Not to my knowledge.Gaby, can we buy these interferons without a doctor's prescription?
Not to my knowledge.Gaby, can we buy these interferons without a doctor's prescription?
Judy Mikovitz recommended Type 1 interferon alpha. Here's more information about it:
One of Mikovits’ primary treatment recommendations is interferon 1 alpha, sold under brand names such as Alferon and Roferon, to shut down the replication of RNA viruses, including retroviruses and coronaviruses.
The ones that Mikovitz used are out of the market. It was back in her day. I would imagine that other interferons available today should work by the same concepts. She was using teensy amounts in a spray bottle twice per day, possibly diluted in NaCl.Because it is significantly cheaper, at least in Russia, and although can be harder to find than before covid (specifically original intranasal version, but there are many similar ones that are available), but it is still possible to buy lyophilisate for i/m or s/c injections, or for topical application.
Locally, interferon alfa 2A comes in 3 syringes of 0.5ml and alfa 2B comes in 1 syringe with 1 ml. The former is cheaper if you take into account the total quantity.
Thanks a lot, Gaby and Keyhole!
I just have a couple of questions regarding the supplements.
Considering that Glycine is an amino acid which fulfill so many functions within our body, my question would be, to achieve the function we desire in the protocol, what would be the right time to take it (evening, morning, empty stomach, etc)? I ask it because I'm a big fan of Glycine, so I have been taken it before sleep along with melatonin, and I have to say, I sleep like a baby.Other people, according to research, take it for other purposes at other times during the day.
I don't know whether this could be relevant, but some orthomolecular/functional medicine practitioners recommend the reduced form of CoQ10, which is Ubiquinol. Looking for the difference, I found this:
I don't have a bath at home, but I have heard that foot baths are the next best thing. Do you agree, Keyhole?
Given the stresses of the present lockdowns and inconveniences the hysteria and habits that arrises. Along with the uncertainties of the future. Taking in some of the comments here and particularly Joe Q. thoughts on not taking our fears to any length of extreme from which fear may arrive or arose, it's practically never express the way we imagine it so! I came across a book that helped take the emotional seriousness away from what some as myself felt to be the "end all be all" resistor quirk personality. Although, I'm not endorsing compromise with ones healthy decision making for the mind and body supportive of good spirit relationship. Furthermore, I resisted the mask for months and perhaps prided myself similarly to escaping the herd thought forms of others whom could care one way or the other. In some cases I do wear a mask for supermarket purposes when I'm stoped somewhere in the market for not wearing one. Well, long to short: in some kind of way it lessened my self-importance. Being externally aware of other peoples lies and fears lessened my stresses and I walk away happily not identified although a tad bit disappointed in the external environment. That what I love and choose to live for does not have to be meshed or congealed in anyway with out my choice or unconscious unawareness mistake to learn from. Also balance is in everything. And nothing is balance on balance without it leaning too much to one or the other. A challenge in this day of ignorance and msm propagandist narrational herd of technocratic life. Anyway here is book.
"The Way Of A Child", A C. Hardwood
Rudolf Steiner Press
Thank you!Let's try to keep this thread just for health protocols or ideas of what could work against the vaccine.
That's a very good option among several others that might involve using parenteral routes (IV, IM). We've been highlighting tools that are not necessarily available to everybody.What About AHT?, if it activates macrophages in the body, which I undestand like kind of "pac-man cells" that eat any extrange cells. Can those macrophages been able to eat that encapsulated ARN?
(Alana) What I was thinking yesterday is that we have the three symbols that we got during the level 2 attunements. I was wondering if there is a symbol we can use that acts against parasites or virii inside the body?
(L) You mean a symbol against parasites and virii?
(Alana) Yes...
(Chu) One that can distinguish between lifeforms...?
A: Use the An-nu-ki symbol already given.