Greta Thunberg: False Prophet of the Children's Crusade

You know things are upside down when children are pretending to be adults whilst brainwashed to believe that adults are behaving like children. The ponerogenesis is complete it seems.
There was a time when a well placed smack would introduce some common sense in the misguided teenagers and the matter would be resolved in an instant.

Very interesting article!

It’s dangerous when children believe they’re miracle workers with special gifts.

It's dangerous when adults support their ideas and especially when powerful outside organizations begin using and triggering kids. Nazism and communism were all exploiting the fervor of young people, herding them into youth organizations and tempting them to rat on their parents and friends.
Just came across this video where Greta seems pretty stumped when asked a question which would mean she'd have to put something in her own words. Nothing definitive of course. It's only a 1 minute video and everyone has their moments, plus i would assume she's done Q&A's before and she was fine then...? It's interesting that she basically deflects the question to others because it appears she can't formulate a decent response by herself. And even the short response she does give is a soundbite she's probably said many times before. Her supporters could claim that she has learning disabilities or what not but the empty response she does give is certainly in stark contrast to her UN speech.

Greta's Mother had published a book, a few years back, describing some of the difficulties Greta and her younger Sister, Beata have experienced.

I question "Greta's Parent's wisdom" of coaching and promoting her into the media circle and limelight, which I sense could only "further confuse and compound the mental and emotional problems" Greta is already dealing with? I would be more concerned, that at some point, the media spotlight, combined with outside pressures would eventually lead Greta down a path of being - suicidal?

During Greta's U.N. speech, she displayed very intense anger and emotional outbursts - that could only come from the "inside"? I have watched the video several times and it literally hurts to watch her! I sense a girl - who's crying out for help and no one is picking up on her inner turmoil - they are only looking at "a promotional silhouette" in front of a camera?

Greta Thunberg’s Mother Wrote a Book About Greta’s Mental Illness
September 24, 2019 - Earlier today we wrote an article about the Thunberg family’s rich history in Swedish acting. Now someone has found that Thunbergs own mother wrote a book about Greta having Aspergers and being depressed. So the left is basically taking advantage of a mentally Ill child.

Greta is eleven years old and has gone two months without eating. Her heart rate and blood pressure show clear signs of starvation. She has stopped speaking to anyone but her parents and younger sister, Beata.

“After years of depression, eating disorders, and anxiety attacks, she finally receives a medical diagnosis: Asperger’s syndrome, high-functioning autism, and OCD. She also suffers from selective mutism—which explains why she sometimes can’t speak to anyone outside her closest family.
When she wants to tell a climate researcher that she plans a school strike on behalf of the environment, she speaks through her father.”

The book Scenes from the Heart(“Scener från Hjärtat,” 2018) recounts these medical difficulties and the events that led to Greta Thunberg’s now-famous “school strike for climate,” in which hundreds of thousands of children have refused to attend school to protest about government inaction over climate change. Greta herself strikes every Friday and spent three weeks sitting outside the Swedish Parliament at the beginning of the school year. Written by her family—mother, father, Beata and Greta—the story is told in the voice of Greta’s mother, the opera soprano Malena Ernman, who was a celebrity in Europe long before her daughter’s fame. Although the book is only available in Swedish for the time being, it is already being translated into numerous languages—a development that reflects the global fascination with Thunberg’s campaign.
Well, thank you very much for the brilliant article, Laura, and thank you to all the others who brought information and thoughts into the discussion!

When I saw her speech I thought of method acting, although I do not know whether Greta is capable of that, but the whole thing looked for me like an act. I heard that she visited Lee Strassbergs School in NY, I wonder why?

This is for me as a mother very gut cringing. In the first place I cannot understand why parents would feed their daughters special condition with more of what is emoting her the most.
Maybe those freemason families really do brainwash their kids, and those then brainwash theirs, so Malena Ernman and Svante Thunberg are likely both brainwashed persons/parents aswell.

The Childrens Crusade of 1212 is a very heartbreaking example of what differenciades between wishing well and doing well, in my opinion. All those lost young lifes, and all those cast into slavery. I know that quite some did return home, but at what cost?

The cost may seem different today, but is it really? And it is so unfair, because those kids of the FFF demonstrations were taught this crap. I have loose contact to several of my old teachers, one was a very smart chemistry teacher and I once talked about this climate crusade with her. She was so frustrated when I asked her how it can be, that the teachers do not interfere and teach facts. She told me that text books really have changed a lot. Much of what I learned in her courses is not part of the classes anymore.

So for me this is clearly a managed affair, the long run one. Now the situation is that even in my own family there are persons who simply do not want to talk about their believes climate-wise, because "no thank you, I already made up my mind". I do not know what to say (well I said something in the situation, quite harmless I would call it, but is was taken like a blow with an ax; very snowflaky). So there is a wall, a wall in front of discussion. Nowerdays it seems it is only ok to dicuss with someone who already IS of your opinion. I asked her what she will learn there? That was the ax blow. Contered by her telling me, "I don't have to learn anything". Well, somehow true, but ... ehrm... nuff said I'd say...
Something that has come to mind with me is the differing worldviews people have. Some see this planet as an Edenic idyll perpetually under the threat of human selfishness. And then there's me, who sees an Edenic idyll populated by living creatures that eat each other in order to survive, whilst dealing with an invisible race of entities which feed upon and act upon dumb beings, forever ignorant and bodycentric. Whilst we fight and argue about what are ultimately trivialities.

