George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Just so we're clear you are aware that 'let the dogs loose' is an actual thing that happened during Martin Luther King marches, correct? Saying comments like this comes across as irreverent. Have you heard the term, 'I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies?'

We're getting to the point where not knowing the history can lead to repeating it.
No, trendsetter, many would not necessarily know that statement, unless old enough to remember and/or from the US. Cultural literacy, such as you are expecting from others, has been lost in this society.....perhaps even planned.
There seems to be more going on here than meets the eye with these unrests. By that I mean that even though the PTB would like to turn this into a divisive issue such as "Left vs. Right" or "Blacks vs. Whites", it doesn't appear that that is what spurred the protests initially, though I could be wrong. My best guess so far is that it has more to do with an underlying existential dread, despair, impotence and so on, and that has been brought about by psychopaths in power destroying things left and right, for many decades now, creating a condition where it has been impossible for people to lead even relatively normal lives, and so we have people lashing out in various ways sporadically, and then the PTB react by trying to further increase their control. That picture of a police officer kneeling on Floyd's neck is quite symbolic of our times in general, and so is the phrase "I can't breathe."
Can I humbly add something? Not to be understood as me trying to school anybody or me trying to act like a smarty pants 😉 Rather a friendly suggestion...

You all remember Mark Twain right? He died in 1910! Right about the time when robber barons really started hoarding political power. Its VERY telling that he would come up with this next quote: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."

That was over a century ago! Dont you all think that he had extremely good reason for that? Because he saw that statistics were a TOOL for manipulation and division of society even back then. If that was the case a century ago why do you think we are in this mess right now? Because people are now divided and manipulated to the nth degree when compared with the start of 20th century. So be very carefull when you rely on statistics. Maybe even dont rely on them at all! Like it was the case at the start of convid thread. Which was the reason I was having a "head-butting" contest with so many people here ;-D and why I am somewhat "annoying" to some forumites (I still cant escape that impression but thats fine, we are all different right?). Thanks to Laura and Cs and my efforts and this forum Im now learning and adjusting at the speed of light. I hate conflict with anybody but Im not scared to stick to my guns and to protect my right to think for myself so I end up in "altercations" more often than I would like. Hope this wont be another case of that tho. 🙌

What Id like to see in this world is people of different races and backgrounds finally start to unite and boycott the parasitic PTBs and minions and all that represents them.
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play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

the people are making their individual choices and these are their choices alone to bear. if they have fallen into the CLASSIC divide/conquer tactic of the PTB and that's what they want to focus their energy on, it's nothing i can control. some protesters can't even control themselves!

looks like charlotte, nc had protests last night too. another blue city to add to the list.
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@bjorn are you sure you want this to be your conclusion? Let's try to remember that oversimplifications and generalizing takes us further from the truth.

Also one thing about the graph you posted, you can't take statistics out of context. There should be a 'white on white' as well as 'black on black' category listed, at the very least as a 'control'. I'm willing to bet you can't make the same assertions if those are included. Again, there is usually more to those types of stats than 'hey they look different I must hurt them'.

Frankly I'm not sure why Bjorn felt the need to bring up crime demographic statistics (much less immigrants), as it really has nothing whatsoever to do with the situation on the ground in the US right now.

The chief matter there is a false flag operation to trigger and aggravate a large demographic to distract from the failures surrounding Covid-19. People are angry and frustrated and lashing out with protests, and NGO-backed agitators, corrupt police, and the mainstream media are doing everything in their power to increase the chaos on the ground and get people fighting against one another.

At this point I'm having a hard time reconciling what this forum is built on compared to the back and forth we're having here.

The above is an example of an emotional statement based on what I'm feeling. I can be honest about that, however I still think I'm seeing some very cavalier statements being thrown around a little too freely without checks from others.

I agree it was tone deaf, but I am sympathetic to Bjorn's frustration about Antifa and other NGOs that are covertly funded and directed by oligarchs (and I know you are too) for all kinds of slimy machinations. It's all about flattening the playing field so everything is above the board and on the level. Just as I am sympathetic to the protestors and even those engaging in less rational behavior like looting (if only on the basis that they're damaged and brainwashed to the point that they can't really see where their own interests lie anymore). No sympathy for the radicals or anarchists who want violence for its own sake to "effect societal change." Introducing violence to the equation and undermining rule of law defeats the whole notion of being in a society, as Collingwood has wrote about here.
This video shows the last minutes of George Floyd. Even though it is from The Washington Post channel I think that shows how the situation developed. One thing I don't understand. Police said that George physically resisted officers which I don't see on the video in such a manner that they need a bunch of police officers to get him down.
What I'm trying to say is that the white race isn't likely to disappear. But my impression is that forces outside this realm actively want to create the impression that white people are going to disappear or are in danger of going extinct precisely to rile up people.

