Chu said:Very sorry to hear about this, Yas! Hang in there. I think you are doing all you can. Cold baths may also help. Keeping the boils drained is important too, as you say, especially the osmogel because it pulls stuff out, instead of pulling it further into the body (I don't know whether DMSO does that or not). Guillem also recommends never squeezing the boils (that can cause more pressure on one side and create a fistula). Only draining them out.
Yes, osmogel seems to pull the stuff out and then there's a wound that remains open so DMSO helps with that.
I can't even think of squeezing the boil because it is painful even without touching it.
I've been taking cold baths and holding the water in the area for a few minutes. That also helps alleviate the uncomfort.
Chu said:Concerning the fistulas, what Guillem actually does is, once the patient is under anesthesia, he injects a contrast solution right inside the boil, and watches to see if it spreads around in tunnels (that would be the fistulas). I think it's important to say this to your doctor. Atreides actually had a boil removed "completely", and a month later it flared up again. When we found Guillem, he had to cut that area again, and get to the fistulas, so that it would take care of the entire network of risky areas.
Thanks for this information, I will discuss it with the doctor.
Chu said:Oh, even if the surgery is only in December, make sure you have pictures. I don't know whether your doctor will do it or not, but Guillem uses the pictures as a reference and, if there are flare ups in the same area, and when the patient goes see him there is no inflammation, he stills injects the contrast solution there to check that it's not just "boiling inside". Usually he will do that if the patient has had a boil in the same area twice (once is not enough to worry, he says).
Yes, the doctor asked me to keep record of flare ups with photos and I'm doing that. He also said that he only does the surgery when boils appear in the same place four times or more. In my case it's been 10 times or so only in the last 2 months... :(
Thanks Chu!
A to you too!