minority. They may be somewhat compairable to the hippies, with less starry-eyed idealists but more characterpaths.
Summits evidence George Floyd is alive. One thing she brings up is gasoline prices on sign behind the incident. I and others had that very same discussion....looking up prices. She also feels puctures of Chauvin are different. I do too...Anyway listen for yourselves

"Dr. Winnie Heartstrong Claims George Floyd is ALIVE and Video is Faked. History is the Conspiracy."

I don't buy it, none of it. She starts off by saying that she's running for congress, then says that she's studied 'rhetoric' -- that she studied 'how to use words in reality toward your own advantage'. Well, I think she's exercising what she learned in her 'studies'.

There's nothing she says to try and prove that George Floyd is still alive that would convince me to even look into it.

Besides, why would I try to prove her wrong? Whether George Floyd is still alive or not, doesn't even matter, IMO. This whole thing really isn't about George Floyd. It's about people manifesting their anger and extreme frustration at something or someone that they're not even sure as to what or who. And they're all reacting in their own way, according to 'who' they really are.

I think this whole thing was inevitable. If it wasn't the killing of George Floyd that triggered this event, it would have been triggered by something else, and it probably wouldn't of taken much.
Don't want to bring any noise here but I was thinking recently about the whole situation in the US and some questions have popped in my head: a kind of a similar scenario is in store for other parts of the world? Like a domino effect?

It is quite possible, but not necessarily with the racial theme everywhere. It's been a few years since we've noticed that there's a lot of emotionally-driven polarization in many countries. For some it's immigration, for others it's left vs right. In the UK it was Brexit for a while. In France, the yellow vests. In the US, pro and anti-Trump. For Mexico and Brazil, AMLO and Bolsonaro respectively. There was also Catalonia and Hong Kong - not to mention countries in actual states of ('civil') war like Palestine, Libya, Syria or Ukraine.

Yeap, there was a automovil march against AMLO last Saturday and Sunday in several cities, they did not wanted to be infected of coronavirus, so they said 🙄

But, it seems to me that there is/are forces to push the social discomfort and possibly more, found this story today:

One person was arrested because he did not wear a mask at Ixtlahuacan de los Membrillos in the state of Jalisco, México. When his relatives went to look for him the next day, they found out that he had died. Reports indicate that he was beaten to death.

In this article Jalisco: Albañil fue arrestado por no usar cubrebocas y murió al día siguiente in Spanish and, with the date of 3rd June - as well as other media sites- mentions that the Giovanni's brother gave an interview to an international MSM, in which it does not say whom, though.

So, the curious detail that happened on May 4th and, today it went viral, seems to me quite suspicious. Today, social media calling for justice, also a petition in change org and, the hashtag Justicia para Giovanni, being right now 1st in Top Twitter Trending worldwide and in México

Will see how it goes.
Martin Luther King, Jr. won people over with nonviolence.
King’s notion of nonviolence had six key principles. First, one can resist evil without resorting to violence. Second, nonviolence seeks to win the “friendship and understanding” of the opponent, not to humiliate him (King, Stride, 84). Third, evil itself, not the people committing evil acts, should be opposed. Fourth, those committed to nonviolence must be willing to suffer without retaliation as suffering itself can be redemptive. Fifth, nonviolent resistance avoids “external physical violence” and “internal violence of spirit” as well: “The nonviolent resister not only refuses to shoot his opponent but he also refuses to hate him” (King, Stride, 85). The resister should be motivated by love in the sense of the Greek word agape, which means “understanding,” or “redeeming good will for all men” (King, Stride, 86). The sixth principle is that the nonviolent resister must have a “deep faith in the future,” stemming from the conviction that “The universe is on the side of justice” (King, Stride, 88).

Violence now is a trap and reveals who the bad actors are.
Somehow I just don't want to follow the news on this one too closely. Don't even want to log into social media... Perhaps it would be different if I was in the US, but at this point, it's kind of like "okay, whatever". It seems obvious what's going on, there isn't a lot to understand or study or observe... They are playing the race game, the media is hyperventilating, criminals and criminal minds are getting high on looting, white lefty idiots are sitting in their mansions celebrating the riots (wonder how they would react if the looters showed up on their front doors)....

I have the picture in my mind of a bunch of rats, of gutter creatures, from the looters right to the idiot "leaders" and the media minions. They live in the spiritual gutter. It's like a different planet altogether. It's as if the reality we (and many others) live in is barely connected to this "gutter world" anymore, both are hanging on a thin thread... What happens if this thread is cut once and for all? Will it be? Or do we have to witness this train wreck for another 10 years?

Maybe I'm just tired of it all, or lazy, or hiding from it, but right now, I'm just like... whatever. :huh:
Somehow I just don't want to follow the news on this one too closely. Don't even want to log into social media... Perhaps it would be different if I was in the US, but at this point, it's kind of like "okay, whatever". It seems obvious what's going on, there isn't a lot to understand or study or observe... They are playing the race game, the media is hyperventilating, criminals and criminal minds are getting high on looting, white lefty idiots are sitting in their mansions celebrating the riots (wonder how they would react if the looters showed up on their front doors)....

I have the picture in my mind of a bunch of rats, of gutter creatures, from the looters right to the idiot "leaders" and the media minions. They live in the spiritual gutter. It's like a different planet altogether. It's as if the reality we (and many others) live in is barely connected to this "gutter world" anymore, both are hanging on a thin thread... What happens if this thread is cut once and for all? Will it be? Or do we have to witness this train wreck for another 10 years?

Maybe I'm just tired of it all, or lazy, or hiding from it, but right now, I'm just like... whatever. :huh:

All those gutter rats are affecting good people. A young friend from Philadelphia messaged me a couple of nights ago. He, his mum and dad were scared. They debated leaving their home and decided to stay. Later that night the mob was 1 block away and helicopters were flying overhead. He and his parents were going to get guns the next day....his grandfather was a not an irresponsible bunch.
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