Ave Caesar !!!
H a p p y B i r t h d a y G a i u s J u l i u s !
Session Date: July 12th 2014
“Laura, Ark, and Andromeda at the board
Pierre, Perceval, Tomek, PoB, Kniall, Chu, Atriedes, Data, No-man's-land, Parallel, Mr. Scott, Alana, Timotheos
[ … ]
Q: (L) Today is July the 12th, 2014. It is Caesar's birthday, or close enough.
[ … ]
Q: (Atriedes) If you could give 3 pieces of advice to the world, what would they be?
A: I was wrong to think I could change the masses by example. Humans are fickle and self-centered for the most part. Thus, if you wish to really effect changes, it can only be done by early education, and even then it is fragile and will not last. In the end you must be true to your own nature and fear nothing. If you do that you may make a difference after you are gone. That is not exactly what you are looking for, but there are no 3 pieces of advice that serve all events.
[ … ]
Q: (L) Anything else? (Andromeda) Is today really your birthday?
A: Yes.
Q: (Everyone) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
A: Ave People of Cassiopaea, farewell! Goodbye.”
Happy Birthday to Gaius Julius Caesar! (Born July 12, ~100BC)
Here are 10 interesting historical and educational facts about the life of the Roman commander, general, governor, and eventually dictator.
(L) Okay, we're back, Caesar. Let's try again. Let's get ourselves together here... Since time doesn't exist up there, nothing happened. I guess we ought to ask a question. Gaius Julius Caesar, are you there?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did I pronounce your name correctly?
A: No.
Q: [laughter] (L) Um, well I'm sorry, I don't know how to pronounce it.
A: Pick up high Latin style for clue. [letters come much more slowly]
Q: (L) I don't want to waste time talking about whether I pronounced your name right! Will it help if I pronounce your name right?
A: No.
Q: (L) So I won't waste time and energy on that. Okay, what questions does anyone have for Caesar?
(Pierre) The morning, on the Ides of March, did you know you were going to be assassinated?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did you have epilepsy?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did you have dizzy spells, for... on a few occasions in the years before your death?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did these indicate some illness that you knew was going to lead to some possible long, lingering and miserable death?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If you knew you were going to be assassinated, did you know by whom?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was it a surprise?
A: Yes.
Q: (Pierre) Did you say the words that historians report when you died?
A: Very close but earlier in the interaction.
Q: (Pierre) So it means that before the assassination there was some kind of confrontation...
(L) No, I think the assassination was the interaction. Earlier in the interaction... He didn't say them as he died. Is that correct? You saw that Brutus was involved, and you said something to him, and then the attack commenced. Is that closer?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Alright, you've got Caesar. Ask him!
(Atriedes) Is it true that Marius was your model as a military leader, or were you influenced by Alexander the Great or Scipio?
A: All and other influences of a nonmilitary nature.
Q: (Atriedes) So, when you took on the army, was it with the foreknowledge that it was highly probably that you would have to use them in a civil war?
A: No. That is what broke my heart and health. Rome could have been the shining city on the hill, light of the world.
Q: (Atriedes) If it's not too personal, um... What was the skinny on the Clodius Bona Dea thing? Did that really happen, or was it a cover story... if it's not too personal?
A: It was a series of maneuvers to gain the loyalty of Clodius.
Q: (L) So I'm assuming that your wife at the time was expendable?
A: She was a friend of Cicero and a partisan of his party.
Q: (L) Was that through Cicero's wife and his wife's sister?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay. What else? (Pierre) Is he planning to reincarnate?
A: Only in a new world.
Q: (L) You mean like after a transition to 4th density?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Caesar, did you ever have a close friend?
A: Several but they did not want power.
Q: (L) And thus, since they did not want power, they were not recorded in history.
(Chu) But you weren't lonely?
A: Yes I was.
Q: (Atriedes) If you could give 3 pieces of advice to the world, what would they be?
A: I was wrong to think I could change the masses by example. Humans are fickle and self-centered for the most part. Thus, if you wish to really effect changes, it can only be done by early education, and even then it is fragile and will not last. In the end you must be true to your own nature and fear nothing. If you do that you may make a difference after you are gone. That is not exactly what you are looking for, but there are no 3 pieces of advice that serve all events.
Q: (L) Were you satisfied with how Augustus handled things after your death?
A: A vile boy who manipulated everyone and everything.
Q: (Atriedes) Do you mind if your memory and image is used in a religion?
A: As long as it is with understanding of the truth. What is religion anyway but that which binds people together as is showed with my army.
Q: (Atriedes) Is the bust over there a correct likeness of you?
A: When I was younger.
Q: (L) "Younger" as in how old?
A: 43
Q: (Atriedes) Did you have any vices?
A: None that controlled me.
Q: (Alana) I want to know what inspired you, and kept you going despite the times? What was like your belief, faith...?
A: I was most inspired by Posidonius and the ideas of the Stoics of the ancient times. What drove me was love and pity.
Q: (L) Love and pity for who?
A: Humanity
Q: (L) Pity, why?
A: They are lost.
Q: (L) Anything else? (Andromeda) Is today really your birthday?
A: Yes.
Q: (Everyone) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
A: Ave People of Cassiopaea, farewell! Goodbye.