Greta Thunberg: False Prophet of the Children's Crusade

Hmmm... in just a few days they've gotten almost 400K views, so obviously, all the apparent "Greta Support" may not be actual.

Frankly, I think the majority hates her, but most people are too scared and/or polite to express it, so they look the other way. But bottled up anger, and anger at a child that isn't really responsible for all this, isn't healthy either. When and how will it explode?

Putin's reaction is priceless. He manages to remain a diplomat and gentleman, and yet gives the whole craze the roundhouse kick it deserves. Especially this: "No one has explained to Greta that the modern world is complex and different and ... people in Africa or in many Asian countries want to live at the same wealth level as in Sweden." Boom.
Just came across Putins remarks as well and find them rather refreshing and rational compared to many other world leaders who uncritically accept the Greta nonsense. It is also good that Putin so strongly points out the abusive/manipulative character of what is done with Greta and that this in itself is disgusting and wrong.
Just came across Putins remarks as well and find them rather refreshing and rational compared to many other world leaders who uncritically accept the Greta nonsense. It is also good that Putin so strongly points out the abusive/manipulative character of what is done with Greta and that this in itself is disgusting and wrong.

Ditto. That was quite refreshing. At least one world leader said it...
Same here, Putin is very impressive in his answer about Greta. He clearly adresses that children should not be (ab)used for political interests. And its also the duty of grownups to balance their in times extreme emotional reactions as this can harm them. Here he refers to deeper moral and ethical principles. So rare in politics today.
Another important point Putin emphasized is that this hysterical pushing for „save the climate“ basically leads to depriving millions of very poor people like in Africa to get out of their misery and develop some kind of decent livelihood that people in the west enjoy thanks to oil and co., which enabled those societies to develop a good live standard, which, as Putin also points out, can‘t be achieved by „renewable energies“, at least for the next 20 to 30 years. He basically points out the fact, that by following this hysteria, poor people around the world will suffer longer. How come nobody addresses that? So basically inhumanity/injustice is fueled by all of this. So he is right in asking what those poor people will say if we tell them that they have to live another 30 years in misery in order „to save the climate“. Also note that Putin is aware that „renewable energy“ can‘t in any way drive/create/support any kind of civilized/industrialized society at this point and also not in the near future. All very true.
Frankly, I think the majority hates her, but most people are too scared and/or polite to express it, so they look the other way. But bottled up anger, and anger at a child that isn't really responsible for all this, isn't healthy either. When and how will it explode?

Putin's reaction is priceless. He manages to remain a diplomat and gentleman, and yet gives the whole craze the roundhouse kick it deserves. Especially this: "No one has explained to Greta that the modern world is complex and different and ... people in Africa or in many Asian countries want to live at the same wealth level as in Sweden." Boom.
And another statement he makes is how excessive and extreme emotions can destroy personality which just made my morning. Shades of Gnosis right there.
Frankly, I think the majority hates her, but most people are too scared and/or polite to express it, so they look the other way. But bottled up anger, and anger at a child that isn't really responsible for all this, isn't healthy either. When and how will it explode?

I think the majority (at least in my country) has a deep-seated addiction of believing most of what the mainstream media tell them.
People bringing up children of her age though should be able to detect that there is something odd about her.
She seems agonized, absent and fearful and I feel sorry for her. I would like to take her by the hand and tell her:

"Look, Greta, whatever they told you - you've been told so wrong, my dear..."

'You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,' climate activist Greta Thunberg has told world leaders at the 2019 UN climate action summit in New York.

Internally, the agitation could be her unconscious reaction to her bungled childhood.
She may have been telling the United Nations what she should be able to express to her parents. :-(
I just found this video that details 10 reasons why Greta Thunberg is a fraud. In the beginning it also explains the strong financial interests involved with her. In trying to find it again afterwords I discovered that searching for the exact title on youtube did not yield a result on Youtube. In other words it was suppressed so that it will not show on in results though still be available if one knows the direct link. Here is the link:
Apologies if it has already been posted.

Thanks for posting that video.
The producer, Red Ice TV is regarded as a purveyor of white supremacist propaganda and hate by the left so youtube suppresses their videos, I'm surprised they're still operating. I've been subscribed to them for two years now and have watched much of their material. Not once do they advocate violence, hate and any supremacist views, they do however advocate for western culture and European ethnicity.

Here's there channel. Red Ice TV

More on Greta from a Swedish perspective. This guy, Angry Foreigner is a little hard to handle sometimes, he's a Balkan refugee who came to Sweden as a child and reports on the downfall of Sweden, youtube hates him.

