George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Liberals, minorities and immigrants are the stormtroopers of the NWO who liberate the world of'' White nationalism''. Away with nationalism and all heal the Multicultural Rainbow One World Govt.
@bjorn are you sure you want this to be your conclusion? Let's try to remember that oversimplifications and generalizing takes us further from the truth.

Also one thing about the graph you posted, you can't take statistics out of context. There should be a 'white on white' as well as 'black on black' category listed, at the very least as a 'control'. I'm willing to bet you can't make the same assertions if those are included. Again, there is usually more to those types of stats than 'hey they look different I must hurt them'.
And the sentiment seems to be moving to Europe, this doesn't seem like a violent rioting as has been seen in the US, but people in London have gathered in support of the protesters. I can actually see this as the way some of these lockdowns end, in a violent uproar of anger and anxiety release, the sad part about it is that it's all for the wrong reasons, the people who created the conditions that have ruined so many lives will get a free pass:

Take a close look at the following staticis. And still they dare to scream ''Stop oppressing us'' and ''End White Supremacy''.

View attachment 36614

In the maintime another immigrant yet again raped a young girl, and last week a swedish girl, 17 years old was decapiated by an Iraqi. This happens all the time yet those minorities could care less. The murder of George Flynn is horrible. But the ignorance and selective outrage of minorities is stunning and makes them dangerous.

Liberals, minorities and immigrants are the stormtroopers of the NWO who liberate the world of'' White nationalism''. Away with nationalism and all heal the Multicultural Rainbow One World Govt.

I can't help but recall Laura's intuition that white people are being deliberately backed into a corner. The last decade has been a cultural and economic pressure cooker. We're demonized in the media, attacked by academics, discriminated against in the workplace. Legally, we're subjected to anarchotyranny: that is, we're required to obey, without question or complaint, an increasingly long list of absurd and draconian rules and regulations; while non-whites are apparently exempted from them, and allowed to predate upon whites at will. Our history is held up as uniquely evil, while other groups are excused whatever atrocities they might have committed.

No sane, normal human can long endure this treatment. These riots, celebrated in the media, in the context of months of police state oppression during which whites were punished for failing to socially distance; failing to wear masks; opening their businesses without permission; and attending church ... with the same liberals who enforced these unreasonable and bizarre restrictions, now suddenly exempting non-whites as they engage in mass criminal violence with not a care in the world for the supposed doomsday virus....

White people are definitely going to take notice of this.

So the question then is, why? Is it because they want whites to become authoritarian, militant, and violent? There's certainly a subset of whites - typically young, male, and right-wing - who could easily head in that direction. Yet at the same time: we're under biological/hormonal attack; masculinity is disparaged; homosexuality and gender-fluidity is encouraged; and white communities are flooded with opioids and marijuana, which encourage passivity. It seems equally plausible that the intent is not to back whites into a corner so that they eventually explode, but to lock whites in a cage in order to neutralize and, eventually, eliminate them.

But there could also be a 3D/4D STS divergence in strategy. 3D STS may well intend the removal of Europeans from the human gene pool, while 4D STS is using 3D STS in order to set up a psychologically and emotionally explosive situation for whites. An analogy with Weimar Germany may be apt: Germans were subjected to an intensive period of economic and cultural outrages and humiliations, which provided fertile ground for the rise of fascism. Notably, the conditions in Weimar Germany resembled those of the modern West in many respects.
I'm not sure we can conflate what's happening in the US with multiculturalism... Whites and blacks in the US have been at each others throats since before there was a left or right, identity politics or binary genders.

If you look at these riots, I don't see race... What I see are a bunch of young men with a lot of rage... These youth aren't just black... I'm seeing black, white, hispanic, mixed race, you name it.

I'm not seeing race or religion in these videos.

I'm seeing rage from young people who are smashing up the house as they are pissed off.

Historically, multicultural societies have been highly unstable and prone to outbursts of ethnic violence. Human groups forced to live in close proximity to one another very easily come to resent one another.

The only stable multicultural societies have been imperial systems wherein order is enforced by overwhelming violence. 'Stable' being a very relative term, since such political orders tend to disintegrate the moment the state is no longer able to maintain order.

It's extremely naive to think that the STS hierarchy is not very aware of this very basic principle of social dynamics. It's no accident that the promotion of multiculturalism has gone hand in hand with growing authoritarianism.

To be clear: this isn't to excuse racism or what have you. The basic principle is: good fences make good neighbors. Different groups can get along quite well when they have their own spaces and remain respectful of the territories of other groups.
Also one thing about the graph you posted, you can't take statistics out of context. There should be a 'white on white' as well as 'black on black' category listed, at the very least as a 'control'. I'm willing to bet you can't make the same assertions if those are included. Again, there is usually more to those types of stats than 'hey they look different I must hurt them'.

IIRC, black on black violent crime is much higher than black on white. White on white violent crime is not particularly high, however.
Historically, multicultural societies have been highly unstable and prone to outbursts of ethnic violence. Human groups forced to live in close proximity to one another very easily come to resent one another.

The only stable multicultural societies have been imperial systems wherein order is enforced by overwhelming violence. 'Stable' being a very relative term, since such political orders tend to disintegrate the moment the state is no longer able to maintain order.

It's extremely naive to think that the STS hierarchy is not very aware of this very basic principle of social dynamics. It's no accident that the promotion of multiculturalism has gone hand in hand with growing authoritarianism.

