“This is the most powerful and youngest protest I have been in since the death of Savita Halappanavar,” Smith told TheJournal.ie.
“It’s spontaneous, peaceful and untied against institutional racism. People want change, they want to stand in solidarity with African Americans – and are shouting George Floyd’s name repeatedly.
“Young people are fed up with racism, it’s everywhere. Black lives matter.”
Protesters marched to the US Embassy in solidarity with protesters in the US.
They say thousands not sure on the numbers though. Antifa are very active over here aswell people before profit are a communist party.
Anti lockdown protest took place in Dublin two days ago another scheduled for the 6th of June. No prices for guessing which protest is getting the most attention.
That picture of a police officer kneeling on Floyd's neck is quite symbolic of our times in general, and so is the phrase "I can't breathe."
Had the same thoughts, Orwell crossed my mind his quote a vision for the future picture a booth in your face for life.
The floyd murder is very suspicious the two people in the vehicle with him, any mention of them at all??
This video not sure if was posted yet shows employees confronting floyd outside, apparently asking for the cigerates back that he bought with the fake money, he refused. In the video you can see floyd was in the back of the police cruiser but the officer who kneeled on him dragged him out the other side onto the ground. That's when they held him down. A code 3 call was made by the officers meaning immediate medical assistance, yet no medial assistance was given when ambulance crew arrived they just checked his pulse. Maybe because a crowd was gatheting they wanted to get out of there fast.When floyd is put into the ambulance they drive off and request assistance from fire department police hold them up 10min at that point floyd was in cardiac arrest somewhere else in the ambulance. I've just seen this video, sorry of posted already.
Catching up on this thread on page 11 just wanted to post this.