Greta Thunberg: False Prophet of the Children's Crusade

Sounds like you need new friends.

I belong to a large community of people, mostly artists and musicians, an unexpected situation for an introvert like me. I cannot avoid the ones who go on attack mode altogether but I limit my interactions with them to casual chit chat. The first time a close friend attacked me in this way I was shocked, and posted here that I suspected that my friend was an OP. I was instructed that I wasn't permitted to make that judgement, which was a good learning experience.
Lately there's been a new acronym NPC, non playing character, from the gaming world as I'm sure you know, which is a character in a game that only repeats the same canned response any time you interact with them - a perfect description of many of my friends in regard to the topics I'm discussing without the added spiritual/existential aspects of OP. They're perfectly nice, decent people (I no longer allow anyone in my circle of friends who isn't) who have been completely brainwashed.
I live in an area in the Northeast US that's a liberal/progressive bubble, that's just the way the world is for these people, and part of their programming is to vilify anyone who doesn't share their beliefs (Trump supporters in particular). My true, close friends will just agree to disagree and move on.
We all know here how far down the rabbit hole we are and how long and painful the process of getting there was. When someone is believing something that is a lie, you can't really address that top level lie without going down the rabbit hole of all the underlying lies that support it. That's a journey that only they can willingly embark on, and it takes more intellectual courage and honesty than most folks can muster.
I haven't mastered the skills needed for helping these people (were I so presumptuous to think that I could or should), my wife says I come across as too preachy and challenging, that my truth is the only truth (of course I think it is, but now I'm behaving just like them), so I try to practice strategic enclosure, stay away from controversial topics, enjoy the love and friendship of my closest friends and bite my tongue until it bleeds.... If one of them shows any sign of waking up and thinking rationally I get a little too excited and probably try to say too much...
There was a time when I was a fairly ardent believer in AGW. The first time I remember encountering the subject was in a science class when I was 13. They had this little graph showing CO2 concentrations measured against average temperature taken from atop Muana Kea, I believe, and there was almost a 1:1 correlation. Then there was a history of global temperatures from about 1650 to present collected by various means which showed a slow and steady rise in temperature which coincided with industrialization. Since industrialization was proceeding at an exponential pace, the theory logically predicted that warming would correlate in an exponential fashion. The science textbook had numerous references to back up its assertions and for someone who wasn't particularly interested in long-term climate trends, it all looked legit. The science teacher said we were all going to suffer because of the mistakes her generation had made (the baby boomers) and that we had to stop it. She was an ardent environmentalist and talked about many other subjects with which me and my parents agreed. She was against the destruction of wetlands and the overdevelopment of sensitive areas which is destroying the aquifer, the overabundance of golf courses and people fertilizing their lawns which contributes to nutrient runoff and red tide, and a certain loathing of the oil companies which is almost universal amongst Floridians in the decades long campaign to secure offshore drilling rights. They always say that their drilling is clean and won't impact the beaches, but the experience of Louisiana and Texas suggests otherwise. Bush was president, it was known that he was a big oil man, he was a global warming skeptic, and basically wanted to bomb everyone in central Asia. He was held up as the epitome of the "boomers ruining the planet meme" before memes even really existed. Furthermore, he had the support of conservatives, of whom most of my neighbors and classmates' parents were, (although it eroded considerably in his second term) and this was seen as something to be resisted. Conservatives were ruining our future because they were stuck in old outdated ideas and all they cared about was getting their retirement while everyone else was left to clean up the mess. I remember being disappointed and irritated about being basically screwed by the "old people," but I didn't care enough about it to become militant. I was more interested in aliens and paranormal subjects, and was convinced that the planet was being scouted for an invasion at some point and that would supersede any of these other concerns.

