George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

I am behind reading the latest, but just wanted to pass along breaking news in my local area. My Dad who works at a local warehouse store, called and said the store must close early due to expected rioting in our area tonight. Apparently, the local police told the managers of threats going around on Facebook about expected rioting and killing white people in the suburbs of Omaha, NE (where I live) tonight. All the local stores have closed as of an hour ago, and are boarding up here in the suburbs of Omaha, NE. The Mayor of Omaha has declared curfew for at least the next 72 hours from 8pm to 6am. This part of the evening Cass crystal reading is now so true for all of us in a similar situation, "no scourge come near your home" DCM bless and protect us all!

Link to local news story:
@Adaryn, I'm going to plead ignorance and say I didn't know the situation was THAT bad!

why have those crimes been covered up for so many years? Partly because, as has been said already in this thread (and in others) as well as in several articles posted on SOTT*** and in the video Mariama posted, it's not "allowed", today, to report that a non-White person or a migrant has committed a crime, and to be outraged by it. If you do that, you're deemed a racist. You're accused of painting all Pakistanis, Arabs, Blacks, or whatever minority, with the same brush.

Here in the UK, we heard about these cover ups. I think it's now widespread knowledge.

In the media and justice system, a lot of non-whites who commit crimes are made to face justice and a lot have their faces plastered all over the news. I never got the impression there was a conspiracy to hide association of criminal acts with non-whites.

In major cities here, most gang crimes are associated with non-whites.. pick a day, tune in to the evening news in London and this is what you see!

Also every now and again MI5 uncovers a plot that leads to arrests which is broadcast widely - the arrested tend to be Muslim Arabs who were planning terrorist attack.

Anyways, the impression I get from the mainstream news when I watch it whilst in a major city is that non-whites make up the majority of criminals. I don't get the sense of a cover up.

This is not to say there isn't a cover up!
This entire topic is very sensitive. It's inherently challenging to discuss group-level differences, without implying that all members of a given group behave in X fashion; it's also very easy to go the other direction, and say, oh well there are no group differences, everyone's a unique snowflake.

Or, you can say that people are individuals and thus responsible for their actions, regardless of race.

Does racism exist? yes, are all whites racist? no. Are some whites racist? yes. Are some black racist? yes, are all of them racists? no. Are the people of the left correct about everything that goes on? nope, the people on the right? no. So the conversation has to take place with a lot more in mind than generalizations that won't help the conversation.

I think that's where the conversation needs to take place, with some context in mind. Did someone die? yes, is the perpetrator a criminal? yes. I think i'd avoid trying to make this conversation about race and culture, we can get lost in that argument and miss the utility of what's happening right in front of our eyes. The immense manipulation of our perception to create a discussion such as the one we're seeing.

Because that's exactly why we're here, everyone has something to complain about and chances are, everyone is correct about it in a way. Antifa is an awful group, but black people in America have had it awful too. Some texans hate mexicans for no good reason, but some mexicans are in fact huge drug traffickers, I think picking a side is precisely the point of why the coverage is taking place the way it has been.

Trump or Obama, Fox or CNN...

"Forget about the fact that the same media who lied to you about the virus is now "informing" you about the riots. Just go and disagree on racial issues. "
What's your personal experience? Any stories to share?

Stories, not so much. I actually get along fine with people from basically any background. It's a funny thing, actually: in my experience, young, right-wing guys who don't much care if they're called "racist" for being politically incorrect, get along better with minorities than white liberals. Liberal whites are constantly terrified of being accidentally racist, and so always tip-toeing around. That's very off-putting to people. Other groups don't give a fig if they say something racist; they just say what they think. I do that, and I'm usually able to find a lot of common ground.

My negative interactions tend to be with white liberals, who are absolutely insufferable.

I've never experienced crime directly. Then again, I'm a big, muscly guy, not exactly the type that screams "victim". So that's probably a factor.

I've certainly experienced what I would describe as racial and sexual discrimination in the workplace, ranging from admonitions about mansplaining or checking my privilege, to the intervention of the nice ladies in HR to ensure that the process by which I got hired did everything possible to keep someone who looks like me from getting hired.

My observations and concerns, however, are more macrosocial than personal. I've little worry about myself; but I see, every day, in a thousand small ways, the toll all of this takes on those around me.
@Adaryn, I'm going to plead ignorance and say I didn't know the situation was THAT bad!

Here in the UK, we heard about these cover ups. (…) In the media and justice system, a lot of non-whites who commit crimes are made to face justice and a lot have their faces plastered all over the news. I never got the impression there was a conspiracy to hide association of criminal acts with non-whites.

I'm not talking about a 'conspiracy' (in the sense of a bunch of people plotting in a room and deciding that from now on, all reports of crimes committed by non-Whites would be suppressed). Frankly, that's kinda ridiculous :rolleyes:
Anyway, I'm almost regretting writing my previous post, though I was just trying to make some points, not to add fuel to the fire. But I can see how such discussions right now would only stir the pot and distract us from the real issue. The whole issue of "who commits the most crimes" or "why are some crimes underreported" or whatever… well, it's not what matters right now. Besides, such matters have been discussed ad nauseam on this forum, in various threads. I also provided articles in my previous post, if you want to check them out - they're quite enlightening.
So I'm not going to comment or "debate" further on this particular issue, as to do that would achieve exactly what Alejo pointed out in his post: "Forget about the fact that the same media who lied to you about the virus is now "informing" you about the riots. Just go and disagree on racial issues."
Yeah, that mayor is now backtracking. The jail logs show that he was completely wrong.

