Global IT Outage

When the competitors who are on the cloud started eating to their market foot print, every body has to jump in. Those companies that can withstand the pressure, were lured into it with cheap storage.
The same pattern/lesson repeats under a different angle:
  • lured into <A>
  • for reason <B>
  • under the threat of <C>
  • and ultimately sacrificing <D>.
One day, the control pyramid will come crashing down and it won't be pretty.
One thing is sure: the DCM gives plenty of warnings!
Just a quick reminder - Crowdstrike where the ones that claimed Russia hacked the DNC servers.

From the article:
Something stinks here, and the FBI needs to be held to account.
Some day, and with other issues, I guess.

On the other hand, I do think that this Crowdstrike/Microsoft issue might be a cover for something else as Clandestine mentions.

Reminder, Crowdstrike was the cybersecurity company that the DNC hired to frame Russia for the hacked DNC emails released by Julian Assange via Wikileaks.

Flashback to October 2016, when MSM/Hollywood were trying to establish the Russia narrative. Crowdstrike was one of the main entities that created the Russia hoax, and thus guilty of treason against Donald J Trump.

I don’t know what’s going on with Crowdstrike today, all we know is that they are at the epicenter of the ongoing shadow war. Something is going on behind the scenes.

What’s Assange up to right now? 👀
I'm still mitigating issues. This was one of my biggest concerns with a SIEM system at my company. It gives unsupervised access to ALL machines on the network in order to keep them safe. However, as has happened before, if a SIEM company is compromised that gives anyone access to multiple networks all at once. In this case, something internal occurred that pushed a poison update. Linux systems were not affected thankfully.
Cover for installing/setting up something to stage-manage the collapse of global financial markets, which are all, of course, computer-based?

It would be interesting to ask the C's about these cyber security companies and how many of them are in cahoots with either CIA/NSA, dark government entities or dark consortium entities. Most of these cyber security companies get their software installed into everything when a business purchases their services, network equipment, servers (Linux and Windows), workstations (Linux, Apple, and Windows), Cloud Servers, vCenters, etc. Many of the softwares are installed as kernel drivers hooked right into the OS, perfect backdoor access.

I also wonder how many of the dark hacker groups are tied into or controlled by dark government entities or dark consortium entities. Blacksuit and many hacker groups are going wild attacking large corporations. If the corporation does not have heavyweight cyber security they immediately contact Crowdstrike or Palo Alto Networks or the like and install these softwares on all systems and network devices. It seems like the perfect setup, infiltrate the corporation, setup a command center, secretly encrypt all the target devices in a company, ask for ransom. Boom the attacked company contacts one of these heavy weight cyber security companies and the cyber security software is installed everywhere - complete access and control.
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