"Look, Greta, whatever they told you - you've been told so wrong, my dear..."

'You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,' ...

Internally, the agitation could be her unconscious reaction to her bungled childhood.
She may have been telling the United Nations what she should be able to express to her parents. :-(

Ursus Minor, you may have hit upon a strong psychological state that might be driving Greta's inner emotions? She's been thrown into the limelight and coached to act like an adult ... and the adults in the room (her Parent's) act more like children? The behavior she presented at the U.N. during her speech, showed very intense inner anger.

I don't know about other's but in my Family, behavior like that "would never be tolerated - NOT one minute of it"! And to pull a stunt like that in public would cast shame on the whole Family.

I have to assume, Greta has been permitted and allowed to act out like this at home? Doesn't say much for her Parent's, unless they conduct themselves in the same dysfunctional manner?

Does the facial and hand jesture look like normal behavior for a young girl her age? And she's speaking "up" to grown adults and professionals with no reservations of her own? Unfortunately, she's being set up as a role-model and other kids are going mimic the same type of attitude and behavior, when their own demands aren't met?

16-year-old Swedish Climate activist Greta Thunberg speaks at the 2019 United Nations Climate Action Summit at U.N. headquarters in New York City, New York, U.S., September 23, 2019. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri
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genaro81 said:
Perhaps leave it in then. There was a pretty interesting post on the 100% Carnivore group on FB. A post about "Fact-Checking Greta" It was pretty interesting to see the heated comments though not unsurprising. What was surprising, to me anyway, was that there's allot more people who don't believe the hype than I anticipated. So basically, you don't need to write the definitive article disproving AGW. Just an article with a personal touch from an intelligent person so others can see they don't need to feel alone and overpowered by the hysteria. There are perfectly normal and rational people who aren't getting their panties in a wad over all this in spite of the theatrics.
Here is the final version.
How I Walked Away From Global Warming Hysteria
There was a time when I was a fairly ardent believer in AGW. The first time I remember encountering the subject was in a science class when I was 13. They had this little graph showing CO2 concentrations measured against average temperature taken from atop Muana Kea, I believe, and there was almost a 1:1 correlation. Then there was a history of global temperatures from about 1650 to present collected by various means which showed a slow and steady rise in temperature which coincided with industrialization. Since industrialization was proceeding at an exponential pace, the theory logically predicted that warming would correlate in an exponential fashion. The science textbook had numerous references to back up its assertions and for someone who wasn't particularly interested in long-term climate trends, it all looked legit. The science teacher said we were all going to suffer because of the mistakes her generation had made (the baby boomers) and that we had to stop it. She was an ardent environmentalist and talked about many other subjects with which me and my parents agreed. She was against the destruction of wetlands and the overdevelopment of sensitive areas which is destroying the aquifer, the overabundance of golf courses and people fertilizing their lawns which contributes to nutrient runoff and red tide, and a certain loathing of the oil companies which is almost universal amongst Floridians in the decades long campaign to secure offshore drilling rights. They always say that their drilling is clean and won't impact the beaches, but the experience of Louisiana and Texas suggests otherwise. Bush was president, it was known that he was a big oil man, he was a global warming skeptic, and basically wanted to bomb everyone in central Asia. He was held up as the epitome of the "boomers ruining the planet meme" before memes even really existed. Furthermore, he had the support of conservatives, of whom most of my neighbors and classmates' parents were, (although it eroded considerably in his second term) and this was seen as something to be resisted. Conservatives were ruining our future because they were stuck in old outdated ideas and all they cared about was getting their retirement while everyone else was left to clean up the mess. I remember being disappointed and irritated about being basically screwed by the "old people," but I didn't care enough about it to become militant. I was more interested in aliens and paranormal subjects, and was convinced that the planet was being scouted for an invasion at some point and that would supersede any of these other concerns.

There was also physical experience that sort of backed up the global warming claim. In the summer it is hot, and in December it is oftentimes still kind of hot. For about 6 months out of the year the sun has a certain "sizzle" to it. I had a sort of love-hate relationship with sunscreen, I hated the way it made my skin goopy and grimy, but it was better than being cooked and becoming totally debilitated. Staying covered up wasn't an attractive option either, because that usually just increased the temperature from hot to miserably hot. I remember coming home from a day in the boat several times and basically being unable to move due to sunburn and just laying in bed moaning and wallowing in aloe vera for a day or so. My grandma scolded me for not using sunscreen and I sort of worked out a compromise where I would apply the sunscreen when I started to turn pink. As I got older, I built up more of a tolerance to it where I could get thorough just about a full day without turning pink, but that is the limit, and the next day I either have to stay inside or get the sunscreen out. My grandparents, who were getting older and more sensitive to heat also said that the sting of the sun on their skin was worse than they remember, and that it must be due to global warming. It was difficult for me and my friends to imagine anyone being able to live in this environment. It was one thing to spend a day mowing lawns and come home at the end of the day into the air conditioning and a cool shower, (although even this was fairly miserable) it was quite another to be a pioneer with none of these things, unless maybe you lived close to a spring. We decided that the climate must've been more livable in the past and this was another aspect of global warming. I didn't ponder until later that there was probably a reason why white people were concentrated in far northern (relative to me) climates throughout most of recorded history; we're all the same right? ...diversity and all of that.

