Health Protocol for Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination

The experience of allowing loved ones to make choices that are harmful to them is one that all STO candidates have to go through. It’s one of the karmic and simple understandings that are part of the candidate’s lesson profile, just like the consequences of the loved one’s choices are part of their lesson profile.

In these situations, the STO candidate has to spend time examining their thoughts, maybe with pen and paper, in order to realise that the pain and frustration they are feeling is rooted in thinking errors.

The ultimate realisation they have to come to is that by not interfering, they are helping their loved one - they are truly serving them. The Work part comes in the form of being able to go through the pain of allowing this to happen, because the impulse to interfere is nothing more than the STO candidate’s desire to get rid of the pain inside themselves that the loved one’s actions are causing.
This is a good reminder @T.C. of the importance of keeping our emotion in check . We should be fully aware since March how difficult it is to share information that goes against MSM. I for one have learned some hard lessons trying to share with some family and friends.
Here in Jamaica the current Prime Minister and two retired Prime Minister are planning to go do a live display of their Covid Shot. The way things are shaping here and across the globe it appears that many will take the shot just to continue their pursuit of business and pleasure. I was speaking with three major company directors yesterday and they just can't wait for the shot to be release . It was difficult hearing their take on the importance of the shot. I just had to play the hyprocite and agreed with them.
Organ meats are good in general.
As I got it, you are in and out of ketosis while on carnivore diet - depending on your meat/fat ratio, roughly. So it's a semi-keto diet. Seems to be an easier diet because you don't have to monitor your ketone levels and it is a carb free diet. So, maybe an option for someone who has difficulties with the keto diet.
Intermittent fasting, as in eating once a day, seems to be the best of both worlds. After practicing this style of eating for more than a year now, my body is having a chance to rest and heal before going back into a digestive cycle. Those take energy away from repairs to the equipment. Also my immune system seems to be running efficiently.

I am taking L-Citrulline. This gets oxygen to the machine which is good for all functions. I take Iodine daily as well.
From what I read polyethylene glycol (as probably other chemicals in the vaccine) is good absorbed by activated charcoal and I came across this product: Charcotrace® Injection (activated charcoal). It has different purpose but still: there are injections of activated charcoal. Here is Consumer Medicine Information about this product:

The problem with activated charcoal injection is that even if it binds all the chemicals it will all stay under your skin and will look like some weird tattoo since activated charcoal is not water soluble.
If the vaccine is administered subcutaneously, another - albeit a bit radical option - would be to simply excise the area, as if it was a little mole that needs to be removed (cut out, 2-3 stitches, done). If that is not immediately possible, a way to inhibit faster absorption would be to apply ice to the skin where the injection took place. Of course this would only be possible to delay for a short while.
And another element of preparation for the upcoming ice age can help us against vaccinations - cold baths / cryosauna

“cold therapy has a similar effect on mTor pathways to caloric restriction or intermittent fasting: it induces cellular autophagy, which in turn leads to longer cell life”

This investigation provides new insights into the effects of cold water immersion on functional, morphological and molecular adaptations in muscle after strength training. The key findings were that cold water immersion (1) substantially attenuated long-term gains in muscle mass and strength, and (2) delayed and/or suppressed the activity of satellite cells and kinases in the mTOR pathway during recovery from strength exercise. We propose that regular deficits in acute hypertrophy signalling in muscle after cold water immersion accumulated over time, which in turn resulted in smaller improvements in strength and hypertrophy

And so it has daughter, a nursing home administrator in New York Sate, has just been told by the department of health that the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine must be administered between 12/21/20 and 01/21/21 to all staff and residents. Furthermore, the local newspaper reported that an employee was fired for refusing the regular seasonal flu shot. For some, on the front lines of health care as well as the most vulnerable patients, there is no option for choice in this fiasco (or they do not see their choice)...starting now.

Much appreciation to all here who are knowledgeable and searching for ways that may mitigate some of the damage.
I recent post is a result of reacting before being clear on all of the details. There is still a choice to consent in place as to whether to take the vaccine according to the Dept of Health, but it has not been stated what, if any, the repercussions will be for refusing. The company may be free to mandate now, regardless, and in lieu of keeping one's job, I imagine. Since this is New York, the pattern would be to mandate if the so called cases continue to rise, as there is bill currently in the legislature to do this. However, there is also a bill being introduced that challenges the use of mandates for the vaccination...we will see.
The time is coming where we might not be able to escape enforced vaccination. Perhaps this season, a lot of people here in this forum can and will opt out. Those who require medical procedures, health workers, the elderly, etc might not have a choice. We don't know for sure, but it might be the case that sooner or later, opting out will not be a choice.

We're looking into the worst case scenario with possibly Pfizer's RNA vaccine being enforced. Perhaps in some countries it would be Astra Zeneca's coronavirus vaccine. I've heard that elderly people with several diseases are having significant adverse effects even with the Russian vaccine, which is probably the safest vaccine so far. The adverse effects happened in ALL cases that I've heard from those who received the vaccine.

It would possibly be two doses and every single year... How can we get protected in case you and your loved one are absolutely enforced to get vaccinated?