There was also physical experience that sort of backed up the global warming claim. In the summer it is hot, and in December it is oftentimes still kind of hot. For about 6 months out of the year the sun has a certain "sizzle" to it. I had a sort of love-hate relationship with sunscreen, I hated the way it made my skin goopy and grimy, but it was better than being cooked and becoming totally debilitated. Staying covered up wasn't an attractive option either, because that usually just increased the temperature from hot to miserably hot. I remember coming home from a day in the boat several times and basically being unable to move due to sunburn and just laying in bed moaning and wallowing in aloe vera for a day or so. My grandma scolded me for not using sunscreen and I sort of worked out a compromise where I would apply the sunscreen when I started to turn pink. As I got older, I built up more of a tolerance to it where I could get thorough just about a full day without turning pink, but that is the limit, and the next day I either have to stay inside or get the sunscreen out. My grandparents, who were getting older and more sensitive to heat also said that the sting of the sun on their skin was worse than they remember, and that it must be due to global warming. It was difficult for me and my friends to imagine anyone being able to live in this environment. It was one thing to spend a day mowing lawns and come home at the end of the day into the air conditioning and a cool shower, (although even this was fairly miserable) it was quite another to be a pioneer with none of these things, unless maybe you lived close to a spring. We decided that the climate must've been more livable in the past and this was another aspect of global warming. I didn't ponder until later that there was probably a reason why white people were concentrated in far northern (relative to me) climates throughout most of recorded history; we're all the same right? ...diversity and all of that.

It wasn't until college that I got a slightly different view on global warming. In astronomy class there was a discussion with the professor about climate cycles going back millions of years, hothouse and icehouse earth theories, and how an icehouse earth scenario was no longer a concern for the future because solar luminosity increases as stars begin to fuse heavier elements in their cores. Long term, Earth's climate was dictated by the solar energy flux and perturbations in Earth's orbit; there was a bigger picture view to climatology, and the scale and scope of the solar system was so much greater than the terrestrial system that the earth had no choice but to follow suit. It was then mentioned in passing that there was a medieval warm period prior to 1650, and this was likely caused by a fluctuation in the sun's output. I had never heard of this medieval warm period, everything that I had ever been taught about climatology began with what I was now told was called the Little Ice Age. There had been some mention of the climate being warmer during the time of the dinosaurs, but this was due to very slow and gradual movements of the continents which take place over millions of years, certainly nothing that humans had been around long enough to pontificate about. The professor was very careful not to stray too far from the party line, he said that CO2 was still a very potent greenhouse gas, and that in the short term, AGW was overpowering any effects from the sun. It was around this time that Laura was putting some things out there on climate and I had become interested in it due to the Kantek material and cosmic catastrophes. By taking all of these things together, by the time I was 25 I had done a complete u-turn on my global warming stance. If the electric universe theory was correct, there was no way to predict solar luminosity without having a map of the various current flows around the galaxy, meaning Earth's climate was ultimately directed from the galactic level and it could change suddenly and chaotically, because we really have no idea about how the galaxy actually works.

So I see why some liberals are so militant. They sincerely believe that conservatives are going to destroy everyone with their ideology and they see their role as protectors of humanity, the fate of their children and families depends on it, when they are in fact being manipulated to be its destroyers. (In this instance, the whole Jehovah is going to use the Jews to save the devout shtick that conservatives believe in is an entirely different matter, and why I generally can't stand conservatives either) I received basically the same education they did, except now it has a more revolutionary (in the Bolshevik sense) tone. In my case, I wasn't ideologically possessed, although ideology did have an influence, but was carefully conditioned in my mind through the cherry picking of data and the leaving behind of breadcrumbs to conclude that the liberal position was right. Ironically, it was the very same educational system that was meant to enslave me that opened the door a crack to alternative explanations through explorations of the hard sciences. Once the crack was there, the Cassiopaean transcripts greatly accelerated my ability to put the pieces together. That must be why they are working so fervently to turn science into a propaganda ministry, so that no consciousness can escape and even the organized, logical, and analytical ones will have little choice but to feed energy into their illusion.
Greta appears to be not the first child on this crusade. Here is the speech of Severn Cullis-Suzuki on the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit (1992):

Yes, Greta is merely repeating indeed; almost verbatim. And her strings are attached to the same primary group way back when. A person can see these kids (who are reading from a script) that were spurred on by Severn Cullis-Suzuki (SCS) 25 years later.

Even listening to these kids - similar messaging as SCS had back in 92 (except she was already in a family with a directive focus) were primarily concerned with human garbage and toxins (even SCS's geneticist father, who at one time had potential to remain focused - and did so for a while, shifted) and then at the same time they are adding in, from the scripted cue's that they don't understand, a spotlight on C02 like 'adults don't know how to take it out of the atmosphere' is what some said then, essentially what Greta was chiming on about with added coached anger more recently.

From the Earth Charter Initiative (ECI) back then, Severn Cullis-Suzuki was a 12 year old tag-along to the climate change master meddler, Maurice Strong in Rio. As laid out prior to Strong's death (when he was the co-chair), the ECI's Board's arrangement included the much older SCS (daughter of David Suzuki). Currently SCS is on the Board of the Suzuki Foundation and most in Canada know what that is.

