History Channel's Ancient Aliens


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Mostly since catching Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner speaking as "experts" on a History Channel presentation about Nostradamus, and what appears to be rampant PTB agenda programming, I usually avoid watching programs on the History Channel. I was picking up laundry from my Mom's (she's in assisted living) and noticed the Ancient Aliens program she was watching. It seemed pretty interesting, so I stayed to watch until the last 15 min. of the second two-hour program, "The Mission", having watched most of the previous two-hour program, "The Visitors" - although I nodded off for part of that one during a string of commercials, rousing to catch just a glimpse of a segment involving Oriental evidence/interaction with ancient aliens. The Visitor segment reminded me a lot of Erich von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods. There was quite a lot of references to the Sumerians and the Dogon tribe. Much was made that all the ancient cultures spoke of vistors from the sky or stars - star people/gods including the Bible stories. There was focus on an Indian tribe of the American Southwest in which they claim their god(s) are with them all the time but are in another "frequency". There was a lot of emphasis that humans were the genetic creations of the aliens and possibly hybrids of such. A lot of focus was on the ancient Egyptians and Akhenaten in particular.

The Mission segment covered reasons for ancient aliens coming to earth, primarily for our resources including and especially, mining gold. The electromagnetic or conducting properties of gold was discussed and that gold is the one element that is indestructible. Another very interesting fact that came out and was unknown to me, was the "band of holes".

http://www.world-mysteries.com/mpl_piscovalley.htm said:
Band of Holes, Pisco Valley, Peru

Thousands of man-sized holes are carved into the barren rock near Pisco Valley, Peru on a plain called Cajamarquilla.

Location 13°42'57.67" S, 75°52' 31.50"W
Google Earth Bookmark >> 13 42'57.67"S, 75 52'31.50"W
Length: approximately 1,450m
Width: approximately 20m
Number of holes estimate: 6,900

These strange holes, stretching for a mile over uneven mountain terrain, were here for so long that the local people have no idea who made them, or why. Funny thing is no one really saw the big picture until the area was seen from the air.


Thousands of man-sized holes are carved into the barren rock near Pisco Valley, Peru on a plain called Cajamarquilla. (All images can be enlarged at the link site)


Satellite photo of the Pisco Valley with marked location of the "Band of Holes" .

Archeologists have speculated they were dug to store grain in. Two problems with this, say the folks thinking out of the box: there were a lot easier ways to create storage containers than the hard work and decades it must have taken to chip out all of these, and it would have made more sense, if these were to store grain, to build several huge chambers.

Ok, said the archeologists. Perhaps they were used as one-person tombs? Vertical graves of some sort? But no bones, artifacts, scraps, inscriptions, jewelry...not even a tooth or strand of hair has been found in them. They have no covers to seal them as you might a tomb and no sacred history or even myth was passed down to label them as such.

Some sections have holes in rigid and perfect precision; some run in rows that curve up in arches, some staggered lines. They vary in depth to about 6-7 feet deep yet some are merely shallow indents as if not completed - though surrounded by those that are.

To date, no one has a clue why they're here, who made them or what they were.


Satellite photo of the "Band of Holes" near Pisco Valley. Note: The location of the band of holes is highlighted brown.

Even von Daniken's work begins to take on a realness when one finds an old National Geographic from 1933 corroborating the "Band of Holes," that he personally inspected a few years ago. Each hole is a meter wide and just as deep. There are eight holes spanning 24 meters in width, marching in repetitive uniform fashion, from the Pisco Valley rolling over a mile through mountain terrain -- finally disappearing in the misty mass of Peru. These holes remind this old West Texas boy of the traces left by a massive drilling rig moving along methodically, testing the geology of the Andes for precious metals. Lasers have also left such tracings in the ground. Archaeologists say they represented defensive positions or graves for the ancient ones, except why would you bury anyone on a slope in rocky soil at more than a 45-degree angle?

If you look at the most northern part of the band, you will notice that it ends within unnaturally darkened area (it almost looks like a remnants of an explosion)... see the photo below:


Strangely dark area where the "band of holes" ends.


Photo source: http://www.nazcamystery.com/pisco_valley.htm


Photo source: http://www.nazcamystery.com/pisco_valley.htm

Few miles east from the band, satellite photo shows structures that look like a remnants of an ancient settlement (these formations do not look natural and there is nothing similar in the entire area): 13 42'36.80" S, 75 51'4.07" W


Remnants of an ancient city?

For the reference here is satellite photo of Machu Picchu:


Ruins of Machu Picchu, Peru

It would appear that this band of holes could have been the result of some kind of machine rolling along carving out a swath of earth samples for mineral composition. It was also noted and shown that mountains around the Nazca lines were sheared off, much like the mountaintop mining of present day.

Other areas touched upon: time travel - the ancient aliens could have been US from the future; our DNA is a code - the best place to store information for future decoding; maybe the resource the aliens were after was MAN! Unfortunately, I had to leave at this juncture of the program and don't know what was said about that.

So, I'm wondering if anybody else caught these shows and what thoughts anyone has regarding the band of holes and the other topics of the presentations?
Sorry I don't have a picture to reference, but these look a lot like (size and shape) "vision pits". I have seen these in Blackhand Gorge, Ohio, and various places in the American desert southwest. These were used to sit in for native american vision quests (usually 4 days and nights of fasting and prayer). The sights I have seen had between 6 and 12 holes. I was told by a native american teacher that the sights we examined were chosen for their intense weather: lightning, thunderstorms, tornadoes, and wind. I will research the areas I know about and see if there is any correlation to intense geomagnetism. I will post if any useful information results.
That's one of the strangest things I've ever seen! Any theories???
Laura said:
That's one of the strangest things I've ever seen! Any theories???

