Giorgia Meloni Set To Become Italy's First Female Prime Minister

Idk what to think.
Oh my, it looks like another country is taken over by the Anglo-Saxon branch of the PTB.
Supporting NATO while at the same time supporting Russia is a weird combination. To be honest I don't see any consistency in her beliefs/claims, but maybe we need to dig deeper.
Dig into what Polish officials said circa 2019, for example:
President Duda: Russia is a neighbor, Russia is a partner
Many ask themselves what they mean and where did these signals about a certain change in attitude towards Russia, which appeared in the statements of some Polish politicians, come from. This is precisely what President Andrzej Duda said during the NATO summit in London, as well as recently the head of the president's office, Krzysztof Szczerski. Polish politicians have already got used to the fact that Polish politicians, in fact probably from all camps, with the exception of maybe some of the Confederation and PSL, have a very negative opinion of Russian policy and even compete in condemning it, and accuse their opponents of not doing it principally enough .
If we assume that Anglo-Saxons lack any ideological motivation (in contrast to WEF's neo-Malthusian), but only have an economic one (expansion), this inconsistency could be just a fit for the target audience. Exactly like it was played in Poland. That screenshot that you attached is like a copy of the core values that the Law and Justice party in Poland presented some years ago. But I hope it's just my pattern matching that went amok.
Oh my, it looks like another country is taken over by the Anglo-Saxon branch of the PTB.

Dig into what Polish officials said circa 2019, for example:

If we assume that Anglo-Saxons lack any ideological motivation (in contrast to WEF's neo-Malthusian), but only have an economic one (expansion), this inconsistency could be just a fit for the target audience. Exactly like it was played in Poland. That screenshot that you attached is like a copy of the core values that the Law and Justice party in Poland presented some years ago. But I hope it's just my pattern matching that went amok.
I think you may be right here, the pattern sounds too familiar and makes sense - the main goal still remains to make people vote for who globalists want them to vote. If moods are more right-wing, conservative, then let's create the candidates people crave for. And every nation, every country needs different approach, since nations differ in their temperaments, views, culture etc. - in some countries people will be openly picking leftists/globalists, in others they need to use wolves in disguise. My guess is Italians have been deceived.

Plus this Leyen's statement (about the tools that they have if Italians won't vote as they want them to vote) wasn't accidental - it made Italians (not only) even more mad which probably gave Meloni more credibility while putting EU in the bad light. Now general public and for example polish msm are blaming EU - I've seen reportage on national tv about how bad Germans leading EU are collaborating with Putin to probably destroy Poland again. So blame is on EU and Germany, not on Washington and globalists. That's what they wanted to achieve.
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Now now... no need to insult Ursus 😉
Whoops! thank you Ophiuchus. I am so sorry @Ursus Minor, hmmm that happens a lot when I type, autocorrect takes over and I have not proofread carefully enough... just like in a post ages ago when I typed something about 'firing neurons' and it corrected to firing neutrons, well duhhh... :-P

It seems like she was supporting Russia earlier and just recently (she supported Ukraine already in February) she changed her rhetoric which is most probably connected to the election campaign. A tactic of appearing "less radical" to blinded people to gain more votes? Maybe maybe...

On the other hand some people on Twitter also claim that she was supporting vacc mandates and now deleted her tweets and is denying that she ever supported it:
I wonder if her 'Ukraine stance' is a directive from 'higher up', if her private views are different from her public profile, but she feels she needs to 'tow the line' on some issues in order to make it through the campaign.

In terms of distancing herself from openly supporting the vax mandates, this could be due to becoming more aware, informed and uncomfortable with seeing how this has been adversely affected people in so many ways, perhaps even people she knows personally; alternatively it could be a case of 'I need to cover my ass before they arrive with the pitchforks'. Erasing tracks seems a strange move now, after all this time. Does she think people won't remember her position on this subject? If she was genuinely uncomfortable or concerned about the vax wouldn't she be speaking out as loudly and defiantly about this, as she does about other issues, or does she take subtle steps to protect herself from becoming a bigger target?

As a 'right wing' candidate, she is directly challenging issues the Agenda is trying to set up as 'the norm', at the same time, she appears to be towing the line when it comes to major issues. Does she genuinely have STO intentions? Or is this a case of two different wings of the same bird?
Well, one thing to note is that she "stands with Ukraine" and seems to be rather on the transatlanticist side. So maybe, as Alexander from The Duran put it, she will turn out to be a "nothing burger". Or is she just smart and chooses her battles wisely? Time will tell I guess. But my hopes are not high: the PTB so far have always found a way to effeciently deal with any real opposition rising up one way or another, especially in Europe....
Yep, that's my contention as well.. I have to admit I find it refreshing that her position differs so greatly from so many other governments in the EU, which is a natural reaction to an agenda being pushed on them, and even if the politicians aren't ultimately able to operate on the mandate of their electorate.. it is a good sign that the people seem to be making their voices heard, or perhaps I am just looking for a silver lining.