I don't see a convergence of ideas any time soon. I've heard that the beast from the east is due in western europe this winter. One day soon that cold is gonna stick, that'll be the true beginning of challenges, today is just a dress rehearsal by comparison.

Greta Thunberg? A bird in a gilded cage, squawking loudly.
Thank you, Laura. Great article.
I'd never heard of the Children's Crusade before now. It certainly is uncanny. Those poor, little fools.
There is also full of adults (over 30, 40, 50, 60 years) who believe in the eco-activism that the media sell to them. They believe the same as children, and their belief center may be incredibly similar: very impressionable, following any cause or mass phenomenon that has a moral clothing that seems good, rebellious, revolutionary.
Childhood mentality among adults is widespread, and as the article of Laura says, by manipulation they submit to the authority of the screen.
After photos surfaced of Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg wearing a shirt associated with Antifa, she denied any ties to the violent left-wing protest group.


“Yesterday I posted a photo wearing a borrowed T-shirt that says I’m against fascism,” she tweeted in July. “That T-shirt can apparently to some be linked to a violent movement. I don’t support any form of violence and to avoid misunderstandings I’ve deleted the post. And of course I am against fascism.”

Thunberg went on to criticize her detractors, claiming the shirt was innocuous, “can be bought anywhere” and is only linked to violence “according to some.”

In recent days, however, photos have emerged showing her parents, Svante Thunberg and Malena Ernman, wearing the exact same t-shirt, throwing her whole explanation into question.


To add on to this, the Antifa movement now bears a close resemblance to the group back the 1930s that was affiliated with the Communist Party of Germany. They even were called Antifa back then.

Even their flags bear a striking similarity (photos from Wikipedia/Google):



It's almost a warning to people it seems.
So for me this is clearly a managed affair, the long run one. Now the situation is that even in my own family there are persons who simply do not want to talk about their believes climate-wise, because "no thank you, I already made up my mind". I do not know what to say (well I said something in the situation, quite harmless I would call it, but is was taken like a blow with an ax; very snowflaky). So there is a wall, a wall in front of discussion. Nowerdays it seems it is only ok to dicuss with someone who already IS of your opinion. I asked her what she will learn there? That was the ax blow. Contered by her telling me, "I don't have to learn anything". Well, somehow true, but ... ehrm... nuff said I'd say...

I have had quite a few such conversations, some of which went better than others. What I found most useful is to NOT make it about climate science, whether man-made global warming is real etc., because most people will just freak out if you give the slightest hint you might be a "climate denier". What I try to do instead is to gently bring some rationality to the discussion. There is so much irrationality that you can counter. For example, the question of priorities and a limited budget - every cent you put into the "fight against climate change" you obviously cannot put elsewhere. So would you rather save a child in Africa from starvation, or help a homeless person next street, or put the money into climate change? Another thing I often try is to show the hypocrisy within the discussion even if you accept that CO2 to be the devil incarnate - such as that Renewable energy doesn't save CO2. Or how about the fact that CO2 emissions and economic development are tightly correlated, which means you have to choose between cutting emissions and economic growth, especially in the emerging markets?

There is SO much nonsense going on besides the fact that AGW is nonsense to boot, and by gently pointing some of these issues to people, depending on the situation, you can help them get out of the hysteric mindset and start to think, which is already quite something. It doesn't work of course if you are dealing with a hardcore climate warrior, but I generally found this tactic to be useful these days.
To add to the above: when the topic in a conversation shifts to climate change/Greta, I often say something like "to be honest, I find the current hysteria a bit much", and I found that many folks are relieved to hear someone say it, because even though they may buy the AGW line and have never thought about it much, they can relate to that.

It's exactly as described in Political Ponerology: normal peeps need to learn how to recognize each other. Once you make a relatively innocent comment like the "hysteria seems a bit much" one, you can tell where the other person stands, and you can take it from there. Ideally, it's kind of a "tit for tat" where each of you goes a bit further each round, until you both realize you stand on the same side. And who knows, you might end up agreeing that it's all nonsense and just got yourself a new buddy!

It's also interesting that here in Germany, those from Eastern Germany who have seen communism are generally much better at seeing through this whole thing. I mean, sending kids to political marches during school-time? It doesn't get any more commie/fascist than that!
“After years of depression, eating disorders, and anxiety attacks, she finally receives a medical diagnosis: Asperger’s syndrome, high-functioning autism, and OCD. She also suffers from selective mutism—which explains why she sometimes can’t speak to anyone outside her closest family. When she wants to tell a climate researcher that she plans a school strike on behalf of the environment, she speaks through her father.”

