George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Area that I live in got message alert from city authorities at 6:15 pm that curfew starts at 8pm. Not match time to think, but I know this was coming sooner than latter, anyway. Martial low not far away for USA, which is not surprising , knowing Nazi agenda in the remake.
Historically, multicultural societies have been highly unstable and prone to outbursts of ethnic violence. Human groups forced to live in close proximity to one another very easily come to resent one another.

The only stable multicultural societies have been imperial systems wherein order is enforced by overwhelming violence. 'Stable' being a very relative term, since such political orders tend to disintegrate the moment the state is no longer able to maintain order.
Very well said!
Russian directors Egor Baranov, Nathalia Hencker amazingly summarize in a movie, what you just wrote.

The Russians have been famous about their inability to produce entertaining Hollywood-like movies in the past, but all that ended suddenly with their excellent masterpiece last year (must see), titled:
The Blackout (2019)

Watch it with Russian audio and English subtitles. It follows along the C's predictions about The End and adds a little of the film creators idea. Very well crafted story, full of turns and twists and I won't spoil it, since its excellent fun. Its not at all about any "Solar Flare Blackout" that the title implies. You won't guess, what will happen in this movie. Excellently done! Pretty much follows the C's predictions for the upcoming Roller Coaster Ride. It has "almost everything" the C's predicted. Well acted: it follows first an everyday "idyllic" near-future world, how life just goes-on... during the first 10 minutes, - cheesy-seeming, stereotypes-seeming - then the Normalcy of The World suddenly & drastically changes!

Then near the climax the words are given into the mouth of a major character in the movie, listing pretty much everything Gurdjieff and the C's said with cruel objectivity that gives chills to the viewer. Especially to us here, since we know the C's and G's teachings.
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Or, you can say that people are individuals and thus responsible for their actions, regardless of race.

Does racism exist? yes, are all whites racist? no. Are some whites racist? yes. Are some black racist? yes, are all of them racists? no. Are the people of the left correct about everything that goes on? nope, the people on the right? no. So the conversation has to take place with a lot more in mind than generalizations that won't help the conversation.

I think that's where the conversation needs to take place, with some context in mind. Did someone die? yes, is the perpetrator a criminal? yes. I think i'd avoid trying to make this conversation about race and culture, we can get lost in that argument and miss the utility of what's happening right in front of our eyes. The immense manipulation of our perception to create a discussion such as the one we're seeing.

Because that's exactly why we're here, everyone has something to complain about and chances are, everyone is correct about it in a way. Antifa is an awful group, but black people in America have had it awful too. Some texans hate mexicans for no good reason, but some mexicans are in fact huge drug traffickers, I think picking a side is precisely the point of why the coverage is taking place the way it has been.

Trump or Obama, Fox or CNN...

"Forget about the fact that the same media who lied to you about the virus is now "informing" you about the riots. Just go and disagree on racial issues. "

One youtuber summarised it quite well:

And this is how it’s should be! American constitution allow you to protest and be thankful for it. No one stopped protesters from protesting peacefully. Why do we need to vandalize, break into stores, loot small businesses, which will file for bankruptcy after all. Where is your human kindness for others? I know there are lots of folks like me out there who would say the same thing! I faced nationalism myself while back when I was a student in high school being a foreigner. I didn’t cause any riots against Americans because I was called bad names or things like “go back to your country fucking Russian”. Why these people don’t understand that racism is a part of our society no matter where we live and yes, we HAVE to look for justice and in this particular case the justice was made, the cop is in jail, the other three cops are under investigation! What else do you need? I respect all communities, races and skin colors. It don’t matter to me where you from and what color your skin is as long as you have a good heart we can be friends. But if you are a bad person you will always be one and it does not matter what skin color you are. At the end of the day i will protect my friends and family from anyone who will come near us and try to hurt and these people will face consequences no matter what skin color they are. I want peace in my live and I’m sure you do too so let’s creat peace once again! #AllLivesMatter

Just with the exception that there is not going to be "peace" in the sense he implies and back to normal ever, but he get s to the point.

The C's have said whites are the real Semites, so they should be removed from the gene pool because they have something in genetics that affects in negative way 4d STS domination in 4th density.

So, no surprise that PTB tries everything to demonize our people.

As far as I remember it was more in line that Semites are normal people everywhere that are against opression, it is not an skin issue, even if PTB is trying to make it an issue to divide and rule and distract which is easy when the populace is put decades under make stupid program.

Here in the UK, we heard about these cover ups. I think it's now widespread knowledge.

