Harald Kautz Vella-Morgellons, Sentient Oil, Chemtrails….

Re: Alien Spiders! Black Goo, Chemtrails, Morgellons, Excellent Must See!!!

Well reliable maybe is too much to say, haha!, but still the video is interesting.......
Re: Alien Spiders! Black Goo, Chemtrails, Morgellons, Excellent Must See!!!

It looks like there's already a thread on this topic: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,39118.0.html
Re: Alien Spiders! Black Goo, Chemtrails, Morgellons, Excellent Must See!!!

Foxx said:
It looks like there's already a thread on this topic: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,39118.0.html

I merged them.
Thank you very much for posting the link to Kautz-Vella's youtube documentary!

This is so very interesting, I watched several vids of/with him now, checked some things and i must say it is amazing how much his statements fit into the C's explanations e. g. on how 4D creatures feed on us, how they control those who control us (or at least try to) and so on...
I've had the opportunity to review this presentation - twice. Once to get acquainted with the information and a second time, to take a few notes. I find the presentation, to be interesting and thought provoking.

From what I can gather, Harald Kautz Vella is a German scientist and researcher who is fluent in English. He seems to be "well studied" in the topics he discussed and this two hour presentation is a condensed form of a six hour lecture. Information has been further condensed into three - one hour video's which go "more in depth" into some of the topics. I have not reviewed them, yet but here is the list (in English).

Bases 46 Harald Kautz Vella Black Goo Part One

Bases 46 Harald Kautz Vella Black Goo Part Two

Bases 46 Harald Kautz Vella Black Goo Part Three

A brief summary....

At the 3.30 minute mark - The word, "Chemtrails" is derived from an University Study Course, in connection with the U.S. Air Force, from a tech Manual which explores substances and uses of spraying chemicals or Smart Dust. The Manual is mainly a question format on possible applications.

12.01 - Several years ago, a NASA "classified" doc was published (by accident) and was removed two days later. Copies were made and entered the public domain. Vella presents the doc and discusses strategies in "Future Warfare" and the application of Smart Dust, Sensor Swarms and RNA Synthetic Biology. Vella states, the only reason for the second Iraq War was to test the system - of decoding the activated RNA.

13.57 - War on this Planet is between the Government and the Normal People.

19.48 - Speaks of a German Whistleblower who was working on "Smart Dust" - name of Project - Projekt "Rabl neu" (Project Raven new)

21.01- Extreme Genetic Engineering - an introduction to Synthetic Biology RNA.

23.03 - Discussion on DNA and RNA properties and Light producing things - Substance producing things and Base Pairs.

26.33 - Activation by Radio Waves, signals and frequencies. Smart Dust airborne in Europe since 2003. Dry Rain.

27.01 - Reason for Iraq second war - test the system of decoding activated RNA.

29.14 - Discussion on Smart Dust.

30.40 - Vella states, "This is Alien Technology. The Scientific Community have been "fooled" lied too. There is "NO" deactivation Code!"

31.23 - Chemical and toxicology analysis of Smart Dust in the Lab.

33.59 - Discussion on Lab analysis of dry rain drops and Piezo Crystals - scalar waves.

37.21 - Mad Cow disease - lack of Copper and too much Mercury - stripping down and breaking apart the nerve system. Body trys to repair it's self by going to the next heavy metals (Barium, etc.) to rebuild nerve system which in turn, creates Piezo Crystals and sensitivity to electromagnetics. Nanobot, equal to Mad Cow disease.

39.37 - Nanobot has Military application.

41.10 - Piezo Crystals spread all over Europe for Scalar Military application, as well as, controlling the population via central nerious system. Al Oxide - particle form called "whisker" or star.

43.14 - Morgellons, (fungi) Nano Tags. Self replicating hollow fibers that read out your "Light DNA" transforming it into an electro radio signal that can be detected by satellite. Morgellons and the existence of "M State" matter.

46.39 - Demostraction of rain/Morgellon fibers on a fresh tomato and short film on Dry Rain - paricles airborne, States, particle will not affect the body if in good health with intact immune system. If not, fibers affect blood and symptoms develop.

50.37 - In the body, Morgellons fungi develop a sack-like-spore. Particles from the spores are insect-like. (co-opted insects.)

51.19 - To fight Morgellons, need to take out acids and heavy metals, clear the liver and eliminate Candida.

52.50 - Sample analysis that produces color fragments (dots) Red, blue, black and purple and results of properties (graph) - self assembled nanabots.

53.37 - An American Company in Berlin holds the Patents for the color fibers - quantum dots ( self assembled plasmonic - photonic crystals that collect radio frequencies and turning it into a DNA incorporation of nanoparticles, into polymersomes - photonic crystal fibers - for artificial light harvesting.

56.15 - Blue is the light we process for thinking. Red for sexuality. Green for heart.

1.00.04 - Morgellon victims have sensations of insects crawling in their body. One victim that had Remote Viewing capabilities, after several sessions, drew pictures which look like Alien Spiders with a glowing center red eye. The spider looks highly developed with a human like face.

