Health Protocol for Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination

This COVID-19 protocol is from one of the main researchers on Ivermectin. I took it from:

If you download the image and zoom in, you can read it better:

Screenshot_2021-01-20 Ivermectine alternative thérapeutique raisonnable contre le SARS-CoV-2 -...png

The vitamin C dose is laughable, still, you would be surprised how the above makes the current scamdemic worthless.
In the coming days, we all may be facing a population of recently-vaccinated walking chemical-weapons factories in the shape of human beings. My question would be this - would you trust your life with Bruce's claims that these techniques boost the immune system, vitality, self-healing? And what evidence exists that this is the case?

Sometimes the feeling of 'trust' in an author or practice comes from a genuine place, but often it comes from the false personality, some part of us that often just wants to 'do stuff' to 'feel good' or useful, and then we convince ourselves that it works. I've done that before, daydreaming to myself that "I'm doing energy techniques" and imagining I'm getting healthier, while in reality, I was not. I was deluding myself, and putting myself deeper to sleep.

I've been very grateful for the years of hard work on this network. It's resulted in numerous useful health protocols and practices on this forum - from EE to iodine to ketosis, etc. What I see is an evidence-based, rigorous, 'thinking-with-a-hammer' approach that's designed precisely to counteract the lullabies that those ol' New Age COINTELPRO agents are always trying to float our way. I'm not saying Robert Bruce is one of the bad guys, but given the point we are at in this timeline, to me it makes sense to get the most bang for my buck in terms of what I choose to do with my precious hours of life...

Hi iamthatis,

Thanks for the input. There is definitely a lot of things about the author I'm very unsure about. I will do further research on this. Thanks.
Hi iamthatis,

Thanks for the input. There is definitely a lot of things about the author I'm very unsure about. I will do further research on this. Thanks.

No problemo! One good way to further research is to use the forum search function. You never know, but sometimes there's some great gems of information about many, many people, places and things that were unearthed ages ago, and archived for us newbies.
The time is coming where we might not be able to escape enforced vaccination. Perhaps this season, a lot of people here in this forum can and will opt out. Those who require medical procedures, health workers, the elderly, etc might not have a choice. We don't know for sure, but it might be the case that sooner or later, opting out will not be a choice.

We're looking into the worst case scenario with possibly Pfizer's RNA vaccine being enforced. Perhaps in some countries it would be Astra Zeneca's coronavirus vaccine. I've heard that elderly people with several diseases are having significant adverse effects even with the Russian vaccine, which is probably the safest vaccine so far. The adverse effects happened in ALL cases that I've heard from those who received the vaccine.

It would possibly be two doses and every single year... How can we get protected in case you and your loved one are absolutely enforced to get vaccinated?

Keyhole wrote a summary in the coronavirus thread back in March:

I would start with vitamin C to bowel tolerance. How much could that be? Here's an important testimonial re-published on SOTT years ago for a 37 pound (17 kg) girl receiving two doses of the MMR vaccine:

From the list above, I would add N-acetylcysteine (600mg twice per day) in case of enforced vaccination and emphasize high doses of thiamine as tolerated.

I would also emphasize the alpha lipoic acid which repairs DNA and the rest I would highlight as well except for DMSA and DMPS. As far as I know, the vaccines will not contain mercury, although I could be wrong. Activated charcoal is cheap enough and so is everything else. Remember that activated charcoal neutralizes other supplements, so remember to take it away from key supplements.

To those who have the possibility, hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine could be added to protect against triggered inflammation, withdrawing other medications taken that could prolong the QT in the EKG if that is the case. For those who can't access these medications due to prohibitions, doxycycline, azithromycin and ivermectin are good secondary options to complement the protocol above in case of a significant inflammatory reaction. Mucosan (ambroxol), available in some countries, is also a good one to help the cells detoxify.

It's good to keep the above in mind as a plan B. That is, in case you can't opt out. Every little thing you could do to stay healthy with knowledge and awareness will help, but the above is a good guide if confronted with the uncomfortable situation of not being able to opt out. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and take what comes.

Other ideas are most welcomed as well. Perhaps Keyhole and others can chime in case of dosing doubts as well.
I have heard from many holistic doctors, you cannot detox from this mRNA technology. It goes straight into your cells. The first shot opens pours in your cells for the vaccine to enter your DNA/Cells. There is NO coming back from this. This is not the same kind of vaccine as MMR or any other vaccine, this is brand new technology, and not really even a vaccine, as it does not use the dead virus... it is more like chemotherapy for the genes. It causes your cells to react a different way to the virus.
I have heard from many holistic doctors, you cannot detox from this mRNA technology.
This is one of the reasons I have included old school anti-virals in the protocols, hoping that people will get the hint and get some to have in stock while they can. Most stuff can be bought online, i.e. China. We are potentially looking here at people vaccinated who will become producing factories of dangerous viruses due to the nature of the information code:

I want to ask a question about Curcumin. I have curcumin in powder, is this the same that the Curcumin they sell in the health stores 500% more expensive? Or when in pills the strength is different?
I've started to buy the supplements (god that's expensive!), I found Liposomal Curcumin, it's still more expensive than the one in powder, but at least it doesn't cost 50€... Curcuma liposomal premium - 60 gélules végétales - Enefis -

It case it can help you...
Thank you for opening this thread, @Gaby! I want to send the German version of your article with the protocol to my family physician (who's holistic), my dentist and the naturopath in my neighborhood. Have already sent a direct link to your blog to my family doctor because she's familiar with English and wanted to take a look. The other two would like to have the information in German and my family physician would probably like a German version as well, so they all can share it with their patiens & clients.

