We are less then 6 Months away from the November 3rd Presidential Election ... and who is in the front running spot as a Democratic contender against our Republican President ... (Joe Biden)? Biden is backed by the same sources that pushed Killery into the limelight!
Color Revolutions and regime change start out "as protests and riots". Not only is "the timing - of 6 Months" favorable conditions to set a Color Revolution in motion, recent and current events related to the Coronavirus with Border closures, transport shut downs and limited social interaction, giving way to sky rocketing unemployment and limited cash flow ... along with all the uncertainty of what the future may bring ... provides the stimulus to create a medium platform, to vent fears, dissatisfaction and emotional inner turmoil in a public that has just experienced their livelihood and lifestyles turned up-side-down. All that is needed is "a spark" to ignite a festering time bomb. Everything "wrong" in society will be purposely heaped on Trump's shoulders ... so Biden can slide into the Presidency.