George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Like George Carlin said; "They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." The U.S. has been a powder keg for a while. Most everyone except the wealthy have been on the hamster wheel running and running trying to make ends meet for far too long. This fact was probably single handedly the reason for Trumps victory. If it wasn't for the bailouts, things would have already boiled over. Of course one should probably factor in those types who feed on chaos seeing this as an opportunity to just go out and break some stuff. And some agents provocateurs in the mix as well. Then there's the pendulum thing where once it gets going, a lot more people get swayed into the mind set. But I would say this definitely qualifies as a "twist" alluded to be the C's. And it looks like it's just getting started.

Statistics as we've learnt from Corona virus quite clearly is that they can be manipulated.

On top of that, false statistics can skew our perception of the world.

Here's an example

So, a right wing Trump loving, MAGA hat wearing true and proper American from the midwest can say - "Right, blacks are criminals and I have the proof for it"...he can then produce arrest data and show that yes, say in 2019, 10000 black people got arrested in his county compared to 6000 white people.

On the face of it, he might be right... But wait, what if in his county, 80% of blacks live below the poverty line compared to 50% of whites, what about if 70% of black households are single parent compared to 30% of white ones? Does this change the statistics above leading him to conclude blacks are criminals?

Maybe not.

Okay, let's say of those 10000 blacks who got arrested, the majority of crimes were petty crimes and drug dealing. What about, just to spice it up, we say in his county there were 3 white billionaires who got arrested for global vaccine crimes through their business holdings that resulted in 500,000 paralysed kids in the world.

All of a sudden, statistics say 10000 blacks were arrested and 6000 whites were arrested but when you look at the reach of the crimes, all of a sudden the 3 white billionaire guys within that 6000 paint a whole different picture to the extent of the crimes committed. Does this matter?

My point is, at the end of the day, we are quick to throw around statistics to prove a point but do these statistics hold the real picture of the world? Can they hold the real picture?

Do people bother asking themselves what else they are missing that their statistics isn't showing them or do they only care about being proven correct?
Here's another good one I saw.

This guy George Floyd was killed as he was accused of some supposed forgeries. As far as I'm aware, he never faced a judge. He was judged and executed by the cop on the street.

What about this Kylie Jenner now getting accused of forgeries of a whole different magnitude and you know what.. no cop has turned up to her house, nor will she receive the George Floyd treatment if they ever show up at her house.

The cosmetics entrepreneur was kicked off the coveted Forbes Billionaire list by the wealth magazine on Friday in a shock move, after the outlet said financial filings with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) show she may have been lying about the success of her cosmetics company.

One guy loses his life because he may or may not have forged some bills or something which amount to nothing really... Another one is out here walking free who might have forged some stuff amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars.

Welcome to America, the land where it pays to be a high functioning criminal.
Statistics as we've learnt from Corona virus quite clearly is that they can be manipulated

It's a fair point, and I'll not argue that the billionaire class does far more damage than any number of pretty criminals, of whatever race. That's obviously correct.

My point, to be especially clear since it seems to be getting lost, is that the power structure is encouraging a false perception of reality (blacks being under constant assault by whites), in order to incite blacks against whites, and thus sow violent chaos.

The data that we have indicate that this perception is the opposite of the truth. The data do NOT say that all, or a majority, of blacks are criminally inclined; drawing such an inclusion would be absurd.

Regarding possible biases in the data, sure, with any dataset you can speculate about the influence of random or systematic errors, etc., until the cows come home. But at the end of the day one must work with the data one has. In the absence of a compelling reason to doubt the data, such as a competing dataset that is provably superior, one has to act on the basis of the best information available.

So, yes, in any given case stats can be manipulated. That leaves the question of whether, in a given case, they have been; and if so, to what end. In the context of a social order that systematically demonizes whites; in which non-whites are openly encouraged to hate and fear whites; and in which non-whites are given tacit permission to engage in violent riots; does it really strike you as probable that the system would be putting its thumb on the statistical scale in order to make whites look good?
That is how you come to conclusion when you have statistics which is not biased and skewed and I do not know if it is, but if it is not statistics does not lie. If all given the recent years politics in west it would be skewed to go more in hand to minorities. If it walks like a duck...You are biased because of your skin color but it is understandable given the circumstances and probably some life experiences.
You've never met me in person so it would be hard to say whether or not I'm biased in the way you imply. Further, you haven't said anything here other than some idioms but still ignore my point of how to to look at statistics.

Make claims on what I'm actually saying based on the data provided and not assumptions. It doesn't matter if we are talking about race or different fruits, one cannot use data like it's being done here. That's my point.

Corvus, saying I'm biased based on my skin color is similar to sticking your fingers in your ears. What I'm saying has nothing to do with race and more to do with seeing reality correctly.
Game on! Antifa has activated all of their cells. They will burn the US down before seeing Trump reelected. About time to set the dogs loose on them!