Trajectory is everything. In all those countries, the proportion of the native population is much lower than just a generation ago. Furthermore, between the huge difference in birth rates, and high immigration, whites are slated to become a minority within about a generation.

Extinct, perhaps not, but the perception that many European and Euro-colonial peoples have that they are being made into minorities in their own homelands, is not inaccurate.

As for gender-fluidity and homosexuality, it's affecting everybody across the racial line. However, generally speaking, western populations are more accepting of this.

Perhaps, but at least in North America this is also more targeted at whites. Non-whites - blacks and muslims, in particular - are given far more leeway to be critical of the promotion of sexual deviancy. Furthermore, traditional masculine virtues are really only demonized when displayed by white men.

Another thing I'd like to mention is that generally speaking white people are better off financially than the rest and white people aren't getting fired from their job en mass because of leftist propaganda either, so I'm not sure what you meant when you said that white people were under an economic cooker.

Not sure how it is in the UK. In Canada and the US, affirmative action programs and diversity hiring initiatives openly discriminate against whites, white males especially. This is simply a fact. Also, it's not true that whites are better off than all other groups: better off than blacks and hispanics; not as well off as east asians or Indians (again, speaking specifically of North America). But indeed the perception is that whites are unfairly holding everyone down.
This video shows the last minutes of George Floyd. Even though it is from The Washington Post channel I think that shows how the situation developed. One thing I don't understand. Police said that George physically resisted officers which I don't see on the video in such a manner that they need a bunch of police officers to get him down.

He didn't resist arrest. I saw the surveillance videos, and they clearly show that he was compliant the whole time. It's all here:

And what's up with this so-called standard procedure of calling the police for a supposedly counterfeit 20$ bill? Even if it was indeed counterfeit, Floyd might have been totally unaware of it. Why calling the police? Is this really the standard procedure (in the US)?
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And what's up with this so-called standard procedure of calling the police for a supposedly counterfeit 20$ bill? Even if it was indeed counterfeit, Floyd might have been totally unaware of it. Why calling the police? Is this really the standard procedure?
Exactly! And it was a $20 Bill not a $100 bill or something. When I was working as a bartender and something like that happened, I immediately would let the client know that the bill is fake. I would think first on behalf of the person just in case they are not aware of it and could create trouble for them Later on, even if the person would look a little suspicious. I would have only call police if the person/client would react violently or doesn’t cooperate after letting the owner or manager know.
This is not about white vs black, this is distraction and divisiveness. Yet here we are drudging up statistics on, this forum no less, in an attempt to say hey blacks are more violent than whites. What am I witnessing here?

I don't know anything about statistics, trendsetter, and I hope I understand you correctly, but there are things about race and crime that are simply ignored by the media and the knowledge suppressed by the PTB, so perhaps you would find the following video interesting? Don't know whether it helps, nevertheless the video is very interesting.:-)

I wrote a bit about it here:
Apparently, the British authorities are hiding the numbers of crimes committed by various ethnic groups. I know that the same is going on in The Netherlands: Nationale Politie zwijgt over aard en omvang criminele asielzoekers --

Trevor Philips who made the video and who was for a decade the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality and its successor, the Equality and Human Rights Commission said:

  • The inability to discuss racial issues contributed to child grooming scandals in cities such as Rotherham and Rochdale, because authorities ‘turned a blind eye’;
  • Silence on racial issues led to the failure to take action to save Victoria Climbie;
  • A film commissioned to warn young people of the dangers of grooming was suppressed because it featured an Asian perpetrator abusing white girls;
  • He was accused of being ‘fatuous’ by senior New Labour figures when he warned of the dangers of multiculturalism;
  • Multiculturalism has become a ‘racket’ in many parts of the country, with self-styled community leaders battling for funds which prop up their authority and entrench segregation

Trevor Phillips is a man who dares to tell the truth about race | Daily Mail Online
Each of these Cities-States were listed as involved in the anti-Trump protests prior to his January 20, 2017 Inauguration as the 58 President of the United States ... and who was "behind" the organizing and funding of these protests and rallies?

We are less then 6 Months away from the November 3rd Presidential Election ... and who is in the front running spot as a Democratic contender against our Republican President ... (Joe Biden)? Biden is backed by the same sources that pushed Killery into the limelight!

Color Revolutions and regime change start out "as protests and riots".

