George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

George Soros is about to get his race war. Yet, just like US geo-strategists he is placing his bets on sadistic thugs. Remember how IS (Islamic state) were freedom loving rebels at the start of the Syrian war until their war crimes which they recorded and put on the internet themselves became widespread.

Antifa and their affiliates can act with impunity and if this continue it will only be a matter of time before videos become available of them lynching white Christian families in droves.

You can’t control those thugs and them attacking the headquarters of CNN should give them a pause before they push this any further. (Although there might be other people and reasons behind this)

Somewhere along the line I guess that the dream of ‘One World Govt’ meant getting ride of those pesky nationalists (who are mainly white) who would resist their plan. Borders are racist after all and everyone disagreeing is a nazi that should be dealt with.

But before any of that can be realised. Trump must be dealt with. Let’s pray he is able to handle the situation. If not, the second American civil war will commence.
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Mob mentality, Antifa cowards only fight in groups.

Peaceful protesters... This is why you should be armed to the teeth.

Liberals are devils who put criminals and terrorists right back on the streets.

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anger about Floyd getting killed, and I think those reactions - as well as the riots - are mostly being driven by a heck of a lot frustration and anger over the corona craziness tied together with all of the anger and frustration from decades of maltreatment by the elites

That is the crux of the matter, I think: We The People were systematically harassed for decades via Government & Banker Tyranny, telling us what we cannot do: You no cannot do this! You are not allowed! Access Denied! Obey! You have no right to do that anymore! You racist! You will gonna get arrested..
etc.. tyrannical oppression for decades by the Power Elite.
Police and national guard shootint paint bullet at citizen in Minneapolis.

More provocation, more chaos and fear created.
This makes me sick to watch. This is not about justice! These thugs want to destroy the US and act like the victim! (Warning: very gruesome video and it seems they beat him to death)

Cops attack by crowd video

From the video of them suffocating the man, I have no reason to believe anything is staged.

The video looks quite conclusive to me.

As to the ensuing riots, I think there's quite a lot mixed in there.

In any case, the US has a habit of starting and stoking riots in other countries... I say let them riot to their hearts content. Sorry, but America needs a taste of its own medicine. Yes, I know it's normal everyday folks who'll get caught up in all these but the same applies in all the other countries America has started colour revolutions.

What do they say? What goes around comes around?

Having said all the above, think this is all just a flash in the pan... Soon people will be back to whatever it was they were doing before: Corona, socially distancing, rat race etc.
Take a close look at the following staticis. And still they dare to scream ''Stop oppressing us'' and ''End White Supremacy''.

Schermafbeelding 2020-05-31 om 13.30.26.png

In the maintime another immigrant yet again raped a young girl, and last week a swedish girl, 17 years old was decapiated by an Iraqi. This happens all the time yet those minorities could care less. The murder of George Flynn is horrible. But the ignorance and selective outrage of minorities is stunning and makes them dangerous.

Liberals, minorities and immigrants are the stormtroopers of the NWO who liberate the world of'' White nationalism''. Away with nationalism and all heal the Multicultural Rainbow One World Govt.
Another thing I don't understand with these riots is why normal people would go out of their way to provoke a mob? To prove a point?

Why are people going in there with MAGA hats or waving American flags when they know full well this will work people up?

I just saw a video of a man who walked up to a store that was being vandalised and tried to chase away the rioters with a sword... Surprise surprise, the rioters turned on him started chasing him, throwing stones and bottles, eventually he fell and they kicked and punched him until he was in a coma!

This is obviously quite tragic but cmon, why try and provoke them? When people are in a rage and part of a mob, don't try and reason with them, just walk away!

Another video up there is of a husband and wife getting beat up... Again, obviously quite tragic but the woman went out and approached them! I get it's their store but what they should have done is go out the back and run to a safe location! I know it's there livelihood getting vandalised but cmon, these people don't care, you can't reason with a mob!

The chaos energy is too strong... Normal citizens shouldn't try and intervene thinking they can control it! That's hubris! Walk away, live to fight another day!

Also don't forget a lot of these young men have grown up playing violent video games, watching violence on the regular and being part of the most violent country in the world... Like for example UFC is quite popular now and that should tell you people like seeing violence!

I repeat again, I say just get out the way and let them rage until the gods have been sufficiently nourished by the chaos and mayhem.
Take a close look at the following staticis. And still they dare to scream ''Stop oppressing us'' and ''End White Supremacy''.

View attachment 36614

In the maintime another immigrant yet again raped a young girl, and last week a swedish girl, 17 years old was decapiated by an Iraqi. This happens all the time yet those minorities could care less. The murder of George Flynn is horrible. But the ignorance and selective outrage of minorities is stunning and makes them dangerous.

Liberals, minorities and immigrants are the stormtroopers of the NWO who liberate the world of'' White nationalism''. Away with nationalism and all heal the Multicultural Rainbow One World Govt.

I'm not sure we can conflate what's happening in the US with multiculturalism... Whites and blacks in the US have been at each others throats since before there was a left or right, identity politics or binary genders.

If you look at these riots, I don't see race... What I see are a bunch of young men with a lot of rage... These youth aren't just black... I'm seeing black, white, hispanic, mixed race, you name it.

I'm not seeing race or religion in these videos.

I'm seeing rage from young people who are smashing up the house as they are pissed off.
I hope you are right and that they are not influenced by Lefty indoctrination which has been the 'dominant culture' for the last few years.

Let's wait and see.

I see more an influence of UFC and love for violence for violence sake more than lefty indoctrination with these lot.

I see a bunch of people overtaken by an energy that has disabled their thinking capacity.

I see a bunch of people attacking symbols of authority like they've finally had enough.

I see a bunch of opportunists who are out there for the enjoyment of being part of this.

I see a bunch of people provoking looking to become victims as if that'll prove something.

I see a bunch of different people looking to control this chaos and define it in a way that makes sense: Soros, left, right, antifa, paid protestors, actors, race wars, anti-Trump, pro-Trump, Fema camps etc etc. (I don't think it's any one thing, I think it's all of them)

It's all just one big mayhem.

Those 4D Energy Beings mentioned in the last session are probably already working their magic!

Expect more chaos now that they are apparently coming through!

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