Global IT Outage

You can look at this from a few angles.

The first (a more high level one) in regard to 'resistance' that the Quarum was meeting about. I have noticed a trend among some businesses to moving away from cloud systems in recent years, because of failures and the costs involved from those failures (as well as the security issues that could introduce).
This (I would hope) will make a lot of larger corporations reconsider their IT system - if they can think logically/don't have other forces pushing towards centralisation that is.

The timing is interesting for sure - and it does serve as the perfect distraction from Trump.

So the point I'm interested in is was it deliberate or incompetence or both?
Deliberate distraction (although most likely at the cost of sacrificing CrowdStrike as a viable company).
Incompetence - a result of continuing disintegration from vaccines (up to and including lack of skilled staff)/DEI policies etc
Both - and here I get speculative. I've followed in passing how some malware etc works, and one of the favourite methods of extracting information and/or gaining access to the system in a way that's not allowed is memory overflows. Was something hastily added to gain access to something - but that wasn't tested well enough and as such crashed everything?

@Ant22 Did you manage to get a flight?
Yes, please let us know when you can Ant.
When I bought a new laptop last year it was a headache to get them to install Office 2021 even though I had paid for it. The default was 365. Even now every time I go to save a file the default is on the cloud. It takes me far longer to save things but luckily I have always saved to external hard drive.

However, recently I have been noticing that the external hard-drive is flashing when I am not even using it, just because it is connected to the laptop.
I do get the feeling that I am not the only one using my laptop sometimes, it feels that a 'presence' is there - spyware built in I guess.
When I bought a new laptop last year it was a headache to get them to install Office 2021 even though I had paid for it. The default was 365. Even now every time I go to save a file the default is on the cloud. It takes me far longer to save things but luckily I have always saved to external hard drive.

However, recently I have been noticing that the external hard-drive is flashing when I am not even using it, just because it is connected to the laptop.
I do get the feeling that I am not the only one using my laptop sometimes, it feels that a 'presence' is there - spyware built in I guess.
good you say this. i have exactly the same phenomenon and i have been hacked before. i am weary and i have activity monitor running all the time, and it shows activity even while i do nothing. i am on mac, and my expert says not to worry. but i remain suspicious...
I was in too, our Azure servers were all down on Friday morning. The restoration to a previous backup solved the problem but as a whole, we lost an half day of production. That will be hard to compensate as the holidays are here soon.

For my part I think it's intentional. Look like the update was not tested as the problem is systematic so it could not have escaped a simple test of implementation on a single PC. It's just unthinkable. I think it's just the part of a bigger plan which include this cloud promotion.

IT management follow the trend. And they follow the trend because upper management tell to do so. Just by saying that all you IT is in the cloud, you add value to your company. It's hard to escape.

I have the sensation that they messed the blow, like the Trump assassination attempt. And it will be more hard to do it again as companies will be more prepared. For private individual it's another thing.

Schwab - cyber attack.jpg
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