It wasn't until college that I got a slightly different view on global warming. In astronomy class there was a discussion with the professor about climate cycles going back millions of years, hothouse and icehouse earth theories, and how a Cryogenian snowball earth scenario was no longer a concern for the future because according to the standard nuclear model of stellar evolution, solar luminosity increases as stars age and begin to fuse heavier elements in their cores. Long term, Earth's climate was dictated by the solar energy flux and perturbations in Earth's orbit; there was a bigger picture view to climatology, and the scale and scope of the solar system was so much greater than the terrestrial system that the earth had no choice but to follow suit. It was then mentioned in passing that there was a medieval warm period prior to 1650, and this was likely caused by a fluctuation in the sun's output. I had never heard of this medieval warm period, everything that I had ever been taught about climatology began with what I was now told was called the Little Ice Age. There had been some mention of the climate being warmer during the time of the dinosaurs, but this was due to very slow and gradual movements of the continents which take place over millions of years, certainly nothing that humans had been around long enough to pontificate about. The professor was very careful not to stray too far from the party line, he said that CO2 was still a very potent greenhouse gas, and that in the short term, AGW was overpowering any effects from the sun. Due to my interest in astronomy and the space sciences, I became curious about space-based catastrophes, such as those proposed by Clube and Napier, and how they might influence the climate to a degree that was unexplainable by terrestrial mechanisms alone. By taking all of these things together, by the time I was 25 I had done a complete u-turn on my global warming stance. If the electric universe theory was correct, there was no way to predict solar luminosity without having a map of the various current flows around the galaxy, meaning Earth's climate was ultimately directed from the galactic level and it could change suddenly and chaotically, because we really have no idea about how the galaxy actually works.

So I see why some liberals are so militant. They sincerely believe that conservatives are going to destroy everyone with their ideology and they see their role as protectors of humanity, the fate of their children and families depends on it, when they are in fact being manipulated to be its destroyers. (In this instance. The whole Jehovah is going to use the Jews to save the devout shtick that conservatives believe in is an entirely different matter, and why I generally can't stand conservatives either) I received basically the same education they did, except now it has a more revolutionary (in the Bolshevik sense) tone. In my case, I wasn't ideologically possessed, although ideology did have an influence, but was carefully conditioned in my mind through the cherry picking of data and the leaving behind of breadcrumbs to conclude that the liberal position was right. Ironically, it was the very same educational system that was meant to enslave me that opened the door a crack to alternative explanations through explorations of the hard sciences. Once the crack was there, the Cassiopaean experiment greatly accelerated my ability to put the pieces together. That must be why they are working so fervently to turn science into a propaganda ministry, so that no consciousness can escape and even the organized, logical, and analytical ones will have little choice but to feed energy into their illusion.
I think it's fair to say that humanitarians see and understand the hypocritical nature of this deeps state appliance. Just follow the money.
hy·poc·ri·sy \ hi-ˈpä-krə-sē also hī-
plural hypocrisies
Definition of hypocrisy
1: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not : behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel His hypocrisy was finally revealed with the publication of his private letters. especially: the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion our conventional morality often serves as a cover for hypocrisy and selfishness — Lucius Garvin
2: an act or instance of hypocrisy a keen awareness of one's parents' hypocrisies





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Here is the final version.

Well done! An interesting story. I can relate to almost all of it, even the bit about sunscreen. I had the same experience and the teachers were already beginning to push the AGW shtick much earlier then I was realizing, now that you mention it. I say publish!
For those who have friends/relatives/colleagues who fell for the hysteria, perhaps this video could be helpful:

It's as 'official climate science' as it gets, but even this IPCC lead scientist pretty much calls BS on the "we are all going to die in X years if we don't do something now" narrative.

Some people can only take in a very small dose of truth, so for them this might be helpful as it at least counters the whole climate strike psychosis.
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