Happy birthday to Laura!

Happy, happy birthday, dear Laura! 🎂 🥂🎉

Thank you for your being, and may there be many more birthdays for you. Wishing you the best of health, zest and joy for doing the projects that are on your mind, good company, humor... and faith and hope against all odds, in a world gone mad. But most of all, love. :hug2:
Happy birthday Laura. I wish you all the best in love, mercy and knowledge.

Imagine your consciousness rising to the end of the scale of existence, and then back to the beginning of creation and again from incarnation to incarnation. If we are the experiences of the Creator and we bring these feelings, actions, whatever it may be so that God can illuminate Himself, what is our goal of the Creator's individuality, so that certain His consciousness is packed into eternity.
Namely, we or I or they are just fragments of those experiences that summarize existence by constantly recycling eternity.
It's very difficult and crazy because endless lives pass us by because they have no memory of where it begins or ends. And so ad infinitum from stone, plant, animal, man and material ethereal entities, and so on in a circle.

But there is a way out of these powerful incarnations and it is very simple and there are no limits in terms of duration.
When the soul completes the lessons of the density of existence it becomes extremely ethereal and free from the material components of any forms. Its last stage is the immersion of individual consciousness in the Divine Mind or the Omnipresence of everything. So that so-called individuality loses the essence of its path and the various lessons it learned and dives into the pool of God.

And then everything from the beginning and who knows until when. Why is this so, why all this? No one wants to suffer and feel pain, to go through death without memory and without notice, and where is that comfort of eternal peace and earth?

There aren't any and there won't be any.

There is a choice within the dimension of existence where in the end, instead of starting again from the beginning, you choose an incarnation where you were completely fulfilled and where exactly in that so-called last reincarnation you decided to let it repeat itself forever! It is a segment of the moment of eternity, but in it is everything you have been through so far, from the historical part of existence, parents, friends, everything you imagine because your consciousness clones it again and again.
There is still suffering and everything else, except that the ultimate goal is knowledge, learning precisely that everything remains in that unifying moment, when the soul is in the body and the body decomposes over time until death.

In the end, what has already been seen is understood and accepted as an inevitability, and in the end it is a film of God that remains remembered, although the main actor and extras are not always aware of it.
So, we have a choice because there is no such thing as impossible, everything we imagine and create makes sense until it collapses into nothingness or non-existence and into complete blackness.

Choose your last incarnation and let it repeat itself forever. It is your right and free will. Choose a historical epoch, an environment, create with consciousness that power that you are part of the Creator and that there are no limits to manifest. Of course, the bet for that is that you don't remember, because then it wouldn't make sense.
If you follow the so-called natural path and evolution of existence, yes, you will exist, but immeasurable agony will still lead you to have to cement a part of eternity.

Everything that is new is new because memory is broken and forgetting plays the role of birth,
from the smell of the air, looks and blinks that stop when the night wears on itself. Repeating the same without memory is always like a new experience.

The umbilical cord was cut.

Na Srbskom

Zamislite da vašu svest uzdižete do kraja skale postojanja, i onda ponovo na početak stvaranja i ponovo iz inkarnacije u inkarnaciju. Ako smo mi iskustva Kreatora i donosimo te osećaje, dela, štagod da bude kako bi Bog osvetlio sebe, koji je naš cilj individualnosti Kreatora da određena Njegova svest bude upakovana u večnost.

Naime mi ili ja ili oni su samo delići tih iskustava koji sažimaju postojanje stalno reciklirajući večnost.

To je vrlo teško i suludo jer beskrajni životi prolaze pored nas jer nemaju sećanje gde je početak ili kraj. I tako u nedogled od kamena, biljke, životinje, čoveka i materijalno eteričnih entiteta, i tako u krug.

Ali postoji izlazak iz tih silnih inkarnacija i vrlo je jednostavan i sa tačke trajanja nema granica.

Kada duša kompletira lekcije gustoće postojanja ona postaje krajnje eterična i slobodna od materijalnih komponenti bilo kojih obličja. Njen poslednji stadijum je utapanje individualne svesti u Božanski Um ili Sveprisutnost svega. Tako da ta tkzv individulnost gubi suštinu svog puta i različitih lekcija koje je učila i zaranja u bazen Boga.

I onda sve iz početka i ko zna do kada. Zašto je to tako, čemu sve to? Niko ne želi da pati i da oseća bol, prolaziti kroz smrti bez sećanja i bez najava i gde je ta uteha večni mir i zemlja?

Nema ih niti će ih biti.

Postoji izbor u sklopu dimenzije postojanja gde na kraju umesto da ideš ponovo iz početka izabereš inkarnaciju gde si potpuno bio ispunjen i gde si upravo u toj tkzv zadnjoj reinkarnaciji odlučio da neka se večno ponavlja! To jeste segment trena večnosti ali u njemu je sve ono što si do sada prošao, od istorijsko dela postojanja, roditelja, prijatelja, svega što zamisliš jer to tvoja svest iznova klonira.

Tu postoji i dalje patnja i sve ostalo samo što je krajnji cilj spoznaja, učenje upravo o tome da sve ostane u tom sjedinjavajućem časku, kada je duša u telu i telom se vremenom razlaže do smrti.

Već viđeno se na kraju shvati i prihvati kao neminovnost i to jeste na kraju jedan film Boga koji ostaje zapamćen mada glavni glumac i statisti nisu toga uvek svesni.

Dakle, imamo izbor jer ne postoji nemoguće, sve ono što zamislimo i stvorimo ima smisla dok se ne uruši ka ništavilu ili nepostojanju i ka potpunom crnilu.

Izaberite vašu poslenju inkarnaciju i neka se večno ponavlja. To je vaše pravo i slobodna volja. Izaberite istorijsku epohu, okruženje, stvorite svešću tu moć da ste vi deo Kreatora i da nema granica kako bi se ispoljili. Naravno ulog za to je da se ne sećate jer onda ne bi imalo smisla.

Ako idete tkzv prirodnim putem i evolucijom postojanja, jeste, postojaćete ali nemerljiva agonija ipak će vas dovesti da morate da zacemertirate deo večnosti.

Sve ono što je novo je novo zato što je izbijeno sećanje i zaborav igra ulogu rađanja,

od mirisa vazduha, pogleda i treptaja koji se zasustavljaju kad noć uzme umor na sebe. Ponavljanje istog bez sećanja je uvek kao novi doživljaj.

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