I wouldn't hold my breath. First: that wall still isn't built. Second, going ham on the riots would be strategically foolish. This has the appearance of a colour revolution. All the other side needs is a martyr to hold up, and they can kick these riots up to the level of open insurrection, and effect a coup d'etats.

The smart play for Trump is to let things slide, and give them plenty of rope to hang themselves with. Remembering that his base is largely rural and thus unaffected by these riots, which are just destroying liberal enclaves, it's politically much smarter for him to bluster, let them exhaust themselves, and give the country a good, hard look at what leftist/globalist rule entails.

Meanwhile, his base is most certainly noticing the hypocrisy of the liberal media/government class, who enforced draconian lockdown rules on law-abiding citizens, but now insists these criminals be given space to destroy, with no reference to social distancing.
I can't help but recall Laura's intuition that white people are being deliberately backed into a corner. The last decade has been a cultural and economic pressure cooker. We're demonized in the media, attacked by academics, discriminated against in the workplace. Legally, we're subjected to anarchotyranny: that is, we're required to obey, without question or complaint, an increasingly long list of absurd and draconian rules and regulations; while non-whites are apparently exempted from them, and allowed to predate upon whites at will. Our history is held up as uniquely evil, while other groups are excused whatever atrocities they might have committed.

No sane, normal human can long endure this treatment. These riots, celebrated in the media, in the context of months of police state oppression during which whites were punished for failing to socially distance; failing to wear masks; opening their businesses without permission; and attending church ... with the same liberals who enforced these unreasonable and bizarre restrictions, now suddenly exempting non-whites as they engage in mass criminal violence with not a care in the world for the supposed doomsday virus....

White people are definitely going to take notice of this.

So the question then is, why? Is it because they want whites to become authoritarian, militant, and violent? There's certainly a subset of whites - typically young, male, and right-wing - who could easily head in that direction. Yet at the same time: we're under biological/hormonal attack; masculinity is disparaged; homosexuality and gender-fluidity is encouraged; and white communities are flooded with opioids and marijuana, which encourage passivity. It seems equally plausible that the intent is not to back whites into a corner so that they eventually explode, but to lock whites in a cage in order to neutralize and, eventually, eliminate them.

But there could also be a 3D/4D STS divergence in strategy. 3D STS may well intend the removal of Europeans from the human gene pool, while 4D STS is using 3D STS in order to set up a psychologically and emotionally explosive situation for whites. An analogy with Weimar Germany may be apt: Germans were subjected to an intensive period of economic and cultural outrages and humiliations, which provided fertile ground for the rise of fascism. Notably, the conditions in Weimar Germany resembled those of the modern West in many respects.

I fully agree with you when you mention that multiculturalism cannot work for an extended period. And I think that this is the pitfall of most black people (or people of other race for that matter) who want more racial equality or an end to racism/ prejudice; they fail to see that it isn't possible and that ultimately, human beings are better off living in small communities with people like themselves who share the same skin colour, culture, experience, history, religion and values. Also, human beings are naturally prejudiced towards the Other, so our very nature demands this. Multiculturalism is a chimera. So is diversity. Perhaps, if we were living in a different world without psychopaths and likes things might be different, but for now we have to work with what we have.

Anyway, whenever there's an economic downturn, places with people of different race, ethnicity or religion turn into battlefield. In our case, we have the media and politician actively stocking the fire. So, I'm not sure how the following months/ years will evolve. We might really get a race war in the US and some places in Europe.

However, I'm not sure I fully agree with your other points.

in the context of months of police state oppression during which whites were punished for failing to socially distance; failing to wear masks; opening their businesses without permission; and attending church ... with the same liberals who enforced these unreasonable and bizarre restrictions, now suddenly exempting non-whites as they engage in mass criminal violence with not a care in the world for the supposed doomsday virus....

Frankly, most of the people I've seen (in real life or online) either clapping enthusiastically or being extremely pro-social distancing and wearing mask were mainly white people (some on the right and some on the left). And it's the same for the opening/ closing businesses and attending religious places. People literally just lost their mind. However, now that some are feeling the heat economically, they're slowly coming to their senses. This being said I live in the UK, in the US, I know that some Trump supporters/ right wing were criticised for protesting the lockdown.

In any case, I do admit that in the case of the current riots, nobody is saying anything, or at least not in the media.

When you mentioned that you feel higher forces are trying to eliminate white people, I'd like to give some perspective. In the US, according to a census I've seen, there are about 70% of white people, 16% of Latinos and 12% of black people. In the UK (who is the European country with the most black people), there are 87% of white people, 7% of Asian and 3% black. I live in London, and even in the capital, it's easy to find place with low minorities whenever you leave the centre. Once outside the capital, there are many places near where you can literally count the number of foreigners on your fingers. In France (where I grew up), it's about the same.