In the media and justice system, a lot of non-whites who commit crimes are made to face justice and a lot have their faces plastered all over the news. I never got the impression there was a conspiracy to hide association of criminal acts with non-whites.

Maybe because English do not have so much history of multiculturalism on their land as much on others people lands as more western neigbours have in their countries, so with all the migrations coming it is a bit of shock still, and there are not so much of them there as in US so they do not have to be more sensitive in their talks and fear riots, etc...but also they in the end give a dime about them they are just useful as cheap labor and to stir divide when needed to distract from the elite crimes when their chairs start to become hot. I do not think there is any danger to white race becoming extinct when you take into account US and other countries like Russia, just the problem is Western Europe with uncontrolled migration because those states are totally dependent on foreign labor and have smaller demographics and many migrant population, and there are good examples what can happen as Kosovo and Checnia when they become radicalised.

Watch it with Russian audio and English subtitles. It follows along the C's predictions about The End and adds a little of the film creators idea. Very well crafted story, full of turns and twists and I won't spoil it, since its excellent fun. Its not at all about any "Solar Flare Blackout" that the title implies. You won't guess, what will happen in this movie. Excellently done! Pretty much follows the C's predictions for the upcoming Roller Coaster Ride. It has "almost everything" the C's predicted. Well acted: it follows first an everyday "idyllic" near-future world, how life just goes-on... during the first 10 minutes, - cheesy-seeming, stereotypes-seeming - then the Normalcy of The World suddenly & drastically changes!

I watched the trailer while ago but it seemed to me based on trailer like another sci fi alien invasion flick.
Well, I'm surprised that you're questioning the foundations of the forum based on this discussion. If that's the case, it may be good to look at what value you've gotten out of the work being done here lately. It's good you recognize this as an emotional statement because it is, and that will have an influence on what you see. I don't think the statements that black people and others are being used for various agendas is off the mark. Everyone is used in all manner of ways. Wherever there are possible points of conflict, race being just one of many, it is a point of entry for manipulation, division, and ultimately suffering. It seemed to me that you've interpreted things in a rather harsh light with little generosity toward both this forum and its members. The underlying point being made is about how people are being used, and that shouldn't be too difficult to see with all that is going on.
Ok, so my points are getting lost here. Please quote specific places where you would like to point out where I'm going wrong and let's talk about them specifically. Better yet a different thread may be best here. Just because I've had an emotional reaction doesn't mean I'm wrong. It's too easy to discount someone just because you say 'oh, they're having a reaction that means discount what's being said'.

You haven't actually addressed anything I've said specifically other than my last statement which is telling to me.

The way to stay out of the weeds on this one is to actually address specifics, it's the general speak that's leads to issues IMO. And yes, you are right Renaissance, I did make a general statement.

I do see how people are being used I've had this same conversation with a group of black people as well. What I'm witnessing in this thread is very similar to groups on the other side are saying, so what does that mean? I think my stance is somehow getting misconstrued as a defense for Antifa or other less insidious groups that have been subverted for the same aim.

My over-arching point is getting people to be aware that over-generalizing is the goal and it's happening here. We absolutely have to think critically of what's going on. The comment was made that my skin-colors blinds me. About that, just because we've studied instances where that is the case doesn't mean we can discount someone that 'seemingly' fits the bill. All that does is make it easy to miss what's being said from a different perspective. In that light, the root of networking is actually speaking with people with a different perspective than your own, otherwise this could become a macroscopic echo chamber.

Edit: hit enter too early
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It's funny...

A couple of days ago I ran into a fellow I know. "Do you feel it?" he asked, "It's like the world is ready to explode! There's so much pent up anger!"

I didn't, actually. We live in a small town, not in a big city. I looked around puzzled. -I thought the world was acting foolishly, and some of the impending ideas (like forced vaccinations and such) were worrisome, but in general, I live far away from city life, have all my needs met and I've got wonderful friends around who are similarly cruising nicely through this nonsense.

I certainly am aware of people less fortunate who are really struggling. They're all across the news. When I talk to people from cities, they go on about how the government isn't locking down hard enough, how Trump is evil, and fear, fear, fear! They seem to be living in an alternate reality where the main stream news is actually true. Amazing! They don't want to hear that reality critically examined either. They'll resist, and if they do listen, they'll pout while doing so, reboot and forget the next day. It seems some folks WANT to be living in an apocalypse and will fight you to maintain the network of falsehoods which allows it to burn around them.

Whatever. So while there certainly appears to be a sense of powderkeg pressure out there, it's more an observation to me than a direct experience. I certainly don't feel any desire to kick over mail boxes and start fires.