1.06.11 - Patients describe waves of energy flowing out of the forehead and traveling down a grid and into the gut - lower intestines.
It's stealing Human energy - Life Force and storing it in the lower intestine. If you think in terms of higher dimensional biology, a demonic higher dimensional being - is abusing a Human Being - to reproduce it's own species. Bio-photons from the forehead with accumulating Life Force energy in the lower intestine - so it can "ascend" to the "invisible 4th dimension - while still physically anchored to the Human host.

1.07.23 - Light parasites (demons) feeding on human light protons.

1.08.55 - Black Goo deposits have been found in Paraguay, South America. In a Village near this deposit, there is a large Villa owned by the Bush Family. Black Goo has something to do with communication. (Pictures of Black Goo in rain drops from Germany.) In the lab, liquid Black Goo shows properties of magnetism. Take two tubes filled with Black Goo and hold them 5 meters from each other and they will try to unite. If you keep them separated, they will begin to vibrate to free themselves - to navigate and be one.

1.11.24 - Black Stones have been found in Bavaria during WW2 and the extraction process was known. Folklore of sacrificing babies to get the Demon's out of the Stones, to communicate are found in Black Magic rituals and LoveCraft novels). One Black Stone can be found in Mecca and is part of a Meteorite. Black Stones can be found on old Greek and Roman coins. Centuries old Churches. built in Europe in the Middle Ages had a Black Alter Stone.

1.13.51 - Black Goo has two different properties. Liquid Black Goo from "the Center of the Earth" has feminine properties and exhibits
"Empathy" qualities. Black Stones in the form of fallen Meteorites posses a negative - extracting Life-Force and manipulating quality.
War with Argentine was all about accessing the Black Goo in the Southern Falkland Island.

1.14.03 - A large deposit of liquid Black Goo was discovered in the Gulf of Mexico. This is what the Deep Water Horizon controversy was all about. "Someone" was shooting a torpedo at the platform and WW3 almost broke out - with eight Submarine, with special equipment were trying to collect the Goo. Civilians were NOT ALLOWED anywhere near the Beaches or on the water. Crews were brought in to gather the substance.

1.19.57 - What is the function of liquid Black Goo from the Center of the Earth. Formation of scalar light matter interacts with the biological light bodies (Human, animals, etc.) on the surface of the Earth.

1. 23.42 - Reports in reincarnation - discussion - When Lemura was going down (80 Thousand BC) there was a swarm of meteorites, hundreds of them. Behind this swarm of meteorites, an Alien Species appeared and asked "to be taken in" - in return, technology would be given. The "people" allowed them to stay on the Planet. Soon, through mind control and manipulation, this new Species took total control and degraded Manhood - through the subconscious.

1.27.59 - Discussion of Military use of Smart Dust and how it corresponds to the Morgellons fibers in the Human body. How Sensor Swarms turn into rectangle forms.

1.30.36 - Smart Dust Concept - HAARP>(Ba, Sr) TiO3 & Al2O3>DNA> Morgellons and QuantumDots<>Black Goo<> QuantumComputers.

1.33.30 - Navy Military Intelligence are doing the spraying of Smart Dust (to control consciousness.) Black Goo in the rain affects consciousness and sub consciousness in Humans - bidirectional. The creatures comprised of the alien black goo which seem to exist in a partial state of matter, not quite in this dimension.

1.34.02 - Black Goo is connected to Quantum Computers. Four areas where these computer are located, have been detected. Rome, City of London, NA faculity in Germany - in an area of North Houssan (3 levels with Super Computer on lower level and has Black Goo traveling through pipe lines that resemble "Ley Lines." The forth location is between Washington, DC and New York.

2.11.41 - The word "NO" is Alien. When we say - no more war - it means the opposite - more war. The word "no" is invisible and lacks meaning. Al Intelligence mission is to invade Planets and assumulate the biology for it's own use - by sucking out the Life Force to survive.

The April 1986 disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine was the result of Russia using the Power Plant to feed it's WoodPecker Device (Russian Scalar Weapon) in attacking the San Andreas Fault to produce an Earthquake. U.S, wasn't that advanced - so ask the State of Israel for help. Israel counter acted and back flowed the energy - back into the feeding source - the heated energy entered the Power Plant but was able to contain the energy build up for about 12 hours before the Uranium exploded.

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was a disagreement between Japan and the U.S. elites. Japan owed the U.S. for Contracts from WW2. Japan wanted to pay in American Dollars. Washington wanted "assets" in the form of Gold Bullion. It was a form of Blackmail which they knew Japan couldn't meet. U.S. threatened to sink the Island of Japan. With Israel's help, Earthquake weapon - nuclear bomb was deposited off shore in the Ocean. Tsunami was nuclear made. HAARP was used . BUT - not all HAARP are controlled by one entity and "someone" intervened.... and stopped the whole Island from sinking. As for the intervention, I can only guess that "someone was putin on a show" to save Japan.
thanks for you transcription of the video. this video is coherent with:

thanks for you transcription of the video. this video is coherent with:

Sorry for late reply....just saw this post...I really like HKV....I have seen many of his videos and he manages to give deeper answers on info that he has already spoken about as well as new topics that come up in association, so you get a better understanding each time you listen. I have heard him talk about a film that he always gets emotional about when he talks of it, I think it is called Earthlings.....I personally have steered clear of seeing it, too sensitive.
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