What I'm trying to say is that the white race isn't likely to disappear. But my impression is that forces outside this realm actively want to create the impression that white people are going to disappear or are in danger of going extinct precisely to rile up people. Another thing I'd like to mention is that generally speaking white people are better off financially than the rest and white people aren't getting fired from their job en mass because of leftist propaganda either, so I'm not sure what you meant when you said that white people were under an economic cooker. In regards to what the government has done due to Coronavirus is and will be affecting literally everybody. And actually generally speaking, economic downturn tend to affect minorities worse simply because their economic situation was less good. Basically, the poor get poorer.

As for gender-fluidity and homosexuality, it's affecting everybody across the racial line. However, generally speaking, western populations are more accepting of this. You didn't mention immigration, but I'd like to mention it as it kind of touch on the overall feeling of your post. My opinion on it is that it's a fairly complex topic. To begin with the government makes the law and in Western countries, these government are naturally composed of mainly white people. So, I always feel like it's a bit misguided to get angry at the migrant rather than the person who actually has the power to make laws. It's not as if some country in South America or Africa is holding the US and any European countries in hostage. Obviously, the problem is that government are corrupt and they don't usually pass policies that help their population. Also, the other issue is the media which instead of facilitating discussions simply tries to promote an agenda and foment division.

The other problem with immigration which isn't often mentioned is that migrants can make cheap labour. So essentially if the government or a company wants to pay their employee less, they'll prefer to hire migrants because they are more likely to accept to work for a lesser pay and without protest. In short, regular people are hurt but the elite still get their money.

Even though I disagreed with some points in your post, I think it's probably representative of how the white population at large feel.
It's a fair point, and I'll not argue that the billionaire class does far more damage than any number of pretty criminals, of whatever race. That's obviously correct.

My point, to be especially clear since it seems to be getting lost, is that the power structure is encouraging a false perception of reality (blacks being under constant assault by whites), in order to incite blacks against whites, and thus sow violent chaos.

The data that we have indicate that this perception is the opposite of the truth. The data do NOT say that all, or a majority, of blacks are criminally inclined; drawing such an inclusion would be absurd.

Regarding possible biases in the data, sure, with any dataset you can speculate about the influence of random or systematic errors, etc., until the cows come home. But at the end of the day one must work with the data one has. In the absence of a compelling reason to doubt the data, such as a competing dataset that is provably superior, one has to act on the basis of the best information available.

So, yes, in any given case stats can be manipulated. That leaves the question of whether, in a given case, they have been; and if so, to what end. In the context of a social order that systematically demonizes whites; in which non-whites are openly encouraged to hate and fear whites; and in which non-whites are given tacit permission to engage in violent riots; does it really strike you as probable that the system would be putting its thumb on the statistical scale in order to make whites look good?
How many 'blacks' have you encountered? With all the talk about data and stats a great way to really be grounded in reality is to experience going outside, go to the store, run errands. I think it's easy to forget that much news and Social media cover outliers to what's really going on. In itself, that actually doesn't reflect reality accurately.

If you don't have plenty of life experience to help calibrate reading this type of data, it can be easy to only come at it from a context of statistics. Doing this really discounts other dimensions of the issue which leads to black and white statements such as 'the opposite is true when it comes to blacks being marginalized'. There's certainly too much nuance and different situations to say this and it be true.

My point, to be especially clear since it seems to be getting lost, is that the power structure is encouraging a false perception of reality (blacks being under constant assault by whites), in order to incite blacks against whites, and thus sow violent chaos.

Of course, it's the power structures job to manipulate people and get them at each others throats ;-)

Having said this, I don't think the statistics that show blacks commit more crimes paint the whole picture. At the end of the day, the statistics

  • Don't show why crimes are getting committed
  • Don't show the extent of the crimes (for example the impact of 10,000 black marijuana drug dealers doesn't compare to the impact of a single convicted white corporate exec who makes a decision that impacts 500,000 lives negatively e.g. hide some pollution or something). The statistics at the end of the day will say there were 10,000 or so black criminals Vs 1 white one but what about the impact?
  • The statistics never show the people who get away with their crimes.

At the end of the day, when ones perception can't move beyond seeing someone or a group of people beyond their race, gender or religion, then I think their view of reality will be highly skewed.

There's no easier way to get people to fight each other than provoke their differences. As you say, the power structure is highly adept at this game!
Game on! Antifa has activated all of their cells. They will burn the US down before seeing Trump reelected. About time to set the dogs loose on them!
Just so we're clear you are aware that 'let the dogs loose' is an actual thing that happened during Martin Luther King marches, correct? Saying comments like this comes across as irreverent. Have you heard the term, 'I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies?'

We're getting to the point where not knowing the history can lead to repeating it.
At this point I'm having a hard time reconciling what this forum is built on compared to the back and forth we're having here.

The above is an example of an emotional statement based on what I'm feeling. I can be honest about that, however I still think I'm seeing some very cavalier statements being thrown around a little too freely without checks from others.

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