This is one of the times when the benefits of having participated in the Work for so many years seems to be creating an obviously diverging path, doing so in a visceral way.

Maybe this is what it feels like to ride the Wave rather than be pulled under?
Yes I was thinking the same. I live rural and go into town once a week for work - partly because I’m not interested in participating in the drama. I notice when I go in some people are consumed by the negative narrative. I’m not a love and light person by any means, rather meditate and exercise every day and enjoy reading plus have been doing the work for about 10 years - albeit not strict on the diet always.
I find it interesting that I have been through many periods of fear and sleepless nights while I’ve been learning but now I feel I am observing but not getting dragged down. Maybe all those years of looking for information and being posted as the conspiracy nut is worth it. Man with the distress I’ve felt over the years as my eyes opened its no wonder people with no idea or even those who are just seeing now are scared and angry and losing their minds.
I have a 10 year old son and in the past feeling responsible for him has been a big fear inducer but now I recognise that his journey is his journey and all I can do is do the work and expose him to the work and help him see as he is ready.
Interesting times indeed.
Have I witnessed violence first hand, yes. Have I been the target of violence, yes; from blacks and whites. Threatening of lynchings included. Have I known people that were arrested/accused of crimes they didn't commit, yes and no. Have I played video games at the expense of white people, no. It's a little odd that some would post an article to make their point as a rebuttal to someone attempting to give a window into a different actual experience instead of something that was simply read on the internet. Remember experiences do count as perspectives too.
Reports of pallets of bricks being left out in the open for rioters to serendipitously find:

And reports of cans of gasoline and molotov cocktails being left in the bushes for the rioters.

Between this and the cops being pulled back, sure looks like someone wants maximum chaos and destruction. You'll forgive me if I doubt the rioters have the necessary logistical foresight to make such plans.

The lizzies must be having a wonderful time feeding on this chaos buffet!
The comment was made that my skin-colors blinds me.

No, it was that it makes you biased. A big difference. We are all biased. There is no escaping it. There are a lot of things color our objectivity. Seems like it's not being unfair or judgmental for Corvus to say that, and that you would associate that statement with you being "blind," well it looks like you are emotionally triggered.

Just because I've had an emotional reaction doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Wrong about what?
"Forget about the fact that the same media who lied to you about the virus is now "informing" you about the riots. Just go and disagree on racial issues. "

Or better yet, dig up some statistics to prove your point. Just don't forget that the other side will also dig up statistics to prove their point.

And that IS the point:

Everyone has been exposed to racial nonsense to one degree or another. And then don't forget that men are all evil, women are all evil, gays are evil, straight people are evil, Democrats are evil, Republicans are evil, liberals are evil, conservatives are evil...

Good GOD, is anyone NOT evil?

What is happening in the USA right now and rapidly spreading across the world (!!! if that doesn't make you pause and think for a minute, nothing will) is intended to have exactly the effect that it has had in this thread: emotional thinking and thereby division.

The end result of violent global protests that immediately followed a global "pandemic" where everyone was lied to and cooped up (and sometimes fired) will be clamping down on everyone! No one will gain more rights. We'll all lose rights.

More things will be labeled "wrong think". Anything that diverges from the Official Government Narrative will be crushed. "They" will push for ever more control.

Ultimately, none of this has anything to do with race or gender or anything else. It's the next step the C's mentioned when they said, "More to come!!!"

Looks like it's here!

So, do some Eiriu Eolas and relax and think, because it's only gonna get worse... Better yet, sit back and enjoy the show.

In trying to be empathetic, I can see why @trendsetter37 is triggered.

Let's be honest, in the middle of a somewhat controversial subject, you can't appear to invalidate someone's point of view by saying they are biased because of something they can't change. A personal example, if I get into a debate with my girlfriend about women's rights and feminism, I know what will happen if I told her that her views were biased because she's a woman. This is regardless of what her views actually are.

I'll tell you what'll happen, she'll get triggered and the conversation from then on will probably disintegrate and I'll have to apologise at some point.

In the same way, I'm not sure it was wise for @Corvus to appear to dismiss @trendsetter37 by stating he is biased because he's black.

I'm not sure anything positive would have come from that point onwards - at least from @trendsetter37.

It's not unreasonable to think that pushing certain buttons is likely to trigger someone who is already in an agitated mood... You get anyone riled up (even Gandhi or Buddha) then push certain buttons, I'm sure they'll be triggered too and probably go supernova... We're all human after all and we should take some responsibility for the state we put others in because no one is impervious to having their buttons pushed.

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