A few general announcements for all Editors:
First of all, thanks for getting on board with the new HED and doing your best in following the outlines and stricter rules that we had to set up to get this project into the next stage. The fact that you are able to use the new HED, and the fact that we already have about 30 'passed' Events in just one week, and that you seem to discover the fun part of doing it, is already a good success and even a milestone in my opinion.
As you are aware, I had to fail many Reviews that you submitted. I felt sorry every time I had to do it, and I hope that you don't see it as failure. It's just a way to establish a close and immediate feedback loop whose only purpose it is to learn what exactly is needed, and I hope over time you will know exactly what to do, and I will be able to 'pass' more and more entries at the first submission. Hopefully in the future, someone else will be able to support me with doing the Reviews.
More and more I get the impression that we are facing a multi-year project. Apparently nobody has ever surveyed ancient literature for the things we are looking for, but even if someone did, our networked approach with collaborators distributed around the globe, with a customly created software at the center, most certainly is a first. Because of that, nobody knows how -- and if -- we will be able to 'lift it', and it probably will be necessary to change the course of action several times.
For the immediate future, I'd like to add a few more 'rules' for collaboration (as if we hadn't enough rules already :/):
1. I will be announcing days when Reviews can be submitted. The reason is that I've worked on Reviews more than 9 hours every day for the past week or so. I'll not be able to sustain that kind of stress for a long period of time. So, the first of these announcements is: All editors can (but don't have to) submit a maximum of 5 entries this Thursday Feb 26. All pending Reviews will be done (either failed or passed) by Friday night. On Friday, I'll announce another day for the next round of Reviews, and so on. We can adapt numbers and time periods according to how it goes.
2. I've spent most of my Reviewing time trying to locate the actual citations in PDFs or online sources. I've located two or three additional PDFs for Reviews that were available online, but haven't been uploaded (e.g. John of Worcester's Chronicle, and Annals of The Kingdom of Ireland). Thus new rule: Before submitting an entry for Review, please EITHER locate a PDF in the internet and upload it and input the PDF URL, OR write into the notes field of the Source that the source cannot be located online. If you have a private copy, leave a note like this: "EditorX: have a local copy" or "EditorY: I have used this source in libray Z". I will fail Events which either don't have the PDF, or which don't have a note.
Don't hesitate to ask more questions here, or bring ideas, or voice concerns. :)