It's funny...
A couple of days ago I ran into a fellow I know. "Do you feel it?" he asked, "It's like the world is ready to explode! There's so much pent up anger!"
I didn't, actually. We live in a small town, not in a big city. I looked around puzzled. -I thought the world was acting foolishly, and some of the impending ideas (like forced vaccinations and such) were worrisome, but in general, I live far away from city life, have all my needs met and I've got wonderful friends around who are similarly cruising nicely through this nonsense.
I certainly am aware of people less fortunate who are really struggling. They're all across the news. When I talk to people from cities, they go on about how the government isn't locking down hard enough, how Trump is evil, and fear, fear, fear! They seem to be living in an alternate reality where the main stream news is actually true. Amazing! They don't want to hear that reality critically examined either. They'll resist, and if they do listen, they'll pout while doing so, reboot and forget the next day. It seems some folks WANT to be living in an apocalypse and will fight you to maintain the network of falsehoods which allows it to burn around them.
Whatever. So while there certainly appears to be a sense of powderkeg pressure out there, it's more an observation to me than a direct experience. I certainly don't feel any desire to kick over mail boxes and start fires.
This is one of the times when the benefits of having participated in the Work for so many years seems to be creating an obviously diverging path, doing so in a visceral way.
Maybe this is what it feels like to ride the Wave rather than be pulled under?