I don't have a theory because anything I can think of is just pure speculation at this point, but I think this would be a great question to ask at the next session with the C's.
I watched the " Evidence " episode , where they mention for example the areodinamic design of ancient figurine of birds, possibly aircraft ...and some other "proofs"that ancient cultures had bigger knowledge than we think, and I watched "Visitors" about Ehnaton and Nefertiti and possible alien hybrids, and Dogan people and their believes etc...
For me it was interesting with lots of images, figures and some theories from interviewed guests. Havent chance to watch the rest of episodes but I would like to see it.
I don't have a theory, but after reading this:

There are eight holes spanning 24 meters in width, marching in repetitive uniform fashion, from the Pisco Valley rolling over a mile through mountain terrain -- finally disappearing in the misty mass of Peru.
Lasers have also left such tracings in the ground.
If you look at the most northern part of the band, you will notice that it ends within unnaturally darkened area (it almost looks like a remnants of an explosion)

My imagination suggests some kind of hovering thing calibrating a laser array, or perhaps 'laying down a spread' involving impacting the ground. Purely subjective, I know. :)
It looks to me like something was embeded in a uniform fashion then later removed, leaving these holes.
Just supposing, maybe some form of crystals or such creating a generator of energy of some kind. Dunno'.
Maybe it was a surface mine? Salt mine, perhaps?
Shape of these holes also reminds me of V. Grebennikov's theory where he talks about a "surface with cavities", like a beehive, which can affect the gravity field.
Weird. Looks like some sort of mining operation, actually. Especially when looking at the first satellite image. But, usually, those "dots" are just mounds of dirt stacked away by trucks while the ore is being unearthed. These, on the other hand, are actual holes in the ground - and not very deep at that.

I wonder about the composition of that soil. Bet ya it's gold thought it could be something even more interesting... Another question that comes to mind is that if the soil was so rich in some sort of metal or mineral - then why not strip mine it? That is, take off the top layer of the ground - instead of making dense indentations in the ground. Maybe, it was just easier to "fly over" the area and extract it that way with a different sort of soil extraction technology...

I find that third picture interesting. It seems like the holes are following a certain path - to me, that indicates that there was a seam of material close to the ground that was methodically extracted. As opposed to just randomly going through the area looking for a deposit. That particular stretch of land does not appear to be special in any way - or more easily accessible so as to be chosen for random sampling...

Can anyone find any information on the composition of the soil/rocks in that area? Nice find.
If the holes are very old there has been some filling in of sediments from the surrounding rocks due to erosion. I wonder if anyone has done a core sample of them?
Freelancer said:
Maybe it was a surface mine? Salt mine, perhaps?
Shape of these holes also reminds me of V. Grebennikov's theory where he talks about a "surface with cavities", like a beehive, which can affect the gravity field.

Thought I had after reading the following quote about the lack of uniformity in holes' structure,

Some sections have holes in rigid and perfect precision; some run in rows that curve up in arches, some staggered lines. They vary in depth to about 6-7 feet deep yet some are merely shallow indents as if not completed - though surrounded by those that are.

that perhaps the holes weren't made/created, etc. for something, but were the result of something. And this result and lack of uniformity depended on certain factors. Frequency, radiation, function, purpose, who knows. Maybe something similar to crop circles imprinting, just different. :D
Keit said:
Freelancer said:
Maybe it was a surface mine? Salt mine, perhaps?
Shape of these holes also reminds me of V. Grebennikov's theory where he talks about a "surface with cavities", like a beehive, which can affect the gravity field.

Thought I had after reading the following quote about the lack of uniformity in holes' structure,

Some sections have holes in rigid and perfect precision; some run in rows that curve up in arches, some staggered lines. They vary in depth to about 6-7 feet deep yet some are merely shallow indents as if not completed - though surrounded by those that are.

that perhaps the holes weren't made/created, etc. for something, but were the result of something. And this result and lack of uniformity depended on certain factors. Frequency, radiation, function, purpose, who knows. Maybe something similar to crop circles imprinting, just different. :D

Very good thought, I think. That's what I was thinking too. And I was thinking that whatever it was, it was in the sky...
Laura said:
Keit said:
Freelancer said:
Maybe it was a surface mine? Salt mine, perhaps?
Shape of these holes also reminds me of V. Grebennikov's theory where he talks about a "surface with cavities", like a beehive, which can affect the gravity field.

Thought I had after reading the following quote about the lack of uniformity in holes' structure,

Some sections have holes in rigid and perfect precision; some run in rows that curve up in arches, some staggered lines. They vary in depth to about 6-7 feet deep yet some are merely shallow indents as if not completed - though surrounded by those that are.

that perhaps the holes weren't made/created, etc. for something, but were the result of something. And this result and lack of uniformity depended on certain factors. Frequency, radiation, function, purpose, who knows. Maybe something similar to crop circles imprinting, just different. :D

Very good thought, I think. That's what I was thinking too. And I was thinking that whatever it was, it was in the sky...

Ok, this is going to sound out there a little bit, but I just saw a video online about a sound frequency that would make corn starch and water bounce around. Maybe it was something like that?

Maybe they were trying to grow something and instead it turned into a big dooh-hickey like a radio?

Video in question here:


My thinking is the uneven holes were attempts to 'tune' something in. :/
It looks to me like a tire tread...wonder if there was any periodicity to the shallow holes, like some of the nubs were broken off from use.
It reminded me of this track on the moon from a lost Soviet moon rover that was recently found.

reminds me of golfball dimples...which reduce drag

is it possible to create/direct airflow on a big scale with holes on the ground?

and why? something wind powered?

at first ,from the air pic alone, I thought they were in the bottom of the valley and not on the ridge, I thought of the ripples or dimples in gold washing shutes and pans
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