To be clear: this isn't to excuse racism or what have you. The basic principle is: good fences make good neighbors. Different groups can get along quite well when they have their own spaces and remain respectful of the territories of other groups.
This has more to do with a general principle of xenophobia or being more comfortable with those that are similar to yourself. This is a default subconscious thing and the similarities can be as varied as, voice, past experiences, philosophical leanings, etc. It is not specific to skin color.
Crime statistics
According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with Whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than Whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of White victims killed by Whites, and 93% of African American victims were killed by African Americans.[49][50][51]

In 2013, African Americans accounted for 52.2% of all murder arrests, with Whites 45.3% and Asians/Native Americans 2.5%. Of the above, 21.7% were Hispanic.[52][53]

Blacks account for the majority of gun homicide victims/arrestees in the US while Whites account for the vast majority of non-gun homicide victims/arrestees. Of the gun murder victims in the United States between 2007–2016, 57% were black, 40.6% white (including Hispanic), 1.35% Asian, 0.98% unknown race and 0.48% Native American.

Non-gun homicides represented about 30% of total murders in the time period. Blacks were still overrepresented although only by about 2.5x their share of the general population.[54] Of the non-gun murder victims in the United States between 2007–2016, 61.5% were white (including Hispanic), 32.9% black, 2.29% Asian, 1.89% unknown race and 1.43% Native American.[55]
This has more to do with a general principle of xenophobia or being more comfortable with those that are similar to yourself. This is a default subconscious thing and the similarities can be as varied as, voice, past experiences, philosophical leanings, etc. It is not specific to skin color.

Where did I say it had anything to do with skin color, specifically?

The instability of multicultural societies is a general feature. The Roman and Austro-Hungarian empires are good examples of this; in both cases the populations were overwhelmingly European. One could also point to the post-colonial states of Africa and the Middle East, which were deliberately set up so as to be internally divided along tribal lines.

Humans are fully capable of being antagonistic over relatively small cultural, religious, or ethnic differences. Without exception, the best means of reducing this antagonism is to give distinct groups their own territories, and respect those boundaries.
Take a close look at the following staticis. And still they dare to scream ''Stop oppressing us'' and ''End White Supremacy''.

View attachment 36614

In the maintime another immigrant yet again raped a young girl, and last week a swedish girl, 17 years old was decapiated by an Iraqi. This happens all the time yet those minorities could care less. The murder of George Flynn is horrible. But the ignorance and selective outrage of minorities is stunning and makes them dangerous.

Liberals, minorities and immigrants are the stormtroopers of the NWO who liberate the world of'' White nationalism''. Away with nationalism and all heal the Multicultural Rainbow One World Govt.
It's what the NWO wants to use them for. (or not?) It's not that I see them as such.

No, don't hide behind the NWO now. Let's look at the entirety of your post. I'll reiterate a point about those charts as well; If you have a group of people with 1 in 5 being a minority and all members being equally violent, the 'minority vs non-minority' stat will be overstated. At the very least you cannot say that minorities are inherently more violent.

Furthermore, there is the issue of Maslow's Needs Hierarchy which basically states that you are in a state of survival before basic 'needs' are met. A person or animal that is in a chronic state of survival will make certain choices that are different than one with different circumstances. This is true regardless of culture, perceived race, or genetic potential. My point is that there are a lot of moving parts to the conclusion you're attempting to make. Not least of which the collateral damage that could result If you say something you may not mean or intend.

In the game of divide and conquer, the statements in the quoted post serve that aim perfectly. Was that your intention, @bjorn?
Historically, multicultural societies have been highly unstable and prone to outbursts of ethnic violence. Human groups forced to live in close proximity to one another very easily come to resent one another.

The only stable multicultural societies have been imperial systems wherein order is enforced by overwhelming violence. 'Stable' being a very relative term, since such political orders tend to disintegrate the moment the state is no longer able to maintain order.

It's extremely naive to think that the STS hierarchy is not very aware of this very basic principle of social dynamics. It's no accident that the promotion of multiculturalism has gone hand in hand with growing authoritarianism.

To be clear: this isn't to excuse racism or what have you. The basic principle is: good fences make good neighbors. Different groups can get along quite well when they have their own spaces and remain respectful of the territories of other groups.

You are quite on spot with that I would say, the former country I was born to and my parents lived part of their lives balkanised in many small countries by the help of west and it was very easy to spur ethnic and religious violence especially when there was history of it in the past and there being many ethnicities and religions, but also through history when you look at some empires like Seleucid and Roman(prior and later in it s eastern part having many uprisings because of cultural differences with that territory) that had a promotion of tolerance and multiculturalism looking like that in an more ancient way did it only for the purpose of control because they expand and want to keep the order of newly conquered lands, then it was more in line of brute force and bribing then psychological warfare that was in it s infant stage compered to today s elite non interrupted multi century experience in ruling the masses.

They were very aware of it from ancient times from even Assyrian empire when they migrated one rebelious etnicity from their land to other lands and cuting resistance in half in that way, especially if the land that they were migrated to was also rebellious and in that way those native populace would be distracted fighting newly arrived migrants and not their overlords, and those migrants also becoming enforcers and allies of overlords for whose protections they needed in new hostile enviroment. Today it is not so much different with migrations to EU even if there is more economic factor underlaying it from their perspective.

But looking on microscale you also would not keep much company with someone who has tottaly different look on life then you have wich does not has to be always but people often group based on that and especially other materialistic characteristics, so maybe that is where that law like attracts like comes into place, but it also speaks of the level of humanity as a whole when it comes to superficial things.

IIRC, black on black violent crime is much higher than black on white. White on white violent crime is not particularly high, however.

Maybe having to do more with that hormone that is making them more agressive and other enviroment factors like poverty, ghetto culture, history, etc...
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