Potamus said:
They were a fairly large group, all reading channeling out of Hatonn, Sananda, Aton, etc. If they were still current, no doubt PH would have us a channel watch thread about them. Think back in the early days of Nexus Magazine. The Ekkers apparently supported Dorushka Maerd (dharma) who did the channeling on a regular basis in the wee morning hours (alone perhaps) with a keyboard. The journals themselves are filled with current political commentary, and Hatonn often claimed to have "screens" from his position on-orbit which allowed him to see more deeply into the political events of the day. (I was never very clear on his association with Ashtar as the supreme leader of space command was very rarely mentioned)
I was aghast as you may remember from my early post at the sheer volume of information flowing from the source. Search engines these days are coughing up less and less hits. Here are some of the main key phrases: "Sipapu Odyssey" "Hatonn" "Contact Journal" "A light in every mind" "The Phoenix Liberator" "Doris Ekkers"
I believe the Ekkers were forced to move to the Philippines. And let me be very clear: The information in that realm is scary monsters indeed, with little in the way of actually improving consicousness.
What I find confusing Laura if you recall bringing this up to me,
Q: Do they actually have, like, some place on the planet where these guys read science fiction books and get these really crazy theories and stories that they put together with sort of fiendish glee, and then convert them via computer into the programming code that gets beamed out into people's heads, while they sit there and just - you know - fall down on the floor laughing at what they have just done? I mean, is this possibly something that is going on [meaning in secret mind control experiments]?
A: Yes.
If Mr Bush Sr was using George Green to stop the Ekkers, then is there another faction who is "fall down on the floor laughing"?
EDIT: One more historical side note. At the same time this copyright thievery was going on, Sir Laurence Rockefeller also absconded with Dr. David Greers manuscripts at CSETI while Dick Armey was appointed and stopped the Disclosure Project in its tracks. Now Greer's work reads that the aliens will not reveal themselves until we all get our act together and submit to a world government. I only bring it up to point out that here are two attempts to throttle information at the copyright choke point in the mid to late 90's
I spent a couple of years reading through all the Phoenix Journals materials (which is a couple more years than I ever should have).
GG was supposed to have published the Journals for the Ekkers but instead ended up fleecing them... Doris Ekker apparently started Channeling after attending Channeling sessions in Sedona with Sister Thedra (Dorothy Martin), who had previous experience Channeling with "Brother Phillip", George Hunt Williamson.
Apparently some spooks were around at the time, dosing these Channelers with LSD.
Anyway, I dont think the Ekkers were legitimate... I think they were just con artists too.. there are some brief snippets left (somewhere) on the web of Jo Ekker's alleged money laundering crimes.
And "Contact" broke off into about 3 different competing factions, each going off printing their own nonsense and accusations.
Its just some new age spook cult... Which may actually date back decades, to the days of one Richard T Miller, of an earlier incarnation of The Phoenix Project.
Richard Miller became a contactee around 1954. Prior to that time he served
in a branch of the armed forces that later became the U.S. Air Force, was
personally knowledgeable of the UFO phenomena taking place in the 1940’s, and
participated in some top government UFO studies. After becoming a contactee, he
actually spent time aboard an alien craft by invitation of its occupants (the
same aliens who had previously made physical contact with our President
At the time of contact, he lived here in Michigan. He became a channel around
which a group formed to study the messages he was receiving. These recordings
are classic and the information contained in them are more pertinent today than
ever before.
Richard Miller created an organization called The Solar Cross Foundation to investigate the ET/UFO Phenomena.
Richard T Miller then went on to author the book Star Wards - Welcome Home Earth Man.
He later went on to create The Phoenix Project.
Here's an investigation conducted by Paranet:
A few weeks ago, ParaNet received on-line copies of several documents which purported to come from a previously unknown organization called "The Phoenix Project". The project is described in the documents as a "private, civilian, research organization" which was "formed in 1952 to investigate and correlate information" concerning UFOs and ETs. According to the information contained in the documents, for a small price one can receive printed copies of the project's reports, complete with maps, magnetometer readings, and a host of other supporting charts and diagrams which serve to make the whole endeavor look scientific and legitimate.
Paranet investigated The Phoenix Project quite thoroughly - and a lot can be understood from reading the whole transcripts.
Amongst the things Paranet thought they discovered was a connection between The Phoenix Project by Richard T Miller & Co and The Phoenix Project - Doris 'Dhama' Ekker - a connection made because BOTH Richard and Dhama claim to 'Channel' Hatonn, and mixture of SIMILAR postal addresses.
ParaNet received the three documents as uploads from a Mr. Jack L. Mathias of Carson City, Nevada, who represented himself as the sole public spokesman for the Project. But the reports themselves name neither the authors of the documents nor the principals of the Phoenix Project. Instead, they cryptically state that they are the work of "former military personnel who have all been associated with intelligence activities, and have knowledge of covert government operations concerning UFO's" (AND also 'disinformation' projects? - Branton). Given the sorry history of anonymous documents and 'former' government agents in the UFO community, ParaNet felt it necessary to start its own investigation in an effort to determine just who was behind the Phoenix Project and what their motives might be.
First we sent a letter to the post office box listed in the documents, asking for further information about the group; but the letter was not answered. We corresponded by electronic mail with Mr. Mathias, who represents himself as an agent for the group, but he refused to provide any of the information we requested. So much for the direct approach.