On the internet there has been specultation about Greta's apparent development deficiencies (her height, her facial features). Does Greta Thunberg suffer in fact from "Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder" (FASD) or "Partial FAS"?

Partial FAS (pFAS) was previously known as atypical FAS in the 1997 edition of the "4-Digit Diagnostic Code". People with pFAS have a confirmed history of prenatal alcohol exposure, but may lack growth deficiency or the complete facial stigmata. Central nervous system damage is present at the same level as FAS. These individuals have the same functional disabilities but "look" less like FAS.
The following criteria must be fully met for a diagnosis of Partial FAS:[2][16][20]

  1. Growth deficiency: Growth or height may range from normal to deficient[21]
  2. FAS facial features: Two or three FAS facial features present[29]
  3. Central nervous system damage: Clinically significant structural, neurological, or functional impairment in three or more of the Ten Brain Domains[44]
  4. Prenatal alcohol exposure: Confirmed prenatal alcohol exposure

Why Teenage Climate Crusader Greta Thunberg Is A “Watermelon” [=green on the outside but red inside]—And Why She May Change
Manifestly, Greta is atypical-looking, to the extent that she hardly resembles her parents. Neurological disorders, whereby something has gone wrong early in development, tend to express themselves in minor physical abnormalities, as the developmental conditions have been suboptimal for all parts of the fetus and thus the brain. Greta has a noticeably small nose, narrow eyes, and a very wide face. These features are negatively associated with IQ and thus can also be seen in suffers from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and, in a more pronounced way, sufferers from Down’s Syndrome [How to Judge People By What They Look Like, by Edward Dutton, 2018]. In addition to these, the key physical marker of FAS—which is characterized by autism, relatively low IQ [Autism in fetal alcohol syndrome: a report of six cases, by J. Nanson, Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 1992]] and hyperactivity —is short stature and a relatively flat philtrum, both of which are clearly true of Greta.

Thus, Greta—who certainly does not show clear evidence of cognitive impairment—possibly has Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (“pFAS”), something which can sometimes, alas, occur as a result of even the most modest use of alcohol during pregnancy. Mild FAS is associated with mild or very specific forms of cognitive impairment, meaning a sufferer can have a high IQ but be deficient in certain kinds of logic, especially relating to pure Math. There is, however, a degree to which such problems can get better with age, as people reach their cognitive peak.

So, proudly ASD Greta, who told the Guardian’s Damian Carrington that “I think in many ways we autistics are the normal ones and the rest of the people are pretty strange—especially when it comes to the sustainability crisis” is likely a Multiculturalism advocate because she is a very atypical autistic, has narrow cognitive deficiencies and, put simply, is young. But, as an autistic, she is naïve and has a burning sense of certainty.

Responsible people would thus avoid turning Greta into a Climate Change Joan of Arc. They would look after her and protect her from a social sphere that she finds difficult to understand precisely because her brain is so skewed towards the world of ideas and structures.

But Multiculturalists are quasi-religious fanatics, like those who allowed two gangs of children—led by the likely autistic Nicholas of Cologne and Stephen of Cloyes—to engage in the Children’s Crusade of 1212, resulting in many of the children dying of hunger and exposure.

We can only hope that the Left eventually leave Greta alone and allow her to grow up.

My guess: considering Greta’s obvious precocity and intellect, as she reaches her intelligence peak her obsessiveness, energy, and emotionless logic will be turned against the very ideas she now advocates—and against the very people who now exploit her.

It is conspicuous that well-known "debunker sites" want to expose a possible alcoholic disease of Greta's mother Malena Ernman as fake news.

Mrs. Ernman presents herself on her twitter account as an anti-alcoholic.
It says:
„God jul!!! Jag är ambassadör för Vit Jul. För mig är det en självklarhet att inte dricka alkohol under julhelgen“
Which means:
"Merry Christmas! I'm an ambassador for a dry [="white"] Christmas. For me it is a matter of course not to drink alcohol on Christmas days."
It's also interesting that here in Germany, those from Eastern Germany who have seen communism are generally much better at seeing through this whole thing. I mean, sending kids to political marches during school-time? It doesn't get any more commie/fascist than that!
That reminds me of a saying, I think attributed to Trotski or someone of that sort, that the communist revolution doesn(t come from the working people, but from the sons and daughters of doctors and lawyers. And that's what we see today, the louder voices towards power centralisation are middle to upper middle class students. Also, those who have been subjected to past overt dictatorship are more likely to be skeptical of the media and power structures. One can even argue that those without an endoskeleton are asking for an exoskeleton to "protect" them in the form of an omnipotent and omnicient technocracy (a mix of scientism, technolatry and mind hive communism).

When asked about Global Warming I say what I think and don't try to argue. There is no point in trying to reach the ideologically possessed because it's like trying to talk sense to a demon. It's a trap that sucks energy and makes you angry at stupidity for no real positive outcome. Usually I say: let's talk about it again in twenty years and see who's right and leave it at that.
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