Africa and the Middle East
Amadou Toumani Touré, Mali (Co-chair)
HRH Princess Basma Bint Talal, Jordan
Mohamed Sahnoun, Algeria

Asia and the Pacific

A.T. Ariyaratne, Sri Lanka
Kamla Chowdhry, India (Co-chair) In memoriam
Wakako Hironaka, Japan
Pauline Tangiora, New Zealand/Aotearoa,
Erna Witoelar, Indonesia


Mikhail Gorbachev, Russia (Co-chair)
Pierre Calame, France
Ruud Lubbers, The Netherlands
Federico Mayor, Spain
Henriette Rasmussen, Greenland In memoriam
Awraham Soetendorp, The Netherlands

Latin America and the Caribbean

Mercedes Sosa, Argentina,(Co-chair) In memoriam
Leonardo Boff, Brazil
Yolanda Kakabadse, Ecuador
Shridath Ramphal, Guyana

North America

Maurice F. Strong, Canada, (Co-chair) In memoriam
John Hoyt, United States of America
Elizabeth May, Canada
Steven C. Rockefeller, United States of America
Severn Cullis Suzuki, Canada
I'm in Mexico City and the 'nazis' here are of the Antifa sort. There was recently a 'feminist' march in downtown, and some of the women were dressed in black, with faces covered, and they vandalised public monuments and transport unchallenged. The police didn't really do anything to stop them, and sadly the media were excedingly forgiving of their behavior - especially considering that there's around 3 demonstrarions a day in this city and this is the first I see that caused that amount of damage on the monument of the Independence, probably the best well known landmark of the city. Quite the Badge of Shame - it was the feminists who did the most vandalising! People on social media and those I spoke with in private had a healthier reaction, with lots condemning the destruction with sarcasm (e.g. 'down with rapist public buses, symbol of the patriarchy!').

It also doesn't help that the new left-wing federal and city governments are trying to appear to be a 'modern left', which means more identity politics and less economic defense of lower classes. There's this unspoken silly idea that whatever comes from the US or Europe must be good and therefore should be imitated. Thus, they are following the path of the US/EU 'left'.

I was a bit shocked to learn that one of my nieces (she is in her early 20s) was in that demonstration. She is quite 'posh' and it sounds like she didn't know what she and her friends were getting into. While she wasn't involved in any vandalising or violence, and she sounded like she was scared of it, and no one in the family approved of those things, she did get 'kudos' for defending a 'good cause' and getting involved in social activism. I've noticed that the rest of my nieces and nephews are all quite indoctrinated in liberal matters and they feel proud about them: issues of 'diversity', sexual identity, minorities, ecology, etc. Their parents seem to accept passively. And so far I have heard not a single critical comment about Greta Thunberg from people here (outside this group), nor read any on the media. Whatever she says is just accepted uncritically, even applauded.

I think that the problem is that in order to be able to see through Greta, one would need to have enough curiosity about the truth on climate change in order to understand that the science is far from settled and there are much more plausible explanations apart from AGW. One would also need to be familiar with propaganda techniques (remember Bana Alabed in Syria?). But the vast majority aren't - their reading of reality is very superficial. Without that extra information, if there's a young girl heroically standing for what scientists are saying against those greedy politicians, why would anyone want to oppose her? It's really sad that on this issue the discourse is virtually impenetrable.
Just came across this video where Greta seems pretty stumped when asked a question which would mean she'd have to put something in her own words. Nothing definitive of course. It's only a 1 minute video and everyone has their moments, plus i would assume she's done Q&A's before and she was fine then...? It's interesting that she basically deflects the question to others because it appears she can't formulate a decent response by herself. And even the short response she does give is a soundbite she's probably said many times before. Her supporters could claim that she has learning disabilities or what not but the empty response she does give is certainly in stark contrast to her UN speech.

It seems to me that the questions was fairly easy, "what is the message you have by being here". The impression I get is that she was tired and wanted others to answer more questions as I assume she was getting all the spotlight.
I think that the problem is that in order to be able to see through Greta, one would need to have enough curiosity about the truth on climate change in order to understand that the science is far from settled and there are much more plausible explanations apart from AGW.

I think it's even simpler than that: even within the AGW narrative, you just need to be curious about what exactly official IPCC science says. I mean, don't you want to know when, and how the world ends? What exactly is proposed here?