Each document formally states that the Phoenix Project logo is a registered trademark [presumably in the state of Nevada, since that is where their mailing address is located], so we tried a query to the Nevada trademark office in Carson City. That office informed us that the state of Nevada has NO record of any current trademarks under the "Phoenix Project" name.
They did say that articles of incorporation were filed under the name of the Phoenix Project on 25 August 1988 by a Mr. Thomas Naylor of Las Vegas, Nevada. However, the corporation failed to file the names and addresses of its officers by 1 July 1989 as required by Nevada law, as a result of which the incorporation was revoked by the Nevada Secretary of State. And so we reached another apparent dead end, except for one bit of trivia uncovered by a ParaNet investigator in Las Vegas: An attorney named Thomas C. Naylor had recently moved into an office building at 2810 West Charleston in Las Vegas.
Next we contacted the U.S. Postal Service in Carson City, Nevada to determine the box holder for the Phoenix Project's publisher, Advent Publishing Company. We were told that the box was registered to a Richard T. Miller, whose address was given as a mobile-home park in Carson City.
Following this, we contacted the Clerk and Recorder's office in Carson City, and determined that a Richard Miller is listed with them as the legal owner of Advent Publishing. However, the telephone number they gave us for Mr. Miller has been disconnected, and directory assistance was unable to provide a new one. Another brick wall.
To this point, all attempts to verify the Phoenix Project's legitimacy using conventional methods had proved futile, so we decided to try a different approach. The Phoenix Project explicitly and emphatically disclaims affiliation with any other groups using the name 'Phoenix'. And just to make sure everyone gets the message, each document states at the beginning that "n particular, there is no affiliation with a publisher known as America West, any of its publications, or the individuals known as George and Desiree Green"
Unfortunately, ParaNet has uncovered evidence that these disclaimers may be intended to conceal rather than to illuminate.
America West, it turns out, is the publisher of a magazine called the Phoenix Liberator, which carries large quantities of channeled material alleged to originate with an entity from the Pleiades known as 'Hatonn'. The Phoenix Liberator has come under fire recently from some in the UFO community as anti-Semitic and neo-fascist. [See, for example, "Hatonn's World: A Neo-Nazi ET?" by Don Ecker in the July/August 1992 issue of UFO Magazine.]
But a few days ago one of ParaNet's subscribers uploaded a response from 'Hatonn' to Don Ecker, which he said he had pulled down from the Phoenix Liberator BBS; and with it he posted a new address for the Liberator. That address was all too familiar: 2810 West Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada -- THE SAME BUILDING, it seems, where an attorney named Thomas Naylor also has his new office.
And then another strange coincidence: A posting coming across the Internet stated that before 'Hatonn' channeled through his current host, he used to convey his messages through a Mr. RICHARD MILLER, who started an organization which was known as the Solar Cross and which was apparently a forerunner of the Phoenix Liberator
Is this the same RICHARD MILLER who owns the Phoenix Project's publisher, Advent Publishing Company?
We do not yet know if the THOMAS NAYLOR who tried to incorporate the Phoenix Project is the same THOMAS NAYLOR who apparently SHARES 2810 West Charleston with the new offices of the Phoenix Liberator. We do not yet know if the RICHARD MILLER who owns Advent Publishing is the same RICHARD MILLER who reportedly once channeled 'Hatonn'.
In short, we do not yet know if the Phoenix Project is truly an independent organization, or merely another incarnation of America West Publishers and the Phoenix Liberator. But the coincidences are certainly striking and suggestive. And in light of this we again urge extreme caution in dealing with the Phoenix Project material, until such time as a definitive assessment of the Project's motives and reliability can be made.
Richard T Millers rebuttal to Paranet:
The statement I refer to is - whether I am, or my company is,
another incarnation of America West and their people. The answer is an
emphatic - no.
Let me set the record straight. I am a semi-retired electronic and
radio and television broadcast engineer. I am also the sole owner of
Advent Publishing Company. This Company is registered as a sole
proprietorship, in Carson County, State of Nevada. I operate this
business to occupy my spare time and to supplement my retirement income.
Neither myself, or my Company has any connection with America West
Publishing, their publication the "Phoenix Liberator," or any of their
numerous publications. I do not know them, and I have never had any
dealings with them.
It should be perfectly clear and very obvious from what I've stated,
that I find the activities of America West and the content of the
"Phoenix Liberator" thoroughly disgusting. And that, Mr. Corbin, is the
overwhelming reason for my use of a strong disclaimer, disavowing any
relationship or affiliation with the above named organization, its
publications, and their known principals.
You also raise the question as to whether I am the same Richard
Miller who, many years ago, communicated with an individual known as
Hatonn and started an organization known as the Solar Cross.
My answer may startle you. Yes I am, and yes I did. However, I
have not been active in such activities for many years. I am answering
this question only because of your attempt to make an onerous
association between myself and America West, and the "Phoenix
Liberator." An association that doesn't exist.
I can state, however, without reservation, that the "Phoenix
Liberator" is fraudulently using the name Hatonn and claiming he is the
source of their information. They have used the name of a respected
Being as a "drawing card" to entice the innocent and lend a degree of
credibility to the rubbish they publish.
And the Ekkers "Hatonn" denied all complicity in a conspiracy.
So who knows what was going on, but something fishy surely.