George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

After I went to bed last night things got a little more tense in Charlotte. One local news channel was covering it after the fact where Wells Fargo had some graffiti and now there was mention of bricks that "have been gathered by the protesters" and the CMPD warned they must not use those bricks. No mention where these bricks came from of course.
He is ready to deploy the military in more cities. In overall I think it was a good briefing.

Do you think it would be a good idea to do that, to have the military in the country enforcing law? We would, for all intents and purposes, be under martial law. That seems like a huge overreaction to the situation. It feels like Trump is being used to further erode our liberties, since he's always catered to the law and order crowd in his short political career.
Trump WALKS to vandalized St. John’s Church as riot police face off with protesters in US capital (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

Anybody noticed on the two videos in this article, that almost nobody in President Trump's entourage wore the stupid Scamdemic masks? Only there is one poor lost duck at the end of the tow, who is running behind the group and he is masked green. :D
If you zoom in on this photo, near the center of the image, there is one tall woman to the right of the soldier, who is wearing a black mask. :)

His speech was amazing. I thought it was really heartening to see him absolutely not quivering and not holding in his hands the papers of some stupid pre-written speech, like most other politically immune idiots of similar rank do & have done. He was speaking his mind. Laura's prediction looks like will come true:
- He will come out of this situation smelling like roses!
:D :D
His speech was amazing. I thought it was really heartening to see him absolutely not quivering and not holding in his hands the papers of some stupid pre-written speech, like most other politically immune idiots of similar rank do & have done.

I'm guessing he was most likely reading from a teleprompter.
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Do you think it would be a good idea to do that, to have the military in the country enforcing law? We would, for all intents and purposes, be under martial law. That seems like a huge overreaction to the situation. It feels like Trump is being used to further erode our liberties, since he's always catered to the law and order crowd in his short political career.
Well, it's like the Cassiopaeans said, twists and turns galore. Trump is using the riots as an excuse to purge the deep state 5th columnists trying to instigate a color revolution from the country, who are definitely not letting this crisis go to waste. If he declares martial law the Constitution is dead, which is exactly what the upper echelons of the deep state are manipulating him to do so they can do whatever they want with impunity. Except that Trump can also suspend the elections or curtail them in some way, ruling as a benevolent dictator and excluding people who are disloyal to him from gaining power. But as the world continues to fall apart, the economy crumbles, the weather starts destroying stuff, aliens are taking over, and Trump suffers a convenient death due to stress factors. Pence takes over as the new dictator and tries to institute some kind of neocon Zionist theocracy. However by that point the country is so far gone that he's almost irrelevant; other than getting up in front of the cameras and making speeches and signing official looking documents, no one actually cares. And then the cosmic lightning bolts come and the grid goes down and none of it matters anymore anyway. And so forth and so on...
A globalists revolution that must destroy nationalism and replace it with a One World Govt.

It's not nationalism they want to destroy. That's just an ideology. It's the nations. They want to rule over a homogeneous human mass, where there is only the individual, and the vast, distant, impersonal, implacable state before which he is utterly helpless.
Declaring antifa as a terrorist organization. They are only like foot soldiers for the Soros/globalist/NWO crowd, but they are related in some way.

He said he wanted to. The fat criminal moron Pompeo immediately contradicted him on that, because the first amendment (which the USGov can't bother enforcing on Big Tech).

It's the usual thing. Trump talks a big game, he's got instincts, but has a hard time accomplishing anything because the rest of the government simply refuses to cooperate. His value is mostly symbolic, as a rallying point for the people.

Now, if the people would simply stop complying with the insane pathocrats who have usurped power, then we'd be getting somewhere.
The lizzies must be having a wonderful time feeding on this chaos buffet!

View attachment 36626
Any way, the real border is breaching or already breached, but artificially kept with Haarp Etc. Probably lizzies want to come as saviors of “stupid” humans and throw some crumbles of miracle, prophecy, technology Transfer and some wisdom. Probably, that will be Ultimate “why they need us”.
What do you see?


The alleged cop Derek Chauvin, has a hidden past.

The face is almost identical, but the ears are noticeably different. Ears and fingerprints are unique between people.

While it was very convenient for this killing to have happened when it did, I'm not sure it would have been necessary for it to have been staged. In the pressurized, massive unemployment situation everybody was in, (a country of 350 million), statistically speaking, you really just needed to wait for somebody to do something stupid in order to spark the riots. It could have been almost anything protest-worthy. The organized color revolution aspect, the piles of bricks and cop-murdering white vans, were just waiting in the wings for the word to roll out.

Though.., that face, eh?

When watershed crisis stuff happens with so much intense energy orbiting, trying to collapse into being, reality tends to buckle a bit around the pivot point and we end up with the "too many Oswalds" problem. (9/11 was similarly surrounded by bizarre coincidences).

Ca$hcab, the American game show, struck me (as I researched it), as being a sort of spirit twin to the current crisis, carrying the same grimy, frenetic flavor, moving from one neighborhood to the next, with sleezy cash prizes available around each corner, obeying only the most strict street policing and with the threat of contestants being kicked out at any moment if they answer wrong...

It makes sense that a copy of the same guy should be connected to both.

Hyper-dimensional weirdness is going to exert its influence. For this particular crisis to not exhibit weirdness would be the weird thing!
I don't usually have time to watch movies, and almost never find anything worth watching anyways, but this film got me curious. I tried to search for a site where I could rent it, but at least the English name 'The Blackout' didn't give any results. Is it possible to rent this on some Russian platform (with English subs)?
It looks like the one they were referencing is “The Blackout: Invasion Earth”. It doesn’t release on Amazon Prime Video until June 2nd it says.
Tucker was spitting absolute fire tonight, calling out everyone - government leaders, mayors, police chiefs, media personalities, celebrities - for aiding and abetting the riots, and fanning the flames of racial hatred. The whole clip is very much worth watching.

He even calls out Trump for his - so far - lack of action, and points out - correctly - that Trump has been undermined at every turn throughout his presidency by that scheming little worm Jared Kushner.

The overall tenor of the piece is of a very concerned man trying to shout some sense into people. He's clearly concerned that there will be a massive reaction to this, one that could shed blood on a scale no American can presently really imagine.

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