Speaking of the PTB finding ways to deal with opposition, I caught this tonight during my nightly rounds which was more than a tacit threat to EU nations that don't play ball. Interestingly enough, Poland was right there defending Italy, and it sovereignty, but when it comes to Russia, Poland seems to be more than willing to sacrifice it in the name of transatlantic interests... go figure.

EU's von der Leyen delivers veiled warning to Italy's right wing

BRUSSELS, Sept 23 (Reuters) - European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen has warned Italy of consequences should it veer away from democratic principles, issuing a barely veiled threat ahead of Sunday's election that a rightist bloc led by Giorgia Meloni is expected to win.

The comments highlighted concern in some European capitals over the forthcoming election and suggested that relations between Brussels and Rome could get turbulent if Meloni and her partners secure victory.

"My approach is that whatever democratic government is willing to work with us, we're working together," von der Leyen said at Princeton University in the United States on Thursday, responding to a question on whether there were any concerns with regard to the upcoming elections in Italy.

"If things go in a difficult direction, I've spoken about Hungary and Poland, we have tools," she added.

Matteo Salvini, the head of the League and a part of Meloni's conservative alliance, denounced her comments as "shameful arrogance".

"What is this, a threat?" he wrote on Twitter. "Respect the free, democratic and sovereign vote of the Italian people!"

Von der Leyen apparently was referring to last Sunday's recommendation by the European Commission to suspend some 7.5 billion euros in funding for Hungary over corruption, the first such case in the 27-nation bloc under a new sanction meant to better protect the rule of law.

The EU introduced the financial sanction two years ago in response to what it says amounts to the undermining of democracy in Poland and Hungary, where Prime Minister Viktor Orban subdued courts, media, NGOs and academia, as well as restricting the rights of migrants, gay people and women during more than a decade in power.

Von der Leyen also came under criticism from the Polish government, with the deputy justice minister accusing Germany of running the EU.

"The President of the European Commission suggests that if the Italians elect a government that Brussels does not like, they may have funds blocked," Polish Deputy Justice Minister Sebastian Kaleta said on Twitter.

"Further proof that the "rule of law" is pure blackmail to impose EU, or rather German, dictates. Such is "democracy"," he added.

Kaleta belongs to the arch-conservative United Poland party, a junior member in government, whose leader is Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro, the architect of judicial reforms that Brussels says undermine the independence of the courts.

Eric Mamer, spokesman for the European Commission, told reporters in Brussels that von der Leyen had not been looking to interfere in Italian politics.

"She was stressing the role of the Commission as guardian of the (European) treaties with regard to the rule of law," he said on Friday.
..........BTW, a little off topic, didn't the C's mentioned in a recent session that the military presence will be more noticeable in the near future? .......
3D STS high probability timeline imho. Enjoying the show requires a high level of cool blood. I know this is a .......genetic reptilian tool:-), but with police and military it works pretty well. Same heritage but different orientation .
I have a reservation on what can de facto be achieved to serve the people in any EU country. Political, either right or left of wokism or woke democratism, is all irrelevant since all EU unelected policy birocratism will not change. It will still be blindly applied with increased pressure suffocating and silencing all voices ... bye bye miss american pie.
Well, one thing to note is that she "stands with Ukraine" and seems to be rather on the transatlanticist side. So maybe, as Alexander from The Duran put it, she will turn out to be a "nothing burger". Or is she just smart and chooses her battles wisely? Time will tell I guess. But my hopes are not high: the PTB so far have always found a way to effeciently deal with any real opposition rising up one way or another, especially in Europe....
She also kisses Israel's backside in this recent interview.

But then, everyone has to pay homage to Israel just to 'get in the game'.

However, 4 years ago she had favorable things to say about Syria, Russia and even Hezbollah:

I think her 2018 comments reveal her true thoughts, and that this year's nod to 'Russian aggression' was just politiking to ease her path to power.
She is PTB's puppet. Otherwise she wouldnt won. Remember France and Le Pen. Plus, France is much more established state than Italy, but Le Pen didnt had a chance. We know that from corona times also, when Italy killed all those seniors. PTB needed ventil for Europe, so they use "populist" as they called it. I think there would be more "victories" liked this, in countries like Holand, Belgium and similar.

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