Happy birthday to Laura!

I take this opportunity to thank you once again for your enormous work, devotion, courage, patience and sacrifice in bringing light and truth into this world! I wish you all the best on your long journey!

I second that!

Thank you Laura for helping us to better understand, to better helping us to keep to the straight and narrow (with all the twists and turns), and for providing the thousands of peeps here with this forum and all manner of other information.

With this, a very Happy Birthday to you! 💐
✨Beloved Laura✨
I offer so much love and gratitude to you, beautiful soul, for your all you have personally gifted through your life path, your learnings and your incredible honesty.

I am so grateful for so many things about you... to name a few: your deeply passionate huge heart, your beautiful very human soul, your honesty and vulnerability, your brilliant, laserlike, ever-expanding mind, your relentless desire for genuine knowledge, your incredible inner strength and resilience through such phenomenal life challenges, which most folk would long ago have been broken by!

Without your astounding bravery, your sharing of real knowledge, challenging others to ‘look, pay attention, think with a hammer, to get more than 2 neutrons firing’ where would we be?! Without your ability to stand your ground whilst under vicious, relentless attacks, your clarity, your truthspeaking, your fearless ability to illuminate the darkest corners most wont even consider peeking at; many souls connected to this group would no doubt still be very lost, confused and much more wounded than we find ourselves.

You have held us when we could barely hold ourselves, even while you were struggling deeply yourself.

You are the heart 💕of the heart of this group.

Everything that has been created and called in, everything that has been seeded and is flowering, coming to fruition, is because you, dear one, stopped and point blank, really asked the hard painful questions... you paid attention... you listened to your higher self... you began to turn over every rock, stone, boulder, pebble and crystal you found before you... gradually you were joined (thankfully!) by many genuine beautiful souls who answered the call, stood firmly beside you and all around you, and have remained the closest to you.

I am so happy to see you have such a powerful tribe around you who love you... I am grateful and delighted to see the burdens you carried alone for so long, are made lighter due to the gifts and light they each bring.

The heartwarming knowledge of the deep love and bond you have with Ark fills me with the greatest joy 💖... your profound love and respect for one another is of great inspiration and overwhelming happiness to me, and clearly many others. I have wept many tears for the ways you and your family have suffered, how incredibly alone you felt at times, and literally have found myself laughing out loud, clapping, whooping and dancing around in joy at the wonderful turns of events.

You sure earned all the love around you.
It’s been one extremely wild ride so far...

Thank you, beautiful Laura, from the deepest place in my soul for all you have gifted me personally through your honesty, your sheer bravery and your deeply generous and beautiful heart. For being you.

My heart floweth over... many tears of gratitude and happiness fall.

”You’ve come a long way, baby.”

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