Wonder if it is just alright to send the link to the translation of your article available on German SOTT, but am not sure how they and especially their clients would respond to that, given categories like High Strangeness for example. Thus, to keep it more neutral, I am thinking to put the translation in an extra document with a link to your blog and a reference to the translation on German SOTT. That would make it easier to print it out and share it around. Am going to put the hyperlinks as footnotes, so they can be seen in printed out versions.

Would this be okay for you and to go about it in this way?
Hi, I'm confused and need confirmations.
I have obtained a prescription from my attending physician for IVERMECTIN prophylaxis, but quickly, and I have doubts. (On the other hand, the protocol is still written very vague and difficult for me to read). Is this protocol still up to date - with the variants/mutants?
The prescription is :
* Ivermectin Zentiva 3 mg cp - plq/4, 3 boxes.
Take 1 tablet once a week for 10 weeks.
* Rubozinc 15mg gel 1 plq/60, 1 box.
Take 1 capsule in the morning before meals
Questions: Ivermectin
1 cp per week or 1 dose according to weight? Either for 60kg = 12mg, 4 cp = 1 plate/week
Is Rubozinc 15mg equivalent to "Elemental zinc"?
Quercetin 250 mg/day, is unknown to my doctor (France). Should it be replaced? With what?
I am already taking :
Vit C to date 9g and I increase every 3 days to reach my threshold.
Should I go back to 1g x 2 times a day?
Vit D3 to date 5000 IU. Should I go back to 1000 to 3000?
Melatonin 3mg, I can double it.
The other question is: Is it better to stop taking iodine and other supplements?
Currently, I am taking :
2gtes LUGOL 5%, B2 (100mg) and B3 (500mg), Selenium (20mcg), B1 (250mg),
DHA -fish oil (1000mg) -(after 2 retinal detachment operations)
-Vit C, Vit D3 and Melatonin above.
Ketosis since 2015.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Translated with (free version)

Bonjour, je suis confuse et j'ai besoin de confirmations.
J'ai obtenu une ordonnance de mon médecin traitant, pour prophylaxie par l'IVERMECTINE, mais dans la rapidité, et j'ai des doutes. (D'autre part le protocole reste écrit très flou et difficile à lire pour moi.) Ce protocole reste t-il d'actualité -avec les variants/mutants ?
La prescription est :
* Ivermectine Zentiva 3 mg cp – plq/4, 3 boîtes.
Prendre 1 comprimé 1 fois par semaine pendant 10 semaines
* Rubozinc 15mg gél 1 plq/60, 1 boîte.
Prendre 1 gélule le matin avant repas

Questions : Ivermectine
1 cp par semaine ou 1 dose selon le poids ? Soit pour 60kg = 12mg, 4 cp =1 plaque/semaine
Rubozinc 15mg est-il équivalent à « Elemental zinc »
Quercetin 250 mg/jour, est inconnu pour mon médecin (France). Faut-il le remplacer ? Par quoi ?
Je prends déjà :
Vit C à ce jour 9g et j'augmente tous les 3 jours pour atteindre mon seuil.
Dois-je revenir à 1g x 2 fois /jour ?
Vit D3 à ce jour 5000 UI. Dois-je revenir à 1000 à 3000 ?
Mélatonine 3mg, je peux le doubler

L'autre question est : Est- il préférable d'arrêter l'iode et autres compléments ?
Actuellement, je prends :
2gtes LUGOL 5%, B2 (100mg) et B3 (500mg), Sélénium (20mcg), B1 (250mg),
DHA -fish oil (1000mg) -(suite à 2 opérations décollement de rétine)
-Vit C, Vit D3 et Mélatonine ci-dessus.
Cétose depuis 2015.
Je vous remercie par avance pour votre aide.
Hi, I'm confused and need confirmations.
Are you a health care worker or have contact regularly with COVID patients or people with side effects from the vaccine? If that is the case, you can take it once per month, 4 cp. If you're not exposed a lot, I would hold on to the ivermectin for special occasions, i.e. when you're sick and not getting better. On a daily basis, you can take your supplements and do the diet, make sure you have some blood tests after the keto diet to make sure you don't have any issues.
No I am not very exposed, and in this case, I will therefore continue with the current supplements as mentioned, if it seems appropriate to you. Can I ask what blood tests to get as part of the keto diet?
Thank you very much for this clarification. It's quiet :-D

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