My guess, with restrictions starting to ease due to COVID-19, after two months of utter chaos, uncertainties and quarantine's, the stage was set for the Clinton/Obama/Soros opportunist to roll out their Antifa tool kit to throw Trump's Administration into complete disarray with hopes of laying a bloody battle on the front steps of the Capital - White House and at Trump's feet? All that was needed was "an event" that could be blown out of proportion to start the ball rolling. Once inflamed with local protests, the Antifa group would come out of the cracks - to incite and provoke more protests and bloody violence in key locations, creating a domino effect. The elite's are well prepared to turn the Unites States into another Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or Syria - to oust Trump and "take over complete control!"

Once the demonic elite gain complete control of the United States ... Israel and it's proxies will proceed to bomb Iran. The Pentagon and NATO have been building up Military reinforcements, tanks and missile divisions into Syria in the last few weeks. NATO is now at full Staff in Poland and Germany with it's "Defender-Europe 20/Allied Spirit exercises" ready to begin on June 5-19. Within that timeframe, if Israel attacks Iran ... NATO activates all it's military assets towards Russia!!!

US army resumes Europe exercises after pandemic pause | DefenceTalk
May 14, 2020
- US-Polish exercise Allied Spirit, originally planned for May, will see the mobilization of 6,000 soldiers from the two countries from June 5-19 at the Drawsko Pomorskie base in the north of Poland, the army said in a statement.

The 4,000 US soldiers that will take part had already traveled to Europe for Defender-Europe 20, the biggest US military deployment in Europe in 25 years. But the pandemic prompted the Pentagon to freeze all US military movement around the world.
The new exercise will feature a Polish airborne operation and a US-Polish division-size river crossing.

By the time US troop movements to Europe were halted in early March, more than 90 percent of the equipment earmarked for Defender-Europe 20 had been loaded on aircraft or ships bound for Europe.

More than 6,000 soldiers and 3,000 pieces of equipment arrived in Europe, and over 9,000 vehicles were moved to training areas in Germany

At this very moment, Trump is at most risk of being immobilized and assassinated! Pray ... no harm comes to him and his Family!

Plus, the demonic elite need to manufacture another diversion to prevent Putin's Russia from celebrating their DEFEAT!

Putin Reschedules WWII Parade to June 24 After Delay Due to Pandemic ⋆

The new date marks exactly 75 years since the Moscow Victory Parade of 1945.

It does look like the same woman.
The whole "arrest" looks totally staged to me.


Trump blames violent protests on ‘Antifa & radical left,’ says they have little to do with George Floyd’s death

Yes, all of this talk about crisis actors and George Soros busing people in and similar things is just another way that the PTB create division among those who are trying to make sense of events. Not to say that there isn't potentially a little truth to some of it, as there definitely could be agents provocateur using these events to further spread chaos and hidden agendas.

But all of this is done to further muddy the waters and get people arguing about what is going on and who is involved while those who really profit from the chaos escape notice. Just another way to divide and conquer.
But I do appreciate reading all of the posts here, with everyone posting their links and thoughts. It helps to make sense of events as we collectively weed through this mess that seems to be gaining steam.

I'm with Ketone Cop, I think there could be some agent provocateur stuff going on but mostly this is people who are very angry at their leaders lashing out.

But before any of that can be realised. Trump must be dealt with. Let’s pray he is able to handle the situation. If not, the second American civil war will commence.

Mob mentality, Antifa cowards only fight in groups.

Game on! Antifa has activated all of their cells. They will burn the US down before seeing Trump reelected. About time to set the dogs loose on them!

The smart play for Trump is to let things slide, and give them plenty of rope to hang themselves with. Remembering that his base is largely rural and thus unaffected by these riots, which are just destroying liberal enclaves, it's politically much smarter for him to bluster, let them exhaust themselves, and give the country a good, hard look at what leftist/globalist rule entails.

Touche' ... Liva La Trump!
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Trajectory is everything. In all those countries, the proportion of the native population is much lower than just a generation ago. Furthermore, between the huge difference in birth rates, and high immigration, whites are slated to become a minority within about a generation.

Okay, but why do you care? It's the soul that matters, not the body. It is the community that matters, not the clan (or klan). Have you read the threads on Paul? There is neither Man nor Woman, nor Gentile nor Jew in Christ. Racial or ethnic identification is just another program (or stoicheo) in the matrix to corral or wrangle people when they behave at the level of unconscious machines.

Maybe some people do want to destroy european civilization, but they do so from within an extremely Darwinian and sectarian point of view that lacks historical perspective and spiritual maturity. Adopting a symmetrical viewpoint with your own ethnic group as the focal point is really just playing the same STS game. What needs to happen is that all people who believe in the good, peace, and justice need to wake up and see that every group is corralled and weaponized against the other by oligarchs who control the media organs, purely to promote their own interests against other oligarchs, like chips on a poker table. From there a coalition that is actually workable can can resist the controls they try to impose through unconscious or malicious agents.
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