Global IT Outage

@iamthatis That's a good catch and very telling. There's a reason why everyone has been scratching their heads as to how did a programming bug make it past code testing. Interesting how CrowdStrike is also not agreeing to the "Null pointer" findings on the X but not sharing the real root cause either. And the way they are not coming out in the open with full disclosure hints at a cover-up and biding time to build up a plausible narrative. If anything, they are sticking to their Incident Management Playbook which generally permits waiting for anywhere between 7-30 days for public disclosures.

What is surprising is that the people around me as well as ones working for other businesses aren't considering moving away from CrowdStrike and saying things like, what else would we use etc. So, they are willing to give one to CS, thinking it as a one-off incident. It might be different for airlines and hospitals but I know that one can't just rip and replace security software without some disruption, and the visibility/capabilities CS provides might offset the damage from this outage. I say this because the security is now very important topic at board level with C-suite representations and they have vested interests in bringing in ever new invasive tech for greater visibility and risk mitigiation.

So, it would be very interesting to see how this one pans out.
A buddy of mine pointed out a few connected dots regarding this outage:

"So let me see if I have this Crowdstrike story straight….
When Hillary Clinton was Sec. of State, she was illegally funneling sophisticated weapons through Libya to terrorists in the MidEast in an effort to take out Assad in Syria for Israel. When the weapons transfer went sideways and the US Ambassador was killed in Benghazi, it was discovered she was using an illegal private server for secret communications. She destroyed the server, but not before its contents were leaked by Wikileaks, including communications about bizarre occult rituals and inexplicable code words involving children and pizza. Instead of investigating the leak themselves, the FBI relied on a Crowdstrike investigation that falsely claimed the server was hacked by Russia. The FBI cleared HC despite admitting she broke the law, and launched the Russiagate investigation, using more fake Clinton campaign disinfo to tie Trump to Russia to get a FISA warrant and spy on Trump while leaking dirt to the press to undermine first his campaign, then his presidency. When Trump had a call with Zelenskyy and asked about Crowdstrike, a “whistleblower” falsely claimed quid-pro-quo and launched the first impeachment to stop Trump’s inquiries. (It was in the midst of this impeachment trial, btw, when Event 201 took place. But that’s another story.) Fast forward to 2024 and Trump is dominating Biden when he miraculously survives a deep state-orchestrated assassination attempt two days before the RNC. Two days later Crowdstrike causes the biggest computer network crash in all of history, knocking millions of corporate and government systems offline for hours.

Other than the fact that Blackrock owns Crowdstrike and a Blackrock-affiliated investment firm placed millions of dollars betting against DJT in the hours before the assassination attempt by a shooter who was featured in a Blackrock promo, did I miss anything?"

And even the name - "Crowdstrike"...really?
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