Keyhole wrote a summary in the coronavirus thread back in March:

I would start with vitamin C to bowel tolerance. How much could that be? Here's an important testimonial re-published on SOTT years ago for a 37 pound (17 kg) girl receiving two doses of the MMR vaccine:

From the list above, I would add N-acetylcysteine (600mg twice per day) in case of enforced vaccination and emphasize high doses of thiamine as tolerated.

I would also emphasize the alpha lipoic acid which repairs DNA and the rest I would highlight as well except for DMSA and DMPS. As far as I know, the vaccines will not contain mercury, although I could be wrong. Activated charcoal is cheap enough and so is everything else. Remember that activated charcoal neutralizes other supplements, so remember to take it away from key supplements.

To those who have the possibility, hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine could be added to protect against triggered inflammation, withdrawing other medications taken that could prolong the QT in the EKG if that is the case. For those who can't access these medications due to prohibitions, doxycycline, azithromycin and ivermectin are good secondary options to complement the protocol above in case of a significant inflammatory reaction. Mucosan (ambroxol), available in some countries, is also a good one to help the cells detoxify.

It's good to keep the above in mind as a plan B. That is, in case you can't opt out. Every little thing you could do to stay healthy with knowledge and awareness will help, but the above is a good guide if confronted with the uncomfortable situation of not being able to opt out. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and take what comes.

Other ideas are most welcomed as well. Perhaps Keyhole and others can chime in case of dosing doubts as well.
Selenium is stacking and toxic when overdosed. One'd better check one's selenium level befor taking any suplement. And you forgot about Iodine. Iodine and salted water are two most potent detoxing agents in case of any vaccinations.
And so it has daughter, a nursing home administrator in New York Sate, has just been told by the department of health that the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine must be administered between 12/21/20 and 01/21/21 to all staff and residents. Furthermore, the local newspaper reported that an employee was fired for refusing the regular seasonal flu shot. For some, on the front lines of health care as well as the most vulnerable patients, there is no option for choice in this fiasco (or they do not see their choice)...starting now.
Yup, I just heard today that the Ontario government is now rolling out measures that'll put restrictions or limits in place for anyone who doesn't get the vaccine. This is terrible news but not altogether surprising. Thank you @Gaby for posting this. I thought there'd still be time before having to resort to getting the vaccine but this insanity is moving at breakneck speed.
Thank you Gaby, Keyhole and others for sharing this information.

Another topic that could be taken into consideration, is the effect of moon on life on earth (moon phases and signs). "Old folks" knew about this and how important the moon's effect could be, but it is mostly forgotten nowadays.

The basic premise is that when the moon is waxing, different substances are being "pushed" into the cells more easily, whereas when the moon is waning, the cells are not so "receptive" and the body tends to expel and detox stuff better.

For example, those who smoke pot sometimes have "full moon parties". When the moon is full and its influence of pushing stuff into the cells is most potent, the same amount of marihuana gets people higher than usual.

An example about vaccinations: if a child is vaccinated during the full moon when the moon sign is "Aries" (which governs the top of the head to the nose in a human body), the possibility that s/he develops autism as a side effect is higher.

So, if you were forced to have a vaccination, and you had a say about the timing, it would be best to schedule it during the time when the moon is waning. At least NEVER have vaccinations on full moon.

In my understanding, the way the moon works its "magic" has not been discovered yet. These effects might be subtle, but worth paying attention to.

A great book about the topic: "Moon Time"

You can check the moon phases and signs on this website (it has worldwide local timezones):

Selenium is stacking and toxic when overdosed. One'd better check one's selenium level befor taking any suplement. And you forgot about Iodine. Iodine and salted water are two most potent detoxing agents in case of any vaccinations.

See here Gaby´s answer to iodine intake :-)

This may be a silly question, but does iodine fit here in? I'm asking this because of all properties of iodine.

I would only recommend it if you know how to use it. If you use a low dose, you might actually end up feeding any infection. I've used iodine before to travel in order to saturate all my secretions with iodine and never got sick. But I knew well that I could tolerate it without problems.
Not sure just yet. We can try to flesh out a more specific protocol in the near future with any/more information that comes out.

That sounds excellent - and may save lives. Thank you for all your work, team.

I have question about Vit C - it seems to be one of the best tools in the box for us. It seems that one week prior to mmR vaccination, we begin loading with Vit C, using bowel tolerance as guide. Oral Vit C is fine if we aren't prepared to do home injections. And then we continue Vit C loading using bowel tolerance as guide after vaccination. For how long? Another week?

And I was wondering how to calculate how much Vit C to have ready. If the young girl in the SOTT article weighed 17kg, and was taking between 8000 to 11,000mg per day, can we estimate 500mg Vit C per Kg body weight, per day?

Thanks again everyone.
And I was wondering how to calculate how much Vit C to have ready. If the young girl in the SOTT article weighed 17kg, and was taking between 8000 to 11,000mg per day, can we estimate 500mg Vit C per Kg body weight, per day?
The article stated 3000 mg first thing in the morning, and 2000 mg every 2 hours thereafter until you reach bowel tolerance. So you can basically experiment and see how much you can handle before you start getting loose stools. I knew of someone who was able to handle more than double what I can and they are smaller and weigh less than I do. So I don't think size or weight plays a big role. Or at least not as big a role as what your overall health is like.
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