I haven't really been following too closely but St. Paul and Minneapolis are two different cities(2 different mayors). Perhaps St. Paul's stats on those arrested is for some reason different also?

My Aunt and Uncle live in the former and I recently wrote to them asking for their thoughts on the situation there.
Found out a curfew is instituted tonight in the town I'm currently staying at today in Oregon. So other than Portland, Eugene and Salem in Oregon have had curfews instituted because of the rioting.

There is a 'Black Lives Matter' protest that started earlier today as well at the Federal Courthouse in town. Find it absurd but not surprising that protesters are still encouraged to social distance and to wear face masks. The article I read on the topic states, "The group also noticed that social distancing will be practiced, and all protesters are encouraged to wear face masks."
At this point I'm having a hard time reconciling what this forum is built on compared to the back and forth we're having here.

The above is an example of an emotional statement based on what I'm feeling. I can be honest about that, however I still think I'm seeing some very cavalier statements being thrown around a little too freely without checks from others.

Well, I'm surprised that you're questioning the foundations of the forum based on this discussion. If that's the case, it may be good to look at what value you've gotten out of the work being done here lately. It's good you recognize this as an emotional statement because it is, and that will have an influence on what you see. I don't think the statements that black people and others are being used for various agendas is off the mark. Everyone is used in all manner of ways. Wherever there are possible points of conflict, race being just one of many, it is a point of entry for manipulation, division, and ultimately suffering. It seemed to me that you've interpreted things in a rather harsh light with little generosity toward both this forum and its members. The underlying point being made is about how people are being used, and that shouldn't be too difficult to see with all that is going on.
This entire topic is very sensitive. It's inherently challenging to discuss group-level differences, without implying that all members of a given group behave in X fashion; it's also very easy to go the other direction, and say, oh well there are no group differences, everyone's a unique snowflake.

I don't know if it's that hard... Maybe it's hard for most people to grasp the nuances involved, but I think it's pretty common sense to realize there are very real group differences, and that the truth is between those two extremes you mention. Because even if there ARE noticeable group differences, there is always more overlap. Jordan Peterson repeatedly made this point when talking about male/female differences. The differences are mostly in the tail end of a curve - i.e., the majority of people in both groups are more similar than different. Lobaczewski made this point too. So even if one racial group is responsible for a proportionally higher amount of crime in any given country, that says nothing about the majority of that group.
I am behind reading the latest, but just wanted to pass along breaking news in my local area. My Dad who works at a local warehouse store, called and said the store must close early due to expected rioting in our area tonight. Apparently, the local police told the managers of threats going around on Facebook about expected rioting and killing white people in the suburbs of Omaha, NE (where I live) tonight. All the local stores have closed as of an hour ago, and are boarding up here in the suburbs of Omaha, NE. The Mayor of Omaha has declared curfew for at least the next 72 hours from 8pm to 6am. This part of the evening Cass crystal reading is now so true for all of us in a similar situation, "no scourge come near your home" DCM bless and protect us all!

Link to local news story:
There are some store closings here as well (Davenport, Iowa). No reports of rioting yet.
I have in-laws that live in Minneapolis.
Hope everyone is well...
Catching up on this thread and see there is a lot of things coming to a boil. I've felt this world was a pressure cooker of some sort for a very long time and it was only a matter of time before the lid blew off. Here in NC I checked about the protest that were in Charlotte and haven't seen much destruction reported, at least at this time. Charlotte may be considered a blue city but it is still a predominantly red state. I think time will tell if that makes a difference because many people outside of the city are armed and are not afraid to use them.

I'm with Ketone Cop, I think there could be some agent provocateur stuff going on but mostly this is people who are very angry at their leaders lashing out.

I agree with both because I don't think things are ever that simple. There seems to be a little bit of everything going on with this situation and the media telling everyone how to think but the most important I feel may be the deep rooted anger in many peoples lives. Unfortunately most of them can't articulate the anger or it's origins and believe that even if they could so many others just don't care. I mean that the root causes of anger can be very diverse and not just what seems obvious on the outside. Maybe human conscience is reaching the level of overload at this time resulting in a chaotic response to it? With the 4D STS orchestrating the whole opera so to speak, I wonder if they will not only underestimate humanities desire to be free even if they don't understand just how that has to come about, but maybe they will underestimate the depth of the anger itself?
There are Black Lives Matter protests in four different New Zealand locations. It’s weird, We have our own stuff to deal with and it feels like someone is trying to stoke up race issues here that are completely non related.
Historically public actions and protests have been around the Treaty of Waitangi and Nuclear issues.
People in general feel it’s kind of weird for American problems to be addressed by public protests here in NZ.
The restaurant I work at closed two hours early tonight due to an eight pm curfew in Nashville. A couple of days ago I posted in this thread that I was watching this with interest because I live in the U.S. I didn't expect things to progress so quickly.
second night of protests in greensboro, nc. i have seen on the news that graham/burlington has issued a curfew until things have 'reconciled.' i believe this is due to the reports of 'potential protests.'

local news also reported the national guard has been deployed in nc as well. no further info on that yet. they report that protesters had burned part of the first floor of the courthouse in greensboro last night.

my mother manages a hotel in uptown charlotte and luckily all was okay on their end last night.

if things keep up, i would not be surprised to see cities nationwide begin instituting curfews until things have been 'reconciled.' i would not be surprised to see more national guard troops be deployed. oof.

keep your eyes and ears peeled! stay safe and much love.
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