George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

hey could I intrude on your page for one moment , this is the fastest method I could see to request information on how I should behave as a brand new forum member. Isn't there introductory materials that you could link me, isn't that how things work around here - I've seen how new members can interact and get resource links but I don't remember when.
The curfew in Minneapolis/St. Paul is either really foolish or they are deliberately trying to kick the hornet's nest. 8pm is really early and people are already mad. Telling them they can't leave their homes, after being stuck inside for 2 months, is only going to make the situation worse. Which is pretty much what is happening:

hey could I intrude on your page for one moment , this is the fastest method I could see to request information on how I should behave as a brand new forum member. Isn't there introductory materials that you could link me, isn't that how things work around here - I've seen how new members can interact and get resource links but I don't remember when.

Hey there Union11to13, you can post a simple intro in the Newbies section and you will be given the standard welcome intro that contains all the materials that can aid you to get your footing here.
Looks like this George Floyd killing is really setting the match to the powder keg in the US. The White House is on lockdown, the National Guard pulled back in Minneapolis as thousands defied the curfew - that is a smart choice IMO. RT is reporting protests in three other cities tonight, San Jose, Brooklyn, and Atlanta. Seems like a lot of pent up aggression/anger over being locked down is coming out.
Looks like this George Floyd killing is really setting the match to the powder keg in the US. The White House is on lockdown, the National Guard pulled back in Minneapolis as thousands defied the curfew - that is a smart choice IMO. RT is reporting protests in three other cities tonight, San Jose, Brooklyn, and Atlanta. Seems like a lot of pent up aggression/anger over being locked down is coming out.

I agree Beau. I've not seen anything that suggests that this is a false flag, crisis actors, or anything of a conspiratorial nature. From what I've seen on my Facebook feed from friends and family there was a LOT of anger about Floyd getting killed, and I think those reactions - as well as the riots - are mostly being driven by a heck of a lot frustration and anger over the corona craziness tied together with all of the anger and frustration from decades of maltreatment by the elites.
Tim Pool and his little gang are young and in several key ways, quite naive, but they work hard to stay on top of events and they are young enough to be genuinely dedicated to clear thinking and honesty insofar as they are able. They were covering the events as they happened (the mob in front of CNN HQ) :

The video is on Youtube. I thought extreme violience was banned on YouTube.
Seems like they have an agenda on this one.
Even the paramedics looked like they were primed, even wearing white bullet proof vests.
Warning : Very graphic and upsetting.

"In 1967, Walter Headley, who was then the police chief of Miami, used the phrase "when the looting starts, the shooting starts" at a press conference while addressing his department's crackdown on "hoodlums." He said Miami hadn't "faced serious problems with civil uprisings and looting because I've let the word filter down that when the looting starts, the shooting starts," according to the Miami Herald"

BODYCAM footage shows a cop telling two friends of George Floyd that an ambulance is on the way shortly before he died.

Each of these Cities-States were listed as involved in the anti-Trump protests prior to his January 20, 2017 Inauguration as the 58 President of the United States ... and who was "behind" the organizing and funding of these protests and rallies?

Interesting! Can you post the link to where those cities/states were listed as involved in anti-Trump protests? You can just hyperlink to the article and I'll have a look. Apologies if I missed it!

We are less then 6 Months away from the November 3rd Presidential Election ... and who is in the front running spot as a Democratic contender against our Republican President ... (Joe Biden)? Biden is backed by the same sources that pushed Killery into the limelight!

Color Revolutions and regime change start out "as protests and riots". Not only is "the timing - of 6 Months" favorable conditions to set a Color Revolution in motion, recent and current events related to the Coronavirus with Border closures, transport shut downs and limited social interaction, giving way to sky rocketing unemployment and limited cash flow ... along with all the uncertainty of what the future may bring ... provides the stimulus to create a medium platform, to vent fears, dissatisfaction and emotional inner turmoil in a public that has just experienced their livelihood and lifestyles turned up-side-down. All that is needed is "a spark" to ignite a festering time bomb. Everything "wrong" in society will be purposely heaped on Trump's shoulders ... so Biden can slide into the Presidency.

Yeah, and interestingly, police didn't stop those rioters from basically destroying their neighborhood. There was even an MSNBC reporter saying the following about people destroying and looting places: "I want to be clear on how I characterize this. This is mostly a protest. It is not generally speaking unruly." Never mind that they let people do all of that while people were supposed to wear masks and keep distance? Guess coronavirus isn't that dangerous. Anyway, it's good that Trump is taking action on this (he ordered investigations of Floyd's death) and that will win him votes I think. Anything Biden does is lose votes, especially his latest racist comment.

Thanks for sharing angelburst29, but I don't think it's necessary to paste the whole text with pictures! Unless there were specific bits that you thought are worthy to note? :-)
The Covid-19 situation caused businesses to go bankrupt and now business owners are having their shops either looted or burned down. I came across this video of a man who said he worked hard for his business and there was footage of it being completely destroyed (poor guy). I'm guessing the PTB are enjoying the chaos.
Just watching the video of the cnn reporter getting arrested. Does anyone think the woman from :18 secs in is just standing with hands in pocket again at 2:38? Or am I just blind?

So there's been a report spreading around that some looters attacked a disabled woman in a wheelchair at a store, shared by Gateway Pundit. I've lost a lot of respect for them for their horrendously tone-deaf (or dog-whistling, you decide) word choice of "animals" to describe black looters, but anyway some other images of the woman emerged showing her fine. There's speculation around the net that she was a crisis actor.

Original footage:
A bystander comes to help her, but she still wants to stay in the dangerous location:
Turns out she can walk (took awhile to see it: bottom right. If that's not her I'll eat my hat).

Other photos emerged later on:

And there is one journalist that is caught presenting while playing gunshot sounds on his phone.

Two young men find a pile of bricks dropped off in a commercial location, NO construction around ANYWHERE.

This bears a lot of the hallmarks of a psyop and a false flag.
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