Turns out that even 'official science' is much more toned down than the shrill hysteria being peddled by Greta and the media. Unfortunately, hysteria is precisely what keeps people from thinking straight. Here is what Jochem Marotzke, one of the IPCC’s lead scientists and co-author of the 2013 IPCC report, has said in an interview with the German magazine SPIEGEL in 2018 (my translation):
SPIEGEL: "Are there any thresholds above which irreversible processes begin?"

Marotzke: "We cannot rule this out, but the evidence for such tipping points has so far been rather weak. A warming of 2 degrees could most likely lead to the melting of Greenland's ice sheet, causing sea levels to rise by seven metres in the long term - that would be a highly dramatic change. But even if this were to happen, defrosting would take 3000 years. All other alleged tipping points such as the Gulf Stream drying up or the West Antarctic melting are unlikely in the foreseeable future."
The following story that happened in Germany is very instructive of the madness that is going on:

A German farmer complained on Twitter after 500 climate activists trampled over his fields during a “march”, destroying his crops. He said the financial loss isn’t really the problem, but it hurts him to see food destroyed and the fruit of his long labor taken away from him. And as if the irony of “climate activists” destroying crops wasn’t enough, a politician from the Green party tweeted this: “Your carrots are not as important as our climate. Sorry.”

This sends a huge chill down my spine!
The following story that happened in Germany is very instructive of the madness that is going on:

A German farmer complained on Twitter after 500 climate activists trampled over his fields during a “march”, destroying his crops. He said the financial loss isn’t really the problem, but it hurts him to see food destroyed and the fruit of his long labor taken away from him. And as if the irony of “climate activists” destroying crops wasn’t enough, a politician from the Green party tweeted this: “Your carrots are not as important as our climate. Sorry.”

This sends a huge chill down my spine!
I looked at people's faces and instantly thought of zombies. But I guess, they themselves are not fully aware of the puppet master controlling them. Funny, there's always a political party involved playing out the STS hand. Its never really about the saving the planet or fixing the climate etc. Its just a pseudo-front to hypnotise unsuspecting masses whilst pockets are being lined from tax-money being stipended under the guise of carbon credits.
The following story that happened in Germany is very instructive of the madness that is going on:

A German farmer complained on Twitter after 500 climate activists trampled over his fields during a “march”, destroying his crops. He said the financial loss isn’t really the problem, but it hurts him to see food destroyed and the fruit of his long labor taken away from him. And as if the irony of “climate activists” destroying crops wasn’t enough, a politician from the Green party tweeted this: “Your carrots are not as important as our climate. Sorry.”

This sends a huge chill down my spine!

Can't help but think of the Bolsheviks and their fight against the ''bourgeois'' where anything goes as long as it serves the cause.No action too immoral as long as you're on the ''right side of history''.
There was a time when I was a fairly ardent believer in AGW. The first time I remember encountering the subject was in a science class when I was 13.

I think you have a good little article here Neil. If you just tweak it a little and take out the references that ordinary folk won't have any idea what you're talking about. (i.e. Kantek and the Cassiopaean material)
Fwiw, I asked my teenager ( who did not attend the local event) about it and he said he thought about 90% of teenagers only went to the protests because it was a day off school and a kind of a social event for young people!
Fwiw, I asked my teenager ( who did not attend the local event) about it and he said he thought about 90% of teenagers only went to the protests because it was a day off school and a kind of a social event for young people!

I'm not surprised at all. In fact, I would have been surprised if it were otherwise. Pretty few of the young protesters in those movements seem to be really in to it, but rather go along because it is cool or something.
Fwiw, I asked my teenager ( who did not attend the local event) about it and he said he thought about 90% of teenagers only went to the protests because it was a day off school and a kind of a social event for young people!

Yes of course! That's why all this has such a strong communist/fascist flavor: students are basically "sent" to the marches in that they get to skip school and have fun. Which teenager or kid would prefer staying in school instead of going to the cool event where everyone is going? And even if someone actually preferred staying at school - what would the other kids say about it? There were even many cases were teachers openly bullied those few who didn't want to attend in front of the class. In a sane world, the schools and authorities and parents would say "no, go demonstrate in your spare time if you want", but alas...

And just in case anyone doubts where this is headed, here is a tweet from the Fridays For Future chapter in Chemnitz, Germany:

Translation: "We believe it's not a big surprise anymore now: We are #Antifa ! And we don't care what the AfD [right-wing party] says about that